Water Management Plan

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1 Water Management Water Management Document Page 1 of 71

2 Water Management Table of Contents 1 Commitment and Policy Introduction Purpose and Scope Structure of the WMP Related Documents ning Project Approval Environment Protection Licence Secondary Extraction Approvals Legislation and Guidelines Relevant Guidelines and Standards Consultation Baseline Data Land Use Soils Hydrology Groundwater Surface Water Implementation Overview of the Water Management System Water Management Principles Clean, Dirty and Mine Water Management Underground Water Management Water Storages Management of Surplus Water Discharge Protocol Management of Water Treatment Facility Wastewater Site Water Balance Water Sources and Water Quality Water Demands and Losses Water Transfer and Disposal Historical Water Balance Future Water Balance Reporting Water Balance Goulburn River Diversion Remediation Erosion and Sediment Control Surface Water and Groundwater Response Training Measurement and Evaluation Surface Water Monitoring Page 2 of 71

3 Water Management 4.2 Groundwater Monitoring Water Balance Data Inspection and Maintenance Requirements Erosion and Sediment Controls Mine Water Management System Reporting Environmental Incidents Internal Reporting Annual Review SMP and EP Reporting Community Complaints Review and Improvement Accountabilities Document Information Definitions Reference Information Change Information Appendix A - Correspondence History Appendix B - SMP Approval Conditions Preparation of Water Management (WMP) and associated s Project approval was granted for the Ulan Coal - Continued Operations Project by the Minister for ning on 15 November 2010 (Project Approval (PA 08_0184). UCML has since been granted approval to modify the November 2010 Project Approval on the 7 December 2011 (i.e. MOD 1) and 29 May 2012 (MOD 2). An appeal against the Project Approval pursuant to Part 3A Division 2 Section 75L (since repealed) of the Environmental ning & Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) was also undertaken in the NSW Land and Environment Court between 2011 and 2012 between the Hunter Environment Lobby Inc. and the Minister for ning (No of 2010). The court upheld the Project approval of November 2010, subject to the inclusion of a number of additional and updated conditions. The court issued orders are dated 5 April Condition 34(a) of Schedule 3 of the project approval requires that a WMP be prepared by suitably qualified and experienced persons whose appointment has been approved by the Secretary. In accordance with Condition 34 (a), Schedule 3 of the project approval, Ulan Coal Mines Limited (UCML) received notification from the Secretary of the Department of ning and Environment that the Department approved the appointment of Susan Shield, Technical Engineering Manager at Umwelt (Australia) Pty Limited, as suitably qualified and experienced to prepare the WMP (refer to Appendix 1 for correspondence). This WMP has been prepared by Susan Shield of Umwelt (Australia) Pty Limited in consultation with UCML. Page 3 of 71

4 Water Management 1 Commitment and Policy 1.1 Introduction The Ulan Mine Complex is situated in the central west of New South Wales. It is located in the Mid- Western Regional Council (MWRC) Local Government Area (LGA) near the village of Ulan; approximately 38 kilometres north-northeast of Mudgee and 19 kilometres northeast of Gulgong (Figure 1.1). Ulan Coal Mines Limited (UCML) operates the mine as a joint venture, managed by Glencore Coal Assets Australia (GCAA). UCML owns or has long term leases over the majority of land within the project area that will be subject to mining activities and required for surface facilities. The area is primarily surrounded by rural landholdings, native bushland and primary industries including agriculture, forestry, mining (including other coal mining operations) and extractive industries. The UCML landholdings are located within the headwaters of the Goulburn and Talbragar River catchment areas. Project Approval (PA 08_0184) was issued by NSW ning and Environment (DP&E), on 15 November 2010 for continued operations. PA08_0184 authorises current and proposed mining of the Ulan Mine Complex for the next 21 years, and production of up to 20 Mtpa (million tonnes per annum) of product coal. The approval provides for an open cut and Ulan West and Ulan Underground mines to operate twenty-four hours a day, 7 days per week. Infrastructure and supporting operations include the Bobadeen Irrigation Scheme (BIS) and Bobadeen Basalt Quarry (Figure 1.2). The approval was modified as follows: Environmental Assessment: Ulan Coal Continued Operations North 1 Underground Mining Area, Minor Modification to Ulan Underground & Ulan West Mine s & Proposed Concrete Batching t (Umwelt, 2011) - (MOD1) approved 7 December 2011 Land and Environment Court final orders issued on the 5 April Ulan West Mine and Construction Blasting (Umwelt, 2012) (MOD2) approved 29 May 2012 Environmental Assessment: Ulan West Modification (southern extension) (Umwelt 2015) (MOD 3) 14 March To satisfy Condition 34, Schedule 3 of the Project Approval, UCML are required to prepare and implement a WMP. This WMP has been developed in accordance with the conditions of the Project Approval and Statement of Commitments specified in Tables 1 and 3. These tables summarise the requirements of UCML s Project Approval and the section of the WMP where the consent condition and commitments have been addressed. Page 4 of 71

5 Water Management Figure 1.1 Location of the Ulan Mine Complex Page 5 of 71

6 Water Management Figure 1.2 Ulan Complex Operations Project Area Page 6 of 71

7 1.2 Purpose and Scope Water Management This WMP has been prepared to fulfil the requirements of the Project Approval (PA 08_0184), DA , the EA s, Environment Protection Licence (EPL) 394 and other statutory requirements that are applicable to UCML. A complete list of the relevant approval conditions is provided in Tables 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3, including where each condition is addressed within this WMP or component plan. The WMP has also been prepared in accordance with the goals and objectives relating to water management that are contained within the UCML Environmental Management Strategy (EMS) (ULN SD PLN 0050). The WMP provides a framework for the management of water at UCML and outlines the interaction between the various policies, plans, programs and procedures that support the management of water at UCML. The WMP provides employees and contractors with a clear understanding of the requirements relating to surface water and groundwater management during the operational phase of the mine as well as ongoing construction activities. 1.3 Structure of the WMP The WMP incorporates six key component documents, as shown in Figure 1.1: Figure 1.1 Structure of the WMP Water Management Site Water Balance Goulburn River Diversion Remediation Erosion & Sediment Control Surface Water Monitoring Program Groundwater Monitoring Program Surface & Groundwater Response 1.4 Related Documents Documents within the UCML EMS that relate to or provide support to the WMP include: Site Water Balance (refer to Section 3.9 of this WMP) Goulburn River Diversion Remediation (GRDRP) (ULN SD PLN 0054); Erosion and Sediment Control (ESCP) (ULN SD PLN 0025); Surface Water Monitoring Program (SWMP) (ULN SD PLN 0055); Groundwater Monitoring Program (GWMP) (ULN SD PLN 0056); Surface Water and Groundwater Response (SWGWRP) (ULN SD PLN 0057); Bobadeen Irrigation Scheme (BIS) Operating Procedure; Moolarben Dam Operations and Maintenance (ULN SD PLN 0058); Moolarben Dam Safety Emergency (ULN SD PLN 0047); Integrated Mining Operations (2010 to 2017); Appendix A: Water Management Longwalls 1 & 2 Ulan West (ULN SD ANN 0058); and Biodiversity Management (ULN SD PLN 0026); Water Management Infrastructure Management (USO MIN PLN 0006); and Page 7 of 71

