Royal Edinburgh Hospital Masterplan

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1 Royal Edinburgh Hospital Masterplan ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT VOLUME 1 (OF 4): NON TECHNICAL SUMMARY October 2013

2 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT VOLUME 1 (OF 4): NON TECHNICAL SUMMARY October 2013 Sinclair Knight Merz OneSixty 160 Dundee Street Edinburgh EH11 1DQ Tel: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) Web: COPYRIGHT: The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of Sinclair Knight Merz (Europe) Ltd. Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of Sinclair Knight Merz (Europe) Ltd constitutes an infringement of copyright. LIMITATION: This report has been prepared on behalf of and for the exclusive use of Sinclair Knight Merz (Europe) Ltd s Client, and is subject to and issued in connection with the provisions of the agreement between Sinclair Knight Merz (Europe) Ltd and its Client. Sinclair Knight Merz (Europe) Ltd accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for or in respect of any use of or reliance upon this report by any third party. REGISTERED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSOR: Sinclair Knight Merz are Registered Environmental Impact Assessors with the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA), a leading international organisation dedicated to the promotion of sustainable development and to the promotion of best practice standards in environmental assessment and management. The Registered Environmental Impact Assessor status (or membership) is awarded to organisations capable of producing environmental statements in accordance with current best practice standards. It is a status which reflects ability in environmental impact assessment work and has been awarded on the basis of a measure of the quality of work produced by Sinclair Knight Merz.

3 Volume 1 (of 4) NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY Contents 1.1 Introduction Site Description The Proposed Redevelopment Environmental Effects of the Proposed Development Further Enquiries Introduction This document provides, in non-technical language, a summary of the Environmental Statement (ES) that accompanies the application for planning permission in principle for the redevelopment of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. This Non-Technical Summary (NTS) provides a summary of the main findings of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in easy-to-understand language The purpose of the EIA is to assess the environmental impacts of the proposed redevelopment, and to indicate measures to be put in place to reduce or avoid this impact. City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) will take the findings of the EIA into account in determining the planning application The site location is shown in Figure 1.1 and the site layout in shown in Figure Site Description The Site covers an area of 20.5ha, a proportion of which is designated as Open Space, situated in the western and southern areas of the Site. The site is predominantly surrounded by residential properties with school grounds to the north and west and is bound to the south by a railway line, which runs adjacent to the southern boundary in an east-west direction The hospital is housed within a disparate collection of buildings varying in date from 1839 to present day. In addition, two other buildings are located in the grounds; the Scottish Ambulance Service national Headquarters buildings, which are now vacant, and the University of Edinburgh s Department of Clinical Psychiatry in the Kennedy Tower. On site, there are three listed buildings; MacKinnon House (Category B), the Church Centre (Category B) and Tipperlinn Cottage (Category C) The older buildings on the site are now in part unsuitable for treatment of mental illness due to their complicated layouts, poor sightlines, high maintenance and heating costs and limited or poor standard of residential accommodation. The more contemporary buildings are more suitable but some are similarly inadequate for meeting patient needs. The condition of the buildings poses significant challenges in providing the quality of care and working environment that NHSL strives for. Poor or inappropriate accommodation can also have a profound effect on patient wellbeing, staff recruitment and retention and the number and severity of incidents on inpatients wards The other factor is also the cost of maintaining the current, unsuitable facilities and this is such that it is no longer financially sustainable. There is a requirement for the development of new fit-for-purpose facilities to maintain the hospital s high standard Page 1

4 Volume 2 (of 4) of care and ensure safe and therapeutic environments for its service users, carers and staff In going forward the re-development of the site could accommodate the services from other mental health facilities located in the Lothians, including those provided at Astley Ainslie hospital. The aim of this redevelopment and the proposed relocation of services is to create a centre of excellence at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital for mental health provision in the Lothians. 1.3 The Proposed Redevelopment The proposals seek to redevelop the Site into new, high quality, fit-for-purpose mental health care facilities. The proposals also involve the provision of healthcare development, improved access, landscaping and open space The proposals will involve the demolition of the majority of buildings/structures on the Site; however, the two listed buildings will be retained The Proposed Development has been designed to take into consideration the surrounding environment. The Proposed Development will include elements of new build accommodation, with elements of retained existing buildings (including the refurbishment of the listed MacKinnon House), with improved vehicle, pedestrian and cycle access, and structured landscaped zones to assist the therapeutic rehabilitation of patients and improvement to the campus environment generally. 1.4 Environmental Effects of the Proposed Development Studies undertaken to assess the likely environmental effects of the Proposed Development include the following: Townscape/ Landscape and Visual (Chapter 7); Socio-economic & Community Studies (Chapter 8); Cultural Heritage & Archaeology (Chapter 9); Ecology (Chapter 10); Transport & Access (Chapter 11); Air Quality (Chapter 12); Noise (Chapter 13); Ground Conditions & Contamination (Chapter 14); Hydrology (Chapter 15); Waste (Chapter 16); and Energy & Sustainability (Chapter 17) These and other studies have also advised on engineering aspects including building design measures, measures to minimise transport effects, drainage and services for the Proposed Development and integration of sustainability principles. Townscape The Townscape/ Landscape and Visual Assessment has assessed the potential significant effects of the Proposed Development on identified townscape/ landscape and visual receptors that lie predominantly within a focused 2km radius Study Area. Page 2

