Human Resources Manager Assessment Report. Candidate: Charles Kidd Date: June 30, Tel: (+91) ,

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1 Hman Resorces Manager Assessment Report Candidate: Charles Kidd Date: Jne 30, Tel: (+91) ,

2 Hman Resorces Manager Assessment Report The following pages represent a report based on the reslts of a psychological assessment. The profile presented below smmarizes key reslts in each area compared against general poplation norms (indicated by the descriptors Low, Below Average, Average, Above Average, and High) and with norms for high performers in the type of job for which the candidate is applying (indicated by the shaded areas). The candidate's score is indicated by the diamond symbol: ALL RESULTS SHOULD REMAIN STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Agreeableness Low Below Average Average Above Average High Assertive Leadership Conscientiosness Cstomer Service Orientation Dependability Emotional Stability Empathy Extroversion Impression Management Integrity Intrinsic Motivation Managerial Hman Relations Openness Optimism Self-Confidence Task Strctring Teamwork Work Drive Overall Cognitive Aptitde , of 12

3 Hman Resorces Manager Assessment Report Cognitive Aptitde Assessment Compared to general adlt norms sing standardized tests which were validated for a wide range of positions, we estimate Charles's overall level of general intellectal aptitde to be in the percentile range. His individal aptitde levels are: Abstract Reasoning 80-89%ile Nmeric Reasoning 70-79%ile Verbal Reasoning Top 10%ile Charles has a high level of general cognitive aptitde. He can learn new information qickly, solve complex problems efficiently, and be able to handle a heavy information-processing load on this job. Explanation of Cognitive Aptitde Scores: The aptitde scores in this section reflect percentile rankings -- not percent correct on the test. With percentiles, the average is the 50%ile. Half of the people score below this score and half score above it. As another example, if a person scores 80-89%ile on a specific test in this report, it means that they scored as well as or better than 80-89% of the norm grop, bt not as high as 11-20% of the norm grop. The Overall Cognitive Aptitde is an average of the separate aptitde sections given to this candidate. The lower the Overall Cognitive Aptitde score, we predict that the candidate will have difficlty learning new information and making decisions. For example, if they are well experienced in their occpation, they may be able to contine to perform well practiced tasks adeqately, bt have difficlty learning new things. As sch, they will need additional training time and more spport from spervisors. People who prodce lower Overall Cognitive Aptitde scores generally prefer tasks that call for specific responses rather than ones reqiring insightfl soltions. They are also slower in processing information and are often easily overwhelmed by complex problems, especially ones they have not dealt with before. The higher the Overall Cognitive Aptitde score, the more we predict that the candidate will learn qickly, pick p a lot of new information on their own withot needing to be trained, handle a large information load easily, make decisions in an efficient manner, and show a great deal of insight abot how to solve new and complex problems , of 12

4 Hman Resorces Manager Assessment Report Narrative Responses Provided by This Candidate In reading throgh the candidate s responses, yo shold look for general themes that reflect the person s attitdes, vales, and beliefs abot work. Insights can help yo generate probing interview qestions. From another perspective, the way in which candidate responses are constrcted demonstrate sophistication of commnication skills. Career Growth Mr. Kidd's Responses My career goal for five years from now To better myself I Working with coworkers who do not know as mch as I do If I feel ndertilized in my job To get ahead in most companies yo have to I sometimes felt my career advancement was limited by is to be in this position bt to have created a department that effectively meets employees needs. I read jornals and books, attend the local SHRM meetings, and always make myself open for new ideas. gives me a chance to teach them what I know. ask for more responsibility. let people know yo are interested in either pward or lateral transfer. a workforce where the average age was low so there was not any room at the top - no one was leaving the company. My ideal job wold be Marketing Manager with a staff of abot 10. Demotivators What annoys most workers I wold qit my job if At work I feel tense when I don t like to work with people who My work performance sffers when I wold really dislike a spervisor who Job Satisfaction The kind of assignment I like best is I enjoy working with people who I wold trn down a job if The best way to get ahead in an organization The most flfilling job I had My greatest satisfaction in a job A boss deserves loyalty if Mr. Kidd's Responses being ignored, no one asking their opinions. I cold not be effective in my job. people are not getting along well. are ncooperative and insensitive to or cstomers -- or employees! when I am tired and stressed ot. wold not respond to the s and phone calls, and wold not meet with employees. Mr. Kidd's Responses a challenging, interesting one that offers flexibility to also meet personal needs. are hard working and dedicated to doing excellent work. I felt the company was not interested in sing the HR department for best practices. is show yor interest and knowledge abot other parts of the company. was HR Manager at AEP company where we had a lot of backlog to remedy. is having a great grop of employees have fn while doing great work. he or she is dedicated to doing the right thing for the company , of 12

