NHS Forth Valley. Equality Delivery Mainstreaming Report Employment Information (as per section 2.9 of Full Mainstreaming Report)

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NHS Forth Valley Equality Delivery Mainstreaming Report 2013-17 Employment Information (as per section 2.9 of Full Mainstreaming Report)

Equality Delivery Mainstreaming Report 2013-17 - Employment Information Report 1. Introduction NHS Forth Valley is a modern, forward thinking organisation. We promote a positive approach to Equality of Opportunity, aiming to ensure that no job applicant or employee shall receive less favorable treatment than another on the grounds of age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, marriage/civil partnership, race/ethnicity, religion/belief, pregnancy/maternity or sexual orientation. We are committed to the employment and career development of disabled people. To demonstrate this commitment we use the Two Ticks Disability Symbol (positive about employing disabled people. 1.1 Leadership The mainstreaming of equality into all that NHS Forth Valley does is reliant on strong leadership and accountability. The Chief Executive of NHS Forth Valley has the ultimate responsibility for compliance with equality legislation and, to ensure delivery across the Board, has delegated accountability to Executive Directors and to General Managers of the Operational Delivery Units and CHP. Overall, the Director of Human Resources has held Lead Executive accountability for Equality & Diversity until 1 st March 2013, and this now sits with the Director of Nursing. The Board of NHS Forth Valley has approved the previous Equality Schemes and receives full reports covering the Equality and Diversity agenda twice per year. Monitoring of progress achieved sits with the Fair for All Development Group and the Area Partnership Forum receives regular reports on the workforce. This is the NHS Forth Valley leadership framework for the monitoring and delivery of work to achieve our aspirations in relation to Equality for all of our employees and those who apply to work in NHS Forth Valley. 1.2 What is this report for? This report seeks to demonstrate that NHS Forth Valley is taking due regard to the aims of the equality duty as required by the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011 What is the Public Sector Duty? The public sector equality duty is here referred to as the general equality duty and is set out in the Equality Act. As an NHS Board we are listed in the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 so therefore covered by specific duties, which are designed to help listed authorities meet the general equality duty. The duty to publish information As set out in the Regulations of the Equality Act 2010; all Public Authorities are required to publish information to demonstrate their compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty by 30th April 2013, then at subsequent intervals, of not greater than one year. The diagram below details the characteristics that are protected under the Equality Act 2010. 2

The public sector equality duty also covers marriage and civil partnerships, with regard to eliminating unlawful discrimination in employment The General Equality Duty The general equality duty requires public authorities, in the exercise of their functions, to have due regard to the need to: Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010 Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. This report reflects the work being completed in NHS Forth Valley in relation to meeting our public sector duty regarding Mainstreaming Equality within Employment and employee information. 2. Employee information and the public sector equality duty The Specific Duties The purpose of the specific duties in Scotland is to help those authorities listed in the Regulations in their performance of the general equality duty. In reference to meeting the Specific Duties we are required in terms of employee information we have a: 2.1 Duty to gather and use employee information, this includes Composition of our workforce including breakdown of protected characteristics Information on recruitment, development and retention of employees How we will use this information to better perform the General equality duty 3

