The Fall of France and the Creation of the German Empire. How did Bismarck do it?

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The Fall of France and the Creation of the German Empire How did Bismarck do it?

Sedan September 1 1870- Napoleon III is captured, Empress Eugenie flees to England and yet the war did not end Government of National Defence is created in Paris to continue the war but this was met with hostility by many Parisians and other groups throughout France Prussia besieges Paris and all hope of a cheap peace had washed away with the Paris Commune and the various uprisings throughout France The longer this went on, the longer the chance for allies of France to arrive

Realpolitik at work again Bismarck attempted peace negotiations with Napoleon III and the National Government (Thiers) behind the Prussian generals backs There is an issue about the key issue stalling peace- was it the generals who wished to annihilate the French or was it Bismarck who insisted on the acquisition of Alsace and Lorraine to be incorporated into the German Empire This of course will fuel French desire for revenge come 1914 But- historians have questioned whether Bismarck was pressured by popular nationalism/military pressure or whether he manipulated the press to make it seem like this was a demand from the people

Alsace and Lorraine Good Advice is Costly The caption reads: Bismarck (leading Alsace and Lorraine): Dear Reichstag, we have the two lads back again, but now tell me where and how we should accommodate them! While Bavaria would have happily taken over custodianship of the two provinces seized from France in 1871, this cartoon correctly foresees a struggle for authority between Germania (representing Germany s martial origins) and the Reichstag, whose members saw an opportunity to import newer, liberal traditions into the governance of the territories.

The Unification of Kleindeutschland Consequence of growing diplomatic and military uncertainties rather than the main object of war The war a sudden blessed opportunity to complete the work of national unification which he had feared would remain unfinished for years to come - Hamerow 1972 After Sedan the southern states did not experience a massive nationalist upsurgehowever Bavaria and Wurttemberg recognized that with French-Prussian hostility being independent meant isolation September 1870 Bavaria agreed to join the NGC (King Ludwig was slightly tricked) November 1870 the rest of the south

The Unification of Kleindeutschland January 1871 legislation passed in the southern governments and the NGC However the Progressive Liberals wished for a more liberal German constitution and the National Liberals were concerned about the concessions made to the southern states However there was still the issue with Wilhelm- the crown of Germany must come from the princes not the government (sound familiar?) The princes all agreed to meet at Versailles (Ludwig was bribed), Wilhelm I was given the crown of the new German Empire January 18 1871 in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles

The Armistice and Treaty of Frankfurt While the government exercises were occurring the Prussian army was still fighting in France- against French partisans Mid January Paris was ready to fall and Bismarck skillfully received the powers to negotiate exclusively with Thiers and the French- surrender and Germany recognizes Thiers and his Republican government as the official government of France The treaty- Alsace and Lorraine, 5 billion Franc reparations, Eastern occupation by German forces 1866 Treaty was one of moderation- Frankfurt 1871 was Draconian

Historical Judgement Arbitrary annexation of Alsace and Lorraine, unlegitimized by referenda- Only cemented the hatred it was supposed to be the consequence of Bismarck- 1866- no need to be harsh against Austria in order to keep them possibly on Prussia s side in the future Bismarck 1871- an enemy whose honest friendship can never be won, must at least be rendered somewhat less harmful Lothar Gall 1970- the annexation of Alsace and Lorraine was a miscalculation of great consequence

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