8 Water Management 2 ning 2.1 Project Approval The Project Approval for UCML was assessed under Part 3A of the EP&A Act 1979 and approval was gained from the Minister for ning on 15 November 2010 (PA 08_0184). Since that time, three modifications have been made to the approval, as well as changes resulting from a court judgement and associated Orders. Conditions of the Project Approval, relevant commitments from the Ulan Coal Continued Operations Environmental Assessment (EA) and conditions of the Development Approval (DA) relevant to water management, and an indication of where they are addressed in this WMP, are contained in Tables 2.1 and 2.2 Table 2.1 Project Approval (08_0184) Conditions and Statement of Commitments Project Approval Condition Section of this Document Water Licences 28. The Proponent shall obtain all necessary water licences for the project under the Water Act 1912 or the Water Management Act 2000 Section 3.4 Baseflow Offsets 29. The Proponent shall offset the loss of any baseflow to the Goulburn and Talbragar Rivers caused by the project to the satisfaction of the Secretary. The offset should be effected by the retirement of water entitlements within the catchments of the Goulburn and Talbragar Rivers unless the Proponent can provide alternative means of offsetting baseflow to the satisfaction of the Secretary, in which case the Proponent may offset any losses by those alternative means. Refer to GWMP & SWGWRP Notes: As at the date of this approval, baseflow losses for the Goulburn River and Talbragar River are modelled as 0.05 ML/day and 0.13 ML/day respectively. Improved or additional hydrological data may lead to amendments to these modelled losses. Compensatory Water Supply 30. The Proponent shall provide compensatory water supply to any owner of privately-owned land whose supply is adversely impacted (other than an impact that is negligible) as a result of the project, in consultation with DPI Water, and to the satisfaction of the Secretary. Refer to GWMP & SWGWRP The compensatory water supply measures must provide an alternative longterm supply of water that is equivalent to the loss attributed to the project. Equivalent water supply must be provided (at least on an interim basis) within 24 hours of the loss being identified. If the Proponent and the landowner cannot agree on the measures to be implemented, or there is a dispute about the implementation of these measures, then either party may refer the matter to the Secretary for resolution. If the Proponent is unable to provide an alternative long-term supply of water, then the Proponent shall provide alternative compensation to the satisfaction of the Secretary. Surface Water Discharges 31. The Proponent shall ensure that all surface water discharges from the site comply with the discharge limits (both volume and quality) set for the project in any EPL. Section 3.4 and Section 4.9 (Refer also to SWMP) Water Supply to The Drip 33. The Proponent shall ensure that the project has no impact on the water Section 4.2 and GWMP 1 It is noted however, that when Development Approval is surrendered the conditions as noted below will no longer apply. Page 8 of 71

9 Water Management supply to the Drip Water Management 34. The Proponent shall prepare and implement a Water Management for the project to the satisfaction of the Secretary. This plan must: a) be prepared in consultation with EPA, DPI Water, DRE and Council by suitably qualified and experienced persons whose appointment has been approved by the Secretary; b) be submitted to the Secretary for approval within 3 months of the date of the final Orders being made by the Land and Environment Court proceedings No of 2010; and This WMP Sections 2.1 and Section 3.5 Section 3.5 and Section 8.3 c) include: a Site Water Balance; the Goulburn River Diversion Remediation ; an Erosion and Sediment Control ; a Surface Water Monitoring Program; a Groundwater Monitoring Program; a Surface and Ground Water Response Notes: The effectiveness of the Water Management is to be reviewed and audited in accordance with the requirements in Schedule 5. Following these reviews and audits, the plan is to be revised to ensure it remains up to date (see Condition 4 of Schedule 5). Section 4.11 and Section 5.3 Section 4.13 Section 4.14 Section 5.1 Section 5.2 Section The Site Water Balance must: a) include details of: sources and security of water supply; water uses on site; water management on site; off-site water transfers; and b) describe what measures would be implemented to minimise potable water use on site A groundwater monitoring program will be implemented for the Project as outlined in Section 5.3, or as otherwise agreed by the Director General in consultation with the water management plan for the project. The groundwater monitoring program will include: Section 4.12 Section Section 4 Section 4.8 Sections Refer to GWMP entire document Continued measurement of groundwater levels, pressures and water quality within the existing regional network of monitoring bores and an expanded network as underground mining progresses to the north and west, specifically considering: depressurisation monitoring of at least three multi-level piezometer strings equipped with vibrating wire transducers (or equivalent) and distributed within the Permian-Triassic strata; strata hydraulic conductivity measurement on rock core obtained at these above noted piezometer locations; daily or more frequent monitoring of pore pressures and piezometric elevations by installed auto recorders in selected new piezometers. Mine water seepage monitoring, including: measurement of all water pumped underground and all mine water pumped to surface on a daily basis. Measurement will be undertaken using calibrated flow meters or other suitable gauging apparatus; routine monitoring of coal moisture content delivered from the working face, ventilation humidity and any build-up of water storage in the goaf. Groundwater monitoring will include: monthly monitoring of basic water quality parameters ph and EC in pumped mine water. six monthly monitoring of ph and EC in the regional monitoring network. Refer to GWMP (Section 4.0) Refer to WMP Refer to GWMP (Section 4.0) Page 9 of 71

