Efficiency and Alternative Energy Program. February Canada. MANAGER S GUIDE TO MAKING TRAlNlNG PART OF YOUR ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECT

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1 Office of Energy Efficiency Office de 'efficacité énergétique MANAGER S GUIDE TO MAKING TRANNG PART OF YOUR ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECT Efficiency and Aternative Energy Program February 1999 Natura Resources Canada Office of Energy Efficiency Ressources naturees Canada Office de I efficacité énergétique Canada

2 Making Training Part of Your Energy Efficiency Project Efficiency and Aternative Energy Program February 1999

3 OEE Office of Energy Efficiency Office de I efficacitc tnerghique Leading Canadians to Energy Efficiency at home, at Work and on the Road Q Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 1999 Cataogue no. M27-O-808E Copies of this pubication may be obtained free of charge from: Natura Resources Canada Office of Energy Efficiency c/o Canada Communication Group Ottawa, ON KA OS9 Phone: (819) Fax: (819) Cette pubication est tigaement disponibe en jrancais sous e titre: Guide du gestionnaire SW int&ration de a finnation dans es projets d efficacit& e nerge tique.

4 -= Introduction to the Manageis Guide... 1 Step 1: Understand the Benefits of Training... 2 Step 2: Getting Started - The Training Framework... 3 Step 3: The Workpace Training Committee Step 4: Needs Assessment Questionnaires... 6 Step 5: Vaidation Interviews... 8 Step 6: Deveoping Persona Training Pans... 9 Step 7: Training Deivery Step 8: Operator Accreditation and Training Evauation Concusion For More Information Appendix A: Sources of Training and Recognition Appendix B: Genera Knowedge Questionnaire for Operators Appendix C: Energy Management Questionnaire for Operators Appendix D: Persona Training Guide, Pan and Registration Form Appendix E: Coege Listing... 31

5 Congratuations! You re not ony taking action to improve the energy efficiency of the faciity you manage, you ve aso shown an interest in energy management training. Put the two together and you re we on the way to a successfu project that wi save your organisation money, improve the workpace and contribute to a ceaner, heathier environment. Energy management training is critica if you hope to get the most out of your investment in new equipment and systems - and this Managers Guide can hep. Deveoped by the Office of Energy Efficiency of Natura Resources Canada (NRCan) in coaboration with Seneca Coege of North York, Ontario, the guide provides a step-by-step process for making comprehensive energy management training part of your upgrade project. The process expained in this guide makes use of the Buiding Environmenta Systems (BES) program deveoped by Seneca Coege (Appendix A). It wi hep you: assess the training needs of individua buiding operators deveop a persona training pan for each buiding operator identify a coege or other training faciity to meet your training needs Chances are you ve aready invested a great dea of time and effort in panning your upgrade project. Now, take some time to read this Manager s Guide and to impement this training process. It coud make a the difference in the word.

6 Understand the Benefits of Training Your organization is about to invest in new technoogy to improve the energy efficiency of one or more of its buidings. New technoogy requires new skis - and the best way to acquire them is not through costy tria and error, but through forma training by quaified professionas who understand the equipment and its impact on the buiding. In fact, a compete understanding of how to operate an upgraded faciity is every bit as important as the equipment you insta. In other words, don t se training short. Consider how quicky technoogy is changing in today s word, and you quicky reaize that buiding operators who received training even four or five years ago are probaby not up-to-date with the atest deveopments. Upgrading the skis of your staff wi hep them get the most out of new technoogies. Training: maximizes savings shortens the payback period for investments in upgraded faciities ensures empoyee buy-in extends buiding ife reduces maintenance cost Training resuts in a more competent, knowedgeabe, motivated, productive, fexibe and creative workforce. And we re not taking about a coupe of hours spent with the equipment saesperson or instaer. To be truy effective, energy management training must be comprehensive, covering: basic mathematics, computer and reading skis (if needed) basic energy efficiency techniques and practices reated to motors, ighting, heating, ventiating and air conditioning (HVAC) and other buiding systems the speciaized skis and knowedge needed to operate specific equipment and maintain the upgraded faciity Generay, the first two types of training can be provided by a community coege. More speciaized training can be provided by the equipment suppier or an energy management firm.

7 Getting Started - The Training Framework One of the iirst things to do is estabish a framework for addressing your energy management training needs by: defining roes and responsibiities estabishing a team of individuas to fi these roes determining resource requirements and funding sources Contact the Energy Training Office It s never too eary to start thinking about training. Once you ve decided to proceed with an energy efficiency project, ook into your organization s approach to training. As a manager, do you have a mandate to authorize training, and do you have a budget? Does the organization have a corporate poicy on training? Just as important, start thinking about who wi need to be trained. Before you issue a Request for Proposa or embark on an energy management project, contact the Energy Training Office at Seneca Coege (see page 31 for contact information). As the ead agency for the deivery of the training process described in this guide, the Energy Training Office can hep ensure that your organization s human resources get the attention and training they need. Roes and Responsibiities The key payers in the training process are: the NRCan program officer. If your organization is an Energy Innovator or is appying the Federa Buidings Initiative approach to achieving energy savings, the NRCan program officer wi expain how to integrate training into your energy efficiency project and wi assist you at every step of the process. One of the first things the program officer wi do is put you in touch with a coege speciaist (see beow) and a community coege that can provide energy management training. Even if NRCan is not directy invoved in the project, the Department can offer advice and support materias, as we as a ist of quaified coege speciaists. the cient training coordinator (CTC). The CTC coordinates the training process, incuding seecting and working with a coege speciaist to deveop the overa training pan, meeting with trainees to discuss the training pan, participating on the Workpace Training Committee (Step 3), and assessing the overa success of the training exercise (Step 8). Depending on your organization s approach, you or a representative from the human resources department wi assume the roe of the CTC. the coege speciaist. Coege speciaists are energy management trainers who have practica experience in the fied of buiding operations and are affiiated with oca coeges. Coege speciaists wi conduct the training needs assessment (Steps 4 and 5), deveop a persona training pan for each trainee (Step 6), and may deiver the training themseves (Step 7). 3

