Food security by agricultural adjustment policies: The Turkish case

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1 Food security by agricutura adjustment poicies: The Turkish case Ani S. in Padia M. (ed.), Le Bihan G. (ed.). La sécurité aimentaire en Méditerranée Montpeier : CIHEAM Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n pages Artice avaiabe on ine / Artice disponibe en igne à adresse : To cite this artice / Pour citer cet artice Ani S. Food security by agricutura adjustment poicies: The Turkish case. In : Padia M. (ed.), Le Bihan G. (ed.). La sécurité aimentaire en Méditerranée. Montpeier : CIHEAM, p (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 26)

2 Sahin Ani Ministry of Agricuture and Rura Affairs, Ankara (Turkey) Abstract. Agricuture and food production have ong been significant sectors in the Turkish economy. The high capacity for agricutura production and having a rich cropping pattern have enabed Turkey to meet domestic demand for food since the beginning of her history. Providing an adequate and baanced diet for the popuation and in particuar increasing per capita consumption of anima protein, has been a chaenge in a country ike Turkey which, over the ast 60 years, has persistenty experienced net rates of popuation growth above 2% per annum. Raising production eves and yieds, cosey aied with other objectives has been the centra aim of Turkish agricutura poicy since the 1930s. The government has set a of goa increasing the voume of tota agricutura production by 4.2% per annum in the Sixth Five-Year Deveopment Pan period ( ). Agricutura trade poicies accompanied with reduction of input costs were agricutura support poicies. Measures intending to improve the production basis of agricuture concern mainy research, training and extension services; inspection, pest and diseases contro, and and improvements. Athough there has been a itte decine in the sef-sufficiency ratios between the 1980s and 199Os, at present, Turkey is a sef-sufficient and a food secure country, is and ikey to stay so in the future. Keywords. Turkey - Food security - Agricutura adjustment poicies - Sef-sufficiency - Rapidy growing popuation - Market oriented strategies - Rapid urbanization. Résume. L'agricuture et a production aimentaire ont toujours été des secteurs importants de 'économie turque. La forte production agrico et a diversité des aiments produits ont permis à a Turquie de répondre à sa demande aimentaire depuis toujours. Dans un pays comme a Turquie qui, depuis es dernières années, doit faire face à une croissance démographique de 2% par an, assurer un apport aimentaire adéquat et équiibré, en particuier augmenter a consommation de protéines animaes, reève dun défi. Depuis es années e but principa de 'agricuture était d'augmenter a production et e rendement. Le gouvernement avait fixé à 4,2% e niveau de croissance de a production à atteindre au cours du sixième pan quinquenna Des poitiques de soutien à 'agricuture ont été appiquées, tees que a poitique commerciae des produits agricoes et a réduction du coût des intrants. Les mesures visant à I'améioration de a production agricoe concernaient surtout a recherche, es services de formation, e contrôe des maadies et 'améioration des terres. Actueement, magré une égère baisse dans e ratio dautosuffisance entre es années a Turquie est un pays autosuffisant en aiments et e restera dans e futur. ces. Turquie - Sécurité aimentaire -Ajustement agricoe - Poitiques dautosuffisance - Croissance rapide de a popuation - Stratégies orientées vers e marché - Urbanisation rapide. I - Introduction Agricuture and food production have ong been significant sectors in the Turkish economy. Turkey has a great agricutura production potentia arising from its ecoogica conditions, and property and rich crop pattern. The different agro-ecoogica conditions throughout the country provide the sector with a unique production diversity. These factors have enabed Turkey to meet domestic demand food and fiber since the beginning of its history. Agricuture is, sti, of particuar importance for feeding the rapidy increasing popuation (over 2% per annum) as we as for contributing to the overa nationa deveopment efforts. At present, about 40% of the popuation is iving in rura areas and depends for income, generay, on agricuture. Whie this percentage was much higher in the past, its present eve is regarded as undesirabe high, in view of the diminishing share of the sector in the GNP. Unti 1978 the share of the agricutura sector has hed a top position in GNP. This share, however, has been faing since then due to the Options MPditerranPennes, Sér. A / no26, - Sécurité aimentaire en Méditerranée

