UN Global Compact. Communica on on progress 2015

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1 UN Global Compact Communica on on progress 2015

2 03 04 Commitment from our CEO About us in brief Scope of the report People Planet Profit About UN Global Compact

3 COMMITMENT FROM OUR CEO Møbeltransport Danmark is delighted to present our third communica on on the progress report, reaffirming our ongoing commitment and support for the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact. The last couple of years have been even ul as we have expanded widely, obtaining three new business in three years. Even though our business is rapidly growing, we never forget that our employees and customers are s ll the heart and founda on of our business. As a service provider, it is essen- al to a ract and retain qualified competencies and finding responsible and a rac ve solu ons for our customers, and there is, therefore, a natural connec on between our core business area and protec ng our employees, society and the environment at large. During 2015, Møbeltransport Danmark went through three audits all with excep onal results. In addi on to a re-cer- fica on of our ISO environmental system and our FIDI FAIM quality system, our company also underwent an audit by Bureau Veritas in accordance to the SMETA 4-pillar standard, with a full compliance result. SMETAs four pillars align with the UN Global Compact principals as they are built on the four key areas Labour standards, Health and Safety, the Environment and Business Ethics. Results from the audit are uploaded and shared on the secure supplier ethical data exchange website, SEDEX. Møbeltransport Danmark s ll believes that cer fica ons are of great importance to our stakeholders, as they document our approach to sustainability and corporate ci zenship and provide reassurance to our customers of our high standards and values will for our organisa on be characterized by new ini a- ves and investments in among other, our Fine Art Transporta on services and in a con nues process of implemen ng new business management systems to op mise our informa on flow. These ini a ves will all have posi ve impacts not only on our core business development but also for our employees work environment, our customers, our vendors as well as a posi ve effect on our environmental impact. As a Company, we are commi ed to ensuring that our business is performed and developed in a sustainable and ethical manner. We look forward to con nue our support to the United Na ons Global Compact principles and to fulfill our commitment as a signatory of the UN Global Compact. Niels Bach CEO

4 ABOUT US IN BRIEF SCOPE OF OUR REPORT Møbeltransport Danmark can be traced back to 1879 and is today Denmark s largest moving and reloca on Company. With offices in Denmark s four largest urban areas and several affiliates in both Denmark, Sweden and Spain, we can provide a wide range of services within moving and reloca- on to our customers, globally as well as locally. Na onally, Møbeltransport Danmark conducts quality office- and private moves, storage of household goods and is the largest provider of logis cs of fine art transport. Our Danish affiliate Reloc A/S specialize in logis c planning and carrying out office reloca ons and domicile change. Reloc A/S helps customers with everything from interior design drawings, IT cabling and internal rota ons. Our interna onal brand, Aspire Mobility Group, annually helps more than families and corporate employees move to new homes worldwide. We also assist the families through the whole reloca on and se ling-in process, including applying for visas and residence permits, finding a new home, a school for the kids or obtaining knowledge about the new residences public services, health care system and culture. As our business is expanding, so is our corporate responsibility in everything we do, our core competences is to deliver high quality service to our customers, based on responsible solu ons that is performed with respect to our employees, environment and society in general. This communica on on progress applies for Møbeltransport Danmark s four offices in Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense and Aalborg, our brands Aspire Mobility Group, Brønderslev Fly eforretning and Lyngby fly eforretning and our affiliates Reloc A/S, Windum Hillerød Møbeltransport A/S and Møbeltransport Danmark Na onal A/S. Through the report, all departments, affiliates and brands hereunder will be collec vely referred to as Møbeltransport Danmark. The following report will describe Møbeltransport Danmark s top priori es for ac on and provide informa on on our performance in Our challenges and opportuni es along with our objec ves for the future are furthermore described.