8 the trainees. These are the individuas who wi receive energy management training. They are often buiding operators but may aso incude supervisors and others. Paying for Training One of the first questions that needs to be answered is a financia one: How wi you pay for the training needs assessment and the training itsef! The cost of a needs assessment and persona training pan for each trainee is about $150 (some coege speciaists may aso charge a sma management fee). This cost is paid by your organization. Once the persona training pans have been deveoped, you have two options for deivering the training: If you intend to enter into an energy performance contract, you can request that comprehensive energy management training from a recognized community coege be part of the overa package of services (some energy management firms may deiver some of the training themseves). In this way, the training can be paid for through energy savings. If you are not using an energy performance contract, your organization wi have to pay directy for the training costs, which are typicay $2000 per person ($400 per subject for five subjects). Before meeting with trainees to expain the process (Step 4), you shoud decide whether your organization wi aso cover the cost of upgrading anguage, mathematics, basic science and computer skis, which may be necessary for some individuas to successfuy compete energy management training. The aternative is to require the staff to pay for their own training in these areas.

9 The Workpace Training Committee A Workpace Training Committee shoud be convened at the outset of your energy efficiency project. As the faciity/project manager, you shoud sit on and possiby chair this committee. Other members shoud incude the CTC (if this is a different person), the coege speciaist, representatives of senior management, empoyees (possiby union stewards), buiding tenants and the energy management firm that wi impement the upgrade project. Typicay, the committee wi report to senior management through the energy efficiency project manager. NRCan has produced a presentation that can be used by the CTC to introduce the training process at the committee s first meeting (for a copy, send your request to NRCan at the fax number on page 13). The roe of the committee is to hep keep empoyees informed about the training program and to address any issues that may arise. For exampe, the committee woud respond to the foowing types of concerns: Unions or empoyees may beieve that the needs assessment process (Steps 4 and 5) wi threaten their job security. In fact, training wi strengthen job security by giving empoyees the skis they need to contribute to a successfu project. Management may express concern about both the cost of training and who is paying for it (particuary the upgrading of anguage, mathematics, basic science and computer skis). The committee s response shoud be that training is a critica eement of the overa upgrade project and an investment in peope and the organization. The energy management firm may need an expanation of its roe in the training process and why its own training services need to be suppemented. The resuts of the needs assessment shoud ceary demonstrate the requirement for more comprehensive training than can be provided by the energy management firm.

10 Needs Assessment Questionnaires What is a Needs Assessment? The needs assessment process described here and in step 5 wi hep you determine the current knowedge eve and training needs of each person who wi receive energy management training. As noted earier, trainees are usuay buihiing operators. Arrange a meeting of a the affected buiding operators and their supervisors. A presentation is avaiabe from NRCan (fax a request to the number on page 13) to hep the CTC deiver brief messages about: the benefits of training to empoyees and the organization the importance of training to the success of the energy management project how the training needs assessment works who wi pay for the training. coege accreditation the importance of indicating a anguage preference (Engish or French) for the training needs assessment process The CTC wi then provide each buiding operator with a training kit consisting of an information brochure on buiding environmenta systems and the first two questionnaires described beow. The third questionnaire may be given to supervisors under certain circumstances. Trainees are aso given the name and address of the coege speciaist who wi undertake the needs assessment and are instructed to return the competed questionnaires directy to this person. 1. Genera Knowedge Questionnaire for Operators The Genera Knowedge Questionnaire fir Operators (Appendix B) is a sef-assessment questionnaire intended to estabish the individua s knowedge eve in anguage comprehension, mathematics, basic science and computer iteracy. Buiding operators need to have a certain eve of abiity in each of these areas in order to compete energy management training. Buiding operators are instructed to compete the questionnaire at the eariest opportunity. Using the answers provided at the back of the questionnaire, operators are abe to estabish their basic ski eve in each area and determine whether these skis need to be upgraded in preparation for energy management training. Buiding operators shoud be encouraged to return the questionnaire to the coege speciaist as soon as possibe, so that the resuts can be taken into account when deveoping a persona training pan. A resuts from the competed questionnaires are hed in strict confidence by the coege. 6