3 increasing emphasis on industriaization, from 38.2% in 1962 to 16.2% in It is expected that this trend wi continue for the next two decades. this deveopment shoud not be interpreted as a decrease in the importance attached to agricuture. The fa of the share in GNP refects the rapid deveopments in industry and services. Agricutura and food products had the major share in the tota export revenue unti recenty. This share has aso diminished overtime as a resut of the gradua transformation of the nationa economy into an industry and services-based one. During the Five-Year Panned periods ( ), especiay after 1980, the percentage of the export of agricutura products have decreased progressivey; 75% in 1970, 57.4 '30 in 1980, and 15.4 Yo in Nevertheess, the voume and the vaue of the exported agricutura products is presenty much greater than in the past. Indeed, the vaue of agricutura export of the country has increased fivefod; from 447 miion US $ to 2.37 biion US $ between 1970 and There is a consistent surpus on agricutura trade, but as mentioned, this is sma in reation to tota export. The progress achieved in the reaization of the growth targets set forth in the deveopment pans of Turkey has been rather satisfactory. For instance, during the 5th Five-Year Deveopment Pan ( ), whie the added vaue increased, on the genera average, by 3.6% per annum, the agricutura added vaue increased by 3.3% per annum. Within the 6th Five-Year Deveopment Pan ( ) it has been foreseen that the added vaue for the agricutura sector be increased by 4.1% per annum, whist popuation increase is expected to be around 2% per annum (the added vaue has been increased by an average of 4.9 per annum between ). II - Agricutura Adjustment Poicies of Turkey Before 1980, a poicy of industriaisation based on import substitution was pursued in Turkey. In 1980, the Government introduced a new economic stabiisation programme which differed from previous programmes in severa important aspects. The initia measures were aimed at correcting structura weaknesses in the Turkish economy over the medium term, to create economic structures with an export orientation and encourage infows of private capita. Two of the primary objectives were to reduce the incidence of Government contros and to introduce instruments that woud aow greater emphasis to be put on indirect management of demand. Poicies have been more market-oriented since then, encouraging greater competition and private initiative. Poicies pursued from 1980 brought considerabe iberaisation in import reguations; import protection rates were decreased and import guarantee deposits were reduced. The main objectives of agricutura poicies in Turkey, as set out in the Government's Five-Year Deveopment Pans: (i) to meet the nutritiona needs of a rapidy growing popuation; (i) to increase yied and output without damaging the environment; (i) to reduce the vunerabiity of production to adverse weather conditions; ( v) to provide adequate, stabe incomes for those working in the sector; and (v) to deveop the export potentia for agricutura commodities. Providing an adequate and baanced diet for the popuation, and in particuar increasing per capita consumption of anima protein, has ong been a chaenge in a country ike Turkey which, over the ast 60 years, has persistenty experienced high net rates of popuation growth. The average inhabitant's diet is sti argey derived from grains, fruits and vegetabes. As a ong term goa, the Government woud ike to see the consumption of anima protein brought up to eves coser to those of other OECD countries. The data in Tabe 7 shows the difference in consumption patterns between Turkey and Itay, as a high-income meditenanean country. Raising production eves and yieds cosey aied with other objectives has been the centra aim of the Turkish agricutura poicy since the 1930s; originay by increasing both the cutivabe area and yieds. As the imits of the country's cutivabe and have been reached in 1960% any further growth of agricutura output needed to be achieved mainy by reducing the faow area and increasing the yieds through intensive research and deveopment efforts. Overa, the Government has set a goa of raising the voume of tota agricutura production by 4.2% per annum in the 6th Five-Year Deveopment Period ( ). By comparison, the annua average growth Options Méditerranéennes

