Feeding a growing world and protecting its natural resources

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Feeding a growing world and protecting its natural resources EU Parliamentary Hearing Food security in developing countries 4 October 2011 William Murray FAO

The Challenge 925 million people go hungry every day Increase food production 70% globally - 100% in developing countries Green Revolution increased production - not sustainable or suffficient New challenges include climate change Smallholder systems (<2 ha) 80% of food and farmland Reversing the decline in investment in agriculture

Intensifying crop production sustainably Recognized need for an ecosystem approach IFAD, IAASTD, UK Foresight Report, STOA project Three key principles enhance productivity and profitability increase resource use efficiency reduce external inputs agro-ecological sustainability SAVE and GROW collection of proven policies and practices


Conservation Agriculture (CA) Continuous minimum mechanical soil disturbance Permanent organic soil cover Diversified crop rotations Total area CA: 105 million ha Fuel reduction: - 40 to 70% Biological processes replacing functions of continental, dry Canada 13 large scale temperate, moist USA 27 Europe 0.5 machinery: - 50% large scale Asia 3.3 continental, dry China 1.3 smallholder arid pesticides: - 20% irrigated Africa 0.5 tropical savannah smallholder large scale Brazil 26 tropical savannah smallholder Paraguay 2.4 temperate, moist Argentina 20 large scale subtropical, dry large scale fertilizer: - 30-50% application into crop residues Australia 17 arid large scale Derpsch & Friedrich, 2008

Conservation and use of plant genetic resources Strengthen plant breeding capabilities and conservation programmes Quality seed of adapted varieties - biodiversity boosts food production 50% of yield increases more efficient use of inputs water, fertilizer and pesticides essential for climate change adaptation

Conservation and use of plant genetic resources Effective seeds systems that link research and variety development targeted to farmer needs local seed production enterprises timely availability of quality seeds to farmers

Water management more crop per drop Irrigated agriculture uses 70% of fresh water provides 40% food crops on 20% of crop land More efficient use reduce waste intermittent irrigation of rice supplemental irrigation drip irrigation control to users

Implementing ecosystem Four Key Factors approaches 1. Adapted to local conditions/needs 2. Knowledge intensive promotes innovation 3. Consider the full food value chain 40% of food lost or wasted 4. Enabling policy environment and supporting institutions

Experience in West Africa Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso and Benin Practice Before IPPM After IPPM Seeds Not quantified 20% to 25% of what was used previously Chemical fertilizers (NPK + Urea) up to 400 kg /ha 150 kg / ha Pesticides none none Use of rice straw sold in Niger markets buried prior to transplanting Yields 2.3 t/ha 5.6 t/ha Yield Difference: Fertilizers: Net benefit: Total benefit to polder: Ave. cost of IPPM Programme in Benin: +3.3 T/ha decrease of 250 kg/ha $1,190 / ha $476,000 per annum $382,000 per annum

The way forward Need for increased investment in agriculture and rural development Convergence of FAO Strategic Objectives - EU Policy Framework Save and Grow one means to transform policy into action

The way forward working together Europe source of knowledge, innovation and technologies assist countries to grow more food sustainably while protecting and enhancing natural resources FAO global reach, knowledge networks, convening power transfer knowledge and technologies adapted to the needs of developing countries

The way forward working together Agricultural development is critical alleviating hunger and poverty reduces conflicts achieving MDG.1 halve the number of hungry by 2015 Save and Grow paradigm brings together proven approaches and strategies assist FAO member countries achieve their development goals and European countries to achieve their strategic goals