11 2. Energy Management Questionnaire for Operators The Energy Management Questionnairefir Operators (Appendix C) has two parts. a) In the Staff Profie Section, the buiding operator is asked to provide information on his or her current job responsibiities, previous training/quaifications and work experience, as we as a preferred maiing address for deivery of the persona training pan. The buiding operator is aso invited to identify any requests for skis upgrading arising from the Genera Knowedge Questionnaire for Operators. b) In the Energy Management Knowedge Section, the buiding operator is asked to rate his or her abiities in six areas of buiding operation management: heating, air conditioning and refrigeration, air handing, eectricity, contros and water treatment. Within each area, severa categories of performance are isted, and the operator is asked to rate his or her knowedge as being one of the foowing: fu - the operator is abe to fuy describe the buiding operation and use this knowedge in the workpace without supervision basic - the operator is abe to describe basic aspects of the buiding operation and use that knowedge in the workpace with some supervision minimum - the operator has imited or no previous experience with the buiding operation The competed questionnaire is returned directy to the coege speciaist and is hed in strict confidence by the coege. Summary information from the competed questionnaires may be provided to the CTC without compromising confidentiaity. 3. Operator Assessment Questionnaire for Supervisors (Optiona) In some cases, buiding operation supervisors may be asked to compete the Operator Assessment Questionnaire for Supervisors. This can ony be done with the approva of both your organization and the union representing the buiding operators. This optiona questionnaire is identica to the Energy Management Questionnaire for Operators (Appendix C), except that buiding supervisors are being asked to assess the knowedge of individua staff members. The competed questionnaire for each staff member may be used to corroborate the operator s sef-assessment and to support the deveopment of a persona training pan. Competed questionnaires are returned directy to the coege speciaist and are hed in strict confidence by the coege.

12 Vaidation Interviews Vaidation interviews are private, one-on-one sessions between the coege speciaist and each buiding operator, conducted either in person or by teephone, to verify the resuts of the Energy Management Questionnaire for Operators. This is one of the most important steps in the training process. The CTC s roe is to put the coege speciaist in touch with the appropriate supervisor to schedue interviews. During the interview, the coege speciaist wi expore the individua s responses to the Energy Management Questionnaire for Operators. From time to time, operators misjudge their knowedge eves when competing the questionnaire. As someone who has practica experience in the fied of buiding operations, the coege speciaist can accuratey assess knowedge eves. At the outset of the interview, the coege speciaist wi expain that the assessment process is an academic procedure that coud ead to forma academic recognition. The coege speciaist wi\ aso confirm the information provided in the Staff Profie Section of the competed Energy Management Questionnaire for Operators by asking: how ong the operator has been doing his or her current job at the current faciity how ong he or she has been working in his or her current fied what forma training has been taken and what certificates and quaifications are hed whether the operator fees skis upgrading woud be hepfu, and if so, in what areas The coege speciaist wi then ask the operator in-depth questions reiated to each category of performance in the Energy Management Knowedge Section of the questionnaire. Based on the operator s responses, the coege speciaist records his OY her own assessment of the operator s knowedge eve as being fu, basic or minimum. This may differ from the operator s assessment. If the buiding operator demonstrates strong knowedge and work experience in any of the six areas of buiding operation management, the coege speciaist can recommend one of two forms of recognition: An advanced standing credit, which may be awarded if the operator has extensive work experience and can provide evidence (e.g., a certificate) of having competed a forma training course that is comparabe to the training that woud be recommended by the coege speciaist. This quaifies the operator for coege accreditation, such as BES program credits. A prior earning assessment rating, which means that the buiding operator has sufficient knowedge and work experience to quaify for a BES credit if he or she passes a chaenge exam. Ony a coege speciaist affiiated with one of NRCan s approved network of coeges (Appendix E) can award an advanced standing credit or prior earning assessment rating. Specific questions about the vaidation process shoud be addressed to the appropriate coege.

13 Deveoping Persona Training Pans Assessing the Resuts After competing the vaidation interviews, the coege speciaist wi assess each operator s training needs (it is during this assessment that the coege speciaist may decide to recommend an advanced standing credit or prior earning assessment rating). The assessment wi incude a review ok the competed Genera Knowedge Questionnaire for Operators the competed Energy Management Questionnaire for Operators the competed Operator Assessment Questionnaire for Supervisors (if avaiabe) the resuts of the vaidation interview For each category of performance in the Energy Management Questionnaire for Operators, the coege speciaist wi record the owest rating (fu, basic or minimum) from either the operator s competed questionnaire or the vaidation interview. The Training Assessment Guide (beow) is then used to determine the operator s training needs in each of the six areas of buiding operations management. Areas of Buiding Operations Management Number of Basic or Fu Ratings Training Recommendations* Heating 5 or 6 Ni 4 or ess BES Heating Air Conditioning and 5 or 6 Ni Refrigeration 4 or ess BES 702 -Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Air Handing 5 or 6 Ni 4 or ess BES 703 -Air Handing and Preventive Mainternance Eectricity Contros 5 or 6 Ni 4 or ess BES Eectrica 5 or 6 Ni 4 or ess BES Contros Water Treatment 5 or 6 Ni 4 or ess BES Water Treatment The Southern Aberta Institute of Technoogy (MT) aso offers a program of comprehensive energy management training. Contact SAIT for information on courses that are equivaent to BES training. Contact Seneca Coege to determine the equivaency of courses/programs offered by a other training organizations.