5 PEOPLE Human Rights As the largest moving and reloca on company in Denmark, Møbeltransport Danmark support and respects interna onally proclaimed human rights. Being an interna onal company, we conducts services on a global scale when we provide moving- and reloca on services to families who are moving abroad. To ensure that the suppliers we cooperate with do not abuse human rights, we always cooperate with FIDI FAIM cer fied companies, whenever possible. FIDI is the largest global alliance organisa on of interna onal moving and reloca on companies. Their quality benchmark cer fica on FAIM requires members to have a periodic independent assessment of their interna onal moving ac vi- es through an independent audit, which is performed every three years. Companies that are FIDI FAIM cer fied follow an ethical conduct and have to ensure that their services are provided through condi ons that respect human rights. Møbeltransport Danmark was FIDI FAIM audited by Ernest & Young, in 2015 and was cer fied with 0 Non-Compliant Values on the audit day. This has placed Møbeltransport Danmark among the top 79 FIDI companies out of 318 global members Businesses should support and respect the protec on of interna onally proclaimed human rights. Businesses should make sure they are not complicit in human rights abuses. Businesses should uphold the freedom of associa on and the effec ve recogni on of the right to collec ve bargaining. Health and Safety As an operator in the moving industry, our employees are exposed to heavy li s that, if not executed correctly and professionally, can result in work injuries. Controlling and maintaining a safe working environment is therefore of key importance for Møbeltransport Danmark. To uphold a con nuously safe working environment and to be able to deliver a high quality in all our services, all movers employed in Møbeltransport Danmark have undergone a two-year mover educa on. We annually employ new mover trainees and the quality of their educa on is important to us as it regards the trainees health and safety, both now and in the future. Møbeltransport Danmark, as the largest Movingand reloca on company in Denmark, therefore, has close collabora on with the schools who provide educa onal moving classes, to make sure our moving-trainees receive the best educa on and are well prepared and informed about li ing postures, safety, handling equipment as well as safety in regards to driving the moving trucks. To minimize health and safety risks in regards to heavy li s, we make sure that our employees have the correct equipment specific to their job area, that they are trained in using the equipment and that the equipment is serviced and maintained properly. Using correct equipment can o en ensure Businesses should uphold the elimina on of all forms of forced and compulsory labour. Businesses should uphold the effec ve aboli on of child labour. Businesses should uphold the elimina on of discrimina on in respect of employment and occupa on.

6 less heavy li s for the employee, especially over longer distances. In 2016 Møbeltransport Danmark will invest in new crates for moving and storing items, that are of a less heavy material then our regular crates, providing a be er work environment for our employees. Not all accidents or injuries can though be avoided, which is why we closely monitor and report each incident, evaluate, and implement improvements and preventa ve measures where appropriate. Annually, all accidents are collec vely reported on across offices and companies in the group to look for reoccurrences and areas where we need to take ac- on or launch ini a ves to promote good health and safety prac ces. In 2016, Møbeltransport Danmark will conduct an employee Health and Safety survey with the intent to gauge responses from all employees in regards to health and safety ma ers. This will allow every employee to provide feedback about the company and ways in which we can improve it. Møbeltransport Danmark will use the survey results to target our health and safety efforts, towards employees concerns and needs. Diversity and culture As our interna onal ac vi es are growing, so is the diversity of our workforce. With offices in Spain and Sweden, and by providing services in terms of moving and reloca on along with Art handling globally, our corporate language is progressively becoming English. This increases our ability to a ract and retain employees with a broader interna onal background, that can offer a differen ated knowledge and new competencies to our organisa on. During 2015, 33% off all new administra ve hires in Denmark was of origin other than Danish. We believe that a culturally diverse workforce can challenge and evolve the way we do business and increase our cultural understanding of and coopera on with our global customers and suppliers. Møbeltransport Danmark is proud of our inclusive work culture and our diversity. It is of great importance to the organisa on to maintain a tolerant working environment that is built on mutual respect and apprecia on of differences and we, therefore, apply a zero tolerance approach towards bullying, harassment and discrimina on.