4 rate in agricutura production during the period from 1979 to 1992 was In the case of crops, the Government has sought to achieve higher yieds by promoting greater use of inputs-particuary certified seeds of reeased varieties and hybrids deveoped by the nationa or internationa programmes, together with appropriate agronomic technics, pesticides, fertiizers and irrigation water-and, where conditions are suitabe by reducing faow areas and encouraging farmers to pant second crops mainy in Mediterranean coasta area. A growth rate of 4.9% per annum is targetted for anima production. Specia emphasis is being paced on Easthern and Southeasthern Anatoia, and on expanding fodder crops production, improving the genetic capacity by artificia insemination and importing pure-breed dairy cattes. Irrigation, besides contributing to higher yieds, is aso considered as a means of reducing the vunerabiity of production to precipitation deficit. The Government has set specific targets for the expansion of irrigation since the First Five-Year Deveopment Pan. In 1990 a target was set of extending irrigation to of tota irrigabe and by the end of the 6th Five-Year Deveopment Pan (1994). It is estimated that at the end of 1993, a coverage of neary 47% of tota irrigabe and have been achieved. in agricuture and food aims not ony at the sector as a whoe, but aso at individua products. For instance, due to being a net importer in crude vegetabe oi, the Government is trying to increase domestic production of oiseeds. 1. Agricutura Support Poicies In the crops sub-sector, supporting measures have primariy concerned domestic price support, bostered in the past through restraints on imports, and currenty through seective tariffs, and at times and for particuar commodities supported by market intervention purchases. In the ivestock sector, border measures have been the main mechanism to support prices. However, at the same time, the Government has sought to moderate rises in food prices for consumers by reguations. Subsidies to farmers for materia inputs and cheap credit have been provided with the aim of boosting yieds and hence prodùction and incomes. For most supported crops no imits have been paced on the voume of production, or on saes that can be made to the support purchasing agencies. Some contros on panting acreage exist for hazenut, sugarbeet and tea. A. Agricutura Trade Poicies Changes in been as far reaching as those affecting manufactured products and industria raw materias. Whie the aim of industria trade poicy during the period between 1980 and 1992 was to expose the industria sector to internationa competition in order to improve its efficiency and to change its orientation from import substitution to export promotion, the aim of agricutura trade poicy remained much as it has been in the previous period: (i) to insuate domestic producers from externa price shocks; (i ) to promote sef-sufficiency in food and agricutura raw materias; and (iii) to stabiise consumer food prices. Thus, in respect of agricuture, the instruments of trade poicy were changed, but not the objectives of the poicy. The major change foowing adoption of the 1980 economic stabiisation programme was to graduay phase out quantitative restrictions on many imports and exports. However, quantitative and other non-tariff restrictions on imports were repaced by ad vaorem and specific-rate taxes, the atter being used in effect as variabe evies. Simiary, quantitative and administrative restrictions on export were repaced by taxes or subsidies. More recenty, Turkey has made moves to harmonise its trade poicies with those of the EC and EFTA countries. Unti 1980, the import of agricutura commodities had been highy restricted. Of those commodities that were aowed to be imported, most coud ony be imported by a State Economic Enterprises (SEE). Imports of fertiizers and pesticides, which were aso controed by a were given specia treatment among other measures, appying a ower exchange rate on such transactions. The economic reform package announced on 24 January 1980 sought to assigning different commodities to specific Liberaisation Lists. Through 1984, the import of agricutura commodities was carried out within the framework of these ists, However, products considered critica by the Government, namey wheat, mik, cream and vegetabe oi, continued to be imported within the framework of a quota system. This period aso sought the introduction of severa specia evies on Méditerranéennes Options