14 Deveoping the Pan Based on the resuts of the needs assessment process, the coege speciaist wit deveop a persona training pan for each buiding operator. The training pan wi contain the foowing information: Section 1 - Persona Information This section of the pan incudes the buiding operator s name, buiding ocation, preferred maiing address, teephone and fax numbers and e-mai address, as provided by the operator in the competed Energy Management Questionnaire for Operators. Section 2 - Brief Background This section provides genera background information acquired from the Staff Profie Section of the Energy Management Questionnaire for Operators and the vaidation interview. This information supports the training pan recommendations. Section 3 - Energy Management Training Recommendations for Coege Accreditation The coege speciaist s recommendations for energy management training and coege accreditation are set out in this section of the pan. Section 4 - Genera Knowedge Training Recommendations If the buiding operator has indicated an interest in upgrading his or her anguage, mathematics, basic science or computers skis, this wi be noted in the training pan. Section 5 - Recommended Deivery Options and Order of Training This section suggests a oca coege (Appendix E) or other agent that can deiver the training. If there is no oca source of training, the coege speciaist can advise the buiding operator to use Seneca Coege s distance-earning faciities (information is avaiabe by caing Seneca Coege at the number provided on page 30). This section of the pan aso incudes the recommended order of training. In a cases, it is recommended that the genera knowedge training identified by the operator be competed first, foowed by the appropiate coege training and then by training from the energy management firm, if appicabe. Section 6 - Coege Speciaist s Name and Address The coege speciaist wi provide his or her name, address, teephone and fax numbers and e-mai address shoud the buiding operator have any questions about the training ph. 10

15 Registration Fonn If the coege speciaist is recommending BES courses, a copy of the BES Training Registration Form (Appendix D) wi be attached to the persona training pan. This form is to be used by the buiding operator to: request additiona information or assistance in registering for cassroom earning register for distance-earning courses (e.g., via e-mai or the Internet) register for the prior Learning assessment process If other courses are recommended, the appropriate appication forms wi aso be attached. Forwarding the Pan A Persona Training Guide has been deveoped to expain the various eements of the training pan to buiding operators (Appendix D). The coege speciaist wi mai the competed training pan and the guide to the individua operators. Seneca Coege - on behaf of NRCan - has estabished a registry to record the names of buiding operators who receive coege credits. Training Deivery At this stage of the process, forma arrangements are made for coege training. With the agreement of trainees, the CTC shoud foow up on the persona training pans by contacting the recommended coege (usuay through the coege speciaist) and arranging an acceptabe training schedue. A number of factors may infuence how the training is deivered, incuding the number of trainees invoved and the type of training recommended. In remote ocations or for sma groups, the distance-earning option may be the best approach. Larger groups can be accommodated in a dassroom setting at a oca coege or even at your faciity. Arrangements for training on the specific equipment or technoogy being instaed in the buiding can usuay be made through the energy management firm. As previousy noted, if you are entering into an energy performance contract, you can ask the energy management firm to organize a of the training and you can arrange to pay for it through energy cost savings. Additiona information on training options is avaiabe from NRCan or Seneca Coege (see page 13 for contact information). 11

16 Operator Accreditation and Training Evauation Coege Accreditation Once the training has been competed, buiding operators shoud be encouraged to appy for coege accreditation. Records of a buiding operatots academic quaifications are maintained by the coege or coeges where the training was given. Training Evauation This fina step in the training process aso provides an opportunity for you to assess: the eve of knowedge and skis acquired through training the extent to which the acquired knowedge and skis are being used in the workpace the impact training has had on achieving your organization s overa goas and objectives You have an important roe to pay in heping your staff acquire the skis they need to ensure the success of your organization s energy efficiency project. This wi require commitment on your part and a significant investment of time and effort. But the good news is that comprehensive energy management training wi pay dividends for years to come through increased energy savings and a more motivated and skied workforce. 12

17 The Office of Energy Efficiency of NRCan and the Energy Training Office at Seneca Coege can hep you make training part of your energy efficiency project. We ve contributed to the impementation of many energy management training pans in the past, and we re ready to put our experience and expertise to work for your organization. Don t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions: Fax your name, phone number and the name of your organization to the Office of Energy Efficiency at (613) for information on how you can improve the energy efficiency of your faciities through programs such as the Federa Buidings Initiative or Energy Innovators. You can aso visit our web site at Seneca Coege has estabished a specia to-free hep-ine to address your training questions and concerns. Ca You can aso write to: Sheia Hirsch Energy Training Office Seneca Coege Centre for the Buit Environment 1750 Finch Ave. East North York, ON M2J 2X5 E-mai: sheia.hirsch@senecac.on.ca Web site: 13

18 Sources of Training and Recognition A wide variety of energy management training materias and trainers are avaiabe to hep your staff upgrade their skis. This appendix outines some of your main options. NRCan VVorkshops NRCan workshops are intended to serve as refresher courses or to hep fi gaps in the knowedge of buiding operators. The foowing workshops are avaiabe through private training organizations and some community coeges: Eectrica Energy Management Opportunities Therma Energy Management Opportunities Industria Energy Management Opportunities Energy Auditing Contact NRCan at the fax number on page 13 for a ist of training deivery agents. Buiding Environmenta Systems Training and Accreditation The Buiding Environmenta Systems (BES) program deveoped by Seneca Coege is used as the core curricuum for energy management training by a network of approximatey 20 coeges across Canada. Buiding operators can take the BES program either on campus or through distance education {i.e., by e-mai or hard copy correspondence). Some coeges aso deiver their own energy management courses. For a fu ist of coeges that offer energy management training, see Appendix E. The BES program offers two eves of accreditation, as expained beow. A BES Cass II Certificate requires competion of the foowing courses: 3. BES BUILDING SYSTEMS: A PRACTICAL OVERVIEW An introductory overview of today s compex buiding systems. Incudes site visits and demonstrations of actua equipment and machinery (e.g., boiers, chiers, air-handing units, fire protection systems and eectrica equipment). 2. BES HEATING An introduction to the operation and maintenance of boiers, burners, heating pipe systems and pumbing. 3. BES AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRGERATION Understand the function of air conditioning and refrigeration, with respect to equipment and design, as we as that of ozone-depeting substances. 14

