Stevens County Request for Proposal. Employee Classification and Compensation Study

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Stevens County Request for Proposal Employee Classification and Compensation Study Due: April 17, 2014

I. Purpose Stevens County is currently soliciting proposals from qualified consulting firms for an Employee Classification and Compensation Study. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is issued on behalf of the Stevens County Board of Commissioners, Morris, Minnesota. The County Board of Commissioners intends to establish a new employee job classification and compensation system that meets the following goals: A. Development of the job evaluation and compensation system to be completed by September/October 2014. B. Complies with Minnesota Statutes 471.991-471.999, known as the pay equity law. C. Establishes fair and equitable compensation relationships within the organization. D. Relates compensation to relevant market conditions outside the organization. E. Is applied organization-wide, professionally, consistently and objectively. F. Has employee input and participation as an integral part of the study. G. Is easily maintainable, after implementation, by the County in a manner that preserves and enhances the integrity, validity and reliability of the system. This RFP is an invitation by Stevens County for consultants to submit an offer, which may be subject to subsequent discussion. It is not a request for competitive bid. Submittal of a proposal does not create any right in or expectation to a Contract with Stevens County. Stevens County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and the County further declares that it will incur no financial obligations for any costs by any company in preparation of their proposal. II. General Overview Stevens County is located in west central Minnesota in the midst of an active agricultural area. The County Seat is Morris, which boasts a healthy, diverse economy anchored by the University of Minnesota-Morris campus, the West Central Research and Outreach Center, the U. S. Department of Agriculture Soils and Research Station, and several major employers in the private sector, including manufacturing and construction businesses. The county as a whole has a population of approximately 9,726 people. The county is comprised of five cities and 16 townships. The County currently has 81 full-time employees, nine part-time employees and one temporary employee. There are three collective bargaining units representing approximately 58 employees from the Courthouse, Human Services, Law Enforcement and Highway departments. The current wage schedules are based on a Government Management Group (GMG) Study completed in 2006 and implemented with adjustments to the pay scale in 2007. There has been minimal change to the compensation plan since its original adoption. There are currently 65 job classifications in the County (See Appendix A). The County has maintained job descriptions for each position which includes a job summary, essential functions, minimum requirements, desired knowledge, skills and abilities. Statutory requirements and position questionnaires have been the basis for evaluating the points for each position and are rated accordingly. 2

This Classification and Compensation Study will also include the Stevens County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) positions. The SWCD has four full-time employees and one parttime employee (See Appendix A). The SWCD does not have any collecting bargaining units. The current wage scales are arbitrary based upon the decisions of the Board of Supervisors with adjustments being made annually, when warranted. The adjustments are determined by the SWCD Board. The SWCD maintains job descriptions for each position which include a job summary, essential functions, minimum requirements, desired knowledge, skills and abilities. The County Coordinator and Human Resources Director shall serve as the managers for the project. The Human Resources Specialist and Deputy Auditor/Treasurer/Payroll will assist as needed and directed. III. Scope of Services Requested Classification and compensation services shall include, but not be limited to: A. Introduction and project orientation with the County s Classification and Compensation Committee (consisting of two Commissioners, the County Coordinator and the Human Resources Director) to outline and establish: a. The scope of planned study, its procedures, methods, intended outcome and timeline. i. Assurance that the study is based on a thorough understanding and full and complete review of all positions. ii. Assurance that all persons understand the reasons and methods involved. b. The type of system to be used. i. Job evaluation method. ii. Integrating market comparisons with pay equity. c. The type of written materials to be used i. Explanatory material, questionnaires, job descriptions, etc. d. The ongoing schedule of contact/updates throughout the study. i. Meetings with all employees, Department Heads, Classification and Compensation Committee and Board of Commissioners. ii. Appeals. iii. Contacts with Stevens County Coordinator and Human Resource Director as needed. B. Review of job descriptions. a. Define any needed clarifications to job descriptions using: i. Written information and/or interviews. ii. Contacts with all employees. iii. Supervisor review of information. b. Insure that job descriptions include all elements of the position based on all information. c. County Board approves any revised job descriptions. 3

