Database instructions csv-upload Feed monitoring test results

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1 csv-upload Feed monitoring test results

2 Index 1 Introduction Style sheet csv-file File contents Annexes Codes of the sub-parameters (column H, CAS number) and terms except for pesticide residues Codes of the sub-parameters (column H, CAS number) and terms for pesticide residues Pesticide residues (Code: QS-F-004) Pesticide residues: cereal grain (Code: QS-F-016) Pesticide residues: tubers and roots (Code: QS-F-017) Pesticide residues: oilseeds and oil fruits (Code: QS-F-018) Pesticide residues: Whole grain cereals EGM (Code: QS-F-021) Pesticide residues: feed fats (Code: QS-F-022) (Code: QS-F-019) Page 2 of 37

3 1 Introduction In addition to the possibility to manually enter test results of feed samples into the database, the information can also be transferred by a csv-file (Upload). 2 Style sheet csv-file To upload test results, a style sheet can be downloaded from the database website under the menu item support. The following points must be regarded while editing the style sheet: The style sheet is based on an Excel file. The table elements must be formatted as text During the entering and editing of data, the file can be saved in Excel-format (ending.xls behind the filename). The final file for the upload has to be saved in csv-format (ending.csv behind the filename) All columns of the style sheet must be maintained for uploading, even though they are not (must not) be filled. A separate line has to be entered for every examined sub-parameter. Some values and data will be checked by a plausibility check. If they are not correct, an error massage will be displayed. If Klärung erforderlich (clarification is necessary) is entered for a sub-parameter in consultation with the client, the table element Ergebniswert (result value) will be ignored. The same applies to the table element Ergebnisvorlage (result template) when there is a result from a secondary analysis. Analysis range: a value entered without a percentage sign will be interpreted as an absolute value (+/-). A value that is entered together with a percentage sign is interpreted as the percentage-range (+/-) of the measurement. When the laboratory uploads the data records as a csv-file into the database, the entry under "Weitergeben" (pass forward) determines whether the data are saved with the status Analyse abgeschlossen (analysis completed) or whether they can still be edited. Data with the status analysis completed can be looked at but cannot be edited anymore. 3 File contents The style sheet contains mandatory fields which must be filled in. There are also free text-fields for additional entries. A detailed description of the technical process of the file upload is included in the database instructions for the module feed monitoring, which can also be found on the database website (menu item Support ). Tab. 1: Overview test results in the csv-style sheet Spalte Name Example Explanation A Proben-ID (sample ID) F0000XXXX Consists of location number and a 10-digits alphanumeric number (created by the client) B LiProbennummer (LiSampleNumber) 2013-A123 Laboratory-internal sample number; alphanumeric free text field (filled in by the laboratory) C D E Probeneingangsdatum (sample receipt date) Analysebeginn (start of analysis) Analyseende (end of analysis) Date format ( Date format ( Date format ( Page 3 of 37

4 Spalte Name Example Explanation F G H Besonderheiten (specific features) Beurteilung (assessment) CAS-Nummer (CAS number) Free text Free text Code number of the sub-parameters (see chapter 4) I AVV-Duep Field can be ignored J Screening 0 In case a screening method was used to analyze the sub-parameters, it must be noted here (can theoretically differ from the commissioning): 1 = yes 0 = no K Ergebniswert (result value) Number with comma separated value or n.n (not verifiable), n.a (not analyzed) or positive and negative for the parameters salmonella, constituents of animal origin, antibiotically effective substances Code for the measuring unit L Ergebniseinheit (result unit) ppm Possibilities: ppm = miligram/kilogramm (mg/kg) ppb = microgramm/kilogramm (μg/kg) ppt = nanogramm/kilogramm (ng/kg) M Ergebniswert_bezogen_ auf (measured value relating to) 1 0 = OS (original substance) 1 = 88% TS (dry substance) 2 = fat (fat content) N Analysespielraum (analysis range) 2,5 Essential for calculating exceedances of maximum levels, action thresholds or QS guidance values. O Hoechstgehalt (maximum content) 5 Number with comma separated value; for subparameters with determined maximum content, the maximum content has to be filled in, if no value is preset, when a result value is entered, Code for the measurement unit P Hoechstgehalteinheit (maximum content unit) ppm Possibilities: ppm = miligram/kilogramm (mg/kg) ppb = microgramm/kilogramm (μg/kg) ppt = nanogramm/kilogramm (ng/kg) Q Aktionsgrenzwert (action limit value) Number with comma separated values; the entry of the result value is absolutely necessary for subparameters with determined action limit value Page 4 of 37