19 4. BES AIR HANDLING AND PREVEh?VE MAINTENMCE An introduction to air-handing systems and their component parts, incuding preventive maintenance programs, as we as air quaity and waste management issues. 5. BES ELECTHCAL A study of eectrica systems, motor contros and wiring diagrams. Incudes cacuation of oads and charges. 6. BES COh XOLS Basic training on automatic contros, incuding how they work and how they are appied and interconnected. 7. BES WmR REAT..NT Understand water treatment and the appication of a water treatment system to industria and commercia properties. Aso addresses issues reated to the efficient use of water. A BES Cass I Certificate requires competion of the seven subjects isted above, pus: 1. BES ENERGY MANAGEMENT IN LARGE BUILDINGS Covers energy efficiency issues in reation to buiding management and appication, heating and cooing, air handing, ighting and eectrica systems, and buiding contro systems. 2. BES Training provided by an energy management firm or one of the foowing courses: 2~. BES PIPE SX&M DESIGN A study of the design, appication and operating characteristics of pipe system equipment. 2b. BES A? SYSTEM DESIGN A study of the design, appication and operating characteristics of air system equipment. a Prerequisite: BES 707. Seneca Coege may recognise work experience and previous academic training as credits toward either of its BES certificates. Graduates of Seneca Coege s BES program generate impressive energy savings for their organisations, as iustrated beow: Annua Energy Savings Generated by One Group of BES 710 Graduates Apartment buidings $ Office buidings $ Industria buidings (with office space) $ Schoos Hotes $22000 Shopping mas $ Churches $15000 TOTAL $ Seneca Coege and the Southern Aberta Institute of Technoogy (SAIT) are currenty eading an effort to estabish a nationa, academicay vaidated accreditation program for buiding operators in the area of energy efficiency. This accreditation wi eventuay be recognized by training institutions and empoyers across Canada. 15

20 Southern Aberta Institute of Technoogy s Buiding Operator Training Program SAIT s Buiding Operator Training Program is an introduction to energy management, providing training in the areas of persona skis deveopment, appied science, pant auxiiaries, heat-transfer equipment, microcomputers, refrigeration and air conditioning, heating systems, eectricity, introductory AutoCAD, energy auditing, boier systems, eectrica systems and HVAC systems. The program incudes hands-on aboratory work. Training by an Energy Management Firm Training may aso be provided by an energy management firm as part of an energy performance contract. This training tends to be system- and project-specific and is generay not based on a forma needs assessment. It shoud be viewed as a vauabe suppement to - but not a repacement for - coege-based training, where a needs assessment has indicated that the atter is necessary. 16

21 ---. Genera Knowedge Questionnaire for Operators (Cient training coordinator provides a copy to each buiding operator.) This sef-assessment questionnaire was prepared to hep you evauate your genera knowedge and readiness for buitding operator training. The questionnaire is not intended to test your basic skis, but rather to hep you recognize areas where you may want additiona training. Answers to a questions are provided so you can mark your own questionnaire. The questionnaire is divided into four sections: anguage skis mathematica skis science skis computer skis Check off your answer beside each question. When you re finished, compare your responses to the answers provided on the ast page. If after competing the questionnaire you wish to take a basic course in math, anguage, science or computer skis, pease indicate so when competing the Staff Profie Section of the Energy Management Questionnaire for Operators. Information on how to take this training wi be incuded in your persona training pan, which wi be given to you by the coege. Return the questionnaire to the coege speciaist identified in your training kit. 17

22 Genera Knowedge Assessment A. Language Skis Pease read the foowing paragraph carefuy. There are severa types of condensers used to convert refrigerant vapour to iquid refrigerant. Air-cooed condensers, which are generay used in sma air conditioners, transfer heat to the outdoors through a coi of finned tubing. In water-cooed condensers, water fows through tubing within a refrigerant chamber to pick up and convey heat outdoors. The water may be cooed in a device that resembes an automobie radiator, or it may be cooed by evaporation. In evaporative cooing, water is pumped to a high, narrow outdoor structure caed a cooing tower. These towers are frequenty seen atop arge factories and office buidings. The water is reeased from the top of the tower in a fine spray. Air bown through the spray causes some evaporation. The water is cooed in the process, and fresh water is added to the tower to repace the sma amount ost by evaporation. Pease answer the foowing questions by checking what you think is the most correct answer based on the above paragraph: 1. To condense means to change from 17 a) iquid to soid 0 b) soid to iquid 0 c) iquid to gas 0 d) gas to iquid q e) gas to soid 2. A water-cooed condenser 0 a) heats up refrigerant 0 b) absorbs heat from the water C c) carries heat out of the buiding C d) invoves evaporative cooing C e) converts steam to iquid water 3. Atoweris C a) a ta structure 0 b) an eevator shaft 0 c) atypeoffan C d) an ice-making machine 0 e) a form of ventiator 18

23 4. What do you often fmd on the roof of office buidings?. C a) fans C b) eevator shafts 0 c) water-cooed condensers C d) cooing towers 0 e) arge factories 5. What coos down when air is bown through a fine spray of water? C a) the air q b) the water q c) the eevator shaft 0 d) the condenser IX e) the cooing tower B. Mathematics Skis 1. Express as a fraction. C a) /8 0 b) /4 c) 2/3 C d) e) 7/8 2. What is the tota of (3/8) + (4/8)? C a) 12/8 0 b) 12/64 0 c) 7/64 0 d) 7/8 E e) 1 /2 3. Cacuate (1+3) + (7+5)/4. C a)2 C b)3 C c)4 I3 d)7 C e)12 19

