Common Socio-economic Monitoring Indicators for Caribbean Challenge MPAs

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1 Common Socio-economic Monitoring Indicators for Caribbean Chaenge MPAs Comunes de os Indicadores Socioeconómicos de Monitoreo para e Caribe Desafío AMP Indicateurs de Suivi Communs Socio-économiques pour es Caraïbes Défi AMP MARIA PENA, PATRICK McCONNEY, and KATHERINE BLACKMAN CERMES, University of the West Indies, Cave Hi Campus, Barbados ABSTRACT The Socio-economic monitoring by Caribbean Chaenge MPA Managers project (CC SocMon project) impemented by the Centre for Resource Management and Environmenta Studies (CERMES), at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hi Campus, has been increasing the capacity for effective Marine Protected Area (MPA) management among Caribbean Chaenge countries through promoting the use of socia and economic monitoring data in MPA decision-making. Specific project outcomes incude thirty-two trained MPA practitioners and seven initiated site assessment and monitoring programs across three Caribbean Chaenge countries (Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and St. Lucia. CC SocMon MPA site assessments and monitoring are varied and have focused on differing socio-economic aspects of MPAs incuding determining current and potentia aternative iveihood options and opportunities for MPA communities; coecting socio-economic data to inform management panning; identifying perceptions of changes and impacts that wi accompany the introduction of management panning; coecting data on impacts, attitudes and perceptions trends of communities within and surrounding MPAs; determining MPA awareness; coecting data to guide strategies to mitigate the impacts of panned deveopment on MPAs; and deveoping core indicators to assist with decisionmaking and effective management of MPAs.This paper reports on common socio-economic indicators chosen and deveoped by CC SocMon project sites and assesses those which stand out as being the most usefu or feasibe to measure. KEY WORDS: Socio-economic monitoring indicators, Caribbean Chaenge, MPAs SOCIO-ECONOMIC MONITORING FOR COASTAL MANAGEMENT Socio-economic Monitoring for Coasta Management (SocMon) is a goba initiative of the IUCN Word Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA-Marine), Goba Cora Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN) and the Nationa Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The initiative is being impemented at the goba and regiona eves with the goa of estabishing socio-economic coasta and marine monitoring programmes gobay at the site eve (Bunce et a. 2000, Bunce and Pomeroy 2003). Coasta resources can no onger be managed from a biophysica focus aone. In order to sustainaby manage coasta resources, managers must baance sustainabe use, resource protection and conservation with community needs for food security, iveihoods and equitabe use of resources. An understanding therefore of human interactions with, and dependence on coasta resources, as we as the socio-economic context of the community is critica (Bunce et a. 2000, Bunce and Pomeroy 2003). SocMon is aimed at heping coasta managers better understand and incorporate the socio-economic context of coasta resource use by various stakehoders into coasta management programs. This is essentia for assessing, predicting and managing coasta resource use over time. SocMon is a gobay networked, regionay adapted, practica methodoogy of socio-economic monitoring for coasta management. Gobay, six regions are successfuy conducting SocMon (with the West Africa SocMon region under deveopment) the Caribbean, Centra America, Pacific Isands, South Asia, South East Asia and the Western Indian Ocean. SocMon works through regiona and oca partners to faciitate community-based socio-economic monitoring. SocMon is a set of guideines for estabishing a socio-economic monitoring program at a coasta management site. Each of the regions conducting SocMon have a set of region-specific guideines for socio-economic monitoring. The guideines provide a prioritised ist of socio-economic variabes usefu to coasta managers as we as the questions for data coection and tabes for data anaysis. The guideines are not rigid and can be taiored to each site s need (Bunce and Pomeroy 2003). There are sixty socio-economic variabes that may be used in assessment or monitoring and they are presented in the guideines according to the means of data coection key informant interviews and/or secondary sources, and surveys and are represented by K and S preceding the variabe number. The variabes are categorised according to type. Key informant and secondary sources variabes are categorized according to community-eve demographics, community infrastructure and business deveopment, coasta and marine activities and governance. Survey variabes are categorized according to househod demographics, coasta and marine activities, attitudes and perceptions and, materia stye of ife. The guideines provide detaied information on each of the variabes What it is; How to coect it; How to anayse it; and How the resuts can be usefu to managers. In Apri 2011, an addendum to the regiona SocMon and Socio-economic Monitoring for Coasta Managers in the Pacific (SEM-Pasifika) guideines was pubished. These guideines provide an additiona set of ten socio-economic indicators reated to cimate change. These can be incuded in a socio-economic assessment or monitoring program at any site for which cimate change impacts are an important issue. The resuting Proceedings of the 65 th Guf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute November 5 9, 2012 Santa Marta, Coombia

