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New Herbicides for Home Lawns March 4, 2003

NCSU Turf Website

Experimental Herbicides foramsulfuron Bayer rimsulfuron Griffin sulfosulfuron Monsanto trifloxysulfuron Syngenta Flazasulfuron ISK Biotech Velocity - Valent

New Herbicide foramsulfuron Bayer Trade Name - Revolver

New Herbicide Carfentrazone - FMC Trade Name - Quicksilver

Foramsulfuron - Revolver Weeds Controlled: Perennial ryegrass, Poa annua, goosegrass, Maybe: Dallisgrass????

Trifloxysulfuron - Monument Weeds Controlled: Yellow nutsedge, purple nutsedge, green kyllinga, Poa annua, Perennial ryegrass, dollarweed, Virginia buttonweed

New Registered Herbicides TranXit Griffin rimsulfuron Speed Zone PBI Gordon Mixture of 2,4-D. MCPP, dicamba, and carfentrazone

New Registered Herbicides Speed Zone St. Augustine PBI Gordon Mixture of 2,4-D. MCPP, dicamba, and carfentrazone Power Zone PBI Gordon Mixture of MCPA, MCPP, dicamba, and carfentrazone

New Registered Herbicides Manor 60 DF (metsulfuron) Corsair 75 DG (chlorsulfuron) Lontrel (clopyralid) Coolpower (MCPA, triclopyr, and dicamba ester) Horsepower (MCPA, triclopyr, and dicamba amine) Millenium Ultra (2,4-D, clopyralid, and dicamba)

Rimsulfuron (Tranxit) Sulfonylurea developed by Griffin LLC Use rate (WG): 1-2 oz prod / acre Currently available Phytotoxic to cool season turf species Good tolerance level to most warm season turf species

Rimsulfuron (cont.) Applications include: POST Poa annua control in non-overseeded turf Transition in spring from overseeded perennial ryegrass to bermudagrass

Bentgrass Tolerance to Tranxit

Speed Zone Herbicide developed by PBI Gordon Mixture containing 2,4-D, MCPP, dicamba, and carfentrazone (contains 28.6% 2,4-D) available in Spring 2002 Registered for cool season turf species, bermudagrass, and zoysiagrass

Speed Zone (cont.) Applications include: POST control of perennial and annual broadleaf weeds

Speed Zone St. Augustine Herbicide developed by PBI Gordon Mixture containing 2,4-D, MCPP, dicamba, and carfentrazone (contains only 10.5% 2,4-D) available in Spring 2002

Speed Zone St. Augustine (cont.) Registered for: cool season turf species Bahiagrass bermudagrass Buffalograss Centipedegrass Kikuyugrass Seashore Paspalum St. Augustinegrass Zoysiagrass

Speed Zone St. Augustine (cont.) Applications include: POST control of perennial and annual broadleaf weeds

Power Zone Herbicide developed by PBI Gordon Mixture containing MCPA, MCPP, dicamba, and carfentrazone available in Spring 2002

Power Zone (cont.) Registered for: cool season turf species Bermudagrass Zoysiagrass

% Control White Clover Control 100 89 97 96 80 60 40 71 66 49 Speed Zone 4 pt Speed Zone 5 pt Confront 1 pt 20 0 2 WAT 5 WAT Rates are product per acre applied 4-24-01. Clover was 1-3 trifoliate at application. NCSU University Club, 2001

% Control White Clover Control 100 95 96 80 60 40 20 53 70 74 49 28 65 Speed Zone St. Aug 4.5 pt Speed Zone St. Aug 5.5 pt Power Zone 4 pt Confront 1 pt 0 2 WAT 5 WAT Rates are product per acre applied 4-24-01. Clover was 1-3 trifoliate at application. NCSU University Club, 2001

% Control White Clover Control 100 96 80 60 40 20 53 70 49 28 65 Speed Zone St. Aug 4.5 pt Speed Zone St. Aug 5.5 pt Confront 1 pt 0 2 WAT 5 WAT Rates are product per acre applied 4-24-01. Clover was 1-3 trifoliate at application. NCSU University Club, 2001

