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3 Executive Summary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`6$0'-0] (#)M 6,$?&0 "&3/) ^&4.,)#$ 6) 0$&#/4 ><< ($$6 &3)U$.$& /$U$/:?-08$ N<<>S?E+,&. 8)0'286$' $`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a 6,$ b12// +-'&/ A/6$#0&6-U$c_ QNR #$.6)#$' 6-'&/ M&#., 6) 6,$ #&-/ /-0$ &0' M26$' 6-'$. 3$6T$$0 6,$ #&-/ /-0$ &0' G-],T&4 \O a 6,$ bj26$' +-'&/ A/6$#0&6-U$c_ &0' Q\R #$.6)#$' 6-'&/ M&#., 6) 6,$ #&-/ /-0$ &0' #$6&-0$' &]#-82/62#$ &0' %&.62#$ 3$6T$$0 6,$ #&-/ /-0$ &0' G-],T&4 \O T-6, -M%#)U$' %#&86-8$. 6) %#)M)6$.$&.)0&/ T$6/&0'. a 6,$ b9)0p+-'&/ A/6$#0&6-U$c: +,-. "/&0 ()82.$. )0 & T$6/&0'. &0' T&6$#.,$' #$.6)#&6-)0 &/6$#0&6-U$ '-(($#$06 (#)M 6,$ "#-M&#4 A/6$#0&6-U$ %#$.$06$' -0 6,$ N<<X F"B" a 12// +-'&/ A/6$#0&6-U$: +,$ 0$T "#-M&#4 A/6$#0&6-U$ -. 6,$ 9)0P+-'&/ A/6$#0&6-U$S T,-8, 8&//. ()# 6-'&/ M&#., #$.6)#&6-)0 )0 =O< &8#$..)26, )( 6,$ #&-/ /-0$S #$6&-0-0] &0' M)'-(4-0] &]#-82/62#&/ %#&86-8$. 6) $0,&08$.$&.)0&/ T$6/&0'. &0' ]#&../&0'. )0 ><< &8#$. 0)#6, )( 6,$ #&-/ /-0$S &0' M)'-(4-0] ]#&d-0] &0' -M%/$M$06-0] T&6$#.,$' M&0&]$M$06 &86-U-6-$. 6) 3$0$(-6 ]#&../&0'.S.$&.)0&/ T$6/&0'. &0' #-%&#-&0 8)##-')#. )0 &/M).6 ;S<<< &8#$. )( 2%/&0'.: +,$ $U)/26-)0 6) 6,-. "/&0e. "#-M&#4 A/6$#0&6-U$ #$(/$86. -0%26 #$8$-U$' (#)M 6,$ "#)7$86e..6&Z$,)/'$# ]#)2%S -08/2'-0] 0$T. )( 6,$ %$0'-0] #$&86-U&6-)0 )( 6,$?JAB+ #&-/ /-0$ 6,#)2], 6,$?-6$: D0 J&#8, N<<XS?E+,$/' & %23/-8 M$$6-0] 6) %#$.$06 6,$ F"B": +,$ M&7)#-64 )(.6&Z$,)/'$# 8)MM$06. #$8$-U$' &6 &0' &(6$# 6,$ M$$6-0].2]]$.6$' #$6&-0-0] $`-.6-0] &]#-82/62#&/ %#&86-8$. 0)#6, )( 6,$ #&-/ /-0$S $0,&08-0] $`-.6-0].$&.)0&/ T$6/&0'. )0 6,).$ /&0'.S &0' 8/&#-(4-0] %23/-8 &88$.. %/&0.: D0 H20$ N<<XS?E+ /$&#0$' 6,$ 9)#6, I)&.6 B&-/ A26,)#-64 T&. $06$#-0] -06) 8)06#&86. 6) #$.2M$ (#$-],6.$#U-8$ &8#).. 6,$?-6$ &. $&#/4 &..2MM$# N<<O: B$.6)#&6-)0 &86-U-6-$. 8&00)6-06$##2%6 #&-/.$#U-8$S #$0'$#-0] -M%/$M$06&6-)0 )( 6,$ 12// +-'&/ A/6$#0&6-U$ 8).6P%#),-3-6-U$ -0 6,$ 0$&# 6$#M: P

