Status of Orobanche crenata in faba bean in the Mediterranean region and its control

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1 Status of Orobanche crenata faba bean Mediterranean region its control Mesa-García García-Torres L. Cubero J.I. (ed.), Saxena M.C. (ed.). Present status future prospects of faba bean production improvement Mediterranean countries Zaragoza : CIHEAM Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Sémaires Méditerranéens; n pages Article available on le / Article disponible en ligne à l adresse : To cite this article / Pour citer cet article Mesa-García García-Torres L. Status of Orobanche crenata faba bean Mediterranean region its control. In : Cubero J.I. (ed.), Saxena M.C. (ed.). Present status future prospects of faba bean production improvement Mediterranean countries. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, p (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Sémaires Méditerranéens; n. 10)

2 Statusof Orobanche crenata fababean J. MESA-GARCíA* L. GARCíA-TORRES** *CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN DESARROLLO AGRARIO (CIDA) APDO.240,14071CORDOBA, SPAIN **CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTíFICAS (CSIC) APDO.240,14071CORDOBA,SPAIN - Orobanche crenata is a weed festg sowg date affect Orobanche festation. methods have been established although most of m not fully effective The use of glyphosate to be a method; of applications an effective depend on conditions. - "Situation actuelle et contrôle de dans la culture de fève dans la région méditerranéenne". est une mauvaise herbe parasite qui iifeste la région méditerranéenne et le parcelles, la rotation des cultures, l'irrigation, la fertilisation, la variété et la date de semis sont des facteurs qui affectent l'festation par Dz8érentes méthodes de contrôle ont été établies, mais la plupart d'entre elles ne sont pas totalement efficaces ou sont très chères. Les traitements avec l'herbicide glyphosate se sont avérés opérants, et il semble que ce sont les conditions environnementales qui déterment le nombre nécessaire d'applications pour obtenir un contrôle efficace. Distribution cidence is a weed found East. on its cidence have been by (1969); specific have been given by Schmitt (1978) et al. (1984b) Andalucía Spa) Saxena (1987) a study of 78% of cultivated of crenata was 78% of fields studied, completely deyield 2% of fields. Spa, crenata was 85% of fields, causg festations (at least 1 to 2 plant) about 20% of m. Annual loss yield was calculated at level at 1 million U.S. most damagg impact of O. crenata has been that delay clusion of faba bean to avoid of Orobanche, thus limitg of this O. crenata of fields East a yield loss of 5-24% faba bean because of crenata. In Egypt, et al. yield loss, 30-70% et al., 1969). a competition study, (1984) established an equation between Orobanche (ON) yield loss (L) as: L = ON to this equation, of, on age, faba bean by half. Factors affectg cidence et al. (1984b), ults showed that time between successive of field no of festations. spacg, simaze application, did not edly affect of festations. We below se elements: - Field fields This is - - n.o : Serie A: Semaires mediterraneens

3 (1973a) who studied effect of on of O. crenata. - is obvious that clusion of that Orobanche development, thus high seed festations et al., 1986). - conditions deve- can duce - N of O. crenata festations ditions with not vitro conditions was of O. crerzata festations et al., 1984a). - faba bean to O. crenata exist of genetic faba not successful. - Sowg date: Advancg of sowg date festations 1986; et al., 1987). This may be due to of Orobanche attachment volume sowgs. conditions of O. crenata have 11 days of at 18 C, centage of Orobanche seeds Attachment seems to be affected by development of host. Schmitt et al. (1979) that attachment can cocide latest plantg dates but not it can cocide with vegetative development of especially that Orobanche attachis mental this is a need to Orobanche When O. crenata is shoot bud still nean) competition between be out se stages Control to O. crenata. an of susceptible have been to Orobanche this method legume which of sowg date useful to ~ effects of do not avoid festations. On sowg dates of to achieve Saxena, 1986). is so been limited. to Orobanche this of duce Orobanche seed et al., 1976). These compounds capable of when ap- that se compoundscould be putto to application methods, time between application of stimulant sowg of a susceptible to be The use of soil is effective of use of ethyl of high cost of se use is high value limited The use of plastic to soil has also been effective (Jacobson et al., 1980) but has limitations as use of chemical soil is effective ducg festation, but Orobanche festation is gen The use of ability tomake Orobanche not development, can of Orobanche seeds soil. et al. O. crenata seeds with flax. sate at of m not effective of et al., 1980) glyphobe effective of Orobanche. effective be economically useful extensive also seem to et al., 1989). be quite Serie A: Semaires mediterraneens