2 Page th Guf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute information can then inform coasta management needs and adaptive management (Wongbusarakum and Loper 2011). Due to the fexibiity of the methodoogy, new variabes for assessment and monitoring may be designed according to site need. Prioritization of variabes for measurement according to goa and objectives for assessment or monitoring, the genera importance to data coection and site-specific conditions is recommended. Due to the adaptabiity of the SocMon methodoogy to each site s needs, there is itte imitation in site assessment or monitoring goas and objectives. The drawback to this is that comparison of data between and among sites may be difficut. Therefore, the deveopment of a core set of variabes appicabe to coasta management sites at the subregiona or regiona eve may overcome this difficuty and accordingy faciitate the scaing up of coasta management decisions in some cases. SOCIO-ECONOMIC MONITORING BY CARIB- BEAN CHALLENGE MARINE PROTECTED AREA MANAGERS Project Background The Socio-economic monitoring by Caribbean Chaenge MPA Managers project (CC SocMon project) impemented by the Centre for Resource Management and Environmenta Studies (CERMES), at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hi Campus, has been increasing the capacity for effective Marine Protected Area (MPA) management among Caribbean Chaenge countries through promoting the use of socia and economic monitoring data in MPA decision-making. Sma Isand Deveoping States (SIDS) of the Wider Caribbean are highy dependent on coasta iving spaces and iveihoods based on coasta resources (Loper et a. 2008, McConney 2003). Caribbean MPAs have succeeded to varying degrees in achieving ecoogica objectives, but have strugged to gain acceptance from stakehoders (often for socio-economic reasons) and effectivey impement management measures. Litte attention has been paid to the impact of MPAs and management interventions on adjacent communities who rey on the resources within MPAs impacts that may hep expain some of the probems MPAs have had with impementation and compiance (Garraway and Esteban 2002, Geoghegan et a. 2001, Loper et a. 2008). An understanding of human interactions with and dependence on coasta resources as we as the socio-economic context of the community is essentia for assessing, predicting and managing coasta resource use (Bunce and Pomeroy 2003). Toos such as the SocMon Caribbean methodoogy provide coasta managers with an understanding of the socia, economic, cutura and poitica characteristics and conditions of individuas, househods, groups, organizations and communities. Socioeconomic information can hep coasta managers identify potentia probems, mitigate negative impacts and focus management priorities accordingy (Bunce and Pomeroy 2003, Loper et a. 2008) to achieve management objectives. Despite many projects, Caribbean MPA management authorities with sma staffs strugge with inadequate capacity to manage most MPAs in the region. This is in part due to the fact that most of the regiona, nationa and oca agencies responsibe for MPA management, do not have the training or skis required to achieve effective biodiversity conservation and successfuy manage the areas under their supervision (Ebanks 2009, MacLeod 2007, McConney and Pena 2007, Parsram 2007, Pena 2006, Roach 2007). Strengthening skis and knowedge, to manage protected areas adaptivey is critica to preventing and/or arresting degradation of natura resources and ensuring sustainabe iveihoods for those dependent on these resources. Consutation with representatives of the MPA community in the eight isands associated with the Caribbean Chaenge Initiative at a meeting hosted by the Caribbean Marine Protected Areas Management (CaMPAM) Network at the 63rd Guf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI), Puerto Rico, 1 5 November 2010 indicated the need for capacity buiding in socioeconomic monitoring for the deveopment of an effective regiona system of MPAs. This need for MPA capacity buiding in socioeconomic assessment and monitoring was previousy identified in a regiona training needs assessment (Parsram 2007) and most recenty in the Gombos et a. (2011) MPA management capacity assessment. This is particuary important since most MPAs in the region focus mainy on ecoogica monitoring despite provisions in management pans, and research and monitoring frameworks for socioeconomic assessment and monitoring (e.g. Soufriere Regiona Deveopment Foundation 1994). For some MPAs such as the Tobago Cays Marine Park (TCMP), Sandy Isand Oyster Bed MPA (SIOB MPA), Pitons Management Area (PMA) and Point Sabe Environmenta Protection Area (PSEPA) the need for continuous socio-economic monitoring has been