2.2 Current Status NHS Forth Valley will continue to draw on previous experience of delivering through the Single Equality scheme and will continuously work towards gathering and using information disaggregated by protected characteristics in relation to the employee journey. This includes information on: recruitment and promotion; numbers of part-time and full-time staff; pay and remuneration; training and development; return to work of women on maternity leave; disabled employees following disability related sick leave; appraisals; grievances; and disciplinary action; including in relation to harassment; dismissals and other reasons for leaving. Whilst information has been readily available in relation to age and gender, continuous improvement in employment monitoring has been achieved in the past 5 years delivering positive results in relation to the provision in particular of ethnicity information. Progress has been slower in relation to disability, religion, transgender status and sexual orientation and these therefore are priority areas for NHS Forth Valley. We will work with advisory bodies and with our staff and staff side colleagues to find ways in which staff can be enabled further to provide the information which will improve the employment journey. 2.3 Duty to publish gender pay gap information: NHS Forth Valley s Gender Pay Gap analysis provides information on the percentage difference among employees between men s average hourly pay (excluding overtime) and women s average hourly pay (excluding overtime). Working in partnership we will monitor this information regularly and will publish this information every two years. 2.4 Duty to publish Equal Pay Statement NHS Forth Valley s existing Equal Pay Statement was agreed at the Area Partnership Forum on 19 th April 2013. This confirms that NHS Forth Valley is committed to the principles of equality in employment and believes that staff should receive equal pay for the same or broadly similar work regardless of any protected characteristic. The Human Resource Director will continue to have lead responsibility for this work By 2017, NHS Forth Valley will publish its updated statement on equal pay, which will also specify its policy on equal pay among people who are disabled and people, who are not, and people who fall into a minority racial group and people who do not. We will also publish information on occupational segregation, being the concentration in particular grades and in particular occupations of women and men, persons who are disabled and people who are not, and people who fall into a minority racial group and persons who do not. 4

2.5 Positive about Disabled People During 2012 NHS Forth Valley was once again successful in renewing its Positive about Disabled People accreditation. To use the Positive about Disabled People two ticks symbol we must demonstrate our commitment regarding recruitment, training, and retention and disability awareness. These commitments are: to interview all disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria for a job vacancy and to consider them on their abilities to discuss with disabled employees, at any time but at least once a year, what both parties can do to make sure disabled employees can develop and use their abilities to make every effort when employees become disabled to make sure they stay in employment to take action to ensure that all employees develop the appropriate level of disability awareness needed to make these commitments work to review these commitments each year and assess what has been achieved, plan ways to improve on them and let employees and Jobcentre Plus know about progress and future plans Actions regarding the above are monitored via our Human Resource Department and Disability Service as well as through individual annual Personal Development Reviews by managers with individual members of staff 2.5 Disability We are aware that it is unlawful to ask any job applicant about their disability or health until after they have been offered a job. However if a disability is identified by the applicant which may have an impact on the interview then reasonable adjustments will be made i.e. requirement for an interpreter, if they have dyslexia etc. However, for the purposes of equality monitoring we ask questions about disability, the answers to which are stored in an anonymous way which is not linked to the application form. 2.7 Collecting sensitive information Significant work will be completed over the next 2 years to ensure that current employees are clear about why we are gathering this information and how it will be used to improve your performance. An example of work being completed and as reflected within our Equality Outcomes is in relation to Increasing the amount of LGB & T staff out at work. To support this area we are establishing an employee network in partnership with our local police force and fire brigade. This Blue Light network is made up of staff who will support the respective organisations on how to communicate to staff why its important to declare sexual orientation data through data monitoring and the benefits it can achieve, support specific LGBT issues or problems experienced by staff, inform the development of polices where the impact on LGBT employees maybe unclear. 5