5 funds. June % with Fund. setting up this was to in As we, some of this used to subas of With the pubication of 1984 the the ists (i) goods whose (i) goods subject to an (iii) goods whose a was in the 1984 by a system of and within GATT commitments. With List of shed. As we, ony a of the ist. Of these, six of goats; hemp, cuttings of fig and wines, and tobacco and hazenut pants. of (wheat, maize), seeds, mik and to by customs 2 to 16 by 1993 EC and EFTA but affected by the 1993 to vegetabe seeds, of oiseeds the EC. addition to these, extended EFTA counsome fish and coffee and chemica substances to B. Reduction of Costs Some of the inputs used in subsidised by the State in and or, in the case of new technoogies, in has been to keep the of inputs ow enough to the financed by funds. (i) Capita A in customs duties, incentive aso appied in on the of addition, investment incentives in the seed invoved in duction as we as for 1986, the Utiisation Fund of the estabishment of is is made to the 30% of the cost in 25% in (i ) A mutipicity of oans in in one way or by the by the offices or such as Saes and on these oans set the in Tabe As it is seen in the tabe, this set we beow not ony the but aso the of infation. in these oans the 1986 the has by 8 to 13 beow those avaiabe for is of in (SEKERBANK). As is of as we as Options MéditerranBennes

6 (iii) Fertiizer subsidies: The practice of subsidising the domestic manufacture and consumption of fertiizer dates from From then unti 1986, when a new system of support was introduced, both ex-factory and farmer prices for a types of chemica fertiizers were determined by the Government, so as to support domestic production of 'fertiizers whie, at 'the- same time, stimuate consumption by farmers. Starting first of Juy 1986, the constraints on chemica fertiizer imports and exports were totay removed. Domestic producers were aowed to determine ex-factory prices under competitive market condition. As a consequence, Government's direct invovement in fertiizer distribution and pricing was sharpy reduced. The iberaisation of trade in fertiizer aso necessitated a change in the system for subsidising the price for farmers. Under the new system the Government announced by decree (generay twice a year) the per kiogramme. rebate it wi pay to distributers of fertiizer. ( v) Seed subsidies: In 1985; the Government began supporting the sae of seeds to farmers through a refund payment. This,subsidy is avaiabe for Ministry-certified producers of hybrid maize, hybrid sunfswers and soybeans. (v) Pesticide subsidies: Support for pesticides used by farmers consists of both protective measures taken by the State when epidemic crop diseases or pest infestation occur, and support for protective measures taken by the farmers themseves. In the first form of support, the producer pays no fee for this service, as a inputs are financed by the State. The second form of support introduced in May 1987, authorises the Agricutura Bank to pay farmers a 20% rebate on the vaue of pesticides they buy; the rebates are financed out of the Support and Price Stabiity Fund. (vi) Irrigation subsidies: A water rights, with minor exceptions, are vested in the State. This principe, however, aows private withdrawa of ground water and surface water by riparian fee is charged to farmers for the resource vaue of the water they used for irrigation, though farmers who grow crops sown on irrigated and do at east contribute towards the cost of operating and maintaining the infrastructure. Since the 60s the Turkish Government has invested heaviy in irrigation, roughy at the rate of 800,000 hectares per decade. With regard to State Hydrauic Works (DSI), operated schemes (which represent about one quarter of the tota irrigated area of Turkey) from which farmers benefit are charged on,an annua, area-based, fee. Irrigation costs are kept ower through subsidised tariffs for eectric pumping. In 1985, the Turkish Eectricity Board (TEK) owered tariffs charged for eectricity used in pumping ground water for irrigation to 50% to 60% of the tariff appied to the industry. (vii) Improvement of breeding stock: Government programmes to promote artificia insemination (AI) began in 1949, with the aim of improving Turkish Livestock breeds through the use of purebred sperm. Currenty, frozen semen production is carried out mainy at three State-owned A-aboratories. About 915,000 catte were artificiay inseminated with semen provided by these aboratories in In remote viages and settements, the Government provides breeding bus to farmers free-of-charge. Simiar programmes have been operated aimed at upgrading sheep breeding stock. The private sector was given permission to provide A-services in Farmers using these services are paid a rebate from the Agricutura Bank for every cow successfuy impregnated by A. Dairy catte and breeding stock have been imported from European Countries and the United States since mid-987 under a programme administered by the Ministry of Agricuture and Rura Affairs. In 1988, the private sector was given permission to import breeding beef and dairy catte. The major aim this of programme is to increase the proportion of high-yieding geneticay advanced breeds within the native catte popuation and to encourage the deveopment of intensive dairy production. About 150,000 pregnant cattes have been imported since Genera Services There are a wide range of sector-wide measures in pace in Turkey that are intended to improve the production basis of agricuture. These measures concern mainy research, training and extension services, inspection, pest and diseases contro, and and improvements. Some technica assistance and agricutura extension work have aso been financed with oans from the Word Bank and The Internationa Fund for Agricutura deveopment (IFAD). Options Méditerranéennes