C. Establish job evaluation system a. Evaluate responsibilities, duties, qualifications, working conditions, physical requirements and all other relevant considerations for each position to determine its value to Stevens County per Minnesota Statutes 471.991-471.999. b. All Department Heads and Elected Officials will be included; Elected Officials will be included for the purpose of determining a salary range only. D. Develop principles of comparability to external labor markets (public and private). a. Define appropriate comparison organizations (i.e. counties and cities taking into account size, geographic proximity, tax base, etc.) making up labor market for each position. b. Insure adequate sample size to provide meaningful market comparisons. c. Gather current and accurate market data to satisfy defined criteria, specifying any role that County staff may have in the process. E. Perform job evaluation and market comparability study. a. Conduct internal and external position comparisons. b. Prepare draft classification/compensation system based on results. c. Conduct appeals process for employees who have grounds to believe their position was improperly classified. F. Provide an option to educate appropriate staff in regard to designing an objective Performance Review Tool that: a. Best represents the recommended new pay classification with the ability to add department specific criteria. b. Consultant training of appropriate staff as to the proper use of this tool should the County choose this option. G. Design and recommend an implementation plan as a result of the study outcomes. a. Propose compensation plan based on study results. i. Define appropriate number of related pay ranges and number of pay steps in each range. ii. Define the appropriate weight given to internal equity and external market comparisons in developing a pay plan. iii. Integrate both the job evaluation rankings and market comparisons into the recommended pay levels according to a consistent approach for all positions b. Prepare a final report setting forth the project results and recommendations incorporating any changes resulting from the appeal process, which will be presented to the County Board of Commissioners. c. Recommend the best possible approach to coordinating the recommended pay plan with current collective bargaining agreements and wage plans, including timelines for implementation of the pay plan, consistent with County budget considerations. d. Describe in detail the on-going and long-term maintenance of the classification system and detail the roles of both the consultant and the County in this effort. e. Upon implementation of the compensation plan, the consultant will provide 4

training to County staff on the utilization and maintenance of the system; the consultant will provide the necessary documentation and other materials so the County will be able to maintain the system independent of the consultant following the implementation of the job evaluation/compensation plan. H. Provide analysis of external comparable cafeteria plan contributions. IV. Addendum The Stevens County Board of Commissioners, as an addendum to the Employee Classification and Compensation Study, would also like to receive a separate proposal to perform an Organizational Study (See Appendix B, Addendum). The objectives of the study would be twofold. 1) To review the existing organizational structure of the County and identify gaps and/or duplication of services, as well as efficiencies to be gained; and 2) Propose options for a new organizational structure including the consolidation and/or reorganization of departments and a recommendation on staffing levels. V. Proposal Contents All proposals must be received by 4:30 p.m. on April 17, 2014, and be addressed to: Janet Raguse Human Resources Director 400 Colorado Avenue, Suite 302 Morris, MN 56267 Stevens County reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to select the firm based on the County's evaluation and review of the proposals and such other relevant information as the County shall have before it, and based upon the determination as to which proposal best meets the County's needs. Proposals shall contain the following information, organized according to the outline below for clarity and ease of comparison: A. A detailed summary of the compensation study process and procedures to be utilized to provide the services specified in the Scope of Services requested, especially including: a. A detailed project work plan with estimated time frames outlined. b. Involvement required of County staff. c. How objectivity and impartiality in this process will be insured. d. How a full and complete review and understanding of Stevens County positions will be insured. e. The process to be used to gather information, involving written material and/or interviews. f. The process to be used for appeals. g. The timing and sequence of proposed contacts with County employees and officials, including: 5

i. Informational meetings with employees and the Classification and Compensation Committee. ii. Project updates. iii. Meetings with the Board of Commissioners. iv. Other proposed meetings. B. Sample(s) of the forms to be used to determine position/classification information. C. An itemized total project cost (Appendix B), specified as a lump sum not to be exceeded. a. To the extent desired, additional recommendations and services or options may be included as additions to the project on an optional basis; these optional items shall be priced separately from this RFP. b. Specify conditions, if any, which would cause a request for additional compensation. D. A statement summarizing the firm's expertise and experience in performing comprehensive classification and compensation studies, providing a brief overview of the history and structure of the firm. E. Resume(s) with educational background and work history for each firm member performing work under the scope of this request for proposal. F. A minimum of three references for classification and compensation work completed within the past three years, preferably within Minnesota, and including at least two within the public sector (The County reserves the right to investigate the references and the past performance of any applicant with respect to its successful performance of similar projects, compliance with specifications and contractual obligations, and its completion of a project on schedule). a. List contact name, address, phone number and email address for each reference. b. Provide any examples of work performed for the references. G. List any deviations from this RFP. H. Proposing firms shall submit eight (8) hard copies of the proposal, signed by representatives of the proposing firm, and an electronic version in Portable Document Format (PDF) file format. VI. Selection of Services All submitted proposals will be reviewed by the Classification and Compensation Committee and other specified employees and union representatives. Proposals will be considered based on their quality and content as well as proposed fees. From this review, finalists may be selected. The Board of Commissioners may interview finalists either telephonically or in person, or may forego interviews and select the consultant based upon the information provided. Professional references will be investigated for finalist applicants. The basis for final selection of the consultant will include, but not be limited to, the following criteria: 6