negected in the management pans (De Beauvie-Scott and George 2003, Gardner 2009, Hoggarth 2007, TNC and Grenada Fisheries Division 2007). This critica deficiency must be addressed. MPAs aso focus on enforcement and surveiance, administration and pubic education rather than monitoring. When monitoring occurs, it tends to be bio-physica (De Beauvie-Scott 2003, McConney and Pena 2007, Pena 2006, Roach 2007; Steve Nimrod, Moinere-Beausejour Marine Protected Area, Grenada, Persona communication; OandoHarvey, Tobago Cays Marine Protected Area, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Persona communication). The Caribbean Chaenge Initiative (unprecedented commitment by Caribbean governments to support and manage new and existing nationa parks and protected areas throughout the region) and regiona training in SocMon through this project provide a major opportunity for uptake of SocMon for achieving improved MPA management capacity and therefore conservation of coasta

3 Pena, M. et a. GCFI:65 (2013) Page 195 resources. With strengthened capacity for management through socio-economic monitoring MPA managers, authorities and fied staffs wi aso increase their capacity for adaptive management through earning-by-doing. The objectives of the project incude: i) Training approximatey 40 MPA managers/staff, from three CC countries (Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and St. Lucia), in the practica use of SocMon Caribbean methods via three country-specific workshops, ii) The initiation of eight site assessment and monitoring programs (three in Grenada, two in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, three in St. Lucia) for coasta management with technica assistance and advice provided by CERMES, iii) Documentation of training and monitoring processes, making them avaiabe to a wordwide audience and CERMES communications for repication, with improvement, in future rounds of SocMon activity, and iv) Submission of data to the Reef Base Socio- Economic goba database and CaMPAM database for uptake The project is funded by a Nationa Fish and Widife Foundation (NFWF) Cora Reef Conservation Fund grant (USD 126,000). Originay one year in duration (September 2011 to 31 August 2012), the project has received a no-cost extension to February Specific project outcomes incude thirty-two trained MPA practitioners and seven (six individua sites and one combination of two) initiated site assessment and monitoring programs across three Caribbean Chaenge countries (Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and St. Lucia). Goas and Objectives for Site Assessment or Monitoring CC SocMon MPA site assessments and monitoring are varied and have focused on differing socio-economic aspects of MPAs incuding determining current and potentia aternative iveihood options and opportunities for MPA communities; coecting socio-economic data to inform management panning; identifying perceptions of changes and impacts that wi accompany the introduction of management panning; coecting data on impacts, attitudes and perceptions trends of communities within and surrounding MPAs; determining MPA awareness; coecting data to guide strategies to mitigate the impacts of panned deveopment on MPAs; and deveoping core indicators to assist with decision-making and effective management of MPAs (see Tabe 1). Tabe 1. Goas and objectives for socio-economic assessment or monitoring by MPA. Country MPA Goas and objectives Grenada Moinière/ Beauséjour MPA Goa: To assess the feasibiity of aternative iveihood options for the communities surrounding the Moinière/ Beauséjour Marine protected Area ((MBMPA). Woburn/ Carke s Court Bay MPA Sandy Isand/ Oyster Bed MPA To assess how the MPA impacts iveihoods of the communities in the area. To strengthen community participation in MPA management and MPA.ownership based on examining potentia inkages between resource protection and iveihoods. To identify the socio-economic conditions that wi enabe aternative iveihood options: tourism and its reated deveopment. Goa: To determine the changes and impacts, particuary those reated to yachting, that accompany the introduction of management panning to the WCCB MPA To determine what changes in the WCCB area are perceived by the major stakehoder groups due to the introduction of management. To determine whether changes are perceived as positive or negative, equitabe or not, from a socioeconomic perspective. To determine the direct and indirect impacts of the yachting sector to WCCB and identifysocioeconomic benefits of Marinas. To integrate socio-economic monitoring indicators into the evauation of management effectiveness during management panning. Goa: To determine impacts, and attitudes and perceptions trends of the Sandy Isand/Oyster Bed Marine Protected Area (SIOBMPA), on persons iving and working in communities adjacent to the MPA. To obtain MPA stakehoder feedback on the MPA management process, impacts and effectiveness of management activities within the protected area before and after the estabishment of the MPA. To determine the current conditions of the coasta and marine resources. To identify the specific uses of the MPA and its resources by househods within the adjacent communities.

