Dependency Graph and Metrics for Defects Prediction

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1 The Research Bulletin of Jordan ACM, Volume II(III) P a g e 115 Dependency Graph and Metrics for Defects Prediction Hesham Abandah JUST University Jordan-Irbid Izzat Alsmadi Yarmouk University Jordan-Irbid ABSTRACT Software defects prediction was introduced to support development and maintenance activities and improve the software quality. Reliable defect predictors can significantly optimize the utilization of software projects resources and increase customers confidence in the developed software products. In this paper, three different classifiers (LMT, SMO and J48) are used to study the relations between dependency collected metrics and bugs collected for the software under study. ANT open source software is used in this case study. The selection of this open source was relation to the availability of source code and bug reports. Results varied between the three classifiers and showed J48 to be the best classifier in terms of predicating such correlation between dependency metrics and defects. In general the three classifiers showed that there is a high significant correlation between proposed and evaluated dependency metrics and software defects which showed that they can be used as important early predictors for the software quality in general. Author Keywords Software quality, software testing, coupling metrics, dependency metrics, call-graph, defects prediction. ACM Classification Keywords D.2.8 Software Engineering: Metrics: Product metrics. General Terms Software Engineering; Metrics; Product metrics. 1. INTRODUCTION For software project management, the ability to predict software quality is important for current and future activities. It is important to plan evaluation and testing for requirements, design, implementation and testing in the lifetime of the project. Further, it can help in planning future software maintenance and evolution activities after the release of the software. Software metrics are used to collect information related to one or more software attributes with the goal of evaluating such software. Software metrics can be related to the software product, development process, management activities, etc. For software products in particular, several aspects related to the software can be assessed. Tools can be used to collect such information automatically with the least effort and time from the users side. Those metrics are usually collected from the software design or code. There are important aspects for quality assurance and auditing. Call graph and dependency metrics give indication of the connectivity and the complexity of the software components interactions. While such interactions are necessary and without such interactions, software will not be able to perform its intended tasks; nevertheless, the large number of connections between software components can be a main factor for causing its complexity. Such complexity can be eventually a major contributor to the difficulty to maintain, extend or reuse such software. The rest of the paper is organized as the following: The next section involves a literature review for some related papers. Section three describes the methodology to develop call graph based metric tool and then based on ANT 1.7 open source code and bugs, study relation with bugs. Section four includes analysis and evaluation, section five includes experiments and the paper is concluded in section six. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW In this literature survey section, we will list several examples of research papers in two sections. In the first one, we will list examples of papers discussed the proposal and evaluation of dependency or call graph metrics in software products evaluation. The second section is in relation with using one or more software products aspects for defects prediction. Several research papers tried to develop metrics based on call graphs and derive dependency metrics, especially code metrics and size metrics. Values of such metrics are usually assessed based on defects prediction. Many researchers studied software modeling and found that modeling techniques were grouped into mainly two categories: Graphical modeling techniques that use a diagram with d symbols to represent the components and arcs that connect the symbols and represent the relationships and other notations to represent the constrains. Textual modeling techniques used a standardized notations and keywords to represent software components. The researchers in [2] considered the process of extracting call dependencies as one of the most important steps in software reengineering. They developed a tool for call graph extraction based on OINK framework. The researchers in [6] made an enhancement for the hierarchical edge bundling (HEB) technique to be used as a candidate visualization technique in their framework. An experiment is conducted to compare their enhancement (HEB) and Tulip graph visualization framework. Several large systems (Bison, Mozilla Firefox, and OINK) are analyzed to conclude with the differences between the two visualization