7 1. Research, Training and Extension Services Agricutura deveopment has been achieved through the investment agricutura research, as a major component of agricutura poicies since 1926, when the first research station was estabished ony three years after the estabishment of the Repubic. But the deveopment was sow unti the 1950s. A rapid increase in production occured shorty after the 1950s because of: (i) a marked increase in the cropping area, argey cereas, due to mechanisation; and (i ) a more gradua and ess uniform increase in yied due to the introduction of improved varieties and advanced agronomic technics, especiay in faow management and repacement. Investment in human resources to deveop and maintain a quaified research staff has been the key success of agricutura production and food security in Turkey. During the ast 40 years, Turkish agricutura deveopment has been quite substantia and profitabe. Turkey has doubed its cerea production since the initiation of the Nationa Winter Cereas Project in Today, Turkey ranks seventh in the wheat and barey word production. The country has aso become a word eader in export of entis and chickpeas as a resut of the Faow Reduction Project initiated in The Turkish Government has recognized the danger of food insecurity and the importance of agricuture in the deveopment of the nationa economy and especiay in human nutrition. Turkey, at present, has sufficient food suppy and surpuses in some items, and more importanty, has a very high potentia of production to meet oca or externa demands for the future. As it is known, the roe of Nationa Agricutura Research System (NARS) is to sustain and improve this capacity.' Agricutura growth and/or food crop yied increase or stabiization is the major responsibiity of NARS. At present, agricutura research activities are carried out at nationa and regiona eves by a tota of 65 institutes, empoying some 1,250 active researchers. Agricutura research is regarded as a pubic good by the Government and, therefore, is performed by governmenta institutes; amajor part of the research is carried out by the Ministry of Agricuture and Rura Affairs and the Universities. TUB~AK (Scientific and Technica Research Organisation of Turkey) supports the research activities in various fieds of agricuture, food preparation and preservation as we. The Association of Atomic Energy and Nucear Research Center carries out studies on pant nutrition and breeding, soi fertiity, food storage and anima heath by utiizing nucear technics. Apart from these state institutions, severa nationa and mutinationa seed companies conduct variety deveopment programmes and adaptation trias on some important pant species such as vegetabes, sunfower, maize, soybean, miet, and saffower. There are 4 Centra Research Institutes, attached to the Genera Directorate of Agricutura Research, which carry out research across the country on fied crops, horticuture, anima husbandry and anima diseases; 8 Regiona Research Institutes which concentrate on probems specific to their region; and 42 Subject Research Institute which carry out research on an individua commodity, groups of commodities or economic probems that have priority in their particuar region. There are 11 Research Institutes attached to the Genera Directorate of Rura Services which undertake research reating to soi and water resources, soi fertiity, soi rehabiitation, sustainabe water use and irrigation. In 1991, these institutes were invoved in over 1,700 research projects in a discipines. After the First and Second Fruit and Vegetabe Projects impemented in 1970s.with the Word Bank financement, the Government of Turkey started a US $ 200 miion Agricutura Extension and Appied Research Project in 1984, party using Word Bank and IFAD credits, with the objective of upgrading and strenghtening the nationa agricutura extension system, and the ink between farmers-extension-research. The first phase of the project ran for 6 years and impemented in 18 provinces and 5 research institutes. The second phase which started in 1990 and is due to run through 1997 (at a tota cost of approximatey US $ 114 miion), extends the impementation area to