10 Water Management annual measurement of total dissolved solids (TDS) and speciation of water samples in selected piezometers to support identification of mixing of groundwater types. graphical plotting of basic water quality parameters and identification of trend lines and statistics including mean and standard deviation calculated quarterly. Comparison of trends with rainfall and any other identifiable processes that may influence such trends. The monitoring network and monitoring programme will be reviewed on an annual basis to determine ongoing suitability and any proposed changes will be discussed in the Annual Environmental Management Report (AEMR). Refer to GWMP (Section 5.0) The results of groundwater monitoring and a comparison of measured and predicted impacts will be reported in the annual review required by the project approval conditions. Refer to GWMP (Section 4.2.5) Impacts on the privately owned licensed bores identified in Section 5.3 as being potentially affected, will be assessed by monitoring and in the event that any utilised privately owned bore is significantly adversely affected, an alternative water supply will be provided by UCML until such time as the bore is re-established or replaced, or appropriate compensation established, in accordance with project approval requirements. Refer to GWMP (Section 4.1.4) The groundwater monitoring results will be analysed (graphically and statistically) as new results become available i.e. quarterly or six monthly. In addition, a monitoring review and verification process will be established as part of the Water Management process, to verify regional groundwater losses as necessary to refine groundwater mitigation strategies. Refer to GWMP (Section 4.0) Identification of any changes or long term trends in groundwater outside the predicted impacts will result in an investigation to determine if the trend is a result of the Project operations and if so, identify management strategies to be implemented to address the identified issues as per UCML s Internal TARP process (T trigger; A Action; R response; P ). Refer to GWMP (Section 4.0) Review of depressurisation of coal measures and comparison of responses with aquifer model predictions will be completed every two years. Expert review will be undertaken by a suitably qualified hydrogeologist, and reported in accordance with the process set out in the Water Management. Refer to GWMP (Section 4.0) As described in Section 5.4, UCML will implement clean water divisions to minimise the volume of water to be handled within the mine water management system. Refer to ESCP (Section 3.4.3) The staged remediation strategy for the Goulburn River Diversion will be implemented, generally as described in the Goulburn River Diversion Remediation. Refer to GRDRP In addition to the detailed mine water seepage monitoring outlined in Commitment 6.4.1, water usage, rainfall, dam volumes and discharges (including transfers) will be monitored to assist in the management of the mine water management system. This monitoring will be conducted in a manner that enables the detailed water balance to be maintained and updated at least annually for ongoing operations. The water balance will be used on an ongoing basis for operational management and will also be reported in annual review required by project approval conditions. Refer to SWMP (Section 4.1) Water which is in excess of UCML operational needs will be managed in accordance with the following hierarchy: Refer to WMP 1. water sharing; 2. Bobadeen Irrigation; and 3. offsite discharge. Page 10 of 71

11 Water Management UCML will undertake a research study on the Talbragar River commenced at least six months prior to any discharge into this waterway. The study is to require UCML to satisfy the following: Future study as required 1. Establish baseline ecological, hydrological and geomorphological conditions of the Talbragar River downstream of the discharge point. 2. develop a flow release protocol at the discharge point to maintain the conditions identified in (1) 3. develop a monitoring program to review the effectiveness of the release protocols. Table 2.2 Consent Conditions (DA No ) Development Approval Condition Section of this Document 3.5 (a) The Applicant shall prepare Erosion and Sediment Control for the surface facilities and its holdings within ML1468 in consultation with DIPNR and DEC and to the satisfaction of DIPNR and the Secretary. The shall be prepared and implemented prior to the commencement of construction of surface facilities, and secondary workings in accordance with the Longwall Subsidence Management at least one month prior to the commencement of works associated with any approved modification to DA The shall be updated to the satisfaction of DIPNR and the Secretary. Refer to ESCP, entire document 3.5 (b)(i) The shall include but not be limited to details of temporary and permanent sediment and erosion control systems to be used during both mine construction and operation, including for earthworks associated with landscaping Refer to ESCP (Sections 3.4 and 3.5) 3.5 (b)(ii) The shall include the measures proposed to be employed to minimise soil erosion and the discharge of sediment and other pollutants to lands and/or waters during construction and operational activities. The should be consistent with the requirements for such plans outlined in the current Managing Urban Storm water: Soils and Construction (available from the Department of Housing) Refer to ESCP (Sections 3.4 and 3.5) 3.5 (b)(iii) Details of salinity management Refer to EMS 3.5 (b)(iv) Consideration and management of erosion and sedimentation of surface watercourses/water bodies, including the Goulburn River and flow lines within the development consent areas Refer to ESCP (Section 3.0) 3.5 (b)(v) A monitoring and remediation strategy for all earthworks which may be affected by the development, including any existing and future earthworks like contour banks and dams Refer to ESCP (Section 4.0) 3.5 (b)(vi) A program for reporting on the effectiveness of the sediment and erosion control systems and performance against objectives contained in the approved erosion and sediment control management plans and the EIS. Refer to ESCP (Section 4.1) 4.1 (a) Prior to the commencement of construction of surface facilities and prior to the first workings, prepare a Site Water Management, in consultation with the EPA, MeSC, MuSC and NSW Fisheries and to the satisfaction of the Director General and DLWC, which shall include but not be limited to, the following matters: This entire document 4.1 (a)(i) investigations into opportunities to reduce mine water discharge into the Goulbourn River Refer to WMP (Section 3.6) 4.1 (a)(ii) identification of any possible adverse effects on water supply sources of surrounding landholders as a result of the underground mining operation in the MLA 80 and surface mine works and implementation of mitigation measures as necessary Refer to GWMP (Sections 3.0, 4.1.4, 4.2) 4.1 (a)(iii) identification of changes in flow of surface water in all creek within MLA 80 due to subsidence Refer to SWMP (Section 4.1.4) Page 11 of 71