4 Executive Summary "#$/-M-0&#4 %#)7$86 8)0.6#286-)0 8).6. &#$ %#$.$06$' -0 6,-. 8).6. ()# 6,$ 9)0P+-'&/ A/6$#0&6-U$ #&0]$ 3$6T$$0 f;>:o M-//-)0 &0' f;w:o 8).6. ()# 6,$ 12// +-'&/ A/6$#0&6-U$S &..2M-0] 6,$ #&-/ /-0$ -. 0)6-0 )%$#&6-)0S #&0]$ 3$6T$$0 fn<:w M-//-)0 &0' fnn M-//-)0: +,$ "#-M&#4 "#)7$86 "2#%).$ ()# 6,$?$&#. ")-06 %#)7$ ) #$.6)#$ 0&62#&/ $.62&#-0$ $8).4.6$M. )0 '-Z$' 3&4/&0'.S 6) $0,&08$ &0' M&0&]$ $`-.6-0] T&6$#.,$' #$.)2#8$. ()# $8)/)]-8&/ 3$0$(-6.S &0' 6) #$6&-0 U-&3/$ &]#-82/62#&/ 2.$. &0'.$&.)0&/ T$6/&0'. 6) 6,$ M&`-M2M $`6$06 %#&86-8&/: +,$ "#)7$86e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aylands Ecosystem Habitat Goals Report: C0 6,$ '-Z$' 3&4/&0'.S 6,$ U-.-)0 6#&0./&6$. 6) &0 $(()#6 6) #$.6)#$ 6,$ M&`-M2M ($&.-3/$ $`6$06 )( 6-'&/ M&#., &0' 8,&00$/,&3-6&6._ T,$#$ 6-'&/ M&#., 8&00)6 3$ #$.6)#$'S 6,$ -06$ ) M&`-M-d$ '-Z$' T$6/&0'. (2086-)0. T,-/$ M&-06&-0-0] U-&3/$ &]#-82/62#&/ 2.$. 6) 6,$ $`6$06 8)M%&6-3/$: D0 6,$ T&6$#.,$'S 6,$ -06$ ) M&0&]$ &0' $0,&08$ $`-.6-0] ]#&../&0'.S.$&.)0&/ &0' %$#$00-&/ T$6/&0'.S.6#$&M 8)##-')#.S &0' #-%&#-&0 &#$&.: A8#).. 6,$?-6$S 6,$ "#)7$86.$$Z. 6) M&`-M-d$ $8)/)]-8&/ 8)00$86-U-64 3$6T$$0 6,$ '-Z$' 3&4/&0'. &0' 6,$ T&6$#.,$': I,&%6$#. N 6,#)2], W %#$.$06 &0 )U$#U-$T )( 6,$ %#)7$86 a "#)7$86 [-.-)0 &0' g)&/.s "/&00-0] &0' DM%/$M$06&6-)0 "#)8$..S B$]-)0&/?$66-0] &0' g$0$#&/?-6$ F$.8#-%6-)0S &0' C%%)#620-6-$. &0' I)0.6#&-06.: +,$ (-0&/ 6T) 8,&%6$#..%/-6 6,$?-6$ -06) 6T) ]$)]#&%, &0' %#$.$06 6,$ %#$/-M-0&#4 %/&0. ()# #$.6)#&6-)0 &0' $0,&08$M$06 &86-U-6-$. -0 '-Z$' 3&4/&0'. QI,&%6$# XR &0' 6,$ T&6$#.,$' QI,&%6$# OR: +,-. "/&0 T&. M&'$ %)..-3/$ 34 6,$ U$#4 ]$0$#)2..2%%)#6 &0' 8)06#-326-)0. (#)M M&04-0'-U-'2&/. &0' )#]&0-d&6-)0.: 120'. ()# &8V2-.-6-)0S.6$T&#'.,-%S &0' #$.6)#&6-)0 %/&00-0],&U$ 8)M$ (#)M 6,$ g)#')0 &0' ^$664 J))#$ 1)20'&6-)0S 6,$ I&/-()#0-& 5-/'/-($ I)0.$#U&6-)0 ^)&#'S 6,$?)0)M& I)2064 A]#-82/62#&/ "#$.$#U&6-)0 &0' C%$0?%&8$ F-.6#-86S 6,$ I&/-()#0-&?6&6$ I)&.6&/ I)0.$#U&084S 6,$ 1$'$#&6$' D0'-&0. )( g#&6)0 B&08,$#-&S 6,$ 9&6-)0&/ C8$&0-8 &0' A6M).%,$#-8 A'M-0-.6#&6-)0 I)&.6&/ E&0' I)0.$#U&6-)0 "#)]#&MS )U$# X<< %#-U&6$ ')0)#. 6) 6,$?E+e. ^&4/&0'. I&%-6&/ I&M%&-]0S 6,$ h:? A#M4 I)#%. "&3/) ^&4 5&6$#.,$' "#)]#&MS 6,$?&0 1#&08-.8) ^&4 +#&-/ "#)7$86S &0' h:? 1-., &0' 5-/'/-($?$#U-8$ I)&.6&/ "#)]#&M &0' "&#60$#. -0 9&62#$ "#)]#&M: P