2.8 Using information to enhance current workforce planning. NHS Forth Valley s programme of work for 201-14 also prioritises work towards gathering and publishing the following information disaggregated by protected characteristics across the employment cycle. Some of the information is currently available to us and others will be further enabled through partnership working and working with interested groups and Advisory bodies. Other information will be enabled through the roll out of the national Employee Electronic Support System (eess): The race, disability, gender and age distribution of the workforce at different grades, and whether they are full- or part-time employees. An indication of the likely representation in terms of sexual orientation and religion and belief, provided that no individuals can be identified as a result An indication of any issues for transsexual staff, based on involvement of transsexual staff or equality organisations Details and feedback from involvement with staff and trade unions Quantitative and qualitative research with employees, e.g. staff surveys How we will use the e ESS system and how are we informing staff about benefits of disclosure Records of how we have shown due regard to the needs of the duty in decisionmaking concerning employment, including any assessments of impact on equality and any evidence used. Details of policies and programmes that have been put in place to address equality concerns raised by staff and trade unions. 3. Equality & Diversity Training For several years key training & development activity has been undertaken on Equality & Diversity which includes: Equality & Diversity awareness to NHS Forth Valley Board members Equality & Diversity element of the staff Induction Equality & Diversity Impact Assessment Training; E-learning Equality & Diversity training Strand specific training including disability, gender based violence training, transgender awareness and LGBT Training. The Equality & Diversity e-learning module has also been subject to significant review and has been revised to reflect current legislation. This new module will be reviewed in the latter part of 2013 to ensure it is still meeting staff and service user s needs as well as to support staff in their workplace. As part of our commitment to person centred care their will also be a review of training delivered to the wide range of NHS staff within the organisation to ensure that their Knowledge and Skills Framework needs are met as well as those who require to evidence what they are doing in relation to Equality and Diversity as part of their Continuing Professional Development. NHS Forth Valley s Learning, Education & Training Strategy provides organisational commitment and action plan to learning and development for all including frontline staff, managers and Clinicians 6

4. Equality Impact Assessments Human Resource Policies As a public sector organisation, NHS Forth Valley has a duty to analyse the effects of its Human Resource policies and practices on equality across all of the protected characteristics. This helps us to identify any practical steps to tackle any negative effects or discrimination, and to promote equality and foster good relations between different groups. As an organisation we will continue to undertake equality analysis (equality impact assessments) on all Human Resource policies and practices (to ensure that any new or existing policies and practices do not disadvantage any group or individual) prior to final approval. Equality impact assessments are embedded as part of NHS Forth Valley Policy Protocol and no policies are approved unless a completed equality impact assessment is undertaken. Ensuring that we meet our requirements under the General Equality Duty is a key component of the Equality Impact Assessment Process as well as the cross cutting issues that may affect staff including; carers issues, rural areas, low income, single parents etc 5. Further Developments 5.1 Investors in People NHS Forth Valley is also committed to continue its work in relation to the Investors in People (IIP) Standard. Over the next three years we will focus on retaining the bronze award and working towards silver and gold 5.2 Diversity Champions and Dignity at Work Champions The work of the Board s Diversity Champions and Dignity at work advisors will remain key to our success in delivering continuous improvements in the mainstreaming of Equality. 5.3 Policy developments Current developments including work on the NHS Forth Valley policy on Social Media and the ongoing focus on hate crime and zero tolerance in relation to staff. 6. In conclusion The work highlighted in this Employment Report and in the development of our Equality Outcomes reflect what NHSFV believes to be the key priorities to enable compliance and ultimately what we hope will be best practice in relation to the requirements of the Equality Act so that NHS Forth Valley continues to promote equality of opportunity in employment, to foster good relations and to eradicate discrimination at all levels. Employment data: NHS Forth Valley reports quarterly on the make up of its workforce in relation to the Equality Duty. The following Monitoring Report provides a point in time picture of the NHS Forth Valley Workforce as at 31.12.12 and will be further enhanced by the quarter 4 information. This together with the Board s Gender Pay gap analysis and refreshed Equal Pay Statement will comprise the Employment Report published with the Equality Mainstreaming Report and Equality Outcomes on 30 th April 2013. 7