2 The Research Bulletin of Jordan ACM, Volume II(III) P a g e 116 techniques. The results showed that (HEB) scheme performs better in typical comprehension tasks involving. The researchers in [3] introduced a new framework for call graph construction to be used for program analyses. They chose (ASM and Soot) as byte code readers for their environment to store information about the structure of the codes such as: classes, methods, files, and statements. As a next step in the proposed framework three algorithms have been implemented for call graph construction (CHA, RTA and CTA). Finally the authors concluded with an experimental study on a variety of source code programs in order to compare the two byte code readers. [3] The second section of related papers include references to papers used one or more software aspects for faults prediction. A number of approaches have been deployed for defect prediction, which they depend on different criteria and information. Some researchers turn to finding bugs in software code by analyzing the source code for that software and estimating its complexity. This approach is based on extracting specific metrics from source code, then use these metrics to decide which part (e.g. module) of the software code that is likely to be defected. On the other hand, other researchers prefer to use the system history to decide which part of them has a large probability to be defected. This is especially useful when the application has many releases. Research papers showed that the system history is more accurate for predicting defected parts of the system in comparison with code complexity. For these reasons other studies drawn that support the two approaches together and use them both in finding systems bugs. The researchers in [4] used decision tree learners to compare the influence of different metrics used in defect prediction and predicting defects densities. They collected the data needed (i.e. source code metrics and bug reports) in the experiment from seven versions of Mozilla open source code. They applied J48 algorithm in WEKA data miner on the data set, and based on different experiments data and constraints to formulate defects prediction hypotheses, they concluded that a simple tree learner can produce good results with various sets of input data, and in finding underlying roles for defect prediction. The researchers in [5] used code churn measures to introduce a new technique for prediction of defects density. The idea was drawn with a hypothesis that was based on the assumption that the code may evolve many times in the prerelease version then it will have a major chance to be defected in the post release. The authors conducted an experiment on W2K3 release and the release of W2K3 service pack and showed that code churn is a good defect predictor. They found out that the increase of the code churn measures leads to an increase on the defect density in any software. They conclude that their metrics set: LOC churned, Deleted LOC, Files churned, Churn count, Weeks of churn, churn count, and files count can report if a part of the system are defected or not with accuracy of 89 %. Software developers aim to evaluate the software in terms quality before delivering it to customers to predict possible future bugs or defects especially for critical systems that should be as free of such bugs and defects as possible. In [7, 8] researchers used CGBR metric to evaluate the ability of software metrics to predict faults. They used a case study of software from a local company and their results showed that false alarms in prediction of defects using this metric can be reduced. In one more paper [9] their results based on large software for a telecommunication company that 70% of the defects could be detected by inspecting only 3% of the code. 3. METHODOLOGY We developed a tool to build dynamically dependency graphs based on calls between the different code classes. [1] 4. ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION After refining the generated CSV file that represents the data set of our research with bug attribute then it will be ready to analyze and evaluate using tool WEKA as data miner tool. At this study we apply the following classifier algorithms such as J48 algorithm, Logistic Model Trees (LMT) Algorithm and Support Vector Machine Algorithm (SMO) classifier. The decision tree algorithm was chosen since we want to look at classifiers that were easy to understand, so we could see how valid the correlation between call graphs based metrics and bug. 4.1 Evaluation Measures Table 1 shows the source code metrics that are collected for the ANT project. Metric Metric Matrix Type LOC Fan In Fan Out CGBR # of executable and non-commented line code for each function # of callee function list # of called function list (1 d) + d * i CGBR(Ti) C(Ti) IFC IFC(M) = LOC(M) + [fan-in(m) x fan-out(m)] 2 Table 1. Call graph based matrices measurements [1] The five metrics we use at this research are related to size of the software or related to coupling and dependency between the components and functions of the application under investigation. LOC metric value represents the number of executable and non-commented lines of code. FanIn metric value for such function represents the number of function calling a given function. FanOut metric value for such function represents the number of function being called by a given function. CGBR metric is an abbreviation

3 The Research Bulletin of Jordan ACM, Volume II(III) P a g e 117 to call graph based ranking and proposed by [7, 8]. This metric depends on the page ranking algorithm that used by almost of the search engines, where the ranking methodology is adopted to functions of the software. This metric hypothesis that more frequently used functions and less used modules should have different defects and bugs characteristic. IFC metric is abbreviated to information flow complexity (IFC) and represents the measurement of the total level of information flow of given function. 4.2 Principle Component Analysis using SPSS The purpose of this analysis is to show how metrics in developed tool correlate to each other. Table (2) described PCA analysis for call graph based metrics in developed tool results in 2 orthogonal dimension components were identified from 5 call graph based metrics that have Eigen value more than 1. According to this, medium redundancy presented among these measures. In the Table 4.2, Eigen values, the variance of the data set explained by the PC (in percent), and the cumulative variance are provided for each PC. Values above 0.6 are set in boldface. The 2 PCs capture % of the variance in the data set. Component 1 2 Eigen value % of Variance Cumulative % CGBR LOC IFC FanIn FanOut Table 2. Rotated Component Matrix for developed tool The PCs are interpreted as follows: PC1: CBGR, LOC, FanIn, and FanOut are coupling and size metrics. We have size and coupling metrics in this dimension. This shows that there are classes with high internal methods (methods defined in the class) and external methods (methods called by the class). This means coupling is related to number of methods and attributes in the class. PC2: IFC measure the total level of information flow of a module and reflect the degree of flow complexity among classes. 5. EXPERMENTS At the first step, we collect the source code for the application of the study, ANT 1.7. We enter the source code for the application to a developed C# tool in order to generate call graph model for it. After that, the developed tool computes the desired metrics for each function extracted. Then compute the same metrics to classes and output the results into CSV file that represent the data set to be tested. The next step is refining the data set with bug report related to each application under investigation. Finally, evaluate the value of the metrics in terms bug and defect detection. The format of the data set should be ARRF file, since the classifier algorithms such as J48 algorithm and M5P algorithm accepts only the files with that format. The accuracy is calculated with ten-fold cross validation. The attributes of the file listed in the figure (1) Figure 1. Attributes of the data set The attribute bug is classified into three categories based on the number of bugs for each class. Table (3) illustration the all types of bugs. Bug Categories Two Three 5.1 Experimental Results Metric Matrix VL == 0 errors / L == 1 error / M == 2 errors / H == 3 errors / VH == > 3 error L == 0 errors / M == 1-2 errors / H == > 2 errors False == no errors / True == exist errors Table 3. Categories of bugs The results of experiments show that there is an obvious correlation between the call graph based metrics and the bug and defects of the application. Table (4) will summarize all the result of the experiment. Bug Category Category Category Category Two Three % % % Table 4. Summary of the experiments results in terms of bug categories