12 Water Management 4.1 (a)(iv) contingency plans for managing adverse impacts of the development on surface and groundwater quality, including salinity. Refer to SWGWRP (Section 3) 4.1 (a)(v) An assessment and details on locations where stream bed controls are required to prevent bed incision or degradation occurring due to post mining subsidence. This assessment shall provide the basis for remediation for any potentially affected section of the streams. 4.1 (a)(vi) Measures to develop and implement a Stormwater Management Scheme to mitigate the impacts of stormwater runoff from the established development following the completion of construction activities. The scheme should be consistent with any Stormwater Management prepared for the catchment, Site Water Management and with the requirements of Managing Urban Stormwater: Soils & Construction, or its latest version. 4.1 (a)(vii) A groundwater assessment and remediation plan. This plan shall include: a remediation plan to be developed for any groundwater system which is degraded beyond its current beneficial use classification. Refer to SWMP (Section 4.1.5) Refer to ESCP, entire document Refer to GWMP (Sections 3.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.0) Quarry operation has not commenced Groundwater monitoring programs which comply with DLWC guidelines for groundwater monitoring. The guidelines cover bore installation, monitoring, network densities, bore casing to prevent ingress of shallow groundwater to the bores and monitoring parameters; details of the time period of the monitoring program; and, provision for an annual report of groundwater monitoring to be submitted to DLWC, including interpretation of groundwater monitoring data, groundwater depressurization levels, and the extent of the groundwater depressurization cone for the site. This report shall form part of the AEMR (refer to Condition 9.2(a)). the plan shall be updated to include potential impacts on subsurface water from (basalt) quarry operation. 4.1 (a)(viii) Identification of the fresh quality groundwater resources within the project area, including the development of appropriate protection strategies; Refer to GWMP (Section 3.0) 4.1 (a)(ix) Projection of potential groundwater changes during mining (short term) and post-mining (long term) with particular attention given to the effect of changes to groundwater quality and mobilization of salts; 4.1 (a)(x) Demonstration of Applicant s compliance with DLWC dam policy and the Section 22BA embargo on new water licences in the Goulburn River Catchment; 4.1 (a)(xi) Management of the quality and quantity of surface and groundwater within the areas covered by the site water management plan (which include each of the surface facilities), which shall include preparation of monitoring programs as provided by Condition 4.2 Refer to GWMP (Section 4.2) Refer also to SMP Compliance Report for Conditions & 25 (Umwelt, 2007) Refer to WMP (Sections 2.4 and 4.2) No applications for new dams have been made. Refer to WMP, SWMP and GWMP (entire document for all) 4.1 (a)(xii) Management of stormwater and general surface runoff diversion to ensure separate effective management of clean and dirty water, from the mining operations, quarrying operations and each of the surface facilities (refer also Condition 3.5(b)(ii)) and subclause (vi) above; 4.1 (a)(xiii) Measures to prevent the quality of any surface waters being degraded below the relevant water classification prior to construction works and Mining Operations, particularly in the Goulburn River, due to the operation of the mine; 4.1 (a)(xiv) A monitoring and remediation strategy for all streams which may be adversely affected by subsidence including bed fracturing and/or degradation of the stream channel. Where the monitoring indicates any adverse impacts due to mining, the company shall implement the remediation strategy to the satisfaction of DLWC. 4.1 (a)(xv) Details of any irrigation, including the proposed management and a plan of remediation in case of any adverse impacts of the irrigation on the natural resources of the area; and Refer to ESCP (Sections 3.4 & 3.5) Refer to WMP (entire document), ESCP (Sections 3.4 & 3.5), and SWMP (Section 3) Refer to SWMP (Section 4.2), SWGWRP (Section 3.0) Refer to BIS Operating Procedure Page 12 of 71

13 Water Management 4.1 (a)(xvi) A program for reporting on the effectiveness of the water management systems and performance against objectives contained in the approved site water management plans, SEE and EIS Refer to WMP (Section 4.0) 4.1 (b) the results of the investigations for the Site Water Management shall be reported in the Annual Environmental Management Report. Refer to WMP (Section 5.5) 4.1 (c) obtain a licence with DLWC under part 5 of the Water Act (1912) prior to construction of all new excavations, test bores and production bores (including dewatering bores) that intersect the groundwater. Refer to WMP (Section 3.4.1) 4.1 (d) Implement the recommendations of the water management study and the irrigation study prepared as part of the EIS, so as to achieve the requirements of the existing Pollution Reduction Program attached to Pollution Control Licence No 394, which ultimately aims at achieving a nil discharge from the site under normal operating conditions. This condition is no applicable and not consistent with PA08_ where there are inconsistencies the PA prevails. Refer to WMP (Section 4.9) 4.1 (e) The Applicant shall impose a stable buffer area of at least 40 metres width between the zero point of subsidence and streams of third order or greater, including Ulan Creek, to the satisfaction of DLWC. Refer to Ulan West and Ulan Underground SMP / EP 4.1 (f) Prior to first workings and to the satisfaction of DLWC, the Applicant shall undertake pre-mining surveys of the locations identified in the assessment undertaken in Condition 4.1(a)(v) including all second order or higher stream systems which overlie the subsidence troughs of the longwall extraction area. These surveys are required to include all second order or higher stream lengths to the zero point of subsidence, and extend for a minimum of 500 metres upstream from the zero point of subsidence. The pre-mining survey is required to identify all hydraulic control points in stream systems, establish bed gradients along stream lengths, vegetation cover along streams, location of pool and riffle sequences, and bed control material competence. The pre-mining survey is also required to identify all dams and dam outflow or by-wash points, and assess the likelihood of erosion initiating under post-mining subsidence conditions. AMMENDED WITH BOBADEEN BASALT QUARRY Refer to Ulan West and Ulan Underground SMP / EP The pre-mining survey is also required to assess any potential changes in stream velocity and stream power during conditions of base flow, and one in two year, one hour storm events and one in ten year storm events, and an assessment of potential bed incision or destabilisation occurring as a result of mining-induced subsidence 4.1 (h) The Applicant shall undertake annual inspections for all installed works, and all stream systems affected by subsidence, or as otherwise directed by DLWC. The findings of the annual inspections shall be included in the AEMR (refer to Condition 9.2(a)). CANCELLED WITH AMMENDMENT Pollution of Waters 4.1 (i) Except as may be expressly provided in the licence, the operator must comply with section 120 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act, 1997 prohibiting the pollution of waters Waste Water Applied to Land Waste Water Utilisation Areas 4.1 (j) Wastewater must only be applied to waste water utilisation areas for which discharge/monitoring points have been identified in agreement with the EPA. 4.1 (k) Spray from wastewater application must not drift beyond the boundary of the wastewater utilisation area to which it is applied. Maintaining Waste Water Utilisation Areas 4.1 (l) Waste water utilisation areas must effectively utilise the wastewater applied to that area. This includes the use for pasture or crop production, as well as ensuring the soil is able to absorb the nutrients, salts, hydraulic load and organic materials in the solids or liquids. The EPA may require monitoring of land and receiving waters to determine the impact of wastewater application (refer also to Condition 4.2). CANCELLED WITH AMMENDMENT Refer to WMP (Section 3.4.4) Refer to SWMP (Section 4.1.4) Refer to SWMP (Section 4.1.4) Refer to SWMP (Section 4.1.4) Page 13 of 71