5 ?$:-# (8 4(*+#*+& 1 INTRODUCTION PROJECT VISION AND GOALS PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS...7 LGV LG; "?BZRX[>\R0 'B0?T4T'B?T[] GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG= 'B0?TR" P]\R0?BZT]M?XR 0R"?[0B?T[] '0[^R4?GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGU LGL 9P?P0R '>B]]T]M B]\ TO'>ROR]?B?T[] B4?TWT?TR"GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG@ \:\:; F-Z$' ^&4/&0'.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;< \:\:N 5&6$#.,$'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;; \:\:\?$&#. ")-06 B&08, 1&8-/-6-$. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;N LGE \B?B "[P04R" 9[0 '0R'B0T]M?XT" '>B]GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG V; 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND SETTING...14 EGV 0RMT[]B> "R??T]MGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG VE EG; "T?R WT4T]T?_ GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGVA >:N:; A'7&8$06 B$.6)#&6-)0 "#)7$86.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;X >:N:N A'7&8$06 b9)0p"#)6$86$'c "#)%$#6-$. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;O >:N:\?$'-M$06?2%%/4-0?&0 "&3/) ^&4::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;= >:N:> +)/&4 I#$$Z &0' 9$&#.,)#$?&0 "&3/) ^&4 ^&6,4M$6#4 &0' J)#%,)/)]4:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::N< >:N:W +-'&/ F&62M. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::N< >:N:X?&/-0-64 B$]-M$ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::N; EGL R`T"?T]M "T?R 4[]\T?T[]"GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG;; >:\:; +)%)]#&%,4:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::NN >:\:N G4'#)/)]4::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::N\ >:\:\ g$)/)]4 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::NX >:\:>?)