5 Volume 1 (of 4) The Proposed Development will alter the existing townscape/ landscape and visual baseline conditions within and around the site to varying extents. Some local receptors will experience potentially adverse effects to both the landscape/ townscape resource and to visual amenity some of these effects will be significant, including in particular the loss of several architecturally and aesthetically interesting buildings (the Psychology Department, Affleck Centre, Kinnair Unit/ Laundry complex), and several areas of mature tree loss within and around the site. However, these effects will be generally localised and should be considered in the context of the modernisation and long-term future use of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital site. The Proposed Development also offers the opportunity to sensitively modernise the existing key built assets, upgrade facilities on the site, streamline access for all users, and include new areas of well-designed buildings, car parking, plazas and gardens/ courtyards sitting within and surrounded by a high-quality landscape setting, consistent with the non-inventory designed landscape setting. The tree removals arising from construction (144) will also be accompanied by the removal of trees in poor condition or dead/ dying (39). Of the total number of existing 739 trees on site, the 556 remaining after construction will be supplemented by a further 422 new trees, which are proposed as part of the Landscape Masterplan The Proposed Development should also be considered in the context of the existing development across most of the site already, as well as the general lack of obvious visibility of the existing self-contained and well-screened site and, therefore, predicted limited visibility of the proposals. The Proposed Development is therefore considered to be appropriate in this location in townscape/ landscape and visual terms, and the predicted residual effects, whether individually adverse or beneficial, are likely to be acceptable in overall terms. Socio-economic & Community Studies The EIA has included consideration of the impact of the redevelopment on current patients and staff and surrounding communities. The provision of new and upgraded mental healthcare facilities will offer significant benefits to current patients and staff. Other social impacts that are assessed include access, the amount the redevelopment contributes to general attractiveness or value of the area (amenity), recreation and employment impacts The proposed redevelopment is within a residential area with a number of potentially sensitive communities and facilities close by, including other hospitals and schools. The construction programme itself is to be phased to allow existing services to continue to be provided and help to minimise disruption to patients and staff with continuation of service provision. Consultation has been ongoing in relation to plans for the site with early engagement with stakeholders (including patients, staff, visitors and local groups) with the ongoing provision of information about the redevelopment being noted as particularly important. The assessment has focused on: Changes to health service delivery: Whether the planned improvements will ensure continuing care for patients Employment, Education and Training: New employment opportunities created during the construction and operation of the Proposed Development; Local Economy: Additional spend by construction workers; Amenity: Disturbance to the amenity of local residents, hospital staff and patients; and Recreation and open space: Impact on nearby areas of recreation, including Public Rights of Way and the use of public open space, during construction and operation. Page 3