7 Educa on and learning Our business has evolved rapidly over the last couple of years, accruing new companies and increasing the electronic informa on flow throughout the organiza on. This is just the beginning, and in 2016, we will take further steps to op mize work processes, by implemen ng new systems across organiza ons and departments. New systems, procedures and rou nes create new demands of our employees. Recently our interna onal move and reloca on department merged, which have created a need for new procedures and workflows. In 2015, the two departments employees were cross-trained to simplify the customer service process for combina on jobs when customers require both moving and reloca on services. Throughout 2016, Møbeltransport Danmark will further implement new systems to manage customers files from A-Z and easier registra on of employee hours, which require an even greater focus on educa ng and training. We, therefore, make it our goal to con nue to develop our workforce by inves ng in their training and promo ng equal opportuni es regardless of gender, age, origin, sexual orienta on, disability, religion or another cultural status. Our business expansion has also created new manager posi- ons within our organiza on. In 2015, a number of Managers in Møbeltransport Danmark underwent external management training and educa on. This will con nue on during 2016 with a new team of managers a ending the same training. Møbeltransport Danmark believes in training and educa ng and we constantly challenge our employees to benefit from a workforce that is engaged and produc ve. We seek to create a working environment in which our employees may flourish and reach their full poten als. We do this by valuing the many and varied skills and experiences that our employees bring to Møbeltransport Danmark; by inves ng in staff training and development; by trea ng employees fairly and equitably; by comba ng harassment and discrimina on at work, and by encouraging an honest and open culture which values the differences between us.

8 PLANET Businesses should support a precau onary approach to environmental challenges. Businesses should undertake ini a ves to promote greater environmental responsibility. It is off great importance to Møbeltransport Danmark that we con nuously improve our environmental footprint by crea ng sustainable and compe ve solu ons, which will benefit our company, employees, customers and the society at large. Møbeltransport Danmarks ISO cer fica on con nues to be an important management system allowing ownership at the execu ve level. Being cer fied has allowed us to ac vely think about our companies contribu ons to preserving the environment as well as seek ways to improve. Businesses should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly 09 technologies. One of our main environmental targets is to focus on your buildings energy consump on. Our business has been thriving for the last couple of years, acquiring new businesses, expanding and moving to new loca ons, offices and warehouses. This has created a challenge in regards to our ISO measurement system, as the results from year to year are becoming highly complex to compare, and thereby difficult to document improvements. We, therefore,

9 measure our buildings resource consump on on each loca ons on a monthly basis. This enable us to measure the effect when installing new sustainable solu ons. For example, during 2015 Møbeltransport Danmark changed all outdoor ligh ng at the headquarter premises from incandescent to LED. Comparisons between our before and a er measurements show that the ini a ve resulted in an 80% decrease on the light poles energy consump on. In 2016 Møbeltransport Danmarks environmental targets will also be focused on our Fine Art transporta on solu ons. Møbeltransport Danmark is Denmark s leading supplier of Fine Art Transporta on, with more than 45 years of experience, both na onally as well as interna onally. The thorough coordina on, handling and transporta on of fine art is an extremely complex process and one we excel at. To protect pain ngs, sculptures, installa ons or other priceless and fragile items, we offer several designs of tailormade wooden crates to our customers, produced at our carpentry shop located at our headquarters in Copenhagen. Our crate quality is of great importance, as they provide the best possible protec on against changes in temperature and humidity when either storing or moving fragile items. Møbeltransport Danmarks crates are reused whenever possible, and all crates are put into an online register system, so when a crate is needed we can easily locate and reuse an exis ng crate, with the right measurement. Our Movingboxes One of our largest purchases as a moving company is our moving boxes, and using sustainable material is therefore important to Møbeltransport Danmark. We have priori sed Moving boxes that are off a very high quality, so our boxes are not only able to protect customer goods be er but can also be reused several mes. Møbeltransport Danmark moving boxes consists of: 69% recycled FSC cer fied paper. 31% wood from sustainable forestry in Sweden. To further op mize our efficient use of materials, we will throughout 2016 buy a large number of (50) turtle crates. A Turtle crate is a versa le, secure and environmentallyfriendly insulated crate for transpor ng art items. The special composi on of the turtle crate materials means that the climate in the crate is kept very stable and external vibra ons are largely absorbed. Several works can be transported in one turtle crate, as it is easily adjustable in size. Møbeltransport Danmark is thereby able to reuse the turtle crates more frequently compared to wooden crates. The turtle crates are also easier to prepare before transporta on then the wooden crates, reducing both the carpentry shops use of materials and energy consump on. One turtle crate can last approximately 20 years dependent on the care of use whereas the quality of a wooden crate is much easier compromised. With the new turtle crates, Møbeltransport Denmark will significantly reduce our wood consump on, along with material and energy consump on in the carpentry shop thereby represen ng a long-term sustainable solu on.

