Leading with Cultural Intelligence The Forum on Workplace Inclusion Dr. Ramon A. Pastrano IV Cathy Bergland April 2018

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1 Leading with Cultural Intelligence The Forum on Workplace Inclusion Dr. Ramon A. Pastrano IV Cathy Bergland April ImpactLives, Inc. Use with permission. 1

2 Introductions 2

3 IMPACTLIVES 4-I MODEL OF TRANSFOMATIONAL LEADERSHIP: Identity: Answers the question Who am I? Integration: Answers the question Do I know others around me? Intrinsic Motivation: Answers the question Why do I do what I do? Influence: Answers the question What is the best way to influence and lead? C

4 Session Objectives 1 Reinforce the importance of leading with cultural and global competencies. 2 Increase awareness of our own culture and the effect our worldview has on understanding other cultures. 3 Provide a framework for getting to know and understanding differences. 4 Understand the dimensions of culture and specifics in certain countries. 5 Work to move from cultural intelligence (cognitive) to cultural competence (affective and behavioral). C

5 Group Exercise C

6 Building the Case for Intercultural Competence Reality of the Twin Cities R 6

7 Minnesota: The next 10 years R

8 R United States - updated

9 A Story Not Only of Diversity but Disparity Median income for black household is $30,306, white is $66,979 Home ownership for black people is 21.7%, for white is 76% Website 24/7 Wall Street; August 2017 Study measured gaps between black and white residents Black people in MN 10 times more likely to end up in jail or prison than white. R

10 We cannot solve 21st century problems with 20th century mindsets. We cannot solve multi-cultural issues with monocultural mindsets ImpactLives, Inc. Use with permission. 10

11 Why This is Important Many well-intentioned people don t educate themselves about cultural differences because they believe that if they focus on individual differences, that will be enough. If you go into every interaction assuming that culture doesn t matter, your default mechanism will be to view others through your own cultural lens and to judge or misjudge them accordingly. (The Culture Map) Erin Meyer C

12 Intercultural Competence is the Capstone Intercultural Intelligence Intercultural Competence Is there a difference? C

13 Intercultural Competence is the Capstone C

14 We create what we expect. We see what we expect to see. 3 different behaviors: -reaction -response -reflection We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are Anais Nin C

15 R By the time we are 35 years old, we unconsciously live by a set of memorized behaviors, thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, and emotional reactions that run like automatic computer programs behind the scenes of our conscious awareness-in which the body has been conditioned to the mind. Dr. Joe Dispenza

16 Worldviews and Mental Models They help us organize information into broader categories and conserve mental resources objects (e.g., chairs ) behaviors (e.g., ordering food ) human being (e.g., the elderly ) situational cues Worldviews and the unconscious are social. They exist in and are shaped by our environment. Experiences with other people Perceptions of structures Narratives Stories, books, movies, media, and culture R 16

17 Five Major Functions of Worldview 1. Explanatory Provides cognitive foundation answers question why 2. Validation Validates our deepest cultural norms 3. Psychological Reinforcement Gives emotional security 4. Integration Organizes and systematizes reality into an overall design 5. Adaptation Assists in adjusting to and monitoring cultural change R

18 R 18

19 Three Levels of Uniqueness in Human Mental Programming Specific to individual Specific to individual Group or category Personality Culture Inherited and learned (includes experience) Learned Universal Human Nature Inherited (genetically) R Source: Hofstede, Geert, Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind, Institute for Research on Intercultural Cooperation (IRIC), University of Limburg at Maastricht, The Netherlands, McGraw-Hill Book Company.

20 A culture may be divided into two major parts: 1. Core culture Slow to change (Uniqueness-Values- Beliefs-Attitudes) 2. Fluid Zone Amenable to Change (Alternatives, Individual Peculiarities) Fluid Zone Core Culture R

21 Ways of Analyzing Culture C 21

22 Is Determining and Analyzing Culture Straightforward and Simple? In an answer NO! C

23 Cultural Differences Inside Us Even if you identify primarily with one national culture, you may or may not personally align with the characteristics of that culture! C

24 Group Exercise C

25 Dimensions of Culture Geert Hofstede R 25

26 Dimensions of Culture Crucial to understand for effective leadership 1. Identity: collectivism vs. individualism 2. Hierarchy: power distance (high vs. low) 3. Gender: femininity vs. masculinity 4. Truth: uncertainty avoidance (high vs. low) 5. Virtue: long-term vs. short-term orientation 6. Indulgence vs. Restraint (Hofstede; Exploring Culture) R

27 Identity the relationship between the individual & the group Individualism vs. Collectivism R

28 Identity: Summary The high side of this dimension, called Individualism, can be defined as a preference for a loosely-knit social framework in which individuals are expected to take care of only themselves and their immediate families. Its opposite, Collectivism, represents a preference for a tightly-knit framework in society in which individuals can expect their relatives or members of a particular in-group to look after them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty. A society s position on this dimension is reflected in whether people s self-image is defined in terms of I or we.