Workforce Diversity Monitoring Report 2012/2013 Appendix 1 1. Introduction This is the NHS Forth Valley Workforce Diversity Monitoring Report for the period of April 2012 March 2013 NHS Forth Valley is committed to equality and uses the data produced by our monitoring processes to enhance a culture of fairness and equality for all through continuous improvement in all areas. The information contained in this report is used to analyse trends, highlight areas requiring attention and assess the impact of appropriate actions. These actions may include; Targeted training sessions Review of advertising media Involvement of key stakeholders in reviewing procedures The NHS Forth Valley Board, Staff Governance Committee and Fair for All Groups will receive regular reports based on this data. Whilst information has been readily available in relation to age and gender, continuous improvement in employment monitoring has been achieved in the past 5 years delivering positive results in relation to the provision in particular of ethnicity information. Progress has been slower in relation to disability, religion, transgender status and sexual orientation and these therefore are priority areas for NHS Forth Valley. We will work with advisory bodies and with our staff and staff side colleagues to find ways in which staff can be enabled further to provide the information which will improve the employment journey. 2. Legislative Framework The following information enables NHS Forth Valley to comply with their legal duties under: Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 (the public sector equality duty), and The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012. The general duty requires that organisations (subject to the duty) must in the exercise of their functions have due regard to the need to: Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. The specific duties require NHS Forth Valley to take steps to gather information on the composition of our employees and information on the recruitment, development and retention of people as employees with respect to, in each year, the number and relevant protected characteristics of such people. 8

Classifications of Ethnic Origin For the purpose of consistency NHS Forth Valley had used the classifications of ethnic origin as defined in the 2001 Census however; new descriptors were introduced during Q1 of 2012/13 to match the national census categories. It was not possible to match some of the previous categories to the new descriptors on the basis of available information. They are now defined in Scotland as: White White Scottish White - Other British White Irish White-Other White - Gypsy Traveller White - Polish Asian Asian - Bangladeshi, Bangladeshi Scottish or Bangladeshi British Asian - Chinese, Chinese Scottish or Chinese British Asian - Indian, Indian Scottish or Indian British Asian Other African African - African, African Scottish or African British African Other Caribbean Caribbean or Black - Black, Black Scottish or Black British Caribbean or Black - Caribbean, Caribbean Scottish or Caribbean British Caribbean or Black - Other Other Mixed or Multiple Ethnic Group Other Ethnic Group - Arab, Arab Scottish or Arab British Other Ethnic Group - Other 4. Staff in Post (31st March 2013 compared to 31 st March 2012) Ethnicity 4.1 Table1 and Chart 1 below detail the number of staff in post at 31st March 2013 by ethnic group. This data has been collected via diversity questionnaires and staff appointment forms. The information is held securely in the national workforce database SWISS and will shortly be transferred into its replacement eess (electronic Employee Support System) and thereafter collected primarily via direct entry by applicants for posts at the time of recruitment. At 31st March, we have information on 92.96% of our employees, a slight decrease compared with 93.61% in March 2012 as equality information has not been populated directly into the SWISS system for the past year but instead into eess which has not yet got an active link to SWISS to update the information. 4.2 In terms of the diversity of its workforce, this table demonstrates a positive picture of the workforce demographic of NHSFV compared to the local demographic. However, the 5 fields identified with (*) highlight the following: *NHSFV s White Scottish workforce is 15.60% lower than that of the local population *NHSFV s White Other British workforce is 0.08% lower than that of the local population *NHSFV s Caribbean or Black - Caribbean, Caribbean Scottish or Caribbean British is 0.03% lower than that of the local population *NHSFV s Asian - Pakistani, Pakistani Scottish or Pakistani British is 0.23% lower than that of the local population *NHSFV s Asian - Chinese, Chinese Scottish or Chinese British is 0.01% lower than that of the local population 9