6 Volume 2 (of 4) Tables have been used to explain the sensitivity of surrounding communities and likely extent (magnitude) of the effect to reveal how significant the effect on communities would be; and therefore, how important it will be. A review of policy and provision of baseline information highlighted the current government commitments to improve health, regenerate communities and the importance of provision of open spaces for amenity A desk-based study on the community within the region of Lothian Health Board Area and local area of Meadows/Morningside Multi Member Ward highlighted a number of working age people and increasing number of people within the locality. The level of mental illness within the Lothian Health Board area is similar to Scotland as a whole and that mental illness could increase over time (particularly taking into account the current economic downturn). There are a number of retail services within the locality of the proposed redevelopment and compared to national averages levels of unemployment are slightly better. The local area also has a wellqualified workforce. There are a number of recreational resources both onsite and in the surrounding area The assessment has found that the redevelopment of Royal Edinburgh Hospital will have significant positive impacts during operation for patients and staff through improved care, a healthier working environment and more financially sustainable facilities. As with projects of this type there is likely to be some temporary negative impact on patients and staff from noise during the construction period. The phased construction proposed will seek to minimise this disturbance, and it is anticipated that specific mitigation measures will be adopted as set out in the noise technical Chapter 13. There will also be a loss of some open space, a bowling green, this is currently used by an outside organisation and not considered part of care delivery at the hospital. Therefore, appropriate notice has been given to the users and they are expected to be able to find alternative facilities (but this may not be in the locality). The potential for negative effect are considered to be outweighed by the benefits for patient care that will include the development of appropriate open spaces for therapeutic uses. Cultural Heritage & Archaeology Potential effects of the proposed redevelopment upon cultural heritage assets resulting from its construction and operation have been considered Direct construction impacts of moderate significance are predicted for six cultural heritage assets (A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 and A7) within the Inner Study Area. These are buildings related to important phases in the development of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. Following mitigation the residual impact on these buildings will be of minor significance Direct construction impacts of, at most, negligible significance are predicted for two cultural heritage assets (A1 and A11) within the Inner Study Area. As no mitigation is proposed the residual impact will remain of negligible significance There is low to moderate potential for the construction phase to impact on previously unrecorded cultural heritage assets in the previously undeveloped areas of the existing Royal Edinburgh Hospital site. A programme of archaeological works will be agreed with the City of Edinburgh Council Archaeologist to mitigate such effects through preservation by record. Page 4

7 Volume 1 (of 4) Potential operational effects upon the setting of cultural heritage assets in the surrounding area have been considered. No effects on the setting of cultural heritage assets have been identified. Ecology An ecological impact assessment has been carried out which has included a desk study and habitat and mammal surveys to identify the existing ecological baseline of the site No statutory or non-statutory designated sites are present within the site boundary, but several designations are present within a 5km radius. These sites are designated for a range of habitat and/or species interests The eastern part of the site is characterised by a large number of buildings set within a park-like landscape with lawns and mature trees. However, the western part of the site contains few buildings and is dominated by vegetable beds and an orchard, together with semi-natural vegetation, notably woodland, grassland, tall herbs and scrub. Of these, the trees and woodland are considered to have significant value as landscape features The bat surveys identified 65 trees/groups of trees and 14 structures as having the potential to support roosts. However, no roost was subsequently identified within any of the trees. Two non-breeding roosts were identified within structures: a single common pipistrelle was recorded at a roost in MacKinnon House, whereas five soprano pipistrelles were recorded at a roost in the Andrew Duncan Clinic Badgers are present within the site, although no main sett was identified in the surveys. Hedgehogs are likely to be present on the site as well. Both of these species are protected. Similarly, all breeding birds are protected and the site is likely to support breeding pairs of a range of mainly common species Proposed mitigation for negative impacts includes applying for a Scottish Natural Heritage Development Licence to permit works with the potential to impact the bat roosts. The main elements of the mitigation strategy will consist of timing works to minimise the risk to roosting bats, having a licenced bat worker on site during demolition of the Andrew Duncan Clinic and compensating for the loss of the roost feature in this structure, as well as for the loss of the MacKinnon House roost, if the feature cannot be retained. This will be done either by providing built-in features within the structure replacing the Andrew Duncan Clinic, such as bat bricks, or by providing two bat boxes per roost lost. In addition, artificial lighting near woodland edges will be designed using current best practice to avoid negative impacts on bats Most trees and woodland will be retained on site. However, in order to minimise the risk of impacts on breeding birds, site clearance or construction will not be carried out in areas next to woodland habitats during the breeding season, unless a suitably qualified ecologist checks such areas first. A suitably qualified ecologist will also check work areas for potential hedgehogs and translocate any individual to suitable alternative habitat within the site. Two outlier badger setts may be closed if they still exist and show signs of being used by badger in the months prior to construction. A speed limit of 10mph will remain in place Proposed enhancement measures include the erection of bird boxes and planting of fruit-producing species within the site s existing woodland. Page 5