24 4. 16 is 20% of what number? q a) 5.2 q b)8 C c) 32 C d) 80 q e) If 2(x + 4) = 18, what is the vaue of x? C a)1 C b)3 ci c)5, q d)7 q e)9 C. Science Skis 1. The foowing formua converts temperature from degrees Cesius to degrees Fahrenheit: F = 32 + C (g/5). What is the Fahrenheit equivaent for 85 C? q a) 95.4 F C b) 121 F 0 c) 185 F q d) F q e) 212 F 2. If you increase the votage in an eectric circuit, what change woud you expect to occur in the current? 0 a) it woud increase 0 b) it woud decrease 3. The North poes of two bar magnets C a) attract each other 0 b) repe each other 4. What happens to the boiing point of water as you go higher up a mountain? 0 a) it becomes higher 0 b) it stays the same q c) it becomes ower 20

25 5. Of the foowing three components of atoms, which are the ightest? C a) eectrons 0 b) neutrons i c) protons D. Computer Skis 1. A foppy disk drive woud be cassified as I q a) hardware b) software 2. ROM stands for C a) Random Order Macro c3 b) Repeat Od Messages 0 c) Read Ony Memory C E d) Reset Operating Memory e) Recognition of Optica Mouse 3. Which definition best describes a macro? C C C E a) A set of keystrokes that can be carried out by typing the name of the macro. b) A periphera that can be added to increase the memory of the computer. c) A program arger than 10 megabytes. d) A program designed to interface with the Word Wide Web. 0 e) Computer sang for a major disaster such as bowing out your hard drive. 4. Which of the foowing is not ikey to be a key on a computer keyboard? 0 a) Tab E C C C b) Ctr c) At d) Rem e) Shift 5. A modem is C Ci a) a buit-in teaching device about a computer b) a computer store demonstration mode 0 c) a Mutipe Operating Device Empoying Macros 0 d) a cross-inked monitor C e) a device that heps your computer tak to other computers 21

26 Answers to Genera Knowedge Assessment A. Language Skis 1. d 2. c 3.a 4.d 5. b B. Mathematics Skis 1. e 2. d 3. d 4. d 5. c c. Science Skis 1.c 2.a 3.b 4.c 5. a D. Computer Skis 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. e 22

27 c Energy Management Questionnaire for Operators (Cient training coordinator provides a copy to each buiding operator.) Pease compete this questionnaire and return it to the coege speciaist identified in your training kit. Staff Profie Section 1. Persona Information Name: Buiding Location: Preferred Maiing Address: Teephone: ( ) E-mai Address: Fax:( ) 2. Brief Background Describe your job. Describe your quaifications. How ong have you worked in this fied? How ong have you worked in this buiding? Is your job best described as speciaized or generaized? 0 Speciaized 0 Generatized How do you fee about the genera physica conditions in your workpace? 0 Very good 0 Satisfactory 0 In need of improvement 0 In poor condition and in serious need of improvement 23

28 3. Individua Training Preferences Check the basic skis training you require as determined from your Genera Knowedge Questionnaire for Operators. 0 Language 0 Science 0 Mathematics C Computer When woud you prefer to take training? 0 During working hours 0 Evenings C Weekends In which format woud you prefer to take training? 0 In a cassroom 0 By correspondence q By eectronic communications (e-mai, etc.) Energy Management Knowedge Section For each category of performance in the foowing tabes, rate your abiities as being one of the foowing: MIN: Minimum knowedge. Very imited or no previous experience. BASIC: Basic knowedge. Abe to describe basic aspects of the buiding operation and use that knowedge in the workpace with some supervision. FULL: Fu knowedge. Abe to fuy describe the buiding operation and use that knowedge in the workpace without supervision. 24

29 CATEGORIES OF PERFORMANCE 1 I am abe to define the terms invoved and capabe of performing simpe cacuations invoving temperature, heat and changes of state. 2 I am abe to draw a schematic of the basic refrigeration cyce, abeing a necessary components. I can use this sketch to expain to others the principes invoved. 3 I am abe to expain heat exchange in both air- and water-cooed condensers and evaporators, and I can describe the efficient and safe operation of each. 4 I am abe to describe the purpose of metering devices in refrigeration and identify the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of devices in common use. 5 I am abe to use a psychomettic chart and perform simpe cacuations regarding absoute humidity, enthapy, dew point, reative humidity, wet bub and dry bub temperature readings. 6 I am abe to demonstrate a sound knowedge of the proper techniques for the safe and environmentay acceptabe handing of refrigerants, incuding charging and remova procedures. FULL BASIC MINIMUM CATEGORIES OF PERFORMANCE FULL BASIC MINIMUM 1 I am abe to identify the major means of heat distribution in any buiding, deveop soutions to overcome ocaized probems, and initiate changes that wi prevent energy waste. 2 I am abe to perform maintenance and operation procedures on gas and oi burners and can describe the proper storage and piping of gas and oi 3 I am abe to expain to others the dangers of incompete combustion. I fee confident recommending procedures to ensure compete combustion eading to safe, energy-efficient and environmentay responsibe operation. 4 I am comfortabe reading heating drawings and can draw a basic hydronic heating circuit with a necessary vaves, pumps and safety equipment. 5 I am abe to describe the fundamentas of both a hot water and steam heating system, detaiing boier operation and piping systems. I I I I 6 I am abe to describe in detai heating contro systems and perform proper adjustments and maintenance of contro equipment. I can aso maintain heating units within a buiding. I 25