A. Professional qualifications including credentials for each person assigned to work on the project. B. Experience in developing and maintaining classification and compensation systems in governmental jurisdictions, particularly in County government. C. Description of the type of job evaluation system(s) the firm is familiar with including discussion on factors deemed necessary for successful implementation and maintenance of the system(s). D. Proposed contract terms including total fees and a payment plan based upon measurable contract milestones (The County prefers to compensate on the basis of a guaranteed maximum or flat fee for the scope of service set forth above; progress payments are to be made upon receipt of invoices itemizing services performed and satisfactory completion of specified milestones). E. The results of a personal interview/presentation with the Stevens County Board of Commissioners and County staff, if any. F. The ease and method of post-contract maintenance of the classification and compensation system. G. The comments and information provided by professional references. VII. Additional Considerations A. The Stevens County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and the County further declares that it will incur no financial obligations for any costs by any company in preparation of the proposal. The County reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to select the firm based on the County's sole evaluation and review of the proposals and such other relevant information as the County shall have before it, and based upon the County's own determination as to which proposal best meets its needs. B. During the performance of any contract awarded as a result of this RFP, the contractor agrees to the following: No person shall, on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, public assistance status, veteran status, physical disability, sexual orientation, or political affiliation be excluded from full employment rights in, participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subject to discrimination under any program, service or activity under the provision of any and all applicable federal and state laws against discrimination including the Civil Rights Act of 1964. C. All data collected, created, received, maintained or disseminated or used for any purposes in the course of execution shall be governed by the Minnesota Government Data 7

Practices Act and shall remain the data of Stevens County. The designee for release of information shall be the Human Resources Director. D. No change in personnel assigned to the project will be permitted without prior written approval of the County. E. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the County against any and all liability, loss, damages, costs and expenses incurred by the County as a result of the Contractor's acts or omissions. F. The Contractor shall provide a Certificate of Insurance including, but not limited to, general liability, automobile liability and workers' compensation coverage with submission of the RFP. Policy coverage limits for the general liability and automobile liability shall be in amounts equal to the County s potential liability. G. It is agreed that nothing contained herein shall be constructed as creating or establishing the relationship of co-partners or joint venture/enterprise between the County and the Contractor for any purpose or in any manner whatsoever. The Contractor is to be and shall remain as an independent contractor with respect to all services performed. Further, the independent contractor shall be responsible for its own taxes and benefits of its employees and/or agents. H. If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP, additional addendums will be supplied to all firms receiving this RFP. VIII. Specific Chronology Request for Proposal Released March 10, 2014 Deadline for Receipt of Proposals April 17, 2014 Decision by County Board May 6 or 20, 2014 Commencement of Services May/June of 2014 Desired Completion Date September/October 2014 For further information contact: Janet Raguse, Human Resources Director 400 Colorado Avenue, Suite 302 Morris, MN 56267 320.208.6557 8

Appendix A Position Listing (Union/Non-Union) Stevens County Number of Incumbents in Title Position Accounting Technician - Human Services 1 Administrative Assistant Sheriff 1 Appraiser 0 Assessor 1 Assistant County Attorney 1 Assistant Ditch Inspector/GIS Technician 1 Attorney (Elected) 1 Auditor/Treasurer (Elected) 1 Building Maintenance Technician 0 Case Aide 1 Chief Deputy Auditor-Treasurer 0 Chief Deputy Sheriff 1 Child Support Enforcement Aide 0 Child Support Officer 1 Communications Manager 1 Coordinator on Aging 0 County Coordinator 0.5 Custodian 2 Deputy Assessor/Data Processing 1 Deputy Assessor/Office Manager 1 Deputy Auditor Treasurer Payroll 1 Deputy Auditor-Treasurer 1 Deputy Auditor-Treasurer/Elections 1 Deputy Sheriff 4 Dispatcher/Jailer 5 Emergency Manager/Safety Coordinator 1 Engineering Tech I 0 Engineering Technician II 1 Engineering Technician III 0 Engineering Technician Supervisor 1 Environmental Services Director 1 Executive Director/HRA 1 Facilities Manger 1 Financial Assistance Specialist 0 Financial Worker 3 GIS Specialist 1 Heavy Equipment Operator/Maintenance Worker II 9 Highway Accountant/Administrative Assistant 1 Highway Clerk 0 9

Highway Engineer 1 Housing Specialist 2 Human Resources Director 1 Human Resources Specialist/Administrative Assistant 1 Human Services Director 1 Human Services Fiscal Supervisor 1 Income Maintenance Supervisor 0 Information Technology Systems Technician 2 IT Administrator 1 Lead Social Worker 1 Legal Secretary/Office Manager 1 Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker 1 Maintenance Supervisor 1 Mechanic I 1 Mechanic II 1 Office Manager Extension 1 Office Support Specialist -Human Services 2 Property Records Specialists/Torrens/Abstracting 2 Property Tax Specialist 1 Recorder (Elected) 1 Records Specialist Sheriff 1 Senior Information Specialist 1 Sign Technician 1 Social Services Supervisor 1 Social Worker 7 STS Coordinator 1 Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) Number of Incumbents in Title Position Assistant Technician 1 District Administrator 1 District Technician 1 Education & Promotions Coordinator.5 Office Manager 1 10

Appendix B THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN PROVIDING SERVICES TO STEVENS COUNTY Proposal for Analysis of Employee Classification and Compensation Study agrees to provide Stevens County with professional consulting services and we will provide the following (provide an itemized list below pursuant to Section V(C)): Itemized Listing of Services: Total (Not to Exceed) Addendum Cost (Section IV) $ $ Along with this proposal we have included background information about our firm, references, project schedule, cost and pricing analysis and project overview. Signature Date 11