5 Spalte Name Example Explanation Code for the measurement unit R Aktionsgrenzwerteinheit (action limit value unit) Possibilities: ppm = miligram/kilogramm (mg/kg) ppb = microgramm/kilogramm (μg/kg) ppt = nanogramm/kilogramm (ng/kg) S Richtwert (Guidance value) Number with comma separated values; the entry of the result value is absolutely necessary for subparameters with determined guiding value Code for the measurement unit T Richtwerteinheit (Guidance value unit) Possibilities: ppm = miligram/kilogramm (mg/kg) ppb = microgramm/kilogramm (μg/kg) ppt = nanogramm/kilogramm (ng/kg) U Bestimmungsgrenze (limit of determination) 0,2 Number with comma separated value; is added from the laboratory profile if no entries are made Is added from the laboratory profile V Bestimmungsgrenzeeinheit (limit of determination unit) ppm Possibilities: ppm = miligram/kilogramm (mg/kg) ppb = microgramm/kilogramm (μg/kg) ppt = nanogramm/kilogramm (ng/kg) W Klaerungsbedarf (need for clarification) 0 The labelling "Klärung erforderlich" (clarification is necessary) means, that the field "Ergebniswert" (result value) is ignored 1 = need for clarification 0 or no entry = no meaning X Ergebnisvorlage (result template) 0 The second laboratory makes a note here when the result is obtained and the client is informed 1 = "result available" 0 or no entry = no relevancy Determines the status of the data after the upload Y Weitergeben (pass on) 0 1 = "analysis completed" (data processing no longer possible) 0 or no entry = status is still laboratory is charged (data can still be edited) Page 5 of 37

6 4 Annexes 4.1 Codes of the sub-parameters (column H, CAS number) and terms except for pesticide residues Sub-parameter Code Aflatoxine B Antibiotic performance promoters QS-FM-0002 Arsenic (Heavy metal) Lead (Heavy metal) Cadmium (Heavy metal) Deoxynivalenol, Vomitoxin (DON) QS-FM-1022 Dioxin Dioxin (Summation of Dioxin and dioxinlike PCB) _QS-Summe der Dioxine und dl PCB Methanol Nickel (Heavy metal) Ochratoxin A (OTA) PAH PCB (dioxinlike PCB) PCB (dioxinlike PCB) (Summation of Dioxin and dioxinlike PCB) QS-FM-1112 QS-FM-0014 QS-FM-0014_QS-Summe der Dioxine und dl PCB PCB (Nicht- dioxinähnliche PCB) Mercury (Heavy metal) Salmonella Summation of Dioxin and dioxinlike PCB Animal components Packaging material Zearaleon (ZEA) QS-FM-0001 QS-FM-0015 QS-FM-0003 QS-FM-1113 QS-FM-1111 Page 6 of 37