All other ethnicity groups show the same or higher representation in the NHSFV workforce as in the local population, which is positive. NB: The census data is, necessarily, 10 years old (with publication of the 2011 census equality information scheduled for summer 2013) whilst SWISS data (which is published annually) is 9 months old and the NHSFV in-post data is contemporary at March 2013. Of note, and in line with other areas in Scotland, is that there has been a growing Eastern European demographic. NHSFV has prioritised work to compare and better understand population information from our Local Authority and Central Scotland Police colleagues. We hope that this will further inform our information base and assist in service planning and employment monitoring. Ethnicity Mar-12 Mar-13 Diff NHSFV 2001 census data Diff SWISS March 2012 data Diff African - African, African Scottish or African British 0.22% 0.19% -0.03% 0.05% 0.14% 0.30% -0.11% African - Other 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Asian - Bangladeshi, Bangladeshi Scottish or Bangladeshi British Asian - Chinese, Chinese Scottish or Chinese British* 0.08% 0.07% -0.01% 0.01% 0.06% 0.00% 0.07% 0.25% 0.15% -0.10% 0.16% -0.01% 0.20% -0.05% Asian - Indian, Indian Scottish or Indian British 0.64% 0.56% -0.08% 0.12% 0.44% 0.60% -0.04% Asian - Other 1.80% 0.19% -1.61% 0.01% 0.18% 0.20% -0.01% Asian - Pakistani, Pakistani Scottish or Pakistani British* Caribbean or Black - Black, Black Scottish or Black British 0.22% 0.17% -0.05% 0.40% -0.23% 0.30% -0.13% 0.02% 0.03% 0.01% 0.03% 0.03% Caribbean or Black - Caribbean, Caribbean Scottish or Caribbean British* 0.00% 0.03% -0.03% 0.00% 0.00% Caribbean or Black - Other 0.03% 0.03% 0.00% 0.01% 0.02% 0.00% 7.40% Declined 5.09% 7.40% 2.31% 7.40% 6.00% -5.68% Mixed or Multiple Ethnic Group 0.32% 0.32% 0.00% 0.18% 0.14% 0.30% 0.02% Other Ethnic Group - Arab, Arab Scottish or Arab British 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Other Ethnic Group - Other 0.17% 0.17% 0.00% 0.12% 0.05% 0.20% -0.03% Questionnaire 0.03% 0.03% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.03% Unknown 6.36% 7.01% 0.65% 7.01% 6.20% 0.81% White - Gypsy Traveller 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% White - Irish 1.10% 0.98% -0.12% 0.74% 0.24% 1.10% -0.12% White - Other 1.47% 1.47% 0.00% 1.21% 0.26% 1.40% 0.07% White - Other British 6.58% 6.47% -0.11% 6.55% -0.08% 6.60% -0.13% White - Polish 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% White Scottish* 77.24% 74.77% -2.47% 90.37% -15.60% 76.40% -1.63% Table 1 % Known: 93.61% 92.96% -0.65% 10

4.3 Table 1 shows the comparative demographic of the staff employed in NHS Scotland as a whole as at 31 st March 2012 using data sourced from the SWISS system which is published annually by the Information and Statistics Department (ISD) of National Services Scotland (NSS). Again the figures demonstrate a positive picture of the workforce demographic of NHSFV compared to the national demographic, particularly in relation to the percentage of the workforce for whom ethnicity has been recorded. From this table it appears that at 31 st March 2013: NHS Forth Valley s African - African, African Scottish or African British workforce is 0.1% lower than the NHS Scotland overall workforce NHS Forth Asian Chinese, Chinese Scottish or Chinese British workforce is 0.05% lower than the NHS Scotland overall workforce NHS Forth Asian Indian, Indian Scottish or Indian British workforce is 0.04% lower than the NHS Scotland overall workforce NHS Forth Valley s Asian - Other workforce is 0.01% lower than the NHS Scotland overall workforce NHS Forth Valley s Asian - Pakistani, Pakistani Scottish or Pakistani British workforce is 0.13% lower than the NHS Scotland overall workforce NHS Forth Valley s Declined - workforce is 5.68% lower than the NHS Scotland overall workforce NHS Forth Valley s Other Ethnic Group - Other workforce is 0.03% lower than the NHS Scotland overall workforce NHS Forth Valley s White - Irish workforce is 0.12% lower than the NHS Scotland overall workforce NHS Forth Valley s White Other British workforce is 0.13% lower than the NHS Scotland overall workforce NHS Forth Valley s White Scottish workforce is 1.63% lower than the NHS Scotland overall workforce The absence of current updates of equality information in SWISS pending the activation of the electronic link to eess means that these comparisons should be treated with caution. The differences can be less marked when compared to the published percentages for the other individual Boards, although some values have been suppressed even in the national statistics (which include headcounts as well as percentage values) because the numbers were so low as to make the information personally identifiable either by actual declaration or by calculated difference values. Chart 1 11