4 Page th Guf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Tabe 1 (continued). St. Vincent and the Grenadines Tobago Cays Marine Park South Coast Marine Conservation Area Goa: To deveop a core set of socio-economic indicators to assist with decision-making and the effective adaptive management of the TCMP. To determine stakehoder perceptions of changes in the conditions of the marine resources since the re-aunch of the TCMP in To determine the eve of stakehoder participation and satisfaction in the management of the TCMP since the re-aunch of the TCMP in To determine the perceptions of stakehoders on the eve of enforcement, compiance and protection (security) within the TCMP since the re-aunch of the TCMP in Goa: To coect socio-economic data to inform management panning of the South Coast Marine Conservation Area St. Lucia Pointe Sabe Environmenta Protection Area Soufriere Marine Management Area and Pitons Management Area (combination site) To identify a core set of socio-economic indicators for assessing change in resource conditions and patterns of use over the next 3-5 years. To identify a range of socio-economic uses/use patterns in the SCMCA. To determine stakehoders awareness, attitudes and perceptions of the coasta and marine resources in the SCMCA. To measure the impact of management arrangements on stakehoders iveihoods and the area s natura resources. Goa: To determine the extent to which the peope in the Vieux-Fort community are aware of a) the Pointe Sabe Environmenta Protection Area (PSEPA) as a protected area and b) the various current and potentia iveihood opportunities which exist in the area To determine the eve of awareness of the existence of the PSEPA. To determine the eve of awareness of the current iveihoods and potentia iveihood opportunities which exist within the PSEPA. To determine the number of househods currenty benefitting(economicay) from the PSEPA. Goa: To coect data to inform/guide strategies to mitigate the socio-economic impacts of panned deveopment within the Pitons Management Area (PMA) and the Soufriere Marine Management Area (SMMA). To determine perceived threats of panned deveopment within the SMMA and PMA by residents and other users. To determine the eve and extent of use of the PMA and the SMMA by residents and other users. To identify potentia management soutions to address impacts identified. SocMon Variabes Chosen by Site for Data Coection Once site monitoring pans had been prepared by the sites and approved by CERMES for impementation, SocMon teams determined preferred methods to be used for data coection. For the purposes of this paper, we pay attention to the key informant interview and househod survey instruments used. However it shoud be noted that sites are sti in the process of gathering data and wi use additiona methods of gathering information such as secondary sources of data and visuaization techniques such as maps. Based on the goas and objectives of the site assessment or monitoring, SocMon teams determined the most appropriate SocMon Caribbean variabes to be measured. Variabes were chosen from the origina set of 60 SocMon Caribbean variabes, however, for a sites, new variabes had to be designed and deveoped in order to accuratey capture information that coud not have been obtained using the origina key informant and survey SocMon variabes provided in the guideines. This paper reports on common socio-economic variabes chosen and deveoped by the CC SocMon project sites and assesses those which stand out as being the most usefu or feasibe to measure. A tota of 57 variabes were chosen for assessment among the sites, 24 key informant variabes and 33 survey variabes. Of these, 14 new key informant variabes and 15 survey variabes were deveoped. Revision of two key informant variabes and three survey variabes was recommended for coecting and measuring some of data required for the studies. Tweve key informant variabes and 18 survey variabes were shared among sites. Six newy deveoped variabes were appicabe as both key informant and survey variabes and were used to coect simiar data (Tabes 2 and 3).

5 Pena, M. et a. GCFI:65 (2013) Page 197 Tabe 2. Key informant variabes chosen according to site. Variabes used at more than one site (potentiay comparabe) are shaded. Variabe Number Variabe Grenada St. Vincent & the Grenadines St. Lucia MBMPA WCCBMPA SCMCA PSEPA K12 Occupation K14 Activities K15 Goods and services K16 Types of use K17 Vaue of goods and services K19 Use patterns K20 Leves and types of impacts K23* Stakehoders K31* Stakehoder participation K33** MPA changes or impacts K34** Management support K35** Critica activities for management intervention K36** Perceptions of resource conditions (adopted - origina survey variabe S16) K37** Perceived threats (adopted - origina survey variabe S17) K38** Perceived changes in activities and uses K39** Perceived MPA benefits K40** MPA knowedge and awareness K41** Business and service provision K42** Types of interactions K43** Liveihood trends, enhancement and vunerabiities K44** Aternative iveihoods K45** Best practices K46** Perceived management responsibiity * Variabes recommended for revision ** New variabes Hatched shading variabes appicabe as both key informant and survey variabes Description of Revised and New Variabes Deveoped during SocMon Foowing the format used to present the SocMon variabes in the SocMon Caribbean guideines (Bunce et a. 2003), the deveopment of new SocMon variabes invoved defining the variabes by name, deveoping descriptions of the variabe and how to coect the data, providing an expanation of how to anayze the data and discussion of how the information coud be usefu to MPA managers. For revision of origina variabes, variabe names were not changed but instead descriptions, methods of data coection, expanations for data anaysis and importance of the data to managers were modified. Due to space imitations here, ony those revised and new variabes with a popuarity rating of 3 and 4, that is, those variabes shared by three and four MPA sites, are described beow. N.B. Survey variabes with a rating of five were origina SocMOn Caribbean variabes. For brevity, the sampe of revised and newy deveoped variabes is presented in Tabes 4 and 5 according to name, description and usefuness. It is hoped that in the future the detaied information on the compete set of these variabes (revised and newy designed) wi be made avaiabe for sharing and uptake via the SocMon website ( CERMES website ( and or possiby as an addendum to the current SocMon Caribbean guideines as MPA-specific SocMon Caribbean variabes.