30 Collectivist People are born into extended families or other in-groups which continue to protect them in exchange for loyalty. Identity is based in the social network to which one belongs. Children learn to think in terms of we. Harmony should always be maintained and direct confrontations avoided. High-context communication. Purpose of education is learning to do. Individualist Everyone grows up to look after him/herself and his/her immediate (nuclear) family only. Identity is based in the individual. Children learn to think in terms of I Speaking one s mind is a characteristic of an honest person. Low-context communication. Purpose of education is learning how to learn. 30

31 Collectivist Diplomas provide entry into higher status groups. Relationship of employer-employee is perceived in moral terms, like a family link. Hiring and promotion decisions take employees in-group into account. Management is management of groups. Relationship prevails over task. Ideologies of equality prevail over ideologies of individual freedom. Individualist Diplomas increase economic worth and/or self-respect. Relationship of employer-employee is a contracted supposed to be based on mutual advantage. Hiring and promotion decisions are supposed to be based on skills and rules only. Management is management of individuals. Task prevails over relationship. Ideologies of individual freedom prevail over ideologies of equality. Harmony and consensus in society are ultimate goals. Self-actualization by every individual is an ultimate goal. 31

32 Power Distance (Hierarchy) High: leaders are revered, subordinates don t question Low: more equality between leaders and followers C

33 Power Distance: Summary This dimension expresses the degree to which the less powerful members of a society accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. The fundamental issue here is how a society handles inequalities among people. People in societies exhibiting a large degree of Power Distance accept a hierarchical order in which everybody has a place and which needs no further justification. In societies with low Power Distance, people strive to equalize the distribution of power and demand justification for inequalities of power.


35 Small Power Distance Inequalities among people should be minimized. There should be, and there is, to some extent, interdependence between less and more powerful people. Parents treat children as equals. Children treat parents as equals. Teachers expect initiatives from students in class. Teachers are experts who transfer impersonal truths. Large Power Distance Inequalities among people are both expected and desired. Less powerful people should be dependent on the more powerful; in practice, less powerful people are polarized between dependence and counter-dependence. Parents teach children obedience. Children treat parents with respect. Teachers are expected to take all initiative in class. Teachers are gurus who transfer personal wisdom. Students treat teachers as equals. Students treat teachers with respect. 35

36 Small Power Distance More-educated people hold less authoritarian values than less-educated people. Hierarchy in organizations means an inequality of roles, established for convenience. Decentralization is popular. Narrow salary range between top and bottom. Subordinates expect to be consulted. Large Power Distance Both more- and less-educated people show almost equally authoritarian values. Hierarchy in organizations reflect the existential inequality between higher-ups and lower-downs. Centralization is popular. Wide salary range between top and bottom. Subordinates expect to be told what to do. The ideal boss is a resourceful democrat. Privileges and status symbols are frowned upon. The ideal boss is a benevolent autocrat or good father. Privileges and status symbols for managers are both expected and popular. 36

37 Small Power Distance The use of power should be legitimate and is subject to criteria of good and evil. Skills, wealth, power and status need not go together. The middle class is large. All should have equal rights. Powerful people try to look less powerful than they are. Power is based on formal position, expertise, and ability to give rewards. Native management theories focus on role of employees. Large Power Distance Might prevails over right. Whoever holds the power is right and good. Skills, wealth, power and status should go together. The middle class is small. The powerful have privileges. Powerful people try to look as impressive as possible. Power is based on family or friends, charisma, and ability to use force. Native management theories focus on role of managers. 37

38 R Gender concepts of masculinity and femininity

39 Gender: Summary The Masculinity side of this dimension represents a preference in society for achievement, heroism, assertiveness and material rewards for success. Society at large is more competitive. Its opposite, femininity, stands for a preference for cooperation, modesty, caring for the weak and quality of life. Society at large is more consensus-oriented. In the business context Masculinity versus Femininity is sometimes also related to as "tough versus tender" cultures. 39