5 Hman Resorces Manager Assessment Report What I want most from a job is The best type of spervisor for me wold be someone who... Working closely with other people Leading a Team The way I get people to work together is I get people to participate in team discssions by Creating a strong team is not as important as Content of my team meeting typically consists of Team meetings are best sed for Management Style As a manager, my greatest satisfaction at work Effective leadership Mentoring employees who report to me When I have to make a decision qickly Giving performance feedback When I have to reprimand or discipline an employee Besides spervising other people, a manager shold The average employee An employee who brings personal problems to work The key to my sccess as a manager The biggest challenge to a manager in dealing with today s workforce The best way to motivate people Responsibility at work Work Drive job secrity, athority to do my job the best way I know how. An ideal manager for me wold be one who is competent as a leader, respects employees, tries to bild a strong team where everyone in the department coordinates well with each other, keeps or focs on the end cstomer, and we enjoy working together. is very enjoyable. Mr. Kidd's Responses having reglar meetings where we share the good and the bad. asking for inpt. If that doesnt work, I go arond the room and ask for inpt. making sre the epople in yor department are doing things that help the company be sccessfl. reviewing past / ongoing projects, then reviewing pcoming obligations. making sre that we are all operating off the same page. Mr. Kidd's Responses helping the company be sccessfl by providing valable services to or employees and maintaining satisfied, content workforce. is making sre or department is working on things identified as main goals and objectives and doing os in an effecive manner. is a very enjoyable part of my job and I look forward to it. I get all the readily available information I can, review it for insights abot the best corse of action, then make the decision. is part of or hman resorce system that we recently redesigned. With the right performance appraisal tools, I think employees will be getting mch more effective and personally meaningfl feedback from now on. I ahve the evidence at hand for s to discss, then we come p with a decision abot how to move forward. coordinate well with other departments and levels in the organization. is hard working and needs a job to spport the family. is fairly common, so I wold encoage them to seek ot EAP services if they need it. is getting to know my employees well so that or workplace is fn, interesting,and motivating. finding people who have the core vales that match the ones at thisc company. is provide valable incentives. is part of everyones job. Mr. Kidd's Responses , of 12

6 Hman Resorces Manager Assessment Report Working long hors every week It s hard to do good work when When my sggestions at work are trned down I Having to work on the weekend Overnight travel is part of most managerial level positions becase we are operating so lean in the last few years. yo are tired. accept it and go on to spport whatever the team decided. wold be hard for me bcase I have a lot of family obligations. I cnat do overnight travel for my job except in very rare circmstances , of 12

