East Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board. Training Strategy

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East Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board Training Strategy 2015 18

Contents Purpose of the strategy........................ 1 Principles.............................. 1 Training provision.......................... 2 Outcomes.............................. 3 Roles and responsibilities in relation to single and multi-agency training 4 Training needs across East Sussex.................. 5 Safeguarding competency framework................ 6 Quality assurance process for learning activities............ 6 Implementation of the strategy.................... 7 Funding................................ 7 Charging.............................. 7 SAB training pool.......................... 8 SAB Training Strategy 2015 18

Purpose of the strategy The purpose of this three year training strategy is to provide a framework for adult safeguarding training in East Sussex. The strategy will ensure staff working with adults who have care and support needs are competent and confident to carry out their responsibilities, and have training opportunities to assist them in appropriately responding to, and preventing, abuse and neglect. This training strategy is also driven by requirements set out in the Care Act 2014: to create shared learning opportunities between agencies, to embed the Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) principles into practice, and to ensure the new categories of abuse of modern slavery, self-neglect and domestic abuse are appropriately incorporated and addressed in training and development activities. This strategy sits alongside the national safeguarding competencies for multiagency use, endorsed by the Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) Safeguarding Competencies Review Group. Both documents aim to drive up standards in practice, and inform training needs. The strategy has been produced by a SAB Task and Finish Group consisting of representatives from Sussex Police, East Sussex Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Adult Social Care, and the Clinical Commissioning Groups. Principles This training strategy will reflect the following principles: 1. Safeguarding adults is Everybody s Business Training provision will underpin the aim to raise wider public and partner awareness about safeguarding adults, and the role that they can play. 2. Targeting and prioritisation The strategy will target prioritised needs: SAB Training Strategy 2015 18 Page 1 of 8

To meet gaps identified through quality assurance processes and case reviews. To ensure lessons from Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs), formerly Serious Case Reviews, are disseminated and recommendations are reflected in the content of training. To support agencies in meeting their responsibilities to develop and implement their own workforce development plans in line with the Competency Framework. To respond to the needs of staffing groups identified as requiring further awareness and knowledge. This strategy also reflects the six principles underpinning all safeguarding work, outlined in the Care Act 2014: Empowerment People being supported and encouraged to make their own decisions, and informed consent. Prevention It is better to take action before harm occurs. Proportionality The least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented. Protection Support and representation for those in greatest need. Partnership Local solutions through services working with their communities. Communities have a part to play in preventing, detecting and reporting neglect and abuse. Accountability Accountability and transparency in delivering safeguarding. These principles are reflected in the MSP approach, where adults are at the centre of any safeguarding intervention, with training underpinning expectations that people will be empowered to prevent abuse and manage risks where possible. Training provision Training falls into two main groups. Training that is provided by single agencies to their own staff, and multi-agency training where staff from different agencies come together to train. It is the latter that will be coordinated under the direction of the SAB. However, the SAB still has a role in quality assurance and monitoring of the single agency delivered training, SAB Training Strategy 2015 18 Page 2 of 8

described later in Roles and responsibilities in relation to single and multiagency training. All training provided by individual agencies needs to be compatible with the Safeguarding Competencies developed for multi-agency use, and be delivered by skilled trainers. Mandatory safeguarding training provided by individual agencies should be completed by staff every three years, or sooner where changes in legislation, policy or practice dictate. Agencies can use a variety of options to deliver this training such as e- learning, distance learning and face-to-face learning, and should record the activity undertaken. To support this activity the SAB Training Strategy Group will: Co-ordinate the development of Train the Trainer courses covering delivery of safeguarding basic awareness. Maintain a list of trainers. Share training material. The Multi-agency Training Plan will be developed by the SAB Training Strategy Group. It will reflect the requirements of the Care Act, as set out in the Sussex Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures eg. the new categories of abuse and roles of those involved in undertaking safeguarding enquiries. The plan will include training on undertaking enquiries, as well as reflecting learning areas identified through case audits, SARs or other case reviews. Outcomes The intended outcomes of this training strategy are to: Maintain a consistent, quality-assured approach to safeguarding basic awareness training. Specify the required outcomes for training. Ensure outcomes of training, including numbers and staff competency, are reported to the East Sussex SAB. SAB Training Strategy 2015 18 Page 3 of 8

Ensure that learning activities directly respond to concerns and development needs identified from Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs), or other case reviews, both locally and nationally. Embed risk management within all aspects of training. Create shared learning opportunities between agencies and promote inter-agency collaboration and information sharing. Create more effective and integrated services at both strategic and individual case level. Ensure that all learning activities promote and provide safe and secure services to individuals. Roles and responsibilities in relation to single and multi-agency training Role of the SAB The SAB is responsible for monitoring and evaluating single agency training by way of an annual audit, and reporting on attendance and the content of safeguarding training. The SAB is also responsible for monitoring and evaluating multi-agency training to ensure this is meeting local needs and priorities as identified in the SAB annual work plan. Members of the Training Strategy Group will contribute where required to the co-ordination, commissioning, delivery and evaluation of multi-agency training, and the group is accountable to the SAB. Role of SAB agencies Individual agencies are responsible for ensuring that their staff are competent in carrying out their responsibilities for safeguarding, and contributing to the prevention of abuse and neglect. Individual agencies must ensure that their staff are aware of how to raise a safeguarding concern, and be aware of the minimum standards and competencies relevant to their role. Agencies are expected to support multi-agency training by: SAB Training Strategy 2015 18 Page 4 of 8