14 Water Management 4.1 (m) Water management for the site must be implemented in accordance with the information supplied in the Ulan Coal Mining Lease Application No 80, Development Application and Environmental Impact Statement, December 1998 and the Water Management Study and Irrigation Study attached with that document. The implementation must be in line with the Pollution Reduction Program attached to existing Licence No 394 or as varied by any changes approved by the EPA. 4.2 a) The Applicant shall: (i) construct and locate surface and groundwater monitoring positions, as identified in the site water management plan (Condition 4.1 (a)), in consultation with DLWC, EPA, and to the satisfaction of the Secretary, at least three months prior to the commencement of construction of surface facilities, or Mining Operations; (ii) prepare a detailed monitoring program in respect of ground and surface water quality and quantity, and also consistent with Condition 4.1(a) (xi), for construction, mine operations and post mine operations in consultation with DLWC, EPA, and to the satisfaction of the Secretary. The monitoring program shall also include surveys of drainage channels within MLA 80 to update information obtained in the preparation of Property Subsidence Management s. The monitoring program shall be prepared prior to commencement of construction of surface facilities or Mining Operations within MLA 80. The monitoring program shall be continued throughout and beyond the life of the panels for a minimum period as determined by the Secretary; (iii) prepare and implement, to the satisfaction of DLWC, a monitoring program prior to the use of any mine water for irrigation in MLA 80 (refer to Condition 4.1(a)(xv); (iv) provide to the satisfaction of DLWC, a recalculation of the water balance on MLA 80, and a program of segregation of site waters to minimise the concentration of sulphates in mine waters discharged from the site. This shall also include monitoring of daily river flows and discharge events along with upstream and downstream monitoring of river water chemistry to assess the short and long term impacts on river water quality which occur as a result of mining operations and discharges. This shall be provided annually in the AEMR, or as otherwise required by the DLWC; (v) monitor the impact of mining on the surface water systems to the satisfaction of DLWC including an interpretation of the results. The monitoring should be commenced prior to mining to allow comparison with the post-mining data; and (vi) the results and interpretation of surface and groundwater monitoring are to be provided in the AEMR (Condition 9.2(a))from the date of this consent, unless otherwise directed by the Secretary. 4.2 (b)the Applicant shall undertake ongoing monitoring of stream condition to allow for the implementation of remedial measures prior to the occurrence of any degradation problems. Monitoring must be conducted on an annual basis, preferably after the summer rainfall season when there is a higher probability of runoff events, to the satisfaction of DLWC. 4.2 (c) The headwaters of Ulan Creek, which lie above the longwall extraction area, shall be monitored on an annual basis to assess any bed incision which occurs after mining has proceeded through the area. The risk of bed fracturing must be assessed against the results of ongoing monitoring and remedial measures to address any bed degradation, bank scour or collapse, or bed fracturing which occurs. 4.2 (d) Monitoring of all streams shall be undertaken on an annual basis to assess the requirement for any soil erosion controls or stream bed controls in line with the Longwall Subsidence Management [Condition 3.10(2)(a)]. 4.2 (e) All monitoring required in subclause (b-d) above shall form part of the monitoring program required under Condition 4.2(a)(ii). Refer to SWMP (Section 4.1.4) This Refer to SWMP (Section 4.1) Refer to SWMP (Section 4.1) Refer to SWMP (Section 4.1) Refer to SWMP (Section 4.1) Discharge and Monitoring Points 4.2 (f) The Applicant shall monitor discharges to water as set out in Pollution Control Licence No 394 and in the Ulan Coal Mining Lease Application No 80, Development Application and Environmental Impact Statement, December 1998, which is described in the table below. Refer to SWMP (Section 4.1.4) Page 14 of 71

15 Water Management Emissions Concentration Limits 4.2 (g) The concentration of any pollutant discharged from a point specified in the table below must not exceed the concentration limit as specified in Pollution Control Licence No 394, and in the EIS, which is described in the table below. Concentration Monitoring 4.2 (h) Monitoring of the concentration of pollutants discharged to waters, that is, Iron, Zinc, EC, ph, Oil/grease will be required. The sampling method, units of measure and frequency of monitoring will be as set out in the licence. 4.2 (i) Monitoring of water levels in the sampling bore holes must be undertaken to determine the effects of drawdown on water table and water quality as mining proceeds [refer also to Condition 4.2 (a)(i)]. Refer to SWMP (Section 3.2) Refer to SWMP (Section 3.2) Refer to GWMP (Sections 3.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.0) Discharge and Monitoring Points 4.2 (j) The EPA will require the monitoring of discharges of wastewater to land as described in the table below. Concentration and Volume Monitoring 4.2 (k) Monitoring of the concentration and volume of wastewater applied to land will be required. The sampling method, units of measure and frequency of monitoring will be as set out in the licence. Reverse Osmosis t 4.2 (l) Prior to any construction fencing is to be installed to encompass artefacts sites RO/A ad RO/B. The planning for and installation of the fencing is to be conducted in consultation with the local Aboriginal community groups who conducted the site inspection. A representative from the local Aboriginal Community groups, who conducted the site inspection, is to be in attendance during the installation of fencing. Refer to SWMP (Section 3.2) Refer to SWMP (Section 3.2) Refer to HMP Section (m) The discharge volume from Rowans Dam is not to exceed 10 ML/day. This condition is no applicable and not consistent with PA08_ where there are inconsistencies the PA prevails. Refer to WMP (Section 3.2) 4.2 (n) The Applicant shall ensure that a suitably qualified person conducts monitoring of Ulan Creek below the discharge point every 6 months to ascertain whether the discharge is affecting the stability of Ulan Creek. 4.2 (o) The Applicant shall undertake a program of weed eradication in Ulan Creek below the discharge point at regular intervals to the satisfaction of the Secretary. This condition is not consistent with PA08_ where there are inconsistencies the PA prevails. Refer to WMP (Section 4.1) Refer to BOMP Environment Protection Licence 394 UCML operate in accordance with Environment Protection Licence 394 (EPL 394) issued by the NSW Office of Environment & Heritage (OEH), under the authority of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act EPL 394 currently contains seven licensed discharge points (LDPs) in relation to water management (refer to SWMP) and two additional water quality monitoring locations. The LDP for water are listed in Table 2.3 and displayed in Figure 2.1. Further details regarding discharge volume and water quality limits at these LDPs are discussed in the SWMP. Additional discharge points and environmental monitoring points may be established in the future to support operational requirements in accordance with Condition 31, Schedule 3 of the Project Approval. Surface water monitoring requirements are detailed in the SWMP. EPL 394 conditions relating to the reporting of environmental incidents and exceedances of criteria are detailed in the SWGWRP. Page 15 of 71