8 Volume 2 (of 4) Provided that mitigation and enhancement measures are implemented, no residual negative effects to valued ecological receptors are predicted. Transport & Access The Transportation and Access assessment has considered the potential impacts of the increase in traffic volumes associated with the redevelopment proposals at agreed junctions on the surrounding road network to the site The assessment takes account of the consolidation of existing facilities to the site and that not all trips to the development once operational will be new trips on the road network. The assessment considers the potential impact for both the construction and operational phases of the development and assesses the significance of the effects against the recognised guidelines and identifies appropriate mitigation measures where required The access arrangements for the proposed redevelopment will utilise the existing site access points on Tipperlinn Road and Morningside Terrace, and via a realigned existing access on Myreside Road. The access points on Tipperlinn Road and Morningside Terrace will continue to serve general traffic associated with the hospital. The access junction on Myreside Road will be a new access dedicated for service vehicles only The construction phase is expected to last for a total of 10 years with an estimated maximum daily vehicle trip generation of 160 vehicles, including 40 staff trips, with the remainder consisting of Heavy Goods Vehicles bringing materials to the site. Access to the construction site will be controlled and will adhere to appropriate strategies for public safety A 24hr trip generation profile for operational traffic was established from employee shift patterns provided by Capita and it is predicted that the overall increase in vehicle trips to the site once operational will be minimal A travel plan will be provided for the construction and operational phases which will include a number of measures to encourage staff to car share where possible. Furthermore, the introduction of limited car parking spaces at the site will help reduce single occupancy vehicle trips As the development is located within an urban environment, there is an array of existing pedestrian routes and facilities within the area. The development proposals include a number of measures to improve and provide pedestrian and cyclist facilities within the site, which will link to these external routes and facilities The access routes for the Proposed Development were assessed for suitability for both the construction and operational traffic. It is considered that all roads within the study area would be suitable to cater for the predicted volumes and type of vehicles accessing the development It is predicted that the traffic generated during the construction and operational phase of the development will have an overall negligible effect on the operation of the surrounding road network. Furthermore, the mitigation measures proposed including a traffic management plan for the construction phase and staff travel plans will aim to reduce single vehicle occupancy travel associated with the site. Page 6

9 Volume 1 (of 4) Air Quality An assessment of the potential air quality and dust impacts associated with the proposed redevelopment has been carried out. This assessment considered the potential impact of dust generated during the construction phase and the potential impact of the Proposed Development on sensitive nearby receptors (such as houses and schools) A semi-quantitative assessment of the impact of dust generated through construction, demolition, earthworks and trackout (construction traffic accessing the development site) activities was carried out for the application site. Although it is probable that dust will be generated during these phases of the development, it will be short-term and not likely to cause any residual impacts. The use of prescribed mitigation measures should be sufficient to keep generated dust levels to a minimum. The measures to control dust emissions will be included in a Construction Management Plan which will be agreed with the local authority The increase in the annual average daily traffic due to the proposed redevelopment is forecast to be less than 5% on the main access roads to the hospital. A transport strategy will be developed for redevelopment to mitigate the potential increase in the traffic generated. As such, it is anticipated that redevelopment will not result in a significant increase in vehicle trips as staff will be encouraged to travel more sustainable modes. Therefore, there will be a marginal increase in traffic and the impact on air quality was screened out as insignificant, in accordance with UK guidance The designs of any individual energy centres have not yet been confirmed and so an assessment of the impact of emissions from the energy centres will be included in the detailed planning applications. All new stack heights will comply with the Clean Air Act 1993 and will, as a minimum, be at least 3 m greater above any opening windows or ventilation air inlets within close proximity to the stack Overall, the environmental impacts associated with the Proposed Development are considered to be of negligible significance in relation to air quality and dust. Noise The potential noise and vibration effects due to the construction and operation of the proposed redevelopment have been assessed. Mitigation measures required to control the predicted effects have been identified Information within the assessment is based upon the results of a background noise survey, consultation with the City of Edinburgh Council, and consideration of the likely noise impacts of the redevelopment in relation to relevant policy and national legislation The site is located within a predominantly residential area, and as such there are many noise receptors in the immediate vicinity of the site George Watson s College, a co-educational independent day school that caters for children from Nursery through to Senior 6, is located immediately to the north of the development site, and therefore has the potential to be affected by noise associated with the redevelopment. Correspondingly College activities also contribute to the local noise environment. Page 7

