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Participant s Name: Man Woman E-mail: Telephone: / Fax: Country: Organisation: Department/Occupation: Organisation's Activity Area: Staff TOTAL WOMEN MEN Management TOTAL WOMEN MEN Remember it is only with honest answers that we might build products suitable to the needs and expectations of the companies. 2

1. Concerning Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) I consider that... 1.1 I have no idea of what it is 1.2 I have only little knowledge about the subject I have been making some effort to better understand the 1.3 advantages and disadvantages 1.4 I think actively on it and it is an aim to my organisation 2. Lately, I consider that I have been endeavouring to follow the evolution of CSR through 2.1 Participation in training courses and/or seminars 2.2 Participation in workshops 2.3 Research in the Internet 2.4 Technical magazine reading 2.5 I have not been doing no effort on the matter 3. To my organisation, "being socially responsible" means 3.1 To accomplish the environmental legislation 3.2 To integrate volunteering actions 3.3 To bestow upon needed institutions To promote equal opportunities between women and men at all 3.4 levels within the company 3.5 To integrate ethics or develop an ethical code To assume social and environmental care in organisations 3.6 activities 3.7 I am not sure 4. I suppose I would be interested in participating in initiatives (informative or collaborative) about CSR through 4.1 Collaboration with other organisations 4.2 Training courses/workshops on the subject 4.3 Seminars / Colloquies / Conferences / Congresses 4.4 Integration in the national CSR net 4.5 Integration in the International CSR net 3

5. I am acquainted with enterprises or organisations that are "socially responsible" 5.1 No 5.2 I do not believe in the credibility of these "responsibility labels 5.3 Yes 6. If yes, which ones? 7. Corporate Social Responsibility bears upon the environment, economic and social development among other aspects - I consider that the most important in my organisation is 7.1 Environment 7.2 Economic 7.3 Social 7.4 Other aspects 8. Among the following actions, I consider that the importance attributed by my company to it is Actions Fundamental Important Less important 8.1 Meeting the legal obligations 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 Treating the collaborators according to their performance Owning a partnership relation with suppliers Taking account of collaborators in decision making Actively participating in the community Developing practical solutions in the organisation, on the environment management level Developing solutions on Work & Life Balance for employees 4

9. In my organisation there are certifications 9.1 No 9.2 Yes 10. If yes, which ones? 11. What could be the main reason for your company to engage in CSR? 12. As a consumer, I am capable to penalize a enterprise (ex: not buying its products/services), if I consider it "Socially irresponsible" 12.1 No 12.2 Yes 13. I am capable to pay more for a product produced by a socially responsible" enterprise 13.1 No 13.2 Yes 14. I consider the possibility of buying products/services to organisations/enterprises that develop the following practices 14.1 Child work 14.2 Pollution and damage the environment 14.3 Corruption/ Bribe 14.4 Prohibition of collective agreements/syndicalism freedom 14.5 Discrimination practices (Race, gender, religion...) 14.6 Bad working conditions 14.7 Abusive workforce exploitation 5

15. Your organisation has some kind of interest in joining a National CSR Net? 15.1 Yes, it is very much interested 15.2 No, it is not much interested 15.3 Perhaps 15.4 My organisation already belongs to a CSR net 16. If you already belong to a CSR net, name it 17. Which would be the expected advantages/benefits of a CSR Net? 17.1 Information on the subject 17.2 Management tools 17.3 Cooperation among organisations 17.4 CSR certifications 17.5 Training course/workshops 17.6 Sharing experiences/case studies 18. How do you expect to participate in a CSR net? 18.1 Active/permanent participation 18.2 Specific participation 18.3 When I am invited 19. I consider a CSR Net should actively involve a larger representation of the following organisations 19.1 State/Public entities 19.2 Municipality/Autarchy 19.3 Trade Unions 19.4 Associations (Sector, Industrials, Professionals) 19.5 Non profit Organisations 19.6 Large Enterprises 19.7 Medium and small enterprises 6

20. Do you expect CSR (social or environmental efforts) to pay back? 20.1 Yes, by decreasing production cost per unit 20.2 Yes, by adding value to products 20.3 Both, decreasing production cost unit and adding value 20.4 Yes, by improving company image in general 20.5 I don t expect CSR efforts to pay back 21. Do you find it important to inform stakeholders about your CSR activity? 21.1 No 22.2 Yes 22. Why/why not? 23. Have customers ever asked about environmental or social aspects regarding your company or its products? 23.1 No 23.2 Yes 24. I would like to add something I consider pertinent to refer... End of the questionnaire - Thank you for your collaboration! 7