-/. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::NX >:\:W g$)6$8,0-8&/ I)0.-'$#&6-)0. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::NO >:\:X D0(#&.6#2862#$::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::NY >:\:O?%$8-&/?6&62.S I2/62#&//4?-]0-(-8&06S &0' D0U&.-U$?%$8-$.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\< H2#-.'-86-)0&/ 5$6/&0'. &0' 5&6$#. -0 F-Z$' ^&4/&0'. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\; >:\:= I2/62#&/ B$.)2#8$. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\; >:\:;< ^-)/)]-8&/ B$.)2#8$.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\N EGE >B]\"4B'R '>B]]T]M P]T?" GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGLL P - P

6 Table of Contents 5 OPPORTUNITIES AND CONSTRAINTS...34 DGV ZR_ 9B4?[0"GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGLE B$.)2#8$. 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11 Table of Contents >)&+ (8 BQQ#*.)2#& A%%$0'-` A:?2MM&#4 )( F&6& I)//$86$' ()#?$&#. ")-06 "#)7$86 A%%$0'-` F&6& A%%$0'-` "#)(-/$. )(?-6$ &0'?2##)20'-0] B)&'.S B&-/S &0' E$U$$. E-($ G-.6)#4 "#)(-/$. )( +&#]$6?%$8-&/?6&62.?%$8-$. A%%$0'-` 1: ^-)/)]-8&/ B$.)2#8$. 1$&62#$ F$.8#-%6-)0. A%%$0'-` g: D0U&.-U$ "$.6?%$8-$. E-($ G-.6)#4 F$.8#-%6-)0. >)&+ (8 9)H5%#& )* BQQ#*.)2#& 1-]2#$ A;P; 1$3#2&#4 N<<W 9&62#&/ I)/)# A$#-&/ ",)6)]#&%,4 1-]2#$ A;PN N<<W I)/)# D0(#&#$' A$#-&/ ",)6)]#&%,4 1-]2#$ A;P\ E-FAB &0' ",)6)]#&MM$6#4 +)%)]#&%,-8 F&6& 1-]2#$ A;P> A//?2#U$4$' ") ]2#$ A;PW I#)..?$86-)0 E)8&6-)0. N<<W?2#U$4. 1-]2#$ A;PX J)'$/ 1-]2#$ A;PO 1-$/'?&M%/-0]?6&6-)0. 1-]2#$ A;PY +)/&4 I#$$Z &0' 9$&#.,)#$ ^&6,4M$6#4 1-]2#$ A;P= A3)U$Pg#)20' h6-/-6-$. 1-]2#$ A;P;< +-'$ E$U$/. N<<W 1-]2#$ A;P;; 1/)T. &0' 5&6$# E$U$/. -0?6#$&M. &0' F-68,$. 1-]2#$ ANP; ^-#' ")-06 I)206?2#U$4 E)8&6-)0. 1-]2#$ A\P; [$]$6&6-)0?2#U$4 h0-6?&m%/-0] E)8&6-)0. 1-]2#$ ^P; AU$#&]$ A002&/ B&-0(&//S "$6&/2M& &0' 9)U&6) 1-]2#$ ^PN AU$#&]$ J)06,/4 B&-0(&//S "$6&/2M& &0' 9)U&6) 1-]2#$ ^P\ 5-0' B).$S?)0)M& ^&4/&0'. 1-]2#$ ^P>?-6$ g$)/)]4 1-]2#$ ^PW?-6$ g$)/)]4 E$]$0' 1-]2#$ ^PX?