7 Hman Resorces Manager Assessment Report Personality Assessment Strengths: Charles is moderately assertive, bt not aggressive, in his managerial style. He makes reqests of sbordinates and provides direction to them in a straightforward manner. He is moderately trstworthy and conscientios in the way he does his work. Charles also ses a fair amont of his own jdgment in determining when and how he will carry ot his job responsibilities and commitments. Charles is generally dependable at work. Bt Charles also ses a fair amont of personal discretion and jdgment in deciding when and how he will flfill his job obligations and dties. He makes an effort to nderstand and resonate to the feelings and problems of other people. Charles shold be good at reading the moods and concerns of cstomers. He is an empathetic, considerate person who can get close to the people he works with and will offer a helping hand to those in need. Charles is a reasonably sociable person who gets to know people on the job, yet he won t become overly-involved with talking with them. Charles is concerned with sharing important information with sbordinates and other employees in other areas of the organization, bt he can also readily concentrate on immediate tasks and assignments. He is adept at managing the image he presents to cstomers and coworkers. Charles will alter his style depending on who he is with in an effort to achieve desired otcomes. Charles will perform his work tasks and dties in a manner consistent with company rles and policies. He is likely to be viewed as fairly honest and ethical in his everyday job behavior. Intrinsic rewards sch as personal enjoyment of his tasks are mch more appealing to Charles than extrinsic featres of a job sch as bonses, job stats, etc. He is drawn to jobs that He finds interesting and meaningfl. As a manager, Charles is typically responsive to the thoghts and feelings of his sbordinates. They are likely to see him as someone who is sally considerate and nderstanding. Charles pts considerable effort into creating and maintaining good morale in his work grop. He prefers to set p a standard way of doing things and develop a rotine that leads to predictable otcomes. Charles spports established organizational conventions and protocol. He is most comfortable with standardized job tasks that he has often done in the past. He is generally optimistic abot most ftre possibilities and contingencies. However, Charles is also somewhat wary abot what can go wrong. Employees probably feel that he sets fairly reasonable goals that are motivating, yet not too difficlt. Charles is fairly self-assred and secre with his capabilities. He is not prone to dobt himself or fret abot things. Charles will approach tasks with confidence that he can handle problems and perform competently , of 12

8 Hman Resorces Manager Assessment Report Charles is concerned with setting p a sond organizational strctre where sbordinates know what is expected of them and how well they are performing. He sally clarifies expectations, keeps track of what employees are doing, and gives contingent performance feedback when needed. He practices and promotes teamwork in his work grop. As a manager, Charles is typically concerned with getting his sbordinates to work together collaboratively to achieve shared goals. Commnications and problem solving are sally accomplished in a grop setting rather than one-on-one with individal employees. Charles has an average work drive, which shold be enogh to meet basic job demands. He will not be an idler or a slacker on the job. As a manager, Charles will expect reasonable levels of effort from sbordinates. Developmental Concerns: Charles cold be more assertive and forcefl in some sitations, especially ones where his athority is being challenged, or where he needs to take a stand on an important isse. He cold be more of a take-charge manager at times. Charles may not be viewed as having strong leadership potential by other managers in the company. Charles sometimes acts in ways that others see as ndependable. He may need to redce the gap between his stated intentions and actal behavior. Charles s cstomer service orientation cold be higher. He cold place more emphasis on trying to address cstomers preferences and concerns promptly and responsively. Charles cold more consistently honor his work commitments and obligations. He cold do a somewhat better job of doing everything he says he will do for cstomers and following throgh on his pledges and promises to them. From the standpoint of emotional stability and endrance, Charles registers as below-average. He may not be able to handle mch job stress. Charles may not be able to weather mch work pressre and strain, which can eventally lead to absenteeism and lowered work efficiency. Charles can sometimes identify too strongly with the feelings and emotions of the people he works with. This can case him to get caght p in their problems and to lose perspective of what is the best corse of action. Charles may need to become more objective and professional in some sitations. Charles cold, at times, make more effort to share information and ideas with his sbordinates and other organizational areas. He cold be more cheerfl and otgoing in some social sitations. Others may sometimes see Charles as ptting on a false front or as trying to maniplate them. He cold be more genine and candid in the way he interacts with coworkers and cstomers. Charles registered an average score on the integrity measre. Althogh this is not an nacceptable score, he shold be given a carefl orientation to company rles and policies, inclding a thorogh explanation of how ambigos sitations are to be handled so as to maintain honest, ethical bsiness practices. Charles also needs to nderstand the company s commitment to integrity and the conseqences for improper behavior , of 12

9 Hman Resorces Manager Assessment Report Charles may, at times, rely too mch on his own experience and what has worked in the past. He cold be more open to new ideas on his job. As a manager, Charles cold do more to encorage his sbordinates to acqire new knowledge, skills, and abilities as well as become more involved in generating sggestions for improvement. Charles does not have a high work drive. He sometimes needs to step p his work intensity and invest more time and energy into his job, especially dring highly demanding sitations , of 12