4 Glyphosate is of crenata faba its et al. (1984a) have studied its by Schmidt et al. (1978) showed that a application of 120 g a.i./ha with Orobanche a second application at 60 g a.i./ha at bud stage two applications at 60 g a.i./ha with Orobanche stage effective. Jacobson with two applicait is that even a high of Orobanche is not enough to part of faba due to of due et al. (1980) poted out that 3 of (1986) have high with only one application. that one application to con- Orobanche sown dates. With festations sowg dates, 2-3 applications festations a second applica sowg dates cycle is of applications its development cycle of need of of References (1986): to Orobanche Striga: on biology of Orobanche S.J. ed.). LWVpO, Wagengen, The F., J. (1989): Selection of of (Orobanche spp.) faba bean (Vicia faba L.). van, SAXENA, (1987): between sowg date Orobanche development on faba bean (Vicia faba) lentil cularis W., eds.). EL (1973): Studies on faba bean Egypt. 1: affectg seed Orobanche crenata Orobanche ramosa. Egypt J. 5: (1985): Weed Faba Egypt s Nile Aleppo, (1986): avoidance available methods of on biology of Orobanche S.J. LWO, Wagengen, The (1980): of Egyptian (Orobanche aegyptima) weeds by heatg soil by polyethylen mulchg. Weed Science 28: Y. (1980): Effectiveness of glyphosate on (Orobanche spp.) Science (1976): A novel to Striga Orobanche usg syntic nation stimulants. Weed A. S.A. (1959): A study on effect of Orobanche sp. on some of Viciafaba L. Sham, 4: L. (1973a): on biology of Orobanche crenata Orobanche aegyptiaca of Weed Council Symposium on of Calif. (1973b): of Orobanche. 19: J. (1969): The biology of plants. Univ. 246 pp. S. (1984): chemical of Orobanche crenata faba of Symposium on Weeds, Aleppo, J. L. (1984): A competition dex Orobanche crenata effects on bean (Vicia faba L.). Weed 24: L. (1985): Orobanche Vicia faba L. with glyphosate as affected by 25: L. (1986): Effect of on of (Vicia faba) by (Orobanche Science 34: (1986): A study of population dynamics of (Orobanche (Vicia faba L.) field of Orobanche LWVpO, Wagengen, The A. L. (1984a): yield (Vicia faba L.) to glyphosate. Weed Science 32: L. (1984b): (Orobanche fections bean (Vicia faba L.) fields Andalucía of Symposiumof on Weed (1980): The of Striga, Orobanche weeds. 18: A. (1984): Effect of cal sowg date tillage on Orobanche spp. festation faba bean yield. 14:ll-15. L. V.V. (1986): Effetti dei glyphosate applicate epoche sull Orobanclze della fava. Atti Fitopatologiche 3: (1973): of lrials out agast on Annalli della Facoltà di di 26: (1986): Orobanche seeds to methods of a Serie A: Semaires mediterraneens

5 on biology of Orobanche S.J. ed.). U. (1979): of Orobanche Wagengen, The crenata on of Second Symposium on Weeds, N.C., USA. SAXENA, on omy to Orobanche faba bean (Vicia faba- L.). U., ir1 on biology of Orobanche S.J. ed.), Wagengen, The de Orobanche renata en habas FAO ls. SAXENA, of faba ZAHRAN, T., bean fields with special to Orobanche spp. Cus- Chemical of Orobanche on Vicia faba. cuta : Serie A: Semaires mediterraneens

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