6 Page th Guf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Tabe 3. Survey variabes chosen according to site. Common variabes among sites are shaded. Variabe Number Grenada St. Vincent and the Grenadines St. Lucia Variabe SIOB TCMP SCMCA SMMA/PMA PSEPA S1 Age S2 Gender S4 Education S7 Occupation S8 Househod size S9 HH income S10 HH activities S16* Perceptions of resource conditions S17* Perceived threats S18 Awareness of rues and reguations S19 Compiance S20 Enforcement S21* Participation in decision-making S23 Perceived coasta management probems S24 Perceived coasta management soutions S25 Perceived community probems S26 Successes in coasta management S27 Chaenges in coasta management S29** MPA knowedge and awareness S30** Types and changes in MPA iveihoods S31** Aternative iveihoods S32** HH MPA iveihoods S33** MPA changes or impacts S34** Perceived management responsibiity S35** Management priorty(ies) S36** Sector deveopment and sector impacts S37** Knowedge and perceptions of physica deveopment, impacts and negative impact reduction S38** Perceived responsibiity for impact reduction S39** Best practices S40** Perceived MPA benefits S41** MPA user frequency and type of MPA uses(s) S42** Use patterns (adopted origina key informant variabe K19) S43** Perceptions of changes in species abundance * Origina SocMon variabes recommended for revision **New variabes Hatched shading variabes appicabe as both key informant and survey variabes Tabe 4. Description of a sampe of popuar revised and newy deveoped key informant variabes. Key informant variabes Variabe Number Variabe name What it is How the information can be usefu to managers K23* Stakehoders Stakehoders interested, invoved or affected by coasta resource management (origina) Identification of individuas or groups that may be impacted by management measures and addressing the impacts with stakehoders (origina) Stakehoders who woud ike to be invoved in management (revised) Identification of stakehoders who have a vested Stakehoder wiingness to participate in management (revised) interest in MPA management and decision-making How shoud stakehoders be invoved in management (revised) (revised) Ways of encouraging participation in management (revised) Identification of potentia champions for MPA management (revised) Understanding ways in which stakehoders can be invoved in management to get usefu inputs (revised) Understanding ways in which managers can encourage stakehoder participation in management and decision-making (revised) A important for gaining buy-in and support for management

7 Pena, M. et a. GCFI:65 (2013) Page 199 Tabe 4 (continued). K33** K40** MPA changes or impacts MPA knowedge and awareness Positive and/or negative effects or impacts of the MPA and its management on stakehoders and resource users Incudes changes or impacts on uses, activities and iveihoods as a resut of management measures Genera understanding of peope about MPAs, protection and sustainabe use of MPA resources How informed stakehoders are about a specific MPA and its purpose/objectives. The variabe aso measures peope's perceptions of education efforts made by MPA management, government and nongovernment agencies (NGOs and community groups) towards raising awareness about the MPA and its resources The variabe aso measures what peope think shoud be done to improve or increase MPA awareness Identification of vunerabe groups, those that are most impacted by management interventions Identification of threats to the oca community and dependency on MPA resources Determination of issues critica for scientific study (e.g. diversification of occupationa and income structure, aternative iveihoods). Critica in guiding the direction of, and adaptation of MPA management. Examination of the impact of management on stakehoders and for evauating management effectiveness. Critica for deveoping awareness programs Important for encouraging stakehoder participation in management and support for the MPA. Important for infuencing MPA compiance and management Information on education/awareness-raising efforts is usefu to managers in identifying the eve of outreach and information dissemination occurring and any changes that may need to be made to such Tabe 5. Description of a sampe of popuar revised and newy deveoped survey variabes. Survey variabes Variabe Number Variabe name What it is How the information can be usefu to managers S16* Perceptions of resource conditions The origina variabe measures what peope think about the condition of coasta and marine resources of the MPA. The variabe can measure