41 Femininity Minimum emotional and social role differentiation between the genders Men and women should be modest and caring Balance between family and work Sympathy for the weak Both fathers and mothers deal with facts and feelings Masculinity Maximum emotional and social role differentiation between the genders Men should be and women may be assertive and ambitious Work prevails over family Admiration for the strong Fathers deal with facts, mothers with feelings 41

42 Femininity Both boys and girls may cry but neither should fight Mothers decide on number of children Masculinity Girls cry, boys don t; boys should fight back, girls shouldn t fight Fathers decide on family size Many women in elected political positions Few women in elected political positions Religion focuses on fellow human beings Religion focuses on God or gods Matter-of-fact attitudes about sexuality; sex is a way of relating Moralistic attitudes about sexuality; sex is a way of performing 42

43 C Uncertainty Avoidance High vs. Low Extent to which a culture is comfortable with Uncertainty and Ambiguity

44 Truth: Summary The Uncertainty Avoidance dimension expresses the degree to which the members of a society feel uncomfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity. The fundamental issue here is how a society deals with the fact that the future can never be known: should we try to control the future or just let it happen? Countries exhibiting strong UAI maintain rigid codes of belief and behavior, and are intolerant of unorthodox behavior and ideas. Weak UAI societies maintain a more relaxed attitude in which practice counts more than principles.


46 Weak Uncertainty Avoidance Uncertainty is a normal feature of life and each day is accepted as it comes. Low stress; subjective feeling of well-being. Strong Uncertainty Avoidance The uncertainty inherence in life is felt as a continuous threat which must be fought. High stress; subjective feeling of anxiety. Aggression and emotions should not be shown. Comfortable in ambiguous situations and with unfamiliar risks. Lenient rules for children on what is dirty and taboo. What is different is curious. Aggression and emotion may, at proper times and placed, be ventilated. Acceptance of familiar risks; fear of ambiguous situations and of unfamiliar risks. Tight rules for children on what is dirty and taboo. What is different is dangerous. Students comfortable with open-ended learning situations and concerned with good discussions. Students comfortable in structured learning situations and concerned with the right answers. 46

47 Weak Uncertainty Avoidance Teachers may say, I don t know. There should not be more rules than is strictly necessary. Time is a framework for orientation. Comfortable feeling when lazy; hardworking only when needed. Precision and punctuality have to be learned. Tolerance of deviant and innovative ideas and behavior. Motivation by achievement, esteem, or a sense of belonging Strong Uncertainty Avoidance Teachers are supposed to have all the answers. Emotional need for rules, even if these will never work. Time is money. Emotional need to be busy; inner urge to work hard. Precision and punctuality come naturally. Suppression of deviant ideas and behavior; resistance to innovation. Motivation by security, esteem or being right. 47

48 Weak Uncertainty Avoidance Few and general laws and rules. Tolerance and moderation. Strong Uncertainty Avoidance Many and precise laws and rules. Conservatism, extremism, law and order. Positive attitudes toward young people. Regionalism, internationalism, attempts at integration of minorities. Belief in generalists and common sense. Many nurses, fewer doctors. Tolerance and moderation. Negative attitudes toward young people. Nationalism, xenophobia, repression of minorities. Belief in experts and specialization. Many doctors, fewer nurses. Conservatism, extremism, law and order. 48

49 R Orientation Short-term - doing what is right here and now vs. Long-term - preparing for the future

50 Virtue: Summary Every society has to maintain some links with its own past while dealing with the challenges of the present and the future. Societies prioritize these two goals differently. Societies who score low (short-term) on this dimension, for example, prefer to maintain time-honored traditions and norms while viewing societal change with suspicion. Those with a culture which scores high (long-term), on the other hand, take a more pragmatic approach: they encourage thrift and efforts in modern education as a way to prepare for the future. 50


52 Short-Term Orientation Most important events in life occurred in the past or take place now Personal steadiness and stability: a good person is always the same There are universal guidelines about what is good and evil Traditions are sacrosanct Family life guided by imperatives Long-Term Orientation Most important events in life will occur in the future A good person adapts to the circumstances What is good and evil depends upon the circumstances Traditions are adaptable to changed circumstances Family life guided by shared tasks. 52

53 Short-Term Orientation Supposed to be proud of one s country Service to others is an important goal Social spending and consumption Students attribute success and failure to luck Slow or no economic growth of poor countries Long-Term Orientation Trying to learn from other countries Thrift and perseverance are important goals Large savings quote, funds available for investment Students attribute success to effort and failure to lack of effort Fast economic growth of countries up till a level of prosperity. 53