7 4.2 Codes of the sub-parameters (column H, CAS number) and terms for pesticide residues Pesticide residues (Code: QS-F-004) Active substances name/ subparameters Azinphos-ethyl Pesticide residues Azoxystrobin Pesticide residues Bitertanol Pesticide residues Brompropylat Pesticide residues Carbaryl Pesticide residues Carbendazim and Benomyl (sum of Benomyl and Carbendazim, expressed as Carbendazim) Pesticide residues / Chlorpyrifos Pesticide residues Chlorpyrifos-methyl Pesticide residues Chlorthalonil Pesticide residues Cyfluthrin (Cyfluthrin einschließlich anderer Gemische seiner Isomerbestandteile (Summe aller Isomeren)) Cypermethrin, summation of isomeres Pesticide residues Pesticide residues Cyprodinil Pesticide residues Deltamethrin Pesticide residues Dichlorvos Pesticide residues Dimethoat Pesticide residues Diphenylamin Pesticide residues Disulfoton Pesticide residues Endosulfan Pesticide residues Famoxadon Pesticide residues Fenpropidin Pesticide residues Fenvalerat and Esfenvalerat RR- and SS-Isomer Fenvalerat and Esfenvalerat RS- and SR-Isomer Pesticide residues Pesticide residues Folpet Pesticide residues Hexaconazol Pesticide residues Imazalil Pesticide residues Iprodion Pesticide residues Kresoxim-methyl Pesticide residues Page 7 of 37

8 Lambda-Cyhalothrin Pesticide residues Malathion Pesticide residues Mecarbam Pesticide residues Metalaxyl Pesticide residues Methidathion Pesticide residues Methomyl Pesticide residues Myclobutanil Pesticide residues Nitrofen Pesticide residues Oxydemeton-methyl, sum of oxydemeton-methyl and demeton-smethylsulfone expressed as oxydemeton-methyl Oxydemeton-methyl;Demeton-Smethylsulfoxid Pesticide residues Pesticide residues PES Parathion Pesticide residues Parathion-methyl Pesticide residues Pendimethalin Pesticide residues Permethrin, Gesamt-, Summe der Isomeren Pesticide residues Phosphamidon Pesticide residues Pirimiphos-methyl Pesticide residues Prochloraz Pesticide residues Procymidon Pesticide residues Profenofos Pesticide residues Propiconazol Pesticide residues Resmethrin Pesticide residues Spiroxamin Pesticide residues Thiodicarb Pesticide residues Triadimefon and Triadimenol Pesticide residues PES0106 Triazophos Pesticide residues Trichlorfon Pesticide residues Vinclozolin Pesticide residues Page 8 of 37

9 4.2.2 Pesticide residues: cereal grain (Code: QS-F-016) Active substances name/ subparameters 2,4-D Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Acetamiprid Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Acibenzolar-S-methyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Alachlor Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Aldicarb Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Atrazin Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Azinphos-ethyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Azinphos-methyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Azoxystrobin Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Benalaxyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Benfuracarb Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Bentazon Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Bitertanol Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Bromacil Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Bromoxynil Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Bupirimat Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Buprofezin Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Buturon Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Cadusafos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Carbaryl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Carbendazim Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Carbetamid Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Carbofuran Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Carboxin Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Carfentrazone-ethyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Chlorfenvinphos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Chloridazon Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Chloroxuron Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Page 9 of 37

10 Chlorpyrifos (=Chlorpyrifos-ethyl) Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Chlorpyrifos-methyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Chlorthiophos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Clofentezin Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Coumaphos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Cyazofamid Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Cyclanilid Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Cypermethrin Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Cyproconazol Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Cyprodinil Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Deltamethrin Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Demeton-S-methyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Demeton-S-methylsulfon Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Demeton-S-methylsulfoxid Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Desmethyl-pirimicarb Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Dialifos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Diazinon Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Dichlorprop Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Dichlorvos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Diclobutrazol Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Dicloran Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Diethofencarb Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Difenoconazol Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Diflufenican Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Dimefox Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Dimethachlor Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Dimethenamid Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Dimethoat Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Ditalimfos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Page 10 of 37

11 Diuron Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK DNOC Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Endosulfan-sulfat Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK EPN Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Epoxiconazol Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Ethion Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Ethofumesat Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Etoxazol Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Etrimfos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Famoxadon Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Fenamidon Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Fenamiphos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Fenazaquin Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Fenhexamid Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Fenoxycarb Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Fenpropidin Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Fenpropimorph Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Fenpyroximat Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Fenthion Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Fenthion-oxon Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Fenthion-sulfoxid Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Fipronil Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Florasulam Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Fluazifop, freie Säure Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Fluazifop-P-Butyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Fludioxonil Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Flufenacet Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Fluometuron Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Flusilazol Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Page 11 of 37