-6$?)-/. 1-]2#$ ^PO I9FF^ C882##$08$. 1-]2#$ ^PY I2/62#&/ B$.)2#8$. 1-]2#$ IP; +)%)]#&%,-8 "#)(-/$.* A8#).. G-],T&4 \O &0' 6,$?JAB+ B&-/ ^$' 1-]2#$ IPN +)%)]#&%,-8 "#)(-/$* G-],T&4 \O 1-]2#$ IP\ +)%)]#&%,-8 "#)(-/$*?JAB+ B&-/ ^$' 1-]2#$ IP> +)%)]#&%,-8 "#)(-/$* E&Z$U-//$ G-],T&4 a B$8/&M&6-)0 B)&' 1-]2#$ IPW +)%)]#&%,-8 "#)(-/$* C263)&#' E$U$$ 1-]2#$ IPX E)0]-62'-0&/ "#)(-/$.* "#-M&#4?6)#MT&6$# F#&-0&]$ B)26$. P U-- P

12 Table of Contents 1-]2#$ IPO +)%)]#&%,-8 )( G-],T&4 \O 1-]2#$ IPY +)%)]#&%,-8 "#)(-/$.* B$8/&M&6-)0 B)&' 1-]2#$ IP= +)%)]#&%,-8 "#)(-/$.* 9)#6,$#0 +)$ )( B&-/ ^$' &0' A88$.. B)&' 1-]2#$ FP; "-/)6 I,&00$/ 92M3$#-0] >)&+ (8?$:-#& )* BQQ#*.)2#& +&3/$ A;P; 1-$/' D0.6#2M$06 F$%/)4M$06 E)8&6-)0. +&3/$ A;PN I2/U$#6 D0U$06)#4 &0' I,&#&86$#-d&6-)0 +&3/$ ANP; ^-#'?2#U$4. I)0'286$' &6?$&#. ")-06S N<<W +&3/$ A\P; E)8&/ [$]$6&6-)0 h0-6. D'$06-(-$' &0'?&M%/$' 5-6,-0 6,$ 5&6$#.,$' h0-6 )( 6,$?$&#. ")-06 "#)7$86?-6$S?)0)M& I)2064S I&/-()#0-& +&3/$ FP; "#$/-M-0&#4 I,&00$/ +&3/$ FPN +&3/$ FP\ +-'&/ I,&00$/ F$.-]0 I&/82/&6-)0. P U--- P

13 Table of Contents B2%(*63& B2%(*63 0#Q%#&#*+& IF1g I&/-()#0-& F$%&#6M$06 )( 1-., &0' g&m$ j2&/-64 A86 IBE1 I&/-()#0-& B$'PE$]]$' 1#)] 1&#5$.6 g^j1 g)#')0 &0' ^$664 J))#$ 1)20'&6-)0 JGG5 J$&0 G-],$# G-], 5&6$# JEE5 J$&0 E)T$# E)T 5&6$# J?E J$&0?$& E$U$/ J?J[IF J&#-0P?)0)M& J).V2-6) &0' [$86)# I)06#)/ F-.6#-86 9AFY\ 9)#6, AM$#-8&0 F&62M )( ;=Y\ Q,)#-d)06&/ '&62MR 9A[FYY 9)#6, AM$#-8&0 [$#6-8&/ F&62M )( ;=YY ")/-84 A86 9g? 9&6-)0&/ g$)'$6-8?$#u-8$ 9g[FN= 9&6-)0&/ g$)'$6-8 [$#6-8&/ F&62M )( ;=N= 9CAA 9&6-)0&/ C8$&0-8 &0' A6M).%,$#-8 A'M-0-.6#&6-)0 9C? 9&6-)0&/ C8$&0?$#U-8$ 9"H[ 9)#6, ")-06 H)-06 [$062#$ 9BI? 9&62#&/ B$.)2#8$. I)0.$#U&6-)0?$#U-8$ 95B 9&6-)0&/ 5-/'/-($ B$(2]$?A[?23M$#]$' &V2&6-8 U$]$6&6-)0?IA"C?F?)0)M& I)2064 A]#-82/62#&/ "#$.$#U&6-)0 &0' C%$0?%&8$ F-.6#-86?IB"F?)0)M& I)2064 B$]-)0&/ "&#Z. F-.6#-86?JAB+?)0)M&PJ&#-0 A#$& B&-/ +#&0.-6?II?6&6$ I)&.6&/ I)0.$#U&084?E+?)0)M& E&0' +#2.6 +AI +$8,0-8&/ A'U-.)#4 I)MM-66$$ h0-6$'?6&6$. A#M4 I)#%. h?15? h0-6$'?6&6$. 1-., &0' 5-/'/-($?$#U-8$ h?g? h0-6$'?6&6$. g$)/)]-8&/?)8-$64 [I [)//M&# I)0.2/6-0] 5I^ I&/-()#0-& 5-/'/-($ I)0.$#U&6-)0 ^)&#' 55B 5$6/&0'. &0' 5&6$# B$.)2#8$. P -` P