4 The Research Bulletin of Jordan ACM, Volume II(III) P a g e 118 As we show in the figure (2) that correlation between bug and the desired software metrics will be high when we split the bug class into small number of categories, like category three that split the bug class into two categories. So we take category three as criteria to compare the J48 classifier on the applications under investigation output to other classifier output such as Logistic Model Trees (LMT) classifier and Support Vector Machine Algorithm (SMO) classifier % 75.00% 74.00% 73.00% 72.00% Figure 2. Summary of the experiments results in terms of bug categories As we show in the Table (5) and figure (3) the results of three classifier algorithm are approximately have similar values, where that leads us to conclude that correlation is very high between the call graph metrics and bugs of the application under investigation. Classifier algorithm J84 LMT SMO % `% % Table 5. Summary of the experiments result in terms of algorithm types % 80.00% 60.00% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% Category 74.51% 73.54% Category Category Two Three 75.65% J84 LMT SMO Figure 3. Summary of the experiments result in terms of algorithm types Finally, we make some normalization to our data set by excluding the non public functions such as private and protected functions from the computation of the call graph metrics for the applications under investigation, and we list the results of analysis at Table (6) Classifier algorithm J84 LMT SMO % % % Table 6. Summary of the experimental results of data set excluding non-public functions As we show in the Table (6) and figure (4) the results of three classifier algorithm are approximately have similar values, where that leads us to conclude that correlation is very high between the call graph metrics that computed without non public functions and bugs of the application under investigation % 80.00% 60.00% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% Figure 4. Summary of the experiments results of data set excluding non-public functions After studying the results in Table (5) and results in Table (6), we show that the percentage of the proposed correlation between call graph based metrics and bugs in software design is raised up when the J48 classifier algorithm is used. 6. CONCLUSION J84 LMT SMO Coupling metrics can be significant indicators on the complexity of the software products. They indicate the level of interaction between software components. In software maintenance and software quality, techniques are used to predict software quality using current software products, tools or samples of those products. The goal is to be able to predict quality of the developed software with the least amount of possible human effort.

5 The Research Bulletin of Jordan ACM, Volume II(III) P a g e 119 In this paper, we used the information collected from several code coupling or dependency metrics to evaluate their correlation with software defects and hence their ability to predict the current or future existence of those defects. ANT open source code is used for the evaluation study. Both metrics and bug reports are collected automatically based on a locally developed tool. Results showed a significant correlation between evaluated metrics and software bugs. Given that the whole process is automated, those techniques can provide important assets for quality assurance and auditing. References 1. Abandah, H. and Alsmadi I., Call Graph Based Metrics To Evaluate Software Design Quality, International Journal of Software Engineering and Its s IJSEIA, Bohnet, J., and Döllner, J. (2006). Visual exploration of function call graphs for feature location in complex software systems. Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Software visualization SoftVis 06, Vol. 1, pp ACM Press. Retrieved from Honar, E. and Jahromi, M., (2010). A Framework for Call Graph Construction, Student thesis At School of Computer Science, Physics and Mathematics 4. Knab, P, Pinzger, M and Bernstein, A. (2006). Predicting defect densities in source code files with decision tree learners. Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Mining software repositories, May 22-23, 2006, Shanghai, China [doi> / ] 5. Nagappan, N., Ball, T., (2005), Use of relative code churn measures to predict system defect density, Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Software engineering, pp: , May 15-21, 2005, St. Louis, MO, USA [doi> / ] 6. Telea, A., Hoogendorp, H., Ersoy, O., and Reniers, D. (2009). Extraction and visualization of call dependencies for large C/C++ code bases: A comparative study th IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis, pp: IEEE. Retrieved from rnumber= Turhan, B., and Bener, A. (2008). Data sampling for cross company defect predictors, Technical Report, Computer Engineering, Bogazici University. 8. Turhan, B., and Bener, A. (2007). A multivariate analysis of static code attributes for defect prediction. Quality software, QSIC 07. In Seventh international conference (pp ). 9. Turhan, B., Gozde K., and Bener, A. Data mining source code for locating software bugs: A case study in telecommunication industry, Expert Systems with s 36 (2009)

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