Gender 4.4 Table 2 shows gender of staff in post compared to March 2012. There is a decrease of 0.04% in the female workforce in this period of time. However, this may be a relative change in proportion following the operation of the Voluntary Severance Scheme resulting in a decrease in in-post numbers during this time period. Female Gender Mar-12 Mar-13 Diff 84.67% 84.63% - 0.04% Male 15.33% 15.37% 0.04% % known: 100.00% 100.00% Table 2 Transgender 4.5 With the remaining tables 3-7 in this section, this data was not captured in Scotland s Census 2001; therefore we can only give comparisons within NHSFV. There is a high percentage of unknown amongst existing employees, but this data is now being collected via equality and diversity questionnaires, as Good Practice, with staff appointment forms. The information is held securely in the national workforce database SWISS. SWISS and will shortly be transferred into its replacement eess (electronic Employee Support System) and thereafter collected primarily via direct entry by applicants for posts at the time of recruitment Table 3 shows the transgender status of staff in post compared to March 2012. Transgender Mar-12 Mar-13 Diff Declined to Comment 2.33% 5.53% 3.20% Yes 0.05% 0.05% 0.00% No/Unknown 97.62% 94.42% -3.20% % known: 2.38% 5.58% 3.20% Table 3 Sexual Orientation 4.6 Table 4 shows the sexual orientation of staff in post compared to March 2012. During this period of time, the number of staff who declined to give their sexual orientation has increased by 2.41%, and the number of unknown has decreased by 0.85%. This may be a reflection of the request to complete the questionnaires on appointment. The remaining numbers show little change only. Sexual Orientation Mar-12 Mar-13 Diff Bisexual 0.42% 0.37% -0.05% Declined 6.86% 9.27% 2.41% Gay 0.38% 0.29% -0.10% Heterosexual 48.70% 47.32% -1.38% Lesbian 0.12% 0.08% -0.03% Other 0.22% 0.22% 0.00% Unknown 43.30% 42.45% -0.85% % known: 56.70% 57.55% 0.85% Table 4 12

Disability 4.7 Table 5 shows the disability of staff in post compared to March 2012. The number of staff known to have a disability is slightly higher than the previous year, however overall there is a decrease of 2.97% in the unknown. This also may be a reflection of the request to complete the questionnaires on appointment. Disabled Mar-12 Mar-13 Diff Declined to Comment 2.33% 5.27% 2.95% Yes 0.40% 0.42% 0.02% No/Unknown 97.27% 94.30% -2.97% % known: 2.73% 5.70% 2.97% Table 5 Religion & Belief 4.8 Table 6 shows the religion of staff in post compared to March 2012.There is an increase of 2.42% in those who Declined to give their religion, and a decrease of overall unknown of 1%. This also may be a reflection of the request to complete the questionnaires on appointment. Religion Mar-12 Mar-13 Diff Buddhist 0.47% 0.46% -0.01% Christian - other 4.84% 4.74% -0.10% Church of Scotland 18.19% 17.58% -0.62% Declined 6.24% 8.66% 2.42% Hindu 0.50% 0.46% -0.05% Jewish 0.08% 0.07% -0.02% Muslim 0.59% 0.49% -0.10% No religion 14.59% 14.14% -0.46% Other 1.14% 1.20% 0.06% Roman Catholic 7.01% 6.89% -0.12% Sikh 0.13% 0.12% -0.02% Unknown 46.21% 45.21% -1.00% % known: 53.79% 54.79% 1.00% Table 6 Age 4.9 Table 7 shows the age profile of staff in post compared to March 2012.There is a decrease in the age of staff in post between 20-24, 30-34 and 45-49 and an increase in the age groups 16-19, 25-29 and 50+ Age Band Mar-12 Mar-13 Difference 16-19 0.08% 0.12% 0.03% 20-24 2.75% 2.72% -0.02% 25-29 6.83% 6.89% 0.06% 30-34 9.59% 9.19% -0.40% 35-39 10.99% 10.93% -0.06% 40-44 15.74% 14.85% -0.89% 45-49 19.55% 19.44% -0.11% 50-54 17.91% 18.47% 0.56% 55-59 11.17% 11.40% 0.23% 60-64 4.43% 4.84% 0.41% 65+ 0.96% 1.15% 0.19% Grand Total 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% Table 7 13

