Vocational Education and Training (VET) Systems: Role of the Social Partners

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Austria Belgium Cyprus Czech Republic Cooperative partnership between associations of employers and of employees has a long tradition in Austria. Social partnership is based on the principle of voluntarism. It is neither enshrined in the Constitution nor prescribed by statute. The social partners exert a powerful influence on the process of policy- and decision making. At national level, the Labour Council, and joint educational committees involved, are the negotiating authorities for vocational education and training in Belgium. Under the responsibility of the Labour Council in which the social partners are represented at the national level, the joint education committees have a large package of tasks including the setting up of models of training programmes per profession. In Cyprus there has been a long-standing tradition of tripartite consultation (government, trade unions and employers associations) and social dialogue. This is reflected in the active participation of social partners in the various bodies and committees. The involvement of social partners in VET is voluntary and depends on the initiative of the parties concerned. There are no legal regulations fostering this involvement and the roles of social partners in this respect. and enterprise Cooperative partnership between associations of employers and of employees. Involvement in the legislative process; formulation of political aims within government departments. Provision of information on VET; encourage cooperation between VET institutions and the business community; establish new apprenticeship trades; provide financial incentives for CVET. Conclusion of multi-industry agreements connected with training. Approval of apprenticeship centres; development of training in the occupational field; drawing up the qualification profiles. and and and Preparation of the Strategic Development Plan. Preparation of Action Plan. Members of Board of Governors of: Human Resource Development Authority, Productivity Centre, Higher Technical Institute, Higher Hotel Institute of Cyprus. Consultative committees, boards, councils (Education Council, Consultative Committee of VET). Formulation of and comments on legal regulations and government documents. Formulation of, recommendations to and comments on strategic documents. Planning, implementation of training in companies; cooperation between schools and companies. and and All Collective bargaining. Page 1 of 7

Denmark Estonia Finland Co-operation with the social partners is an integral part of national labour market policy. Social partner participation in VET is regulated by national legislation as well as by their own charters, action plans and agreements with other stakeholders. The Vocational Education Act regulates the need to include working life within VET. VET must be organised in cooperation with representatives of business life and other sectors of working life. Creation and renewal of VET courses; formulation of objectives, curricula, examination standards. Regulatory framework for individual courses. Advise to Minister of Education Local Local adaptation of VET. Advise to labour training centres Participating in the development of the professional qualifications system; preparing preliminary laws; elaborating strategies and the vocational/professional conception. Developing professional standards. In-company training sessions in order to ensure the compliance of theory with practical work /match required qualification standards and curricula. Training the necessary skilled workers personnel by employers/companies. Preparation of reports and proposal of developments to adult education and training. Plan and develop VET; promote interaction between education and working life. Supervising and steering the organisation of competence tests, confirming qualifications and signing qualification certificates. Promote the activities of VET institutions and improve their cooperation with local working life. / direct / direct Advice to Ministry of Education Advice to Board of Education Page 2 of 7

Germany Hungary Italy The main feature of the German VET system is the close partnership between employers, trade unions and the government. Social dialogue and codetermination are important for the acceptance of reforms. The involvement of social partners in the decision- and policy making processes of vocational education and training is wide ranging. Framework Law 845/78 gave the social partners a major role to play in the vocational training system, recognising them as partners of the Regions for the planning of training, as well as potential providers of training schemes. Setting national standards and designing training regulations; Giving recommendations on all subjects of VET. Giving recommendations on all subjects of VET; coordination between schools and companies; special offers for disadvantaged. Counselling, supervising the implementation of training in companies; conducting examinations; awarding qualifications. Contractual bargaining on supply with training places; remuneration of apprentices. Planning and implementing in-company training, appointing instructors. Direct advice to the Federal Government Direct advice to the Länder (States) Governments, Strategy and policy-development. Defining professional and examination requirements; accreditation and quality assurance. Strategy-development and tendering development funds (Development and Training Committees). Allocation of funds for training disadvantaged adults (County Employment Councils). Defining professional and examination requirements. Provision of practical training and students assessment (enterprise). Monitoring practical training of students of VET schools (local relevant chamber of commerce). Definition of the institutional framework. Direct intervention in the process of defining, planning and provision of VET strategies and actions. Definition of training activities, elaboration of training plans. Page 3 of 7

Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Netherlands At national level, the Vocational Education and Training Council functions as an advisory body on VET issues. The Council consists of an equal representation from state institutions, employer and employee organizations. Involvement in VET legislative procedure ( Tripartite Cooperation Council). Participation in State Development Plan, human resources development and employment (Vocational Education and Employment Tripartite Cooperation Sub-Council). Promote cooperation at regional level; establishment and coordination of regional VET. Promote cooperation at sectoral level ( Tripartite Cooperation Council). VET issues (Vocational Education and Training Council). Organisation and participation of qualification examinations; assessment of qualification acquired. Provide co-ordinated focus for advice and expertise; assist in the organization of student s practical placements and in the renovation of practical facilities in the school. Shaping the content of vocational training; approve vocational training standards. Participate in the governing of the educational institution, defining the training needs and development of particular training programmes. and Involvement in VET legislative procedure Establishment and supervision of apprenticeship contracts (Chambers of Labour and Trade). Promotion of VET; initiatives for training the employed and unemployed. Supervisory board ( training centres). Define occupational profiles; cooperation between education and training, trade and industry. Participation in negotiations on collective labour agreements. Page 4 of 7

Poland Portugal The main institutional platform for social partners involvement in VET at national level is the Tripartite Commission on Socio-Economic Issues established by resolution of the Council of Ministers of 15th February 1994. The Tripartite Commission is composed of representatives of public administration, employers, the largest trade unions as well as some sectoral trade unions. All these organisations function in 2 capacities in the VET field: both as consultative bodies and as initiators of legal measures. There is a legal provision for social partner involvement in vocational education and training in Portugal. Involvement in VET issues (Tripartite Commission on Socio-Economic Issues). Training for unemployed people; programmes promoting employment; planning and use of the Labour Fund (Central Employment Board). Participation in the reform of the VET system Evaluation of the Labour Fund; submit applications and give opinions concerning VET ( and district employment boards). Discussion of social and economic matters crucial for the region, including questions of education organisation and financing ( commissions for social dialogue). Organisation of practical training and vocational placements. Coordination of economic and social policies; definition of policies and goals. Implementation of vocational training policies at national and regional levels. Definition of strategic guidelines; programming, preparation, implementation, support and evaluation of vocational training schemes (Directly-managed Vocational Training Centres). Promotion, implementation of training schemes (Jointlymanaged Vocational Training Centres). and advisory Advice to Minister of Labour / direct and advisory Coordination and promotion of training activity (Employment Centres). Organisation of workplace practice. and advisory Page 5 of 7

Spain Sweden At a national level, the social partners are represented in the General Council for Vocational Training, which is a joint consultative body advising the government on vocational training. The Autonomous Regions vocational training councils act in the same way at regional level. These councils, regardless of the geographical area they cover, are made up of representatives from the government, trade unions and employers organisations. United Kingdom The extent of social partnership in the UK is generally limited and it is not a widely understood concept. Traditionally, training in the UK is employer-led on a voluntarist model. Drafting of Vocational Training Plan (General Vocational Training Council). Proposing measures to meet the objectives for vocational training management. Drafting Autonomous Vocational Training Programmes (Autonomous Vocational Training Councils). Monitoring CVT in their corresponding sector ( Peer Commissions for Continuing Training). Direct advice to government Drafting training programmes within the company. / direct General Agreement concerning education and information to employees. Analyse the need for competences within trade and industry; promote VET. Collective agreements in single municipalities and counties. Cooperation between the suppliers of education and local trade and industry. Agreements concerning in-company training. Defining skill needs and occupational standards for specific sectors. Development of Frameworks for Employment and Skills Action. Local Drawing up statements of local priorities and skills needs. Page 6 of 7

Norway Norway has a long tradition of close cooperation, both formal and informal, between education and training authorities and the social partners at all levels. Because vocational training is of major importance to the working community as far as working conditions, productivity and profitability are concerned, employers and employees organisations have considerable influence on national vocational training at upper secondary level. Development of national framework for public IVET and frameworks for adult education and CVET; development of curricula and procedures for examination and certification; national appeals boards. Decisions on regional provision structure and volume of IVET; organisation and implementation of apprenticeship training; examination and certification; operation of Training Offices. Development of national curricula (IVET); organise, support of CVET. Training of apprentices. Sources: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, CEDEFOP, VET (http://www.trainingvillage.gr/etv/information_resources/vet/), accessed 6 August 2007 IVET: Initial Vocational Education and Training; CVT: Continuing Vocational Education and Training. Page 7 of 7