12 Flutriafol Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Fonofos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Foramsulfuron Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Fosthiazat Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Fuberidazol Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Furathiocarb Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Imazalil Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Imidacloprid Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Indoxacarb Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Iodofenphos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Iodosulfuron-methyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Ioxynil Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Iprovalicarb Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Isofenphos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Isoproturon Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Kresoxim-methyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Lenacil Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Malathion and Malaoxon Pesticides: Grain PES0101_QS-GK MCPA Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK MCPB Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Mecarbam Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Mepanipyrim Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Mepronil Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Mesosulfuron-methyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Metalaxyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Metamitron Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Metazachlor Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Metconazol Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Methabenzthiazuron Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Page 12 of 37

13 Methidation Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Methiocarb Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Methoxyfenozide Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Metsulfuron-methyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Mevinphos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Monocrotophos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Monolinuron Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Monuron Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Myclobutanil Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Neburon Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Omethoat Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Oxadixyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Oxamyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Paclobutrazol Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Paraoxon-ethyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Paraoxon-methyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Penconazol Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Pendimethalin Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Phosalon Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Phosmet Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Phosphamidon Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Phoxim Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Picolinafen Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Picoxystrobin Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Piperonylbutoxid Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Pirimicarb Pesticides: Grain PES0077_QS-GK Pirimiphos-ethyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Pirimiphos-methyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Prochloraz Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Page 13 of 37

14 Profenofos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Propamocarb Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Propaquizafop Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Propazin Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Propetamphos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Propiconazol Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Propoxycarbazon Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Propyzamid Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Prosulfocarb Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Prosulfuron Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Prothiophos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Pymetrozin Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Pyraclostrobin Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Pyraflufen-ethyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Pyrazophos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Pyridaben Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Pyridafenthion Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Pyrimethanil Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Pyriproxyfen Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Quinalphos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Quinmerac Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Quinoxyfen Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Quizalofop Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK S-Metolachlor Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Simazin Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Spiroxamin Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Sulfosulfuron Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Sulfotep Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Sulprofos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Page 14 of 37

15 Tebuconazol Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Tebufenpyrad Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Terbuthylazin Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Tetrachlorvinphos Stirophos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Thiabendazol Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Thiacloprid Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Thiamethoxam Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Thifensulfuron-methyl Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Triadimefon, Triadimenol Pesticides: Grain PES0106_QS-GK Triazophos Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Trifloxystrobin Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Trisulfuron Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Vamidothion Pesticides: Grain _QS-GK Page 15 of 37

16 4.2.3 Pesticide residues: tubers and roots (Code: QS-F-017) Active substances name/ subparameters Azoxystrobin Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Azoxystrobin Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Carbendazim Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Chloridazon Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Chlorpropham,CIPC Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Clopyralid Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Clothianidin Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Cyfluthrin-beta Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _beta_QS-KW Desmedipham Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Difenoconazol Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Dimethenamid-P Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Epoxiconazol Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Ethofumesat Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Fenpropidin Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Fluazifop-P-Butyl Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Flusilazol Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Glyphosat Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Hymexazol Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Imidacloprid Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Kresoxim-methyl Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Metamitron Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Phenmedipham Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Quinmerac Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Quizalofop-P-Ethyl Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Tefluthrin Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Thiamethoxam Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Thiram Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Triflusulfuron Pesticides: Tubers and Roots _QS-KW Page 16 of 37

17 4.2.4 Pesticide residues: oilseeds and oil fruits (Code: QS-F-018) Active substances name/ subparameters Test parameters CAS numbers Bifenthrin Pesticides: Oil seeds and oil fruits _QS-OEF Chlorpyrifos (=Chlorpyrifos-ethyl) Pesticides: Oil seeds and oil fruits _QS-OEF Chlorpyrifos-methyl Pesticides: Oil seeds and oil fruits _QS-OEF Cypermethrin Pesticides: Oil seeds and oil fruits _QS-OEF DDT (Sum of DDT-, DDD- (or TDE-) and DDE-isomeres, expressed as DDT) Pesticides: Oil seeds and oil fruits PES0030_Summe_QS-OEF Deltamethrin Pesticides: Oil seeds and oil fruits _QS-OEF Dichlorvos Pesticides: Oil seeds and oil fruits _QS-OEF Difenoconazol Pesticides: Oil seeds and oil fruits _QS-OEF Endosulfan Pesticides: Oil seeds and oil fruits PES0037_QS-OEF Fenitrothion Pesticides: Oil seeds and oil fruits _QS-OEF Fludioxonil Pesticides: Oil seeds and oil fruits _QS-OEF Hexachlorobenzene Pesticides: Oil seeds and oil fruits _QS-OEF Metalaxyl M Pesticides: Oil seeds and oil fruits _QS-OEF Methidathion Pesticides: Oil seeds and oil fruits _QS-OEF Permethrin Pesticides: Oil seeds and oil fruits _QS-OEF Pirimiphos-methyl Pesticides: Oil seeds and oil fruits _QS-OEF Tetramethrin Pesticides: Oil seeds and oil fruits _QS-OEF Pesticide residues: Whole grain cereals EGM (Code: QS-F-021) Active substances name/ subparameters Acephat Acrinathrin Alachlor Aldicarb Aldoxycarb,Aldicarb-Sulfon Aldrin alpha-cypermethrin Amitraz Atrazindeethyl Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Page 17 of 37