10 PROFIT 10 Businesses should work against corrup on in all its forms, including extor on and bribery. We are commi ed to complying with the UN Global Compacts principal 10 along with local and interna onal an -corrup on and bribery laws, in all of our business conduct. An -corrup on is an integral part of our culture and business integrity is one of our guiding values. Møbeltransport Danmark, therefore, applies a zerotolerance approach to extor on and facilita on payments, corrup on and bribery in all its forms and expects the same from our suppliers and business partners globally. Møbeltransport Danmark employees and na onal subcontractors are obliged to act in accordance with Møbeltransport Danmark s code of conduct, which sets forth the adapta on of good governance, transparency and accountability into day-to-day business. Møbeltransport Danmarks interna onal division, Aspire Mobility Group, primarily, selects interna onal suppliers on the basis of their membership of, and quality cer fica on by FIDI, which is a global alliance of independent quality removal companies. At all mes, FIDI and its Affiliates will act professionally, fairly and with the utmost integrity in all business dealings and rela onships. This will apply wherever they operate. All FIDI Affiliates, including Møbeltransport Danmark, has signed the An -Bribery and An -Corrup on Charter agreeing and commi ng to undertake (See box chart below): At the end of 2015, Aspire Mobility Group took a further step to promote good governance. In compliance with the new FIDI FAIM requirements for 2016 Aspire Mobility Group ins tuted an an -bribery campaign towards our customers, vendors and suppliers. Our Supplier Code of Conduct and An -bribery Standard is now an integral part of our correspondence with all our vendors, as well as poten al vendors, so when we supply or receive any type of service, our vendors are aware of our ethical framework. Aspire Mobility Group has furthermore implemented our Supplier code of conduct into all Removal Contracts, to ensure that it is communicated to all of our customers. This ensures that all of our customers are aware of our standards and that all of our vendors must comply with our framework regardless of their own cer fica ons and/or standards. If it is determined that any of Aspire Mobility Groups suppliers or vendors are not in compliance with our standards and Supplier Code of Conduct Aspire Mobility Group have formulated official escala on processes to determine how to resolve the process, or if and when we should terminate our involvement with the supplier or vendor involved. Møbeltransport Danmark fight against corrup on on a global scale has li le effect in itself, but when 600 interna onal moving and reloca on companies in more than 100 countries spanning the five con nents, stand together, we can make a difference. Møbeltransport Danmark is, therefore, an ac ve par cipator in FIDI and supports their determina on to lead the reloca on industry by taking a clear stand against bribery and corrup on. FIDI An -Bribery and An -Corrup on Charter 1. Never engage in any form of bribery, either directly or through any third party. 2. Never offer or make an improper payment, or authorise an improper payment (cash or otherwise) to any individual, including any local or foreign official anywhere in the world. 3. Never a empt to induce an individual or a local or foreign official to act illegally or improperly. 4. Never offer, or accept, money or anything of value, such as gi s, kickbacks or commissions, in connec on with the procurement of business or the award of a contract. 5. Never offer or give any gi or token of hospitality to any public employee or government official or representa ve if there is any expecta on or implica on for a return favour 6. Never accept any gi from any business partner if there is any sugges on that a return favour will be expected or implied. 7. Never facilitate payments to obtain a level of service which one would not normally be en tled to. 8. Never disregard or fail to report any indica on of improper payments to the appropriate authori es. 9. Never induce or assist another individual to break any applicable law or regula on.

11 ABOUT UN GLOBAL COMPACT The UN Global Compact was launched in 1999 by former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and is today the world s largest corporate ci zenship ini a ve with 10,000 signatories based in more than 140 countries, and Local Networks exis ng or emerging in over 100 countries. The purpose of the ini a ve is to encourage businesses worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to report on their implementa on. The UN Global Compact advocates for companies to align their opera ons and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and an -corrup on. Members of UN Global Compact commit to submi ng an annual report on progress in regards to implementa on of the ten principals. By suppor ng the UN global Compact business helps ensure that markets, commerce, technology and finance advance in ways that benefit economies and socie es everywhere.

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