another 21 provinces and 14 research institutes. The Government pans eventuay to extend the project to cover a provinces throughout the country. Recenty, a new project caed Turkey Agricutura Research Project, aso supported by the Word Bank has been initiated aiming at strengthening the agricutura research capacity of the country with particuar emphasis to research providing significant benefits to the ess deveoped Southeast and East Regions. The Research Master Pan Preparation for the period, Preparatory Works for the Estabishment of an Agricutura Economic Research Institute and Farming Systems Researches are some of the activities being undertaken within the framework of this project Options Méditerranéennes

8 The Southeastern Anatoia Project (GAP), constructed on the basins of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers is one of the most important projects of Turkey. The region comprises 8 provinces in southeastern Turkey, covering 75,000 sq. km of and which correspond to 9.5% of the tota area of the country. The ongest irrigation water tunnes in the word (two parae tunnes about 26.4 km of 7.62 m inner diameter each) are in this project area. GAP is expected to be competed by Beginning from 1991, ha of and has been brought under irrigation each year. After the reaisation of irrigation systems (about 1.7 miion ha) and due to the appication of technoogica innovations, this area is going to be one of the most important ones for growing food and industria crops,. There wi be a major break through in agricutura production in this region. Inspection The Genera Directorate of Protection and Contro is responsibe for carrying out inspections of imports in order to safeguard domestic crops and ivestock from diseases that can be brought into the country from abroad for monitoring and supervising anima movements, and for imposing quarantine orders, as appropriate. The production pants and produces about 25,000 food factories and 300 mixed feed factories are inspected by the same genera directorate. Food inspectors empoyed by the provincia agricutura directorates carry out reguar food anaysis at 38 food contro aboratories. IV - Food Suppy and Demand The rapid growth in urbanisation and rea per capita income has ed to a faster expansion of food demand than agricutura production and to a shift in consumption patterns towards the ivestock products, especiay since1980. One of the consequences of this shift in consumer demand has been that the konsumption share of some particuar commodities from domestic resources has decreased over the ast decade and that athough, overa, Turkey is currenty a net exporter of food product, imports particuary of dairy products and beef are tending to grow at a faster rate than exports. Turkey's sef-sufficiency in the main agricutura commodities can be regarded quite stabe. The sef-sufficiency ratios for major foodstuffs are given in Tabe as 3-year averages for and to show the trend for a decade. As it is seen in the tabe, there has been a genera decine in the sef-sufficiency ratios between the 80s and 90s. But this shoud not be interpreted as a decine in the agricutura production potentia ; instead, it is a resut of the trade iberaisation poicy of the 'Government. Nevertheess, it can be concuded that, at present, Turkey is a sef-sufficient and food secure country and is ikey to stay so in the future. The export-import baance of seected food products is summarized in Tabe 4. As outined in the tabe, the major agricutura export item of the country is fruits (incuding nuts) and vegetabes representing 932 miion US $. Turkey is a net exporter of puses, fruits and vegetabes, ive animas, wheat four and tomato paste, and net importer of crude vegetabe ois, oi seeds, some dairy products and other anima products. For other items, the export-import baances are not stabe and subject to change according to cimatic conditions and incentive poicies impemented by the Government. V - Concusions The growth in agricutura output has argey been achieved through increases in yieds. Whie the cutivated and sown ands has been increased neary twofod between 1940 and 1992 (14.8 and 27.3 miion hectares, respectivey), crop production has been mutipied by 3 to 25 ; there have been impressive increases in ivestock yieds but a of them sti remain ow reative to yied eves in Europe and OECD countries incuding Mediterranean countries. Turkish agricuture sti suffers from a number of chronic structura and institutiona weaknesses. Farms are characteristicay sma and fragmented; most of them rey on famiy abour and, typicay, educationa attainment eves are not satisfying. The tota work force in Turkish agricuture has remained virtuay stagnant over time, the number of farm enterprises has increased, and the average farm size has deci- Méditerranéennes Options - 41

