Build Your Tribe. Creating a Culture of Agility, Innovation, Leadership and Success

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Build Your Tribe Creating a Culture of Agility, Innovation, Leadership and Success

According to the Deloitte Human Capital Trends report in 2016, Culture, Leadership and Engagement are the top three priorities for organisations. All three can be addressed by defining and committing to a new way of working. Culture is something that is frequently talked about; however, organisations very rarely put time and money into changing the way we do things around here. Too often the response to poor engagement surveys is a change in office layout or the purchase of a table tennis table to 'go agile', which very rarely brings about any change at all. To develop a culture, organisations need to bring employees together and facilitate a different conversation. One that challenges the way that things are currently done, redefines the behaviours expected of each other and creates a new baseline from which to evolve. This tribe of employees become the champions of the cultural evolution and create the foundation from which the new culture can positively grow. Why build a tribe? We all have a basic need to connect with other humans, and this connection is critical to create cultures in which great work thrives. Tribes share experiences, develop relationships and are open to new ways of doing things. They hold each other to account, challenge poor behaviours and continually evolve the processes and systems the use. They seek out the best tools to help support them achieve success and actively look for opportunities to learn and improve. The best tribes have a shared interest in making something better and don t believe in quick fix solutions. They don t look to others to take the lead, they take accountability themselves. They motivate each other to be the best versions of themselves and to move the organisation's culture to one of collaboration, innovation and outcome delivery. 2

The benefits of building your tribe include: Improved productivity - doing more with less An unprecedented level of engagement across the business and with suppliers Moving away from 'traditional' ways of working Creating a future-proofed environment Employees that have the skills to challenge poor behaviours More services delivered in line with customer expectations More projects delivered to the customer s satisfaction Reduction in single points of failure Increased accountability of those in leadership positions An engaged and supportive team that understands and pursues continuous improvement Demonstrably improved interpersonal, communication and collaboration skills An energised organisation or department that embraces change and opportunities A greater commitment to health and safety Improved employee engagement scores Building future leadership capability - the ultimate legacy. Moving From Stagnant to Vibrant Author Peter Drucker once famously said Culture eats strategy for breakfast. However, organisations still spend a disproportionate amount of time building strategy when compared with addressing cultural challenges that are holding them back. Cultures are the sum of everyone s attitudes, beliefs, behaviours and traditions. There are four types of cultures created by the employees who are part of them. In order to build and evolve a culture that everyone wants to be part of, it's important to define what Vibrant (see model below) looks like in order to be able to work towards it. At the heart of a vibrant culture are employees who are high in selfawareness and who value the work that they do. These employees are a positive force for good and often leave organisations when they don t feel supported by their leaders or else see no tangible change that they can buy-in to. Disengaged employees are low in selfawareness, actively create conflict and get in the way of good work happening. 3

Stagnant cultures aren't aligned with strategy, lack motivation and energy and employees frequently display poor behaviours. Headphones are used to block culture out or else employees don t feel they have a space to do their best work. Pleasant cultures are staffed by people who mean well but lack the action and skills to deliver the expected results. They don t stick to plans, find excuses not to make decisions and lack the skills to performance manage others. Combatant cultures understand what needs to be done but are often displaying poor behaviours. Employees are highly engaged in the work that they do, however, this passion often spills over, and everything feels like a battle. Vibrant cultures have vision, passion and determination to succeed. They inspire every staff member to be the best version of themselves, find better ways to do everything and celebrate the successes they collectively achieve. Then they get back to work! From Rigid to Agile Organisations looking to deliver services or projects in a more 'agile' manner need their tribe to leave behind their fixed mindset ('this is the way we always do things around here!') and embrace different ideas and viewpoints. Only then can the organisation increase collaboration, reduce complexity and remove the rigidity of thinking and process that is holding it back. Continual cultural, service and product innovation requires people to challenge the ideas that they have and work collectively towards a better future. The key to organisational agility is not an open plan office or a table tennis table. It is a willing tribe of people with the right mindset, who continually inject new ideas into the work that they do and challenge each other to be better. Many organisations have benefited from this approach. It's time to build your tribe and create a culture that everyone can be proud of. 4