16 Water Management Table 2.3 EPL 394 LDPs EPL 394 LDPs Type of Monitoring Point Description of Location 1 Discharge quality monitoring. Discharge to waters. Effluent storage dam 2 Discharge to land and volume monitoring Millers Dam 3 Discharge quality monitoring. Discharge to waters. Outlet from Rowans Dam to Ulan Creek 4 Discharge quality monitoring. Discharge to waters. Drain outlet from Truckfill Dam to unnamed watercourse 6 Discharge quality monitoring. Discharge to waters. 18 Water quality monitoring. 19 Discharge quality monitoring. Discharge to waters. Discharge to Ulan Creek from the Bobadeen Water Treatment Facility Downstream Goulburn River gauging station water quality monitoring point. Discharge to Ulan Creek from the Northwest Sediment Dam (NWSD) Water Treatment Facility 23 Discharge quality monitoring. Discharge to waters. Ulan West Box clean Water diversion 33 Discharge quality monitoring. Upstream Goulburn River Gauging Station 2.2 Secondary Extraction Approvals Several Subsidence Management s (SMP) 2 have been prepared to satisfy the various requirements including conditions of PA 08_0184, Development Approval (DA) , mining leases and SMP/Extraction Approvals affecting existing and future mining areas. PA 08_0184 applies to the current SMP and Extraction (EP) areas, whilst the second and first workings for LW and W1-W3 are approved by DA and the existing SMP approvals. Approval for the SMP/EP for Longwall Panels LW C, E, F and G (i.e. North 1 Area) and supplementary supporting information was received on 20 December 2011 by the Director-General of DTIRIS and the Director-General of DP&E. Approval 3 for the SMP/EP for Longwall Panels LW , W4-W5 and supplementary supporting information was received on 29 May 2013 and the 23 May 2013 by the Director-General of DTIRIS and the Director General of DP&E respectively. During October 2013, an SMP/EP 5 application for Ulan West longwall panels LW1 and LW2 was submitted for assessment and approval to the Director-General of DTIRIS and the Director General of DP&E, for mining of coal from the Ulan Seam using longwall mining methods. Approval for the SMP/EP pertaining to Ulan West longwall panels LW1 and LW2 was received on 9 April 2014 and 25 March 2014 by the Director-General of DTIRIS and the Director General of DP&E respectively. The SMP/EP for Ulan West longwall panels LW1 and LW2 has been modified to include longwall panels LW 3 and LW 4. Approval of the amended plan was granted by the Secretary of DP&E on 30 May Surface water monitoring and reporting requirements have been addressed in the SWMP. Groundwater monitoring and reporting requirements have been addressed in the SWMP. Assessment and response mechanisms for both surface water and groundwater are discussed in the SWGWRP. Appendix 2 provides the relevant SMP conditions applicable to this WMP and where they are addressed. 2 Mining lease conditions issued under the Mining Act 1992, require UCML to prepare and submit Subsidence Management (SMP) applications to the NSW Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services (DTIRIS) for proposed mining areas where a planning approval has already been received from DP&I 3 Note this approval replaces the interim approval for LW27 on 7 March To date longwall mining has been completed in LW27. LW28 commenced in early An SMP/Extraction variation application was submitted during December 2013 for approval by the DP&I and DRI-RE, as a result of the first working approval for LW28 and LW29. Approval was received during February Condition 26 of Schedule 3 of the Project Approval 08_0184 requires UCML to prepare an Extraction to the satisfaction of DP&I and DTI-RE prior to second workings within new underground mining areas outside existing SMP approved areas Page 16 of 71

17 Water Management Figure 2.1 Surface Water and EPL Monitoring Sites Page 17 of 71

18 Water Management 2.3 Legislation and Guidelines Water Management Act 2000 (NSW) (WM Act) This Act regulates the taking, interception, storage and use of surface water and groundwater within areas subject to water sharing plans. The Water Sharing for the Hunter Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2009 east of the Great Divide (Goulburn Extraction Management Unit) applicable to surface water sources and connected alluvial systems. The Water Sharing for the Macquarie Bogan Unregulated and Alluvial Water Sources 2012 west of the Great Divide applicable to surface water sources and connected alluvial systems. The Water Sharing for the NSW Murray-Darling Basin Porous Rock Groundwater Sources 2011 (MDB Porous Rock Groundwater Sources) west of the divide. The relevant water source for the MDB Porous Rock Groundwater Sources is the Sydney Basin. The area of the Sydney Basin water source within the Referral Area lies within two management zones defined under Clause 5.1 (b) of the WSP as (i) the Macquarie-Oxley zone which includes all porous water bearing strata excluding Permian and Triassic rocks which have been relegated to the Other zone, and (ii) the Other zone which includes Permian and Triassic age rocks. Water take from the deeper strata covered by the Water Sharing for the MDB Porous Rock Groundwater Sources. Water Act 1912 (NSW) This Act has been largely replaced by the WM Act, licensing provisions remain in force where the water source is not covered by a water sharing plan. Only surface water and alluvials within the Referral Area to the east of the Great Dividing Range are covered under a WSP. Take from water sources east of the Great Dividing Range are licensed under the Water Act Please note: The Water Sharing for the North Coast Fractured and Porous Rock Groundwater Sources 2016 is currently on exhibition and is scheduled to commence on 1 July The coal measure aquifers in the Hunter Valley portion of the Project Area will be covered by this WSP. The coal measure aquifers are currently governed under the Water Act 1912 and there is an embargo in place on issuing of new water licences. This embargo will be lifted when the WSP commences on 1 July Dams Safety Act 1978 (NSW) The Dams Safety Act 1978 (NSW) requires that large dams that may constitute a hazard to human life and property must be periodically reviewed by the NSW Dams Safety Committee. These dams are known as prescribed dams and are listed in Schedule Relevant Guidelines and Standards UCML will undertake this WMP in accordance with the policies, principles, regulations and guidelines contained within: Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality (ANZECC 2000); Page 18 of 71