9 ned. Eements of the socia infrastructure such as schoos and advisory services, are improving, yet with no great impact on the transformation of the traditiona Turkish farmer into a market-oriented producer using modern scientific practises, except for the growers of high-vaue crops, particuary vegetabes and cut fowers grown under protection. One consequence of fragmentations, together with the reated ower capita intensity of Turkish agricuture and ess frequent resort to advanced technoogies, is that productivity and the vaue added per worker in agricuture is we beow the eve observed in the rest of the economy. Not surprisingy, considering the ow productivity of the sector, agricutura incomes are ony around one-fifth to one-quarter of incomes in non-agricutura sectors. The strengthening poicy reform to achieve the onger-term objectives of ower support and market orientation in the agricutura sector ceary needs to take into eve of economic deveopment. Such a reorientation of agricutura poicy coud invove the foowing key actions aimed at better targetting poi measures and consoidating reforms aready made undeway: (i) reduce overa support, especiay for those commodities that currenty receive highest eves of support; (i ) prepare a time tabe of annua reductions in support, shift to aternative measures, and make reguar and pubicy avaiabe assessments of the progress achieved towards a market-based agri-food sector; (iii) focus poicy measures more on education, training, research and deveopment, extension, and on upgrading the quaity of produce and its marketing; ( v) move away from price support, import restrictions, and input subsidies; reduce import tariffs over time as production advantage; and (v) increase the roe payed by targeted direct payments to dea with the structura adjustment consequences of reform and, in the context of a comprehensive rura deveopment poicy, in addressing the probem of rura poverty. Achieving these ong term objectives wi require time; and in pursuing them consideration wi have to be given to maintaining an appropriate baance between feeding the popuation (above 60 mihion), addressing rura probems, protecting the environment, and providing economicay efficient empoyment opportunities. Anonymous (1993). Review of agricutura poicies in Turkey. OECD Cooperation and Deveopment Directorate for Food, Agricuture and Fisheries, Committee for Agricuture Anonymous (1993). Turkey horticuture sub-sector review. Ministry of Agricuture and Rura Affairs, Food and Agricuture Organisation of The United Nations Investment Center, FAO/Word Bank Cooperative Programme. Uzunu, V. and Bayaner, A. (1 993). Nationa agricutura research systems strategies towards food security: the case of Turkey. In Agricutura Research and Food Security, CIHEAMECE-DGI, Vo.1, no. pp , Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes. Montpeier: CIHEAM. Eryimar, A. (1994). An overview of Turkish agricuture, 62nd IFAD Annua Conference, May 9-12, 1994, Istanbu. 42 Options Méditerranéennes

10 ~~~~ CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes Tabe 1. Per capita consumption of agricutura products In Turkey and Itay Turkey Itay Product year per person per kg Cereas Puses Fruits & vegetabes Meat Mik Eggs 4 Fish. Source: OECD. Consumption Statistics,991. Tabe 2. Interest rates charged for oans to farmers compared with interest rates on commercia oans in Turkey ( ) (%) " Interest rates Interest rates Interest rates Annua increase charged on oans charged on oans charged on in whoesae for anima husbandry for crop prod. r) commercia oans price index (%) 3 i Excuding sugarbeet growers. ' 53 Sources: Interest rates, Agricutura Bank; changes in the whoesae price index, OECD Economic Surveys ( ). Tabe 3. Sef-sufficiency ratios for some important agricutura food products Commodity Sef-sufficiency ratio (%) Wheat Barey Maize Rice Sunfower Soybeans SugarbeeUsugar Mik v) Beef & vea Mutton-amb Chicken meat & eggs n.a. n.a. Cows mik ony. Source: Based on Statistics provided by The State Panning Organisation (SPO). Options Méditerranéennes

11 ~~~~ ~ ~ CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes ~~ Tabe 4. Export and import vaues of some food products in 1992 (miion US $) Export Commodity vaue Import vaue Cereas Puses Oiseeds Fruits & Vegetabes Live animas Beef & vea Aquacutura products Refined sunfower oi Refined sugar Wheat four Tomato paste Crude sunfower oi Other crude veg. oi Mik powder Butter Cheese I f 40 Sources: Undersecretariat the Treasury; Foreign Trade Options Méditerranéennes

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