18 Atrazindeisopropyl Azaconazol Azinphos-ethyl Azinphos-methyl Azoxystrobin Beflubutamid Bifenox Bifenthrin Bitertanol Boscalid Bromacil Bromophos-ethyl Bromophos-methyl Brompropylat Bupirimat Buprofezin Captan Carbaryl Carbofenothion Carbofuran Carboxin Carfentrazone-ethyl Chinomethionat Chlorbenzilat Chlordan, cis Chlordan, trans Chlorfenapyr Chlorfenvinphos Chloridazon Chlortoluron Chlorpropham Chlorpyrifos-methyl Chlorthalonil Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Page 18 of 37

19 Chlozolinat Cinidon-ethyl Crimidin Cyanazin Cyfluthrin Cyfluthrin-beta Cyhalofop-butyl Cyhalothrin-lambda Cypermethrin Cyprodinil DDD-o,p DDD-p,p DDE-o,p DDE-p,p DDT-o,p DDT-p,p Deltamethrin Desmetryn Diazinon Dichlofenthion Dichlofluanid Dichlorvos Dicloran Dicofol-o,p Dicofol-p,p Dicrotophos Dieldrin Difenoconazol Dimefox Dimethoat Dimethomorph Diphenylamin Disulfoton Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Page 19 of 37

20 Diuron Endosulfan-alpha Endosulfan-beta Endosulfan-sulfat Endrin Epoxiconazol Esfenvalerat Ethion Ethoxyquin Etrimfos Fenarimol Fenazaquin Fenchlorphos Fenhexamid Fenitrothion Fenoxycarb Fenpropathrin Fenpropidin Fenpropimorph Fensulfothion Fenthion Fenuron Fenvalerat Fipronil Fludioxonil Flufenacet Fluopyram Fluoxastrobin Flurtamone Flusilazol Fluxapyroxad Folpet Fonofos Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Page 20 of 37

21 Formothion HCH-alpha HCH-beta HCH-delta HCH-gamma (Lindan) Heptachlor Heptachlorepoxid Heptenophos Hexachlorbenzol Hexaconazol Hexazinon Imazalil Indoxacarb Iodofenphos Iprodion Isofenphos Isofenphos-methyl Isoproturon Kresoxim-methyl Linuron Malaoxon Malathion Mecarbam Mefenpyr-diethyl Mepanipyrim Metalaxyl Metamitron Metazachlor Methabenzthiazuron Methacrifos Methamidophos Methidathion Methiocarb Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Page 21 of 37

22 Methomyl Methoxychlor Metobromuron Metolachlor Metrafenone Metribuzin Mevinphos Molinat Monocrotophos Monolinuron Myclobutanil Nitrofen Nuarimol (Trimidal) Omethoat Oxadixyl Oxychlordan Oxydemeton-methyl Paraoxon (= Paraoxon-ethyl) Paraoxon-methyl Parathion-ethyl Parathion-methyl Penconazol Pendimethalin Pentachlorbenzol Permethrin Phenothrin Phenthoat Phorat Phosalon Phosmet Phosphamidon Picolinafen Pinoxaden Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Page 22 of 37