'Whatever the status quo is, changing it gives you the chance to be remarkable' - Seth Godin, Tribes Build Your Tribe Program Details Build Your Tribe 12-Month Culture Evolution Program We will work together to transform your organisation's culture and develop a tribe that values leadership, accountability and success. There are six components to this highly successful program, all of which are customised to your needs and challenges. 1. Building a Culture That Delivers Utilising a cross-functional team of 20-40 people, we will spend two days designing and building the foundational culture required to transform the way the organisation thinks and operates. The output of the two-days will be a Culture Playbook that the team will own and communicate. It will also include a plan to address the current culture gaps across the next twelve months. 2. Regular culture evolution sessions 90-minute development sessions in which I bring the energy, inspiration and new thinking into the organisation, with an emphasis on the evolution of the skills that will make a difference to people working to transform it. Utilising the plan created in the Building a Culture That Delivers program, employees will be assigned three actions at the end of each session and held accountable to these at the beginning of the next session. The program will introduce new ideas, insights, and techniques being practised around the world that can be immediately applied to operations and projects throughout the organisation. 3. Culture Evolution Sponsorship Half-day session with the senior management team to ensure that they fully understand their role in supporting the evolution of the culture. This includes the behaviours they should exhibit and how to ensure consistency of communication. 4. Coaching 3-Hours of bookable coaching sessions follow the development sessions to answer any specific questions members of the organisation may have on how to change the culture or get things delivered in their area. 5

5. Leadership Mentoring Four 90-minute mentoring sessions for the culture evolution owner to help them build the transformational leadership capability and create a strong succession plan for continual improvement. 6. Planning and Communication Working with the culture evolution owner, we will build a plan of activity over the twelve months to support the continual improvement of the new culture. This includes the use of tools as well other activity to positively promote the new ways of working. Build Your Tribe Program Costs The Build Your Tribe program is unique and with the commitment of the tribe provides an immediate change in culture and behaviours from which to build further. There are two options available, monthly or quarterly. Both of these options are available as 'in person' or 'virtual', depending on your requirements. When it comes to pricing, I believe in being completely transparent. There are no hidden costs, and everything is included including flights, accommodation and expenses.* I don't believe in creating standard programs, as every organisation is different and a lot of work goes into researching, developing and personalising content to suit the challenges you face and the opportunities you have. Melbourne, Australia is my home, which is why the prices are in Australian Dollars. Monthly Build Your Tribe Program (in person) Monthly Build Your Tribe Program (virtual) Quarterly Build Your Tribe Program (in person) Quarterly Build Your Tribe Program (virtual) AUD$145,000 AUD$120,000 AUD$85,000 AUD$70,000 *applicable for the 'in person' program only About Colin D Ellis Colin is a highly sought after award-winning international speaker and trainer and the author of two best-selling books. He has over 20 years of transformation experience and puts that to good use by helping organisations around the world transform their cultures and improve their leadership capability. Originally from the UK, Colin lived in New Zealand for six years but is now based in Melbourne with his wife and two children. 6

Here are some kind words that my customers have said about my work: "Working with Colin over the last six months has had a huge impact across our delivery teams. I really appreciate his ability to introduce change and reignite that fire in the belly of each of our project delivery teams!" Mark Townshend, Auckland Transport "Colin helped transform the way YMCA Victoria does projects. The tips and tricks he taught us has greatly helped us engage and motivate our operational teams and have made a difference to the way that we approach our projects." Ru Thomas, YMCA "We have been working with Colin through a 12-month program developing the project management and delivery skill set of our team. It has been so beneficial in building not just the project management and conscious leadership skills of our project managers, but also in driving the culture we want to see in our business." Amy Stoneham, Country Road Group Colin lifts engagement through his insights and experience. His powerful stories inspire individuals and teams to take action. Simply outstanding. Lani Beer, National Australia Bank Colin delivers his message passionately with great examples on how teams can deliver great outcomes when they collaborate and work together and by recognising how everyone works differently. He can help your organisation and teams get the culture right and deliver better as a team. Harry Varvarigos, Telstra We had fantastic feedback from the team after a workshop with Colin. He has a really engaging style and is passionate about improving delivery through developing better leaders and creating awesome cultures. Ian Clancy, IAG Colin is an inspiration and leading the way to really put the heart of people back into project management to increase success in every aspect. Kelly Smith, HESTA 7