30 CATEGORIES OF PERFORMANCE FULL BASIC MINIMUM 1 I am abe to identify the causes of poor indoor air quaity in buidings and can undertake steps to reduce or eiminate the probems. 2 I am abe to describe severa ways to detect undesirabe gases in a buiding s air suppy system and can initiate steps to eiminate them. 3 I am abe to anayse the air-handing system in a buiding and can determine if it is providing a safe and comfortabe working environment. 4 I am fuy aware of construction and maintenance procedures for air distribution systems and their reated components. 5 I am abe to describe the different types of air-fitering systems in use and can operate and maintain each type. 6 I am abe to describe the importance of humidification and dehumidification and the methods used to contro and measure humidity eves. CATEGORIES OF PERFORMANCE 1 I am abe to cacuate vots, amps and ohms when any two are given in simpe series, parae or series-parae circuits. 2 I am abe to draw diagrams to demonstrate how the principes of magnetism and eectromagnetism are appied in generators, eectric motors and transformers. FULL BASIC MINIMUM 3 I am abe to describe three-phase power and can perform simpe cacuations reated to it. I 1 I I 4 I am abe to describe how hydro-utiity companies invoice for peak demand, power factor penaties, time-of-use biing and consumption charges, and how to keep these costs to a minimum. 5 I am abe to describe in detai a safety procedures that must be foowed when working on eectrica equipment. I am comfortabe using meters and testing equipment associated with preventive maintenance on a types of eectrica equipment. 6 I am abe to describe the operation of most eectronic devices and give exampes of the use of eectronic equipment in buiding operations. 26

31 CATEGORIES OFPERFORMANCE FULL BASIC MINIMUM 1 I am abe to describe the differences between open- and cosed-oop contro systems and can expain this to others. 2 I am abe to describe a variety ofdifferentmeasuring devices (sensors) used by the controindustry and can expain in basic terms how they opera&. 3 I am abetoidentify acomponentsin a pneumatic contro system and make appropriate adjustments. 4 I am abe to ist the procedures that must be undertaken to maintain pneumatic and eectronic contro systems, detaiing preventive measures on a daiy to yeary basis. 5 I am abe to identify a equipment in a buiding that must be controed by an automatic temperature contro system and the criteria for safe and efficient operation of such equipment. 6 I am abe to describe the operation of master/submaster contro sequencing and safety issues, incuding sewage discharge. CATEGORIES OF PERFORMANCE 1 I am abe to identify the principa contaminants of untreated water and can expain how they can be removed. 2 I am famiiar with and can describe test procedures associated with water treatment. 3 I am abe to describe the principa methods used in externa water treatment and can evauate them on the basis of energy and water conservation. 4 I am abe to describe the principa methods used in interna water treatment and can evauate them on the basis of energy and water conservation. 5 I am abe to expain the importance of water treatment in a types of systems and why different svsterns require different methods of water treatment. FULL BASIC MINIMUM 6 I am abe to expain the reationship between water treatment and heath and safety issues, incuding sewage discharge. I I I I 27

32 Persona Training Guide, Pan and Registration Form (This is a sampe of the persona training pan and guide that wi be sent to each operator by the coege speciaist.) This persona training pan is the resut of a comprehensive needs assessment process that incuded your own assessment of your basic skis and energy management knowedge and your interview with a training professiona. Competing the recommended training wi give you credits toward Seneca Coege s Buiding Environmenta Systems program. This pan is your persona record and has not been shared with your empoyer. However, the organization you work for has demonstrated a commitment to energy efficiency, and we encourage you to discuss this pan with your supervisor so that you can compete the recommended training. How to Read and Use the Pan Sections 1 and 2 of the pan provide persona information and detais of your existing job, experience eve, etc. The objectives of the remaining sections of the pan are as foows: Energy Management Training Recommendations for Coege Accreditation Courses Recommended This section ists the recommended courses by category of earning. Advanced Standing Credit Your work experience and prior training may quaify you for coege accreditation. If so, you wit need to provide the coege speciaist with documentation of your training in the subjects identified in this section. Prior Learning Assessment Your work experience and current knowedge may quaify you for coege accreditation if you pass a chaenge exam in the subject areas isted in this section. If you quaify, a registration form is attached. Genera Knowedge Training Recommendations This section ists areas in which you identified a need to upgrade your skis after competing the Genera Knowedge Questionnaire for Operators. Recommended Deivery Agent and Order of Training A oca deivery agent (usuay a coege) for the recommended training is identified in this section. The suggested order in which you shoud compete the training is aso provided. A form is incuded with your training pan to aow you to register for correspondence courses or other methods of individuaized earning. For courses in a cassroom setting, pease appy directy to the oca deivery agent. Coege Speciaist s Name and Address The name, address and other contact information for the coege speciaist who prepared your pan is provided here. This is the person to contact if you have any questions or require additiona information about the training pan. 28

33 Buiding Operations Training Pan (The cozege speciaist is to compete a pan for each operator. The pan is sent directy to the operator by the coege.) 1. Persona Information Name: Buiding Location: Preferred MaiLing Address: Teephone: ( ) Fax: ( ) E-mai Address: Pease mz Seneca Coege at if any of this information changes. 2. Brief Background 3. Energy Management Training Recommendations for Coege Accreditation Courses Recommended: Advanced Standing Credit: Prior Learning Assessment: 4. Genera Knowedge Training Recommendations Identified C Language 0 Science C Mathematics C Computer 5. Recommended Deivery Agent and Order of Training Loca Deivery Agent: We recommend that you take training in this order: 1. Genera knowedge training 2. Coege training 3. Training from the energy management firm (if appicabe) 6. CoUege Speciabt s Name and Address Name: Address: Teephone: ( ) Fax:( ) 29