23 Piperonylbutoxid Pirimicarb Pirimiphos-ethyl Pirimiphos-methyl Prochloraz Procymidon Profenofos Promecarb Prometryn Propachlor Propamocarb Propanil Propargit Propazin Propetamphos Propham Propiconazol Propyzamid Prosulfocarb Pyraflufen-ethyl Pyrazophos Pyrethrine Pyridaben Pyridafenthion Pyrimethanil Pyriproxyfen Quinalphos Quinoxyfen Quintozen Resmethrin Sebuthylazin Silthiopham Simazin Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Page 23 of 37

24 Spiroxamin Sulfotep Tau-Fluvalinat Tebuconazol Tebufenpyrad Tecnazen Terbufos Terbumeton Terbuthylazin Terbuthylazin-desethyl Terbutryn Tetrachlorvinphos Stirophos Tetraconazol Tetradifon Tetramethrin Thiabendazol Thiometon Tolclofos-methyl Tolylfluanid Triadimefon Triadimenol Triazophos Trifloxystrobin Trifluralin Triticonazol Vamidothion Vinclozolin Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticides: Whole-grain cereals EGM _QS-EGM Pesticide residues: feed fats (Code: QS-F-022) Active substances name/ subparameters Aldrin Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Bifenthrin Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Bromophos-ethyl Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Page 24 of 37

25 Bromophos-methyl Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Chlordan-alpha Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Chlordan-gamma Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Chlordan-oxy Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Chlorfenvinphos Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Chlorpyrifos (=Chlorpyrifos-ethyl) Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Chlorpyrifos-methyl Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Chlorthion Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Cyfluthrin Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Cypermethrin Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF DDT (Sum of DDT-, DDD- (or TDE-) and DDE-isomeres, expressed as DDT) Pesticides: Feed fat PES0030_Summe_QS-FUF Deltamethrin Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Diazinon Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Dichlorvos Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Dieldrin Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Dimethoat Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Endosulfan alpha Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Endosulfan beta Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Endosulfansulfat Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Endrin Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Ethion Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Fenitrothion Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Fenpropathrin Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Fenthion Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Fenvalerat Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF HCH-alpha Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF HCH-beta Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF HCH-delta Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF HCH-epsilon Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF HCH-gamma (Lindan) Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Heptachlor Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Heptachlorepoxid-cis Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Heptachlorepoxid-trans Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Hexachlorbenzol (HCB) Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF lambda-cyhalothrin Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Page 25 of 37

26 Malathion Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Mecarbam Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Methidathion Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Methoxychlor Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Nitrofen Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Parathion-ethyl Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Parathion-methyl Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Permethrin Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Pirimiphos-ethyl Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Pirimiphos-methyl Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Profenofos Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Quintozen Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Sulfotep Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Tecnazen Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF Tetradifon Pesticides: Feed fat _QS-FUF (Code: QS-F-019) Active substances name/ subparameters 2,4-D 2,4,5-T,(2,4,5-Trichlorphenoxy)- essigsäure 2,4-D 3-Hydroxycarbofuran Acetamiprid Acibenzolar-S-methyl Alachlor Aldicarb Aldicarbsulfoxid Aldoxycarb,Aldicarb-Sulfon Aldrin Atrazin Azinphos-ethyl _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE Page 26 of 37

27 Azinphos-methyl Azoxystrobin Benalaxyl Benfuracarb Bentazon Bifenthrin Bitertanol Boscalid Bromacil Bromophos-ethyl Bromophos-methyl Bromoxynil Brompropylat Bupirimat Buprofezin Buturon Cadusafos Carbaryl Carbendazim Carbendazim und Benomyl Carbetamid Carbofuran Carboxin Carfentrazon Carfentrazone-ethyl _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE/ _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE Chlordan-alpha Chlordan-gamma Chlordan-oxy _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE Page 27 of 37