54 Indulgence Vs. Restraint Free gratification of basic and natural human drives and having fun.versus Societies that suppress gratification of needs and regulate it by means of strict social norms. C 54


56 Indulgence Higher percentage of people declaring themselves very happy A perception of personal life control Restraint Fewer very happy people A perception of helplessness: what happens to me is not my own doing Freedom of speech seen as important Freedom of speech is not a primary concern Higher importance of leisure Lower importance of leisure More likely to remember positive emotions Less likely to remember positive emotions. 56

57 Indulgence In countries with educated populations, higher birthrates More people actively involved in sports In countries with enough food, higher percentages of obese people In wealthy countries, lenient sexual norms Maintaining order in the nation is not given a high priority Restraint In countries with educated populations, lower birthrates Fewer people actively involved in sports In countries with enough food, fewer obese people In wealthy countries, stricter sexual norms Higher number of police officers per 100,000 population 57

58 Additional Dimensions of Culture 58

59 R Context High vs. Low How much time people have been together, common rules and understanding

60 High Context High use of non-verbal Voice tone, Gestures, Words Facial expressions, Eye contact Indirect Communications Talk around and embellish point Use lots of stories Parables and detours Message is an art form Reason for communication is to engage other To establish or confirm relationships The message is not as important (focus) as the person Low Context Low use of non-verbal Literal message is carried more by words Less non-verbal actions Words have precise meaning Context is less important Communication is direct Things are spelled out exactly Little or no use of stories No parables or detours Message is literal Purpose is to share information, ideas or opinion Little personal involvement (emotional distance) Message is most important (focus) 60

61 High Context Time is Polychronic Doing different things at one time No set time for one particular thing None, or few time schedules Event-oriented Concern only for activity at hand Past Oriented (sometimes present oriented) History very important Change slowly, if at all Respect for elders or ancestors Conservative and traditional Come what may orientation Low Context Time is Monochronic One thing is done at a time, finish it first Specific time for everything Clear time schedules Time-oriented Great concern for punctuality Future Oriented History has little importance Change is essential Youth must be praised Innovation Goal-oriented 61

62 High Context People Oriented Strong focus on people and relationships Satisfaction lies in interacting with people (group) Identity and fulfillment of life found in warm, personal relationships Group oriented Friendships are long-lasting, with similar people Deplores loneliness, sacrifices time, money, status, and achievement for the sake of relationships Low Context Task Oriented Strong focus on tasks and principles Satisfaction found in the achievement of goals Strong work and achievement orientation as the basis of self-fulfillment Individual centered Friendships are fleeting, among people with same goals and orientations Accepts loneliness and social deprivation for sake of personal achievement 62

63 C Time Event time vs. Clock time

64 Time Under clock time, the hour on the timepiece governs the beginning and ending of activities. Individuals operating on clock time are careful to be punctual and expect the same of others. Under event time, scheduling is determined by the flow of the activity. Events begin and end when, by mutual consensus, participants feel the time is right. People on event time are more spontaneous in beginning and ending events and, as a result, tend to be less punctual and more understanding when others are less punctual. 64


66 Group Exercise Time to Practice! C

67 Using the handouts You are the supervisor and identify most with China or Mexico or Iran or Russia culture and the employee identifies most with the United States culture. What do you notice? What may be easier? What might you expect? How might communication between the two of you be easier or more challenging? How might the two of you interact with each other? What might happen if there is conflict? 2018 ImpactLives, Inc. Use with permission.

68 Using the handouts Now switch cultures you are the supervisor and identify most with the United States culture and your employee identifies most with the other culture noted (China or Iran or Russia or Mexico). What may go well/not go well in terms of: What may be easier? What might you expect? How might communication between the two of you be easier or more challenging? How might the two of you interact with each other? What might happen if there is conflict? 2018 ImpactLives, Inc. Use with permission.







75 Summary - Erin Meyer Leaders have always needed to understand human nature and personality differences to be successful. In this new, multi-cultural environment, leaders need to be prepared to understand a wider, richer array of work styles than ever before and to be able to determine which aspects of an interaction are simply a result of personality and which are a result of differences in cultural perspective. R

76 Optional Next Steps Explore more countries and learn about the other dimensions of culture from Hofstede Explore more countries and learn about cultural scales from Meyer The Culture Map, by Erin Meyer Take your own culture profile survey and see how you personally identify with the characteristics of your national culture! What s Your Cultural Profile? from (don t have to have a subscription); also a link through the Erin Meyer web site R 76

77 Questions and Answers

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