34 BES Training Registration Name: Address: Teephone: ( ) E-mai Address: Form Fax:( ) A. Cassroom Learning Section 5 of your training pan ists a oca deivery agent, if one is avaiabe. Pease indicate if you are interested in this option (Seneca Coege can assist you in registering). 0 I am interested in cassroom earning. B. Individuaized Learning (through distance education) In areas where cassroom earning is not avaiabe or if you prefer to pursue training through individuaized earning, you can register directy with Seneca Coege and begin your training immediatey. List the subjects in which you wish to register for individuaized earning. Fee: $395 per subject (x number of subjects = $ ) Note: Discounts may be avaiabe for corporate groups of 10 or more. Identify your preferred method of individuaized earning (mark a 1 beside your first choice, 2 beside your second choice, etc.). - Correspondence (by posta system to the address provided above) - E-mai (make sure your address is provided above) - First Cass Computer Conferencing C. Prior Learning Assessment List the subjects for which you are eigibe to compete the prior earning assessment process. Fee: $75 per subject (x number of subjects = $-) D. Workpace Supervisor When taking individuaized earning or participating in the prior earning assessment process, the fina exam must be competed in the presence of a workpace supervisor. Pease identify this individua: Submitting Your Registration Form Compete and return this form to: Energy Training Office Seneca Coege Centre for the Buit Environment 1750 Finch Ave. East North York, ON M2J 2X5 30

35 Coege Listing A of the coeges (and other organizations) isted in this appendix offer energy management training. However, as noted earier, the Energy Training Office at Seneca Coege is the ead agency for deivery of the training process described in this guide. This office shoud be your first point of contact for incorporating energy management training into an energy efficiency project: Energy Training Office Seneca Coege Centre for the Buit Environment 1750 Finch Ave. East North York, ON M2J 2X5 Phone: (416) or Fax: (416) E-mai: sheia.hirsch@senecac.on.ca Web site: 0 Coeges identified with this symbo are activey deivering the Buiding Environmenta Systems (BES) comprehensive training program in their regions. 4 Coeges identified with this symbo have access to the BES program and the needs assessment process described in this guide. Agonquin Coege Woodroffe Ave. Nepean, ON K2G V8 Phone: (613) ext Fax: (613) Tim Breton British Coumbia Institute of Technoogy Wiingdon Ave. Bumaby, BC V5G 3H2 Phone: (604) Fax: (604) Garry White Cambrian Coege Barrydowne Road Sudbury, ON P3A 3V8 Phone: (705) Fax: (705) Laura Broderick Canadore Coege + P.O. Box 5001 North Bay, ON PB 8K9 Phone: (705) ext Fax: (705) Peter Sheppard sheppard@ccourt.canadorec.on.ca Coege of the North Atantic Sea Cove Campus * P.O. Box 10 Conception Bay South, NF AOA 3T0 Phone: (709) Fax: (709) Bi Haynes bhaynes@northatantic.ca Conestoga Coege Doon Vaey Drive Kitchener, ON N2G 4M4 Phone: (519) ext. 406 Fax: (519) Mike Harttrup mharttrup@cs7.conestogac.on.ca 31

36 Confederation Coege + La Commission Scoaire Sainte-Croix 0 P.O. Box 398 Le service de Education des ad&es et Thunder Bay, ON P7C 4W de a formation professionnee (SEAFP) Phone: (807) rue FiIion Fax: (807) Saint-Laurent, QC H4L 4E8 Say Jackson Phone: (514) Fax: (514) Durham Coege + Wojtek Winnicki Skis Training Centre 1610 Champain Avenue Lambton Coege 0 Whitby, ON LH 6A7 P-0. Box 969 Phone: (905) Sarnia, ON N7T 7K4 Fax: (905) Phone: (519) Esther Patterson susy-tayor@mai.durhamc.on.ca hoe des mktiers et occupations de industrie de a construction , me Borne Quebec City, QC GN L9 Phone: (418) Fax: (418) CaroIe Gingues Fanshawe Coege Oxford Street East London, ON N5V W2 Phone: (519) Fax: (519) Mike Westmorand westmorand@fanshawec.on.ca Georgian Coege + 1 Georgian Drive Banie, ON L4M 3X9 Phone: (705) ext Fax: (705) Tom Morrisey tmonisey@centra.georcou.on.ca Hoand Coege + Royaty Centre 40 Enman Crescent Charottetown, PE CE E6 Phone: (902) Fax: (902) David Webster dwebster@holandc.pe.ca La Citi Coigiae bouevard Saint-Laurent Ottawa, ON KG 5H8 Phone: (613) or Loyaist Coege 0 Wabridge-Loyaist Road P.O. Box 4200 BeUeviDe, ON K8N 5B9 Phone: (613) Maaspina University - Coege th Street Nanaimo, BC V9R 5S5 Phone: (250) Fax: (250) Dan Wood woodd@maa.bc.ca Mohawk Coege + Fenne1 Avenue & West 5th Hamiton, ON L8N 3T2 Phone: (905) Fax: (905) Michee Chamberand 32

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