10 Volume 2 (of 4) The local noise environment is currently dominated by local transport infrastructure, such as Colinton Road, Myreside Road and Morningside Place, and the railway to the south of the site. The roads immediately adjacent to the site are predominately of a residential nature and are not significant noise sources. George Watson s College gives rise to periods of elevated noise levels, particularly during outdoor break times and the use of the outdoors sports facilities In general, the noise levels measured at the proposed redevelopment site are relatively low for an urban environment. However, there are various existing noise sources that have the potential to give rise to a noise impact in the redevelopment, such as noise from use of outdoor school grounds at George Watson s School, noise from nearby sports facilities and from the railway. These sources will be taken into account by the detailed design of the new facilities, in order to meet the requirements of the Department of Health for new facilities Noise from fixed plant associated with the new development will be mitigated through the appropriate selection and siting of such equipment and the inclusion of suitable mitigation in the design where necessary. No significant noise impacts are expected as a result of the operation of outdoor plant The impact of increases in traffic associated with the redevelopment on local roads has been assessed, based on outputs of the traffic assessment. The overall impact as a result of increased traffic associated with the redevelopment on all local roads is classified as negligible The impact of potential construction traffic has been assessed. Although no detailed traffic analysis of specific construction traffic routes or flows has been carried out, the number of additional vehicle movements required on local roads in order to cause a minor increase has been calculated. As numbers of construction traffic movements are likely to be significantly less than these, the overall impact as a result of construction traffic on local roads is classified as negligible The impact of construction operations has been assessed, based on estimated types, numbers and locations of construction plant. The impact at any receptor will depend on its proximity to the construction activity. Temporary major adverse impacts are predicted at a number of receptors during some construction activities without mitigation. These temporary impacts would be reduced to moderate adverse, assuming that mitigation can achieve a modest reduction of noise. Ground Conditions & Contamination Impacts of moderate/low significance have been identified relating to site users, during construction, operational and decommissioning phases arising from the potential for direct contact with potentially contaminated soils Due to the low sensitivity of the soils at the site and the nature of the Proposed Development, the risk of an impact on the soil environment is considered to be very low, even without mitigation. As such, there are no residual impacts to the soil environment, arising from the proposals, which would be of concern if the development were progressed The final design of structural features, to protect against the potential impacts of the soil environment on infrastructure, will be undertaken at a later date and could include corrosion resistant concrete and soil gas protection measures, should these be deemed necessary. Page 8

11 Volume 1 (of 4) Hydrology and Hydrogeology This assessment considered the impact of the proposed redevelopment on the surface water and groundwater environment in terms of both quality and quantity and assessed any effects on natural drainage patterns, manmade drainage patterns and flood risk The assessment included a desk-based data review, a site visit and consultation with stakeholders. The site visit identified key hydrological issues and features including surface water features, the existing drainage regime and other land use characteristics likely to influence hydrological processes. Consultees included SEPA, Scottish Water and the City of Edinburgh Council. For the assessment, a level of risk associated with each potential effect was assigned to all identified sensitive receptors within, surrounding and downstream of the site, according to best practice guidance Topography across the site generally slopes downward from the north (86mAOD) to the south (76mAOD) and impermeable surfaces of buildings, roads and car parks cover approximately two-thirds of the site (central and eastern areas). There are no marked channels within the application site; however, there are several man-made drains which are all discharged to the public combined sewer One surface water stream (Jordan Burn) has been identified with a hydraulic connection to the site. The burn flows for a short section adjacent to the railway line to the south of the site. The burn then enters a culvert which runs across the southern area of the site parallel to the site boundary wall. Although the stream is largely culverted along its course it is exposed for a short section and presents a potential flow path for surface runoff from the site to enter the stream The bedrock is classified as a moderately productive aquifer and is within a drinking water protected area (groundwater), although there are no private water supplies or licenced drinking water abstractions within 2 km of the site boundary. The natural drift materials overlying the bedrock have a variable permeability across the site and therefore, groundwater is expected to be in hydraulic connection with surrounding surface water, including the Jordan Burn. Protecting groundwater will be important during construction Mitigation measures have been proposed to address any potential effects associated with the construction, operation and decommissioning of the Proposed Development. It is recommended that a site wide Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is created for all phases of the development and approved by City of Edinburgh Council and SEPA prior to any works commencing. This will incorporate good practice techniques combined with avoidance measures already taken into account in the design of the Proposed Development Specific mitigation measures include employing a sustainable urban drainage system (SUDs) for the final drainage design which will make allowance for extra drainage capacity associated with a 1 in 200 rainfall event. The SUDs will also allow for the treatment of runoff and discharge to the combined sewer at greenfield rates. During the construction phase the EMP will contain a Sediment Control Plan, that will outline the routine working and emergency procedures for the control and mitigation of erosion and dust and which would include a temporary surface water drainage system. A foundation works risk assessment will be undertaken prior to construction to determine risks to groundwater quality in the underlying aquifer. If groundwater is encountered during the construction of the new development then Page 9

