Research Indicators in Green Chemistry

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0 Research Indicators in Green Chemistry Guilherme Sepe Research Intelligence Oct-09-2017

Data Sources 1

2 Research: Scopus World s Largest Abstract & Citation database with 69M+ records from 5,000+ publishers 22,800+ peer reviewed journals 50M+ Articles 100,000+ conference events 8M+ conference papers 1M+ books chapters 150,000 non-serial books Editorials, Reviews, Notes, Articles in Press

3 Research: Scopus Complete Coverage Across the Sciences: titles are classified in four subject clusters

4 Patents: TotalPatent One + Patent Strategies World s Largest Patent database 114M+ patents 107 Patent Offices around the world

Search Strategies details 5

6 Search Strategies details The search strategies were based on expert suggestion in two main subjects of interest: Biomass Processing Biomass AND (Chemical Hydrolisis OR Enzymatic Processing OR Gasification OR Pyrolysis OR Torrefaction) Platform Molecules Glucaric Acid OR Aspartic Acid OR Itaconic Acid OR Levulinic Acid OR Glycerol OR Sorbitol OR Xylitol OR Arabinitol OR Succinic OR Hydroxypropionic OR Ethanol NOT Fuel NOT Beverage

7 Search Strategy details The search strategies were based on expert suggestion in two main subjects of interest: Period 2012-2016 Subject areas excluded from Research database Neuroscience, Nursing, Veterinary, Social Sciences, Health Professions, Arts and Humanities, Decision Sciences, Dentistry, Business, Management and Accounting, Economics, Econometrics and Finance and Psychology Metadata Research Database: Title, Abstract, Keywords Patent Database: Title, Abstract, Claims

Biomass Processing: Worldwide Perspective 8

9 Research: Biomass Processing, World 2012-2016 (I) 1,981 3,135 1,80 1,53 328 730

Research: Biomass Processing, World 2012-2016 (II) 10

Research: Biomass Processing, World 2012-2016 (III) 11

12 Patents: Biomass Processing, World 2012-2016 Patents per year, Biomass Processing Source: TotalPatent One + PatentStrategies 5% CAGR Text Mining techniques applied to Title & Abstract

Platform Molecules: Worldwide Perspective 13

14 Research: Platform Molecules, World 2012-2016 (I) 16,450 17,762 1,06 1,03 2,516 3,391

Research: Platform Molecules, World 2012-2016 (II) 15

Research: Platform Molecules, World 2012-2016 (III) 16

17 Patents: Platform Molecules, World 2012-2016 Patents per year, Platform Molecules Source: TotalPatent One + PatentStrategies 11% CAGR Text Mining techniques applied to Title & Abstract

Biomass Processing: Brazil 18

19 Research: Biomass Processing, Brazil 2012-2016 (I) 117 129 130 85 50 From 2,5% to 4,1% of world s publication share

20 Research: Biomass Processing, Brazil 2012-2016 (II) Brazil v Japan v France

21 Research: Biomass Processing, Brazil 2012-2016 (III) Brazil v Japan v France v China v United States 21% 25% 17% 18%

22 Patents: Biomass Processing, Brazil 2012-2016 Brazil v Japan v France v China v United States 36% Brazil, Japan, France 26% 3,6% 3% 3,4% 16% 15% 1% 1% 5% 0%

Platform Molecules: Brazil 23

24 Research: Platform Molecules, Brazil 2012-2016 (I) 832 892 932 910 947 From 5,1% to 5,3% of world s publication share

25 Research: Platform Molecules, Brazil 2012-2016 (II) Brazil v Japan v France

26 Research: Platform Molecules, Brazil 2012-2016 (II) Brazil v Japan v France v China v United States 26% 22% 15% 13%

27 Patents: Platform Molecules, Brazil 2012-2016 61% Brazil, Japan, France 47% 4,6% 0,5% 1% 1,6% 9% 7%

28 Conclusion In general Green Chemistry topics have good worldwide momentum (high prominence) and both, research output and number of patents are growing. China is the clear leader when it comes to Research Output and Patents per year. Research in Brazil represents 4-5% of world s publication share. Numbers growing yearly.

29 Thank you! Guilherme Sepe Solutions Manager +55 11 7630 6471

30 Research: Scopus Scopus is recognized for its excellence by 4,000+ Universities and 150+ leading Research Organizations for Assessment and Evaluation

Patents: More prolific companies in Brazil Biomass Processing 31

Patents: More prolific companies Worldwide Biomass Processing 32

Patents: More prolific companies in Brazil Platform Molecules 33

Patents: More prolific companies Worldwide Platform Molecules 34