both current and past conditions The variabe shoud aso measure expected changes in resource condition after introduction of management - what changes in the condition of resources do peope expect once management is impemented Usefu for identifying threats to coasta and marine resources. Monitoring perceived changes in resource condition coud aso indicate success and effectiveness of management through management interventions (change in peope's attitudes and perceptions). Information on perceived and expected changes is critica for deveoping awareness programs and seeking stakehoder participation Deveoping biophysica research and monitoring programs guided by stakehoder knowedge S29** MPA knowedge and awareness Genera understanding of peope about MPAs, protection and sustainabe use of MPA resources How informed stakehoders are about a specific MPA and its purpose/objectives. The variabe aso measures peope's perceptions of education efforts made by MPA management, government and nongovernment agencies (NGOs and community groups) towards raising awareness about the MPA and its resources The variabe aso measures what peope think shoud be done to improve or increase MPA awareness Critica for deveoping awareness programs Important for encouraging stakehoder participation in management and support for the MPA. Important for infuencing MPA compiance and management Information on education/awareness-raising efforts is usefu to managers in identifying the eve of outreach and information dissemination occurring and any changes that may need to be made to such

8 Page th Guf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Tabe 5 (continued). S30** Types of and changes in MPA iveihoods Ways in which peope make a iving from MPA resources This variabe aso measures seasonaity of iveihoods Peope's perceptions of or knowedge of changes in MPA iveihoods due to MPA management or externa factors (such as physica deveopment) S32** HH MPA iveihoods Ways in which househod members make a iving from the resources in and around MPAs S33** MPA changes or impacts Positive and/or negative effects or impacts of the MPA and its management on stakehoders, househods and resource users Incudes changes or impacts on uses, activities and iveihoods as a resut of management measures Indication of the degree of peope's dependency on the MPA and its resources. This is critica to informing the manager about heaviy utiized resources that may require management intervention to improve their condition as we as impacts management may have on earning power (such as iveihood dispacement). Changes in MPA iveihoods may inform managers about the impacts certain management actions have had on peope iving in communities adjacent to the MPA Seasonaity of MPA iveihoods can provide information on occupationa structure of and hep MPA managers taior management programmes Indication of the degree of dependency of househods on the MPA and its resources. Critica to informing the manager about heaviy utiized resources that may require management intervention to improve their condition Important in determining impacts management may have on househod earning power Identification of vunerabe groups, those that are most impacted by management interventions Identification of threats to the oca community and dependency on MPA resources Determination of issues critica for scientific study (e.g. diversification of occupationa and income structure, aternative iveihoods). Critica in guiding the direction of, and adaptation of MPA management. Examination of the impact of management on stakehoders and for evauating management effectiveness. POPULARITY POTENTIAL FOR USING VARIA- BLES FOR COMPARISON AMONG SITES Popuarity of Variabes and Feasibiity for Measurement The frequency of the variabes chosen by each site was quantified by rating each variabe. A rating score of 1 5 was used to indicate the number of sites using the variabe of reevance. The popuarity of variabes across sites is iustrated in Figures 1 and 2. Based on the popuarity ratings for the variabes shown above, the key informant variabes that stand out as most feasibe to compare are those reated to coasta and marine activities, governance, knowedge and awareness, business and service provision (Tabe 6). For surveys the variabes are: househod demographics, coasta and marine activities, attitudes and perceptions, knowedge and awareness, iveihoods and governance (Tabe 7). Note that some variabe categories have been specificay deveoped to group newy designed variabes. Figure 1. Popuarity of key informant variabes chosen by a sites.