Providing staff to support the delivery of SAB training where relevant expertise is identified. Releasing staff to attend SAB multi-agency training. Evaluating the impact of the training through supervision, appraisal and other identified mechanisms, and monitoring staff compliance with practice standards expected for their role. Training needs across East Sussex An annual training needs analysis will be completed by the SAB. This will comprise learning identified from: the annual audit completed by each SAB member on percentage of workforce trained and which courses have been completed, safeguarding audits undertaken by the ASC Safeguarding Development Team, and any SARs or case reviews. Areas of particular focus identified for 2015 18 in a multi-agency context include: Increasing the number of staff accessing existing domestic abuse multiagency training delivered by the Local Safeguarding Children Board. Complementing existing domestic abuse training, with the inclusion of older adults, mental health and substance misuse, domestic abuse recognition and responses, and with specific reference to the safeguarding adults procedures. Mental capacity assessments, deprivation of liberty safeguards, interventions and consideration of coercion and consent have all been highlighted as areas requiring development from safeguarding audits conducted by member agencies of the SAB. Self-neglect has been highlighted as requiring development in multiagency safeguarding audits, and is now included in the Care Act as a new category of abuse. Interventions and multi-agency information sharing and responses have been identified as key areas for development. A multi-agency learning opportunity covering undertaking safeguarding enquiries, given the new duties in the Care Act, and the provision for SAB Training Strategy 2015 18 Page 5 of 8

causing enquiries to be made is proposed. This will enhance the safeguarding training delivered by single organisations to their own staff. Achieving Best Evidence (ABE) interview refresher training to respond to recent requests from the courts for social workers to undertake these interviews with police more routinely. Referral processes between agencies in safeguarding responses. Human trafficking and modern slavery, as this is included in the Care Act as a new category of abuse. Development of safeguarding awareness training for adults and carers to aid the principle of prevention. Resilience building for adults experiencing abuse or neglect. Safeguarding awareness training for primary care staff is also a target of the strategy, given the low numbers of safeguarding related contacts received from this group in 2014 15. Safeguarding competency framework The safeguarding competency framework and mental capacity competencies will be tools used as a framework for training delivery as well as to monitor the effectiveness of the learning achieved. The competency framework provides a process by which managers can measure competence to ensure the right blend of skills and knowledge are in place, and support professional development. Quality assurance process for learning activities The quality assurance process will apply to all learning activities delivered under this strategy, and will feed into the wider audit and quality assurance procedures for safeguarding adults. Training delivered by individual organisations may be subject to a targeted peer review, involving attendance at training sessions and / or reviewing attendee and trainer feedback. This arrangement is on a voluntary basis by both the delivering and observing organisations, and would be undertaken by staff deemed most appropriate to do so, as agreed by the SAB. SAB Training Strategy 2015 18 Page 6 of 8

Decisions on which organisations and courses are to be reviewed, and who is to review them, will be based upon available safeguarding performance data, discussions at SAB meetings and through annual self-audit processes. All safeguarding training delivered by individual organisations will be recorded by way of annual reports to the SAB. Implementation of the strategy Each SAB member will be responsible for ensuring that their organisation is aware of the training strategy, and that all training for safeguarding adults is in line with this strategy. Each SAB member will be responsible for providing training data to the SAB as part of their annual audit. The Training Strategy Group will oversee and monitor the training and learning opportunities delivered under this strategy. Funding A budget for SAB training activities for 2015 16 has been agreed and includes contributions from ASC, Sussex Police, CCGs and East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. In addition, SAB members contribute towards the delivery of multi-agency training in the following ways: Membership of the Training Strategy Group. Financial contributions to the SAB. Providing venues or other facilities / equipment for training. Delivering training sessions. Charging All SAB delivered training is provided at no cost to agencies who contribute financially to the SAB annual budget. SAB Training Strategy 2015 18 Page 7 of 8

There is a charging policy for those who do not contribute financially to the SAB budget. This is reviewed on an annual basis. The charges vary depending on the size of the agency. Agencies who usually have to pay for training will be given two free training places if they deliver a training session. Charges are made for cancellation or non-attendance at training. SAB training pool The SAB training pool includes practitioners, clinicians and managers who commit time to the delivery of SAB training. These people are identified by way of their particular knowledge and skills, and their agency representation on the SAB. Workshops will be held for members of the training pool at appropriate intervals to refresh knowledge and ensure a consistent approach is achieved within the training pool. The SAB training strategy will: Reflect the vision and values of the SAB. Link closely with training delivered by the LSCB and Safer Communities partnership, including PREVENT awareness and training as coordinated by the Safer Communities partnership. Identify tools for quality assurance and monitoring effectiveness of training activities. Be reviewed annually to reflect the impact of local service redesign, national and local policy, and the audit of the training provided and its impact on practice. SAB Training Strategy 2015 18 Page 8 of 8