28 Chlorfenvinphos Chloroxuron Chlorpropham,CIPC Chlorpyrifos (=Chlorpyrifos-ethyl) Chlorpyrifos-methyl Chlorthalonil Chlorthion Chlorthiophos Clofentezin Clomazone Clopyralid Cloridazon Clothianidin Coumaphos Cyazofamid Cyclanilid Cyfluthrin Cyfluthrin-beta Cypermethrin Cyproconazol Cyprodinil DDT (Sum of DDT-, DDD- (or TDE-) and DDE-isomeres, expressed as DDT) Deltamethrin Demeton-S-methyl Demeton-S-methylsulfon _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _beta_QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE PES0030_Summe_QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE Demeton-S-methylsulfoxid Demeton-S-Sulfoxid Desmedipham _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE Page 28 of 37

29 Desmethyl-pirimicarb Dialifos Diazinon Dichlorprop Dichlorvos Diclobutrazol Dicloran Dicrotophos Dieldrin Diethofencarb Difenoconazol Diflufenican Dimefox Dimefuron Dimethachlor Dimethenamid Dimethenamid-P Dimethoat Disulfoton Ditalimfos Dithiocarbamate Diuron DNOC Endosulfan Endosulfan alpha Endosulfan beta Endosulfan-sulfat Endrin EPN _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE PES0002_QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE PES0037_QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE Page 29 of 37

30 Epoxiconazol Ethion Ethirimol Ethofumesat Etoxazol Etrimfos Famoxadon Fenamidon Fenamiphos Fenamiphos-sulfon Fenamiphos-sulfoxid Fenazaquin Fenhexamid Fenitrothion Fenopropathrin Fenoxycarb Fenpropidin Fenpropimorph Fenpyroximat Fenthion Fenthion-oxon Fenthion-sulfoxid Fenvalerat and Esfenvalerat Fipronil Flampropsäure nach Hydrolyse Florasulam Fluazifop, freie Säure Fluazifop-p-butyl Fludioxonil _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE Page 30 of 37

31 Flufenacet Fluometuron Fluquinconazol Flusilazol Flutriafol Fonofos Foramsulfuron Fosthiazat Fuberidazol Furathiocarb Glyphosat HCH-alpha HCH-beta HCH-delta HCH-epsilon HCH-gamma (Lindan) Heptachlor Heptachlorepoxid-cis Heptachlorepoxid-trans Hexachlorobenzol (HCB) Hexaconazol Hexythiazox Hymexazol Imazalil Imidacloprid Indosulforon-methyl-sodium Indoxacarb Iodofenphos Iodosulfuron-methyl _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE Page 31 of 37

32 Ioxynil Iprobenfos Iprodion Iprovalicarb Isofenphos Isoprothiolan Isoproturon Kresoxim-methyl Lambda-Cyhalothrin Lenacil Malaoxon Malathion Malathion und Malaoxon MCPA MCPB Mecarbam Mepanipyrim Mepronil Mesosulfuron-methyl Metalaxyl Metalaxyl M Metamitron Metazachlor Metconazol Methabenzthiazuron Methidathion Methiocarb Methomyl Methoxychlor _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE PES0101_QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE Page 32 of 37

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35 Quinalphos Quinmerac Quinoxyfen Quintozen Quizalofop Quizalofop-P-Ethyl Resmethrin Rotenon S-Metolachlor Simazin Spiroxamin Sulcotrion Sulfosulfuron Sulfotep Sulprofos Tebuconazol Tebufenozid Tebufenpyrad Tecnazen Tefluthrin Tepraloxydim Terbacil Terbuthylazin Tetrachlorvinphos Stirophos Tetradifon Tetramethrin Thiabendazol Thiacloprid Thiamethoxam _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE Page 35 of 37

36 Thifensulfuron-methyl Thiodicarb Thiophanat-methyl Thiram Triadimefon Triadimefon und Triadimenol Triadimenol Triamiphos Triasulfuron Triazophos Trichlorfon Triclopyr Trifloxystrobin Triflusulfuron Triticonazol Vamidothion Vinclozolin _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE PES0106_QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE _QS-AE Page 36 of 37

37 QS Qualität und Sicherheit GmbH Managing Director: Dr. H.-J. Nienhoff Schedestraße Bonn Tel Fax Fotos: QS Page 37 of 37

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