14 1 Introduction?)0)M& E&0' +#2.6 Q?E+RS.2%%)#6$' 34 ($'$#&/S.6&6$S &0' /)8&/ (20'.S &. T$// &. ()20'&6-)0S %#-U&6$S &0' 6#-3&/ (20'.S &8V2-#$' 6T) %#)%$#6-$. -0 N<<> &0' N<<WS 6,$ X>YP&8#$ F-8Z.)0 B&08, &0' ;SXO=P&8#$ 9)#6, ")-06 H)-06 [$062#$ "#)%$#64S #$.%$86-U$/4S ()# 8)0.$#U&6-)0 %2#%).$.S &''-0] & M&7)# 8)06#-326-)0 6) %#)6$86$' &0' #$.6)#$' /&0'. -0 6,$?&0 +,$.$ 6T) %#)%$#6-$. -0.)26,$#0?)0)M& I)2064 0)T #$%#$.$06 6,$ NS\NOP&8#$?$&#. ")-06?-6$ Q6,$ b?-6$cr )0 T,-8,?E+ T-// 20'$#6&Z$ & 8)M%#$,$0.-U$ #$.6)#&6-)0S $0,&08$M$06S &0' M&0&]$M$06 %#)7$86 Q6,$ b"#)7$86cr: +,-.?$&#. ")-06 5$6/&0'. &0' 5&6$#.,$' B$.6)#&6-)0 1-0&/ "#$/-M-0&#4 "/&0 Q6,$ b"/&0cr %#$.$06. 6,$ ()2#6, M&7)# %/&00-0] M-/$.6)0$ ()# $(()#6. &/#$&'4 20'$#T&4 &0' 6) 3$ -0-6-&6$' -0 6,$ 0$`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`6$0'-0] 6) 0$&#/4 ><< ($$6 &3)U$.$& /$U$/S %#)U-'-0] &.-0]2/&# )%%)# ,$?&0 6) %#)U-'$ $8).4.6$M 3$0$(-6. &8#).. & 8)M%/$` )( 0&62#&/.4.6$M.: B$.6)#&6-)0 &0' $0,&08$M$06 )%%)#620-6-$. &#$.-]0-(-8&06 3$8&2.$ 6,$?-6$ &0' -6..2##)20'-0] /&0'. &#$ &M)0] 6,$ M).6 $`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d-0]s )&6P,&4 (&#M-0]S &0' ]&M$ 3-#',206-0]S &0' 6,$?&0 "&3/) ^&4 9&6-)0&/ 5-/'/-($ B$(2]$ #$8$06/4 #$/)8&6$' -6.,$&'V2&#6$#. 6) 6,$?-6$ Q1-]2#$ NR: +,$?-6$ $86$' 34 6T) 6#&0.%)#6&6-)0 &#6$#-$. a %)#6-)0. )( G-],T&4 \O &0' & 82##$06/4 0)0P)%$#&6-)0&/ #&-/ /-0$ )T0$' 34 6,$?)0)M&PJ&#-0 A#$& B&-/ +#&0.-6 Q?JAB+R: "#)6$86-)0 )( 6,-. -0(#&.6#2862#$ &0' &'7&8$06 %#)%$#6-$. /4-0] 0$&# )# 3$/)T.$& /$U$/ (#)M (/))'-0] 8) $. & %#-M&#4 #$.6)#&6-)0 8)0.6#&-06: P ; P

15 Chapter 1: Introduction +,$ "#-M&#4 "#)7$86 "2#%).$ ()# 6,$?$&#. ")-06 %#)7$ ) #$.6)#$ 0&62#&/ $.62&#-0$ $8).4.6$M. )0 '-Z$' 3&4/&0'.S 6) $0,&08$ &0' M&0&]$ $`-.6-0] T&6$#.,$' #$.)2#8$. ()# $8)/)]-8&/ 3$0$(-6.S &0' 6) #$6&-0 U-&3/$ &]#-82/62#&/ 2.$. &0'.$&.)0&/ T$6/&0'. 6) 6,$ M&`-M2M $`6$06 %#&86-8&/: +,-. "/&0 %#$.$06. 