5. Applicants for Employment and Promotion 5.1 All NHS Forth Valley vacancies are advertised internally and, where appropriate externally, in line with our Recruitment and Selection Procedures. This ensures that staff have equal access to promotional opportunities and all candidates, both internal and external, are treated consistently. There were a total of 394 posts advertised during this period, and 108 posts were considered suitable through the redeployment process. The NHS Forth Valley recruitment system E-cruit ensures the capture of diversity information provided by applicants for all posts. The following table shows the comparative ethnicity of individuals at the application, shortlisting and offer of employment stages stage of the recruitment process between 1 st April 2012 31 st March 2013 5.2 In terms of the reporting schedule, as is the norm, not all posts for which applications were received during this time period had reached the shortlisting or offer of employment stages of the process at the time of reporting. 5.3 Approximately 38.81% of those who applied for posts were shortlisted for interview and approximately 11.85% of those who applied for posts were offered employment during the reporting period. The largest numbers of those who applied, were shortlisted or offered employment were of White Scottish background, which is to be expected given the demographics of Forth Valley. NOTE: 2.73% of applicants declined to disclose their ethnicity. Ethnic Desc. Applied Shortlisted Offered African 0.71% 0.56% 0.00% Any Mixed Background 0.46% 0.35% 0.23% Bangladeshi 0.11% 0.07% 0.00% Caribbean 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Chinese 0.11% 0.14% 0.00% Indian 0.44% 0.14% 0.46% Other Asian 0.68% 0.56% 0.00% Other Black 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Other Ethnic Background 0.44% 0.28% 0.23% Pakistani 0.63% 0.21% 0.00% Prefer Not To Answer 2.73% 3.17% 3.23% White British 6.47% 6.69% 5.07% White Irish 1.97% 1.69% 2.53% Other White 2.08% 1.76% 1.38% White Scottish 83.17% 84.38% 86.87% Grand Total 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Table 8 Tables 9-13 show information on the gender, sexual orientation, disability status and religion of those applying for posts between 1 st April 2012 and 31 st March 2013. % of Total Applicants Gender Description 2012/13 Female 82.52% Male 16.44% Declined to Comment 1.04% Grand Total 100.00% 14

Table 9 % of Total Applicants Transgender Status Description 2012/13 No 97.87% Yes 0.33% Prefer not to answer 0.79% No Info Provided 1.01% Grand Total 100.00% Table 10 % of Total Applicants Sexual Orientation Description 2012/13 Bisexual 0.85% Gay 0.79% Heterosexual 91.67% Info Not Provided 2.62% Lesbian 0.41% Other 0.11% Prefer Not To Answer 3.55% Grand Total 100.00% Table 11 % of Total Applicants Disabled 2012/13 No 100.00% Yes 0.00% Grand Total 100.00% Table 12 % of Total Applicants Religion Descriptor 2012/13 Buddhist 0.25% Christian - Other 6.34% Church of Scotland 25.95% Hindu 0.30% Jewish 0.11% Muslim 0.98% No Religion 48.13% Other 0.44% Roman Catholic 11.28% Sikh 0.00% Prefer not to Answer 3.93% No info provided 2.29% Grand Total 100.00% Table 13 15

