SEPP (Waters) Review. Veronica Lanigan & Sally Lock

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SEPP (Waters) Review Veronica Lanigan & Sally Lock This is a placeholder image. To replace either right click and select change picture or insert a new picture via the insert menu and crop to size. 9/08/2016 1

SEPP (Waters) Review There are two critical aspects to state environment protection policies (SEPPs) for water. They: set in statutory policy the environmental objectives and indicators ( the numbers ) required to protect different beneficial uses for different water environments; and establish the framework or set rules/obligations for managing the impacts of different activities on water quality, known as the attainment program and implementation plan. The current policies are over 10 years old the review will combine into a single policy: SEPP (Groundwaters of Victoria) ( GoV ); SEPP (Waters of Victoria) ( WoV ); and the schedules to these policies. 2

Roles and Responsibilities Governor in Council Legally responsible for declaring or varying a State Environment Protection Policy on the recommendation of the EPA Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change responsible Minister for administration of the Environment Protection Act 1970. Chairman, Environment Protection Authority Legally responsible for recommending that the Governor in Council, via the responsible Minister, declare or vary a State Environment Protection Policy. Secretary, DELWP DELWP is responsible for leading the review. Stakeholder Reference Committee Established June 2015 Key stakeholder and organisation representation Discuss and provide advice on complex issues Help guide public consultation process DELWP - Water and Catchments Integrated Water & Catchments (Chair) DELWP - SEPP Project Team Lead review / project administration Scope of Policy and PIA S/h management and engagement Alignment with other policy areas Project Control Board Policy, Governance & Legislation Division EPA - Knowledge, Standards & Assessment Water SEPP Project Management EPA Lead Science Program Technical oversight Ensure consistency with regulatory functions DELWP - Land, Fire & Environment (observer) DELWP P,G & L Division Lead urban policy reforms Science Advisory Panel established Oct 2014 6 scientists and academics, with recognised expertise in aquatic environmental science Guide and provide expert advice on the development of environmental water quality indicators and objectives Internal Review Committee (established Oct 2014) Interdepartmental/agency representation (DELWP, DEDJTR, EPA and DHHS) Ensure policy coordination between the SEPP (Waters) team and other areas within portfolio Test strategic directions papers (which in turn will inform Discussion Starter, Policy and PIA) 3

Key stages in SEPP (Waters) Review Including community and stakeholder involvement April 2015 June 2015 Initiate Review Formal trigger and release of Discussion Starter Release of Draft Policy and PIA for public comment Initiate process to declare/ vary Policy Letter from Deputy Secretary Water and Catchments to key stakeholders notifying them of the review. Request nominations for Stakeholder Reference Committee membership. Information brochure uploaded on DELWP and EPA websites. Stakeholder Reference Committee appointed and first meeting held. Legal requirement for EPA Chairman to publish notice of intention to declare or vary a Policy (referred to as trigger) section 18A(2)(a) of Environment Protection Act 1970. Released Discussion Starter which outlined scope and intent of review. Called for submissions/ registration of interest in the review. Legal requirement for EPA Chairman to publish notice of preparation of the Draft Policy, and release of Draft Policy and Policy Impact Assessment (PIA) section 18A(2)(f)) of Environment Protection Act 1970. Minimum of three month period of time in which submissions can be received. Range of stakeholder and public meetings to be held. Final Policy and PIA recommended to Governor in Council for consideration - section 18A(3)(c)) of Environment Protection Act 1970. Final Policy subject to SARC scrutiny and disallowance by Parliament. Before recommendation can be made all submissions need to be considered and written notice provided to each person who made a submission. 4

Building blocks of SEPP (Waters) Why? Where? What? How? Policy title, scope, objects and principles Policy Area Segments Beneficial uses Environmental quality indicators and objectives Attainment program Implementation Plan Protect and improve the quality of Victoria s waters in a manner that enables economic and social development. All Victorian inland waters (rivers, streams, lakes and wetlands), estuaries, marine waters and groundwater. Spatial representation acknowledging natural WQ variability of different areas Beneficial uses are those uses and values of water environments that communities want to protect now and in the future. BUs will be set at segment and subsegment scale. Not all BUs will be protected in all segments. Measured environmental parameters set at levels to protect different beneficial uses. For example, nitrogen level, E.coli level, turbidity, presence and abundance of macroinvertebrates. Detailed set of expectations/ rules & obligations for a range of activities that impact on water quality.. Key actions to achieve the SEPP objectives- Time lined, resources identified, accountability 5

Beneficial Uses Why? Where? What? Policy title, scope, objects and principles Policy Area Segments Beneficial uses Beneficial Uses Aquatic ecosystems / Maintenance of ecosystems where groundwater discharges to surface waters Primary contact recreation Secondary contact recreation Aesthetic enjoyment Indigenous cultural and spiritual values Non-indigenous cultural and spiritual values Potable mineral water supply Agriculture and irrigation /agriculture, parks and gardens Stock watering Aquaculture Industrial and commercial use Fish, crustacea and molluscs for human consumption Buildings and structures Challenges Refine list of BUs consolidate BUs from SEPP (GoV), SEPP (WoV) and schedules Use existing data to inform distribution of BUs across segments and sub-segments 6

Attainment Program Why? Where? What? How? Policy title, scope, objects and principles Policy Area Segments Beneficial uses Environmental quality indicators and objectives Attainment program Attainment Program - detailed set of expectations / rules for a range of activities that impact on water quality. For example, permitted activities (discharge to water), WQ requirements for point sources (stormwater/ irrigation) and diffuse sources (agriculture, forestry). Typically include guidance, management controls and methods to be followed to achieve the policy objectives- environment protection. Attainment clauses collectively make up the program by which environmental quality objectives are to be collectively achieved or attained. Revised attainment program will focus on: outcomes rather than how Being enabling versus prescriptive 7

Attainment Program review Why? Where? What? How? Policy title, scope, objects and principles Policy Area Segments Beneficial uses Environmental quality indicators and objectives Attainment program Review of attainment clauses major work for the review o o o o Permitted activities (i.e. licensed point source discharges) EPA Other point source pollution (stormwater) DELWP Diffuse sources of pollution DELWP Groundwater (i.e. SEPP GoV) EPA 8

Priority clauses Clause 24 regional target setting Clause 26 off-set measures Clause 31 m ment of wastewater reuse & recycling Clause 32 on-site domestic wastewater m ment Clause 35 sewerage management 9

Implementation arrangements Why? Where? What? How? Policy title, scope, objects and principles Policy Area Segments Beneficial uses Environmental quality indicators and objectives Attainment program Implementation arrangements Implementation Plans In addition to policy Implementation plan will identify a number of key actions required to ensure SEPP (Waters) does what it is mean to do. For example, if guidance notes need to be developed or how a monitoring and assessment program will be coordinated across agencies Accountability/resources/time lined. Opportunity to develop more detailed planning based for spatial area (catchment) or on a particular issue (agriculture). 10

Clauses of interest 11

Clause 24 Regional Target Setting- Vehicle to protect & improve river health Regional waterway management plans 12

Water Quality Improvement Plans (WQIP) SEPP non-compliance with objectives State driven planning in priority areas 13

Clauses 32, 33, 34 Onsite Domestic wastewater m ment VAGO ODWM plans WC long term wastewater planning 14

Legislative reform EPA Independent Inquiry EP Act review Revoke vary or amend permits Local Government Act Cost recovery and enforcement of upgrades 15

Questions Any general Questions on the review 16