6,$.2-6$ )( %#)%).$' &/6$#0&6-U$. ()# #$.6)#-0]S $0,&08-0]S &0' M&0&]-0].$U$#&/ $8).4.6$M 64%$. &6 6,$?$&#. ")-06?-6$: I,&%6$#. N 6,#)2], W %#$.$06 &0 )U$#U-$T )( 6,$ %#)7$86 a "#)7$86 [-.-)0 &0' g)&/.s "/&00-0] &0' DM%/$M$06&6-)0 "#)8$..S B$]-)0&/?$66-0] &0' g$0$#&/?-6$ F$.8#-%6-)0S &0' C%%)#620-6-$. &0' I)0.6#&-06.: +,$ (-0&/ 6T) 8,&%6$#..%/-6 6,$?-6$ -06) 6T) ]$)]#&%, &0' %#$.$06 6,$ %#$/-M-0&#4 %/&0. ()# #$.6)#&6-)0 &0' $0,&08$M$06 &86-U-6-$. -0 '-Z$' 3&4/&0'. QI,&%6$# XR &0' 6,$ T&6$#.,$' QI,&%6$# OR: D0 6,-. M&00$#S 6,-. "/&0 &//)T. ()# '-#$86 %#)]#$.. -06).23.$V2$06 %#)7$86 %/&00-0] %,&.$. 34 '-.6-0]2-.,-0] 3$6T$$0 $(()#6. #$V2-#-0] M)#$ $`6$0.-U$ $0U-#)0M$06&/ #$U-$T &0' %$#M-66-0] &0' 6,).$ ()# T,-8, #&%-' -M%/$M$06&6-)0 8&0 3$]-0: +,-. "/&0 8)08/2'$. T-6, #$($#$08$. &0' &.$8)0' U)/2M$ 8)06&-0-0] 6$8,0-8&/ &%%$0'-8$.: J&0&]$M$06 &86-U-6-$. -0 6,$ T&6$#.,$' 6,&6 ') 0)6-0U)/U$ #$.6)#&6-)0 &0' $0,&08$M$06 &86-U-6-$. &#$ %#$.$06$'.$%&#&6$/4-0 6,$?$&#. ")-06 "#)%$#64?6$T&#'.,-% "/&0: 5-6, 6,$ 8)M%/$6-)0 )( 6,-. "/&0S?E+ T-// %2#.2$ 6,#$$ %&#&//$/ %/&00-0] &0' -M%/$M$06&6-)0 6#&8Z.: B$.6)#&6-)0 T)#Z )0 6,$ '-Z$' 3&4/&0'. T-// %#)8$$' T-6, &''-6-)0&/ 6$8,0-8&/ '$.-]0.62'-$.S $0U-#)0M$06&/ #$U-$TS &0' %$#M-66-0] 6,&6 82/M-0&6$ -0 & (-0&/ '$.-]0 ()# 8)0.6#286-)0:?-M2/6&0$)2./4S M&0&]$M$06 &0' $0,&08$M$06 T)#Z -0 6,$ T&6$#.,$' T-// %#)8$$' T-6, 8)M%/$6-0] 6,$ "#)%$#64e..6$T&#'.,-% %/&0S.%$8-(-8 '$.-]0. ()#.6#$&M M)'-(-8&6-)0.S &0' %$#M-6. ()# &//.6#$&M T)#Z: D0 N<<OS?E+ T-// -0-6-&6$ & %/&00-0] %#)8$.. 6) 8))#'-0&6$ &86-U-6-$. %#)%).$' 34?E+S 6,$ B$(2]$ &0'?E+e. 8&66/$ #&08,$#. 20'$# )0$ %/&00-0] $(()#6 Q?$86-)0 \:\:\R: +,-. $(()#6 T-// #$.2/6-0 & J&.6$#?-6$ "/&0 ()# 6,$ ()#M$# '&-#-$. 8)M%/$`S T,-8, T-// -08/2'$ & 0$T M$$6-0].%&8$ 6) 3$ 32-/6 34?E+: ^4 %2#.2-0] 6,$.$ %&#&//$/ %/&00-0] 6#&8Z.S?E+ T-// 3$ &3/$ 6) -M%/$M$06 -M%#)U$M$06. &6 6,$?-6$ &. $&#/4 &. &U&-/&3/$ (20'-0] &//)T.: +,-. "/&0 ()82.$. )0 & "#-M&#4 A/6$#0&6-U$ '-(($#$06 (#)M 6,&6 %#$.$06$' -0 6,$ F#&(6 "#$/-M-0&#4 B$.6)#&6-)0 "/&0 QF"B"_ 55B N<<X&R: +,$ 0$T "#-M&#4 A/6$#0&6-U$ M).6 8/).