19 Water Management Managing Urban Stormwater Soils and Construction, Volume 1 (Blue Book) (Landcom, 2004); and Managing Urban Stormwater Soils and Construction, Volume 2E Mines and Quarries (Landcom, DECC). 2.4 Consultation Consultation was undertaken with DP&E during the preparation of Version 6 of this plan. A minor revision was submitted to DP&E for comment in June Comments were received 16 September 2014 relating to formatting changes and specific clarification requests and suggestions. This Version (6) addresses DP&E comments and is provided for further review and approval. History of consultation for this Water Management is provided in Appendix Baseline Data Land Use Soils UCML is situated in a rural area, primarily surrounded by rural landholdings, native bushland and primary industries including agriculture, forestry, mining and extractive industries. Grazing is wide spread throughout the surrounding area while the area to the south and south-west is dominated by rural residential landholdings. The soil types occurring within the boundaries of the Ulan Mine Complex generally have low fertility and exhibit moderate to high erosivity. The soils within the Ulan Mine Complex vary in nature and thickness. The thicker, more fertile and alluvial deposits occur in the low lying areas, predominantly associated with watercourses. The north-east of the site is dominated by soils of Jurassic sandstone origin. Soils of Jurassic and Triassic sandstone origin are present throughout the Bobadeen area. Narrabeen sandstones derived soils occur throughout the centre and south-west of the site, whilst poorly developed and shallow soils occur on the higher areas where rocky outcrops occur (refer to Figure 5). The soil landscapes present on the site are described in further detail within the ESCP (ULN SD PLN 0025) Hydrology The Ulan Mine Complex is located at the headwaters of both the Goulburn River system and the Talbragar River system (refer to Figure 2.3). The catchments for these river systems are separated by the Great Dividing Range with the Goulburn River system draining east into the Hunter River Catchment and the Talbragar River system draining west to the Macquarie River Catchment and the Murray-Darling Basin. All of the tributaries within the Ulan Mine Complex boundary draining to the Goulburn River and Talbragar River are ephemeral by nature. There are eight subcatchment areas of these river systems that lie partly within the boundary of the Ulan Mine Complex. The Spring Gully, Ulan Creek, Bobadeen Creek, Curra Creek, Sportsman s Hollow Creek and Moolarben Creek catchments flow into the Goulburn River system while the Mona Creek and Cockabutta Creek catchments flow into the Talbragar River system (refer to Figure 6). The Ulan Creek catchment is the largest within the Ulan Mine Complex, comprising approximately 3,720 hectares out of the total area of the Ulan Mine Complex of approximately 13,480 hectares. Runoff from the footprint of the mining disturbance area within the Ulan Mine Complex is captured by the Ulan Mine Complex water management system. The area serviced by the Ulan Mine Complex water management system is shown on Figure 3.3 and contains the open cut pits, overburden emplacement areas and infrastructure areas. The current catchment area of the Ulan Mine Complex water management system is approximately 1,520 hectares. Page 19 of 71

20 Water Management Groundwater The regional groundwater systems were described in extensively in the 2009 groundwater assessment prepared by Mackie Environmental Research (MER) as part of the EA. Section 3.0 of the GWMP describes the existing groundwater conditions and detailed baseline data for the groundwater monitoring program Surface Water The surface water regimes were described in extensively in the 2009 surface water assessment prepared as part of the EA. Appendix 4 of the SWMP describes the baseline data for surface water hydrology water flow, water quality and stream health. Page 20 of 71

21 Water Management Figure 2.2 Soil Landscapes Page 21 of 71

22 Water Management Figure 2.3 Catchment Boundaries Page 22 of 71

23 Water Management 3 Implementation 3.1 Overview of the Water Management System The water management system at the Ulan Mine Complex consists of clean water (i.e. water from undisturbed and/or rehabilitated areas), dirty water (i.e. water from active overburden emplacement areas or areas which are partially rehabilitated) and mine water (i.e. water from coal stockpiles areas, etc.) systems. The infrastructure associated with these systems includes: mine dewatering systems; water storages; the Bobadeen Irrigation Scheme (BIS); water treatment facilities; sedimentation and retention basins; settling and tailings ponds; clean water diversion drains and dirty water catch drains; levee banks and earth bunding around stockpiles; hardstand areas; and re-fuelling areas. A layout of the key components of the water management system is shown on Figure 4.2. Operations are dewatered by pumping mine water to the surface, where it is stored in either Bobadeen Dam (in the north) or the East Pit (in the south). Surface runoff water from operational areas, plus surplus water from various sit process (e.g. from CHPP) are also directed into the East Pit. The water is then processed through Water Treatment Facilities, comprising various filtration technologies (microfiltration, ultra-filtration and reverse osmosis), to produce a supply of clean, relatively low EC water. This clean water is then blended with raw water sources (as required) to produce blended water products of different qualities suitable for various applications including: Discharge to Ulan Creek/Goulburn River; Irrigation through the Bobadeen irrigation scheme; Process water supply to site and to the CHPP; Dust Suppression on haul roads and other operational areas; Water sharing with Moolarben Coal Operations. The quality of the various water storages is controlled to meet the quality requirements (both license and operational) for each particular application. Page 23 of 71