Revolver Sulfonylurea developed by Bayer Use rate (L): 4 26 fl oz prod / acre Registered Winter 2003 Phytotoxic to cool season turf species Good tolerance to most warm season turf species

Turfgrass Tolerance to Foramsulfuron Common bermudagrass Tifsport bermudagrass Tifway bermudagrass Highly Tolerant El Toro zoysiagrass Raleigh St. Augustinegrass Moderately Common centipedegrass Susceptible

Foramsulfuron 56 fl oz x 2 on El Toro Zoysiagrass 2 WAIT 8 WAIT

% Control Poa annua Control in Non- Overseeded Bermudagrass 100 97 98 98 89 80 60 40 38 54 56 69 for 18 fl oz for 36 fl oz for 54 fl oz Roundup Pro 1 qt 20 0 0 0 0 0 3 WAT 6 WAT 10 WAT Rates are product per acre applied 12-18-01. Poa annua was 0-2 tiller at application. Quail Ridge, 2001

% Control Poa annua Control in Non- Overseeded Bermudagrass 100 80 60 40 53 51 59 84 99 98 100 100 for 18 fl oz for 36 fl oz for 54 fl oz Roundup Pro 1 qt 20 0 0 0 0 10 2 WAT 4 WAT 8 WAT Rates are product per acre applied 3-14-01. Poa annua was 3-8 tiller w/ seedheads at application. Quail Ridge, 2001


Foramsulfuron 18 fl oz/a

Roundup Pro 1 qt/a

% Control Perennial Ryegrass Control for Transition 100 86 89 100 100 85 80 60 40 20 49 58 55 50 40 23 10 9 60 45 for 9 fl oz for 18 fl oz for 28 fl oz Manor.5 oz Kerb.5 lb ai 0 2 WAT 4 WAT 8 WAT Rates are per acre applied 5-7-01. Prestonwood CC, 2001

Foramsulfuron 9 fl oz/a Foramsulfuron 18 fl oz/a 3 WAT

Foramsulfuron 28 fl oz/a Manor.5 oz/a 3 WAT

Kerb.5 lb ai/a Nontreated 3 WAT

Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne)

% Control Clumpy Ryegrass Control 100 80 60 40 34 80 83 74 88 95 95 93 for 4 fl oz for 9 fl oz for 18 fl oz Manor 1 oz 20 0 0 0 0 0 2 WAT 4 WAT 6 WAT Rates are per acre applied 7-13-01.

And very phytotoxic to perennial ryegrass Metsulfuron is highly water soluble

Cool Power 3.6 EC Ester formulation of MCPA, triclopyr, and dicamba MCPA 56 % (3.0 lbs/gal) triclopyr 5 % (0.3 lbs/gal) dicamba 3.6 % (0.3 lbs/gal)

Cool Power 3.6 EC For use on golf courses (fairways, aprons, tees, and roughs), parks, roadsides, and noncrop areas Use rates - 2.5 3.5 pints/acre

Cool Power 3.6 EC Species controlled: Dandelion Chickweed Plantain Oxalis Spurge

Cool Power 3.6 EC Tolerant turf species: Bahiagrass Bentgrass (excluding greens and tees) Bermudagrass Bluegrass Fine fescue Ryegrass Zoysiagrass

Cool Power 3.6 EC Other concerns: Ester formulations have better herbicidal activity but are also more volatile Care should be taken when mixing ester formulations in cold water or certain nitrogen sources

Horsepower 4.5 EC Amine formulation of MCPA, triclopyr, and dicamba MCPA 49 % (3.8 lbs/gal) triclopyr 5.6 % (0.38 lbs/gal) dicamba 4.8 % (0.38 lbs/gal)

Horsepower 4.5 EC For use on golf courses (fairways, aprons, tees, and roughs), parks, roadsides, and noncrop areas Use rates - 2 3 pints/acre

Horsepower 4.5 EC Species controlled: Dandelion Chickweed Clover Plantain Oxalis Spurge

Horsepower 4.5 EC Tolerant turf species: Bahiagrass Bentgrass (excluding greens and tees) Bermudagrass Bluegrass Fine fescue Ryegrass Zoysiagrass

Horsepower 4.5 EC Other concerns: Less volatile than ester formulations and is safer to use in warm weather Easier to mix than ester formulations