12 Volume 2 (of 4) any groundwater dewatering will be stored in holding tanks and discharged through an agreed licence with Scottish Water Groundwater recharge will be affected by the development. The construction of the Proposed Development in the western area will initially decrease the amount of surface water infiltration across the site. This will be offset by the decommissioning of former hardstanding areas and the retention of selected greenfield / landscaped areas and therefore the effect significance is considered to be minor No significant environmental effects have been identified in terms of effects to the hydrological or hydrogeological environment providing that adequate mitigation measures are implemented. Therefore, overall the Proposed Development will not result in any predicted negative residual effects of significance on the water environment. Waste The waste assessment considers the likely impact of waste effects from the proposed redevelopment in terms of generation, management and disposal of construction and demolition (C&D) waste; operational and decommissioning waste generation, management and disposal and also in the broader Scottish targets context In terms of waste, the main receptors of the Proposed Development will be the regional and local waste infrastructure and their available capacities to accept the wastes generated from the proposed site redevelopment. This will also link directly to the way waste is managed on site once operational The potential effects of the generation and disposal of waste streams arising from construction and operational activities associated with the redevelopment have been assessed in a desk based study. The assessment reviews the potential impacts that the waste arisings produced during these phases will have on the capacity of the receptors. The receptors are the regional and local waste infrastructure in Edinburgh and the wider area, including the Lothian region and also Scotland as a whole, where the waste arisings generated could be sent It is estimated that the redevelopment will generate 9,126 tonnes of demolition and construction waste and this is an approximate 0.8% increase in total mixed construction and demolition waste arisings within the Lothian region. However it is anticipated that, as the majority of the waste generated will be recycled or reused (especially the inert waste), an additional waste facility capacity requirement of less than 0.5% is needed in the Lothian region It is therefore unlikely that the redevelopment will have any significant adverse impact on current local waste management capacity on the basis of the predicted tonnage of waste generated. Also, it is anticipated that at least 90% of demolition waste and 80% of construction waste will be diverted from landfill. Therefore the impact of the construction waste can be viewed as having a negligible significance It is anticipated that 872 tonnes of operational waste will be generated by the new redevelopment, which accounts for less than 0.6% of the total commercial and industrial waste generated by education, healthcare and social work sector in the Lothian region. Therefore the impact of the operational waste can be viewed as a negligible significance as both the sensitivity and magnitude will be negligible. Page 10

13 Volume 1 (of 4) There will be significant opportunities for reuse, recycling and recovery of wastes. These opportunities will increase over time as the waste management infrastructure within the region develops in response to waste legislation and policy drivers. There will be a range of measures available to minimise the effects of waste generation during the construction, and operational phases of the development With regards to operational waste it is assumed that there will be arrangements in place with the various parties involved with the management of the development to ensure that any impacts will be managed appropriately. It is assumed that all occupants will be storing, handling and disposing of waste in a manner that will be acceptable to the relevant authorities and any commercial contractors The impact of the demolition and construction waste and operational waste can be viewed as having a negligible significance, as both the sensitivity and magnitude will be negligible. The development is not likely to result in significant effects on waste management. Energy & Sustainability The energy performance for the redeveloped whole-campus project has been considered as part of the EIA and it is predicted that specific and total site energy consumption will reduce compared with the existing situation A framework is established within which the energy and carbon reduction principles of the designs for each phase of development will be monitored and improved The requirements for energy utility connections are considered, and a process to ensure that appropriate capacities are available to meet the demands of the phased development is established A sustainability framework is developed that reflects the requirement to comply with legislative demands and to pursue aspirational requirements, and a roadmap is provided to ensure that these objectives continue to be met and bettered where possible It is considered that the project can be developed and secure excellent energy performance and sustainability credentials as it progresses. 1.5 Further Enquiries This Non-Technical Summary provides a general description and account of the effects on the Proposed Development. The full details of the assessment of likely significant environmental effects are presented in the ES If you wish to order further copies of this document (free of charge) or a copy of the ES please contact: Montagu Evans Edinburgh office ( ) or SKM s Edinburgh office ( ). A charge of 100 will be made to cover the cost of full ES printing. Page 11

14 Volume 2 (of 4) This page is intentionally blank Page 12

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