10 Hman Resorces Manager Assessment Report INTERVIEW QUESTIONS After reviewing the assessment reslts for this candidate, yo may want to condct a strctred interview to frther explore and clarify some specific concerns. The interview qestions listed below reflect areas of concern raised by the assessment reslts. Yo shold keep asking qestions ntil yo have gained confidence in yor assessment of the candidate. Yo can se some or all of these qestions when interviewing the candidate. Yo will probably want to cstomize these qestions to best fit yor style and what yo already know abot the candidate as well as the job for which s/he is being considered. Most of these are behavioral description items which ask the candidate to describe specific behavior on the job. Some additional probes which yo might want to se with individal qestions are: * When did this take place? * What factors led p to it? * What were the otcomes? * What did others in the organization say abot this? * How often has this type of sitation arisen? * How wold yo handle it differently in the ftre? CUSTOMER SERVICE No matter how hard yo try, some cstomers are rde, annoying, or impossible to please. Describe the most difficlt cstomer yo have had to deal with and what efforts yo made to accommodate him or her. Describe a sitation where yo went above and beyond yor job description to make a cstomer satisfied. [Probes: What did yo do? What was the otcome? How often has this type of thing happened in the last year?] Tell me abot a time when yo had to reconcile competing demands from the cstomer with company demands or needs. Tell me abot a time when a cstomer gave yo a difficlt problem to solve. There are limits to how far an employee shold go to try to satisfy cstomer demands and reqests. Describe the criteria yo se to decide when that limit has been reached. EMOTIONAL STABILITY Tell me abot a time when yo had to keep on working despite having some problem or concern weighing on yor mind. [Probes: How long did it go on? How was it resolved? How often has this kind of thing happened in the last six months?] Stress is a natral part of most work environments these days. Describe a sitation where some significant form of stress has impacted yo on yor job and how yo dealt with it. Describe a sitation where yo learned to live with something stressfl at work , of 12

11 Hman Resorces Manager Assessment Report EMPATHY Tell me abot a time when yo were dealing with a difficlt person. What made them hard to take? What was going on that made this person act or feel that way? (Listen for a broad nderstanding of that person's personality and an nderstanding of the context that might have contribted to the sitation.) Tell me abot a time when yo conseled an employee (or peer) who was going throgh a difficlt time. What was the problem? What did yo do? What was the reslt? Describe a time when someone at work responded emotionally to something yo said or did. How did yo respond? What was the reslt? (Listen for awareness of body langage, voice tone, etc. as well as an ability to see the person in distress, not necessarily someone who is jst offensive.) INTEGRITY What wold yo do if yo discovered that a coworker had been taking home office spplies withot permission and withot telling anyone? Under what conditions wold it be acceptable to ignore or bend a company rle or policy? Describe what yo wold do if yor boss asked yo to keep qiet abot some data he or she was falsifying for the annal company report. Under what circmstances wold it be OK to claim a sick day (even thogh yo were not sick) to deal with a personal problem at home? INTRINSIC MOTIVATION Tell me which factors define sccess for yo in a job. Describe how yor feelings of job satisfaction are affected by how mch challenge and variety yo have at work. Tell me what yo wold do if yor job became repetitive and rotine. Describe the kind of work that really motivates yo. OPENNESS Describe the most recent new job-related method, procedre, or techniqe yo learned and how yo felt abot learning it. [Probe for when and how often this occrred.] Tell me abot a time when yo recommended or implemented a better way of doing things at work. Describe a sitation where yo felt that contining demands to do new things on yor job lowered yor overall prodctivity or efficiency. Describe yor plans (if any) for contined edcation, job-related training, or professional development yo have for the coming year. STRUCTURED VERSUS PARTICIPATIVE MANAGERIAL STYLE Describe yor approach as a manager of setting goals and objectives for the people who report to yo , of 12

12 Hman Resorces Manager Assessment Report As a manager, tell me abot yor approach for monitoring the performance and accomplishments of the people who report to yo. Describe whether yo empower the people who report to yo to fnction independently, and if so, how. The information contained in this report is Ephony HR bsiness information intended only for the se of the individal or entities named above. If the reader of this report is not the intended recipient yo are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribtion or copying of this report is strictly prohibited. If yo have received this report in error, please notify s immediately at , of 12

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