9 Pena, M. et a. GCFI:65 (2013) Page 201 Figure 2. Popuarity rating of survey variabes chosen by a sites. Tabe 6. Key informant variabes most feasibe to measure by type. Category Coasta and marine activities Governance Knowedge and awareness Variabe K14 Activities K17 Vaue of goods and services K20 Leves and types of impacts K23* Stakehoders K33** Management changes or impacts K31* Stakehoder participation K34** Management support K36** Perceptions of resource conditions K37** Perceived threats K38** Perceived changes in activities and uses K40** MPA knowedge and awareness Business and service provision K41** Business and service provision * Origina SocMon variabes recommended for revision **New variabes Tabe 7. Survey variabes most feasibe to measure by type. Category Househod demographics Coasta and marine activities Attitudes and perceptions Variabe S1 Age S2 Gender S4 Education S7 Occupation S8 Househod size S9 Househod income S10 Househod activities S41** MPA user frequency and type of MPA use(s) S16 Perceptions of resource conditions S17 Perceived threats S18 Awareness of rues and reguations S19 Compiance S23 Perceived coasta management probems S24 Perceived coasta management soutions S26 Successes in coasta management Knowedge and awareness Liveihoods Governance S29** MPA knowedge and awareness S30** Types of and changes in MPA iveihoods S32** Househod MPA iveihoods S33** MPA changes or impacts * Origina SocMon variabes recommended for revision **New variabes

10 Page th Guf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Potentia for Comparison Among Sites Due to simiarity in variabes chosen, questions asked and samping designs that incude simiar stakehoders among the Caribbean Chaenge MPA sites, there are a number of variabes that can be potentiay quaitativey and quantitativey compared. The opportunity therefore exists for buiding a sub-regiona socio-economic picture of Caribbean Chaenge MPAs and regiona MPAs in genera. Generay, goas and objectives for monitoring vary according to site and as such drive the seection of variabes for the SocMon process. However based on the popuarity of specific variabes identified in this project, the potentia exists for deveopment of a core set of variabes or indicators that can be rapidy monitored in future rounds of SocMon by each site in addition to other goas and objectives. A standardized key informant interview and survey coud be deveoped for rapid SocMon assessment or monitoring ( SocCheck ) using the most popuar variabes as a base. Sustained monitoring using this core set of variabes wi provide vauabe data for determination of trends, changes, and MPA management effectiveness within and among sites. A of these can be used to inform and adapt MPA management. The uptake of a core set of variabes for buiding a socio-economic picture of these MPAs is further made possibe by this project since the potentia for the deveopment of oca and even transboundary SocMon networks (in the case of Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines) exists. The atter is especiay probabe with the estabishment in January 2011 of the Grenadines Network of Protected Areas comprising, the Sandy Isand/Oyster Bed (SIOB) MPA, Moinère/Beauséjour (MB MPA) and Tobago Cays Marine Park (TCMP). The estabishment of these SocMon networks shoud enabe coaboration among sites to enhance socio-economic monitoring and promote the incorporation of SocMon (and a core set of SocMon variabes) in MPA monitoring and research frameworks. Further, the investigation in the future of deveoping a database of core sets of variabes used for assessment and monitoring at regiona MPAs coud make the aggregation and manipuation of data easier for comparison among sites. Comments on New Directions for SocMon The use of SocMon in the Caribbean is approaching its 10-year anniversary and as such, the current SocMon Caribbean variabes shoud be evauated to determine appicabiity and reevance to present coasta and marine resource management. As iustrated in this project some of the origina SocMon variabes have been recommended for revision in order to aow the measurement of critica information issues. This may aso be true of some of the other origina variabes. With the exception of the use of socio-economic data coected during monitoring at the Negri Marine Park (NMP) in Jamaica, to address information needs for the first Fisheries Management Pan (FMP) for the NMP (Backman 2005), there has been itte feedback as to how SocMon data have been used to inform and adapt management in SocMon study areas (Loper et a. 2008). Sustained socio-economic monitoring using the SocMon Caribbean methodoogy and the use of SocMon data to guide poicymaking is not typica at coasta management sites in the region athough coasta managers recognize the importance of coecting socio-economic data. Whether this refects a deficiency in foow-up or whether monitoring was not sustainabe in the first pace is debatabe. Additionay, due to the ack of fuy functiona integrated coasta management decision-making mechanisms in the SocMon study areas in the Caribbean, it is not cear if or how the socioeconomic information wi be used in coasta management