6. Staff who applied for and received training We now have our Learning Management System in selected areas, with roll out to all areas being timetabled, however, the chart below is based on data held within LearnPro and may not be a true reflection of all staff that have applied for or received training. However the new information system Electronic Support System (eess) will shortly be implemented in full and will provide further assurances. Chart 2 7. Staff who benefit or suffer from Performance Assessment Procedures Executive Directors and the Senior Managers Group are currently the only staff within the Scottish NHS, and therefore within NHSFV, where staff appraisal is linked to staff reward (pay). The full introduction of Agenda for Change and the Knowledge Skills Framework (KSF) will however create a link in future between evidenced staff competence, the KSF profile for a post and approval for staff to progress through salary scale gateways for pay progression. Information, including information on ethnic origin, was transferred to the eksf system from the Scottish Workforce Information Standard System (SWISS) during 2008/09. NHS Forth Valley will then, in line with other Scottish Health Boards, be able to report accurately in this area. 8. Staff who are involved in Grievance Procedures (April December 2012 information only available to date) NHS Forth Valley monitors the ethnicity of those staff who are involved in grievance procedures. The total number of grievances between the period April 2012 March 2013 is under 5 and in each case ethnicity was White Scottish. 16

9. Staff who are the subject of Disciplinary Actions (April December 2012 information only available to date) NHS Forth Valley monitors the ethnicity of those staff who are the subject of disciplinary actions. 95.35% of all staff who were the subject of disciplinary action during the period between April 2012 and March 2013 were White Scottish while the remainder were split evenly between White British and Indian. 10. Staff who Ceased Employment with the Board Table 14 identifies the number of staff who left the organisation between April 2012 and March 2013 by ethnic group. The total number of leavers during this period was 580 Of these 229, approximately 39% were medical and dental staff Of these, 184, approximately 32%, were nursing & midwifery staff (all grades), which regularly show turnover due to promotional activity. Of these, 60, approximately 10% were admin services and managers Of these 46, approximately 8% were Allied Health Professionals Of these 23 approximately 4% were Support Services % of Total Leavers Ethnic Group 2012/13 African - African, African Scottish or African British 0.86% African - Other 0.00% Asian - Bangladeshi, Bangladeshi Scottish or Bangladeshi British 0.34% Asian - Chinese, Chinese Scottish or Chinese British 1.72% Asian - Indian, Indian Scottish or Indian British 2.93% Asian - Other 0.34% Asian - Pakistani, Pakistani Scottish or Pakistani British 1.21% Caribbean or Black - Black, Black Scottish or Black British 0.00% Caribbean or Black - Caribbean, Caribbean Scottish or Caribbean British 0.00% Caribbean or Black - Other 0.17% Mixed or Multiple Ethnic Group 0.52% Other Ethnic Group - Arab, Arab Scottish or Arab British 0.00% Other Ethnic Group - Other 0.52% White - Gypsy Traveller 0.00% White - Irish 2.41% White - Other 2.07% White - Other British 8.62% White - Polish 0.00% White - Scottish 65.86% Declined to Comment 12.41% Unknown 0.00% Grand Total 100.00% Table 14 Seasonal variations in relation to medical and dental staff occur particularly at the end of January and the end of July due to the changeover of the training grades. NHS Forth Valley concluded a Voluntary Severance programme during 2012/13 which may have affected leaving patterns, especially in the non-clinical staff groups. 17

Chart 3 11. Conclusion The workforce diversity information presented above in chart 3 indicates a relatively stable situation in NHS Forth Valley. The Area Partnership Forum in April 2013 noted and approved the content of this report. 18