24 3.2 Water Management Principles The basic principles governing the management of water at UCML are: Water Management minimise the volume of clean water captured within the Ulan Complex water management system; prevent the contamination of clean water by mining and related activities; minimise water holding times and recirculation. Reducing the storage time and recirculation minimises the potential to degrade the quality of the water; avoid storing water in underground water storages; segregate water of differing qualities to minimise the volume of mine impacted water that requires recycling and treatment; handle water once, to ensure water movements on site are minimised; minimise the volume of water requiring treatment prior to offsite discharge, preferably nil treatment prior to offsite discharge or alternatively maximise the blending ratio; reducing the discharge of pollutants from the mine to the environment; minimising adverse effects on downstream watercourses, such as the Goulburn River and Ulan Creek (i.e. hydraulic and water quality impacts); maximise the volume of water discharged at the current discharge facilities; managing the inventory of water on-site in order to meet the requirements of the mining operation; incorporate a variable discharge regime by varying the water flow rates between the various discharge structures based on environmental and water requirements; manage discharges from the LDP s in accordance with the conditions in EPL 394; and undertake monitoring of water management systems to meet, as a minimum, the requirement of the NSW Office of Water (2009) Water Reporting Requirements for Mining Operations. Water is used for purposes appropriate to the quality of the water available, with blending of water occurring to achieve required water qualities for various applications. 3.3 Clean, Dirty and Mine Water Management The current activities associated with Ulan Complex are located within the sub-catchments of the Goulburn River System. The open cut pit, operation of two underground mining areas (Ulan No. 3 and Ulan West), clean-water diversions, mining support infrastructure and rehabilitation areas are currently components of the Ulan Dirty Water System. Surface waters associated with sediment dams and rehabilitation report into the Dirty Water System (East Pit). Development of the clean water system (diversion of clean water from rehabilitation areas) and diversion of surface water flows from the opencut and box cut to Ulan Creek are progressing in accordance with EPL Condition U1.1 and expected to be completed by December 2016 (Figure 4.1). The mine dewatering pipelines and pumping infrastructure (Pleugers), associated with the Mine Water System transport water to the East Pit for treatment. The majority of the plueger and pipeline system are located in Clean Water areas, these are managed using risk based controls and internal standards and procedures (Figure 4.2). The Bobadeen and NWSD Water Treatment Facilities discharge clean water to Ulan Creek which report to the Goulburn River. There are currently no disturbance activities conducted within the catchments reporting to the Talbragar River System. Activities associated with Ulan West are expected to occur within the Mona and Cockabutta sub-catchments commencing in Sub-catchments of the Talbragar River System are considered Clean Water areas. Page 24 of 71

25 Water Management 4.1 Figure 3.1 Clean Water Diversion Drains (as at June 2015) Page 25 of 71

26 Water Management Figure 3.2 Water Management Infrastructure Page 26 of 71

27 3.4 Underground Water Management Water Management Along with water collected from disturbed ground catchments within the open cut, a predominant source of water at the Ulan Mine Complex is from underground dewatering activities. Inflows to the underground goafs of Ulan No. 3 underground includes groundwater and seepage from the surface water storage in the East Pit. Groundwater is reticulated via dewatering borehole pumps and surface pipelines to either the Rowans Dam system or to the Bobadeen Water Treatment Facility (WTF) (refer to Section 3.7). Groundwater make within Ulan No. 3 and Ulan West underground workings has been investigated by Mackie Environmental Research (MER) as part of the EA and subsequent modifications. The underground dewatering system as well as the surface water facilities have been designed to account for groundwater make. Further detail in regards to groundwater as well as the monitoring program to be implemented at the Ulan Mine Complex is outlined in the GWMP. 3.5 Water Storages Water storages at the Ulan Mine Complex include dams, old open cut mining voids (i.e. East Pit) and underground mining voids. The current water storage capacity at the Ulan Mine Complex is in the order of 5,370 ML. Project Approval (08_0184) allows the construction of two new tailings dams within the existing East Pit which will reduce the available water storage volume within the East Pit by approximately 3,230 ML in later years of the operation. Following the cessation of mining in Ulan No. 3 underground, additional water storage of approximately 1,100 ML will become available within the goafs of the underground mine from Monitoring of the on-site water storages is described in the SWMP Section Table Onsite Water Storages Facility Name Storage Capacity (ML) Purpose / Use Bobadeen Dam 502 Mine Water Storage Blend Dam 20 Discharge Waters Box Cut Sumps TBD Mine Water Storage Car Wash Dam 6 Dirty Water Storages CHPP Lagoons 14 Process Waters Compressor Dam <1 Clean Water Storages Duck Pond - N/A East Pit 4220 Mine Water Storage Leonard s Dam 25 Process Water Millers 35 Dust Suppression Moolarben Dam 166 Clean Water (offsite) North West Sediment Dam 120 Mine Water Storage Peanut Dam 90 Clean Water Peters Dam 27 Dirty Water Storages Rail Loop Sump 4 Dirty Water Storages Rowans Dam 137 Process Water Shearers Dam 63 Dirty Water Storages Truck Fill Dam 14 Dirty Water Storages Wrights Dam 18 Dirty Water Storages Page 27 of 71

28 Water Management 3.6 Management of Surplus Water The management of surplus water incorporates; The site water balance (Section 3.9) for the Ulan Mine Complex predicts that continued off-site discharge capacity will be required to manage the predicted water surplus. Existing approved EPL 394 LDPs (refer to Table 1.3) and operational LDPs (refer to Table 3.2) will be operated and maintained in accordance with EPL 394. Additional LDPs will be established as required in accordance with the Project Approval to meet future operational demands. Discharge protocols for are documented in Section 3.7. The North West Sediment Dam (NWSD) WTF will be used in conjunction with LDP 3 to facilitate the treatment and discharge of treated water from the East Pit. Additionally, the continued use of the Bobadeen WTF discharging water into Ulan Creek at LDP 6 and the Bobadeen Irrigation Scheme (BIS) will remain key components of UCML s water management system to manage surplus water. The approved, but not constructed Ulan West WTF at Talbragar River (refer to Figure 3.2) will be used to facilitate the treatment as the Ulan West mine progresses. Additionally, UCML has water sharing agreements with Moolarben Coal Mine (MCM) and a Heads of Agreement arrangement with Wilpinjong Coal to facilitating water sharing, if required. Exceedance associated with LDP discharges are management in accordance Section Page 28 of 71

29 Water Management Figure 3.3 Mine Water Management Schematic System Page 29 of 71

3.0 Existing Mine Water Management System

3.0 Existing Mine Water Management System Existing Mine Water Management System 3.0 Existing Mine Water Management System UCML has an extensive mine water management system, which includes mine dewatering systems, water storages, the Bobadeen

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