in the region. The evoution of SocMon is therefore important. There is potentia to expand the SocMon methodoogy at the spatia eve using geographic information systems (GIS) and core sets of variabes, both existing and to be deveoped, (specific to fisheries, MPAs, etc.) to answer questions about the success of coasta management and to buid a sub-regiona and/or regiona profie of coasta management sites in the Caribbean. Linking SocMon with GIS provides the opportunity for mapping and visuaizing trends, attitudes and perceptions, and changes at appropriate geographic scaes that coud promote the uptake of SocMon at sites and the use of SocMon to inform and adapt management and guide poicy. The deveopment of SocMon Spatia wi be investigated by CERMES. LITERATURE CITED Backman, K. [2005]. Information for the Negri Marine Park s Fisheries Management Pan. Unpubished Ms. Centre for Resource and Environmenta Studies, University of the West Indies, Cave Hi Campus, Barbados. 100 pp. Bunce, L., P. Townsey, R. Pomeroy, and R. Ponac Socioeconomic Manua for Cora Reef Management. Austraian Institute of Marine Science, Townsvie, Austraia. 251 pp. Bunce, L. and R. Pomeroy Socioeconomic monitoring guideines for coasta managers in the Caribbean (SocMon Caribbean). Austraian Institute of Marine Science, Townsvie, Austraia. 91 pp. DeBeauvie-Scott, S. and S. George Pitons Management Area management Pan. Saint Lucia Word Heritage Committee and The Word Heritage Fund. 83 pp. Ebanks, A.E., M. Mier, and R. Mahon Best Management Practices for Marine Protected Areas of the Wider Caribbean Region. CERMES Technica Report No 19. Centre for Resource Management and Environmenta Studies. 40 pp. Garaway, C. and N. Esteban The impact of marine protected areas on poorer communities iving in and around them: Institutiona opportunities and constraints. Appendix 5 Case study of Negri Marine Park, Jamaica. December MRAG Ltd., London, UK. 37 pp. Gardner, Loyd Management Pan for the Pointe Sabe Environmenta Protection Area, Government of Saint Lucia. 86 pp. Geoghegan, T., A.H. Smith, and K. Thacker Characterization of Caribbean marine protected areas: An anaysis of ecoogica, organisationa and socio-economic factors. CANARI Technica Report Nº. 287 pp.

11 Gombos, M., A. Arriviaga, D. Wusinich-Mendez, B. Gazer, S. Frew, G. Bustamante, E. Doye, A. Vanzea-Khouri, A. Acosta, and B. Causey A Management Capacity Assessment of Seected Cora Reef Marine Protected Areas in the Caribbean. Commissioned by the Nationa Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Cora Reef Conservation Program (CRCP), the Guf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI) and by the UNEP-CEP Caribbean Marine Protected Area Management Network and Forum (CaMPAM). 269 pp. Hoggarth, D Tobago Cays Marine Park (TCMP) Management Pan Revised November 2007 Draft. Prepared for the Organisation of Caribbean States (OECS) Environment and Sustainabe Deveopment Unit (ESDU), St. Lucia. 100 pp. Loper, C., R. Pomeroy, V. Hoon, P. McConney, M. Pena, A. Sanders, G. Sriskanthan,S. Vergara, M. Pido, R. Vave, C. Vieux and I. Wanyonyi Socioeconomic conditions aong the word s tropica coasts: Nationa Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Goba Cora Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN) and Conservation Internationa (CI). 56 pp. MacLeod, P Grenada s Nationa Protected Areas System capacity deveopment. Fina draft Pan. Juy United States Agency for Internationa Deveopment and The Nature Conservancy. 53 pp. McConney, P., R. Pomeroy and R. Mahon Guideines for coasta resource comanagement in the Caribbean: Communicating the concepts and conditions that favour success. Caribbean Coasta Comanagement Guideines Project. Caribbean Conservation Association, Barbados. 56 pp. McConney, P and M. Pena Fina Technica Report. CERMES Regiona Project on Enhancing Management Effectiveness at Three Marine Protected Areas in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Jamaica and Beize Report No pp. Parsram, K Protected areas panning and management regiona training needs assessment. OECS Protected Areas and Associated Liveihoods Project. 73 pp. Pena, M Report on Management Effectiveness at the Tobago Cays Marine Park (TCMP), St. Vincent and the Grenadines. CERMES Regiona Project on Enhancing Management Effectiveness at Three Marine Protected Areas in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Jamaica and Beize. Report No pp. Roach, D Report on Evauating Management Effectiveness at the Negri Marine Park (NMP), Jamaica. CERMES Regiona Project on Enhancing Management Effectiveness at Three Marine Protected Areas in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Jamaica and Beize Report No pp. The Nature Conservancy and Grenada Fisheries Division Sandy Isand/Oyster Bed Marine Protected Area, Management Pan, US Virgin Isands. 100 pp. Wongbusarakum, S. and C. Loper Indicators to assess communityeve socia vunerabiity to cimate change: An addendum to SocMon and SEM-Pasifika regiona socio-economic monitoring guideines. Apri First draft for pubic circuation and fied testing. 41 pp. Pena, M. et a. GCFI:65 (2013) Page 203

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