$/4 #$.$M3/$. 6,$ F"B"e. A/6$#0&6-U$ \ Q6-'&/ M&#.,.)26, )( 6,$ #&-/ /-0$ )0/4R: +,-. 8,&0]$ #$.2/6. (#)M 6T) (&86)#.* Q;R -0%26 #$8$-U$' (#)M %#)7$86.6&Z$,)/'$# ]#)2%. &0' QNR 0$T -0()#M&6-)0 #$]&#'-0] %$0'-0] )%$#&6-)0 )( 6,$?JAB+ #&-/ /-0$*!?E+,$/' & M$$6-0] -0 $&#/4 J&#8, N<<X 6) $`%/&-0 6,$ F"B" &0' #$8$-U$ ($$'3&8Z )0 6,$ "/&0 (#)M %#)7$86.6&Z$,)/'$#. &0' M$M3$#. )( 6,$ %23/-8: +,$ M$M3$#. )( 6,$ "#)7$86 +$&M T$#$ )0,&0' 6) &0.T$# V2$.6-)0. &0' #$8$-U$ -0%26 (#)M #$%#$.$06&6-U$. (#)M & U&#-$64 )( /)8&/S.6&6$S &0' ($'$#&/ &]$08-$. &0' 0)0%#)(-6 %&#60$# )#]&0-d&6-)0.:?$U$#&/.6&Z$,)/'$#. %#)%).$' 6,&6 6,$ %#)7$86.,)2/' #$6&-0 & ]#$&6$# &M)206 )( $`-.6-0].$&.)0&/ T$6/&0'. 6,&0 T&. %#)%).$' -0 6,$ "#-M&#4 A/6$#&6-U$ )( 6,$ F"B": A''-6-)0&/ 8)MM$06. P N P

16 Chapter 1: Introduction ()82.$' )0 8/&#-(4-0] %23/-8 &88$.. %/&0. &0' $08)2#&]$' #$6&-0-0].)M$ $`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`8$$'-0]/4,-], 8) ,$.,)#6P6$#M: G)T$U$#S #&-/ /-0$ &86-U-64 ')$. 0)6 %#$8/2'$ (262#$ &86-U-6-$. T,-8, 8)2/' #$.6)#$ '-Z$'kM26$' 6-'&/ )# (2// 6-'&/ &86-)0 6) 6,$ %&#8$/ 3$6T$$0 G-],T&4 \O &0' 6,$ #&-/ /-0$: A. 8)M%&#$' 6) 6,$ F"B"e. "#-M&#4 A/6$#0&6-U$ QA/6$#0&6-U$ ;S (2// 6-'&/ #$.6)#&6-)0 0)#6, &0'.)26, )( 6,$ #&-/ /-0$RS 6,-. 0$T "#-M&#4 A/6$#0&6-U$ #$.6)#$. 6-'&/ M&#.,.)26, )( 6,$ #&-/#)&' 6#&8Z. T,-/$ $0,&08-0] $`-.6-0].$&.)0&/ T$6/&0'. &0' M&-06&-0-0] &]#-82/62#$ )0 /&0'. -0 3$6T$$0 G-],T&4 \O &0' 6,$?JAB+ #&-/ /-0$: +,-. &/6$#0&6-U$.-]0-(-8&06/ M%/$M$06&6-)0 8).6. T,-/$ #$6&-0-0] 6,$ %)6$06-&/ ()# (262#$ %,&.-0] )( (2// 6-'&/ #$.6)#&6-)0 &6 6,$.-6$: B2a*(F-#.H#3#*+& [$#4 ]$0$#)2..2%%)#6 &0' 8)06#-326-)0. (#)M M&04-0'-U-'2&/. &0' )#]&0-d&6-)0.,&U$ M&'$ 6,-. %#)7$86 %)..-3/$: 120'. ()# &8V2-.-6-)0S.6$T&#'.,-%S &0' #$.6)#&6-)0 %/&00-0],&U$ 8)M$ (#)M 6,$ g)#')0 &0' ^$664 J))#$ 1)20'&6-)0S 6,$ 1$'$#&6$' D0'-&0. )( g#&6)0 B&08,$#-&S %#-U&6$ ')0)#. 6) 6,$?E+e. ^&4/&0'. I&%-6&/ I&M%&-]0S 6,$ I&/-()#0-& 5-/'/-($ I)0.$#U&6-)0 ^)&#'S 6,$?)0)M& I)2064 A]#-82/62#&/ "#$.$#U&6-)0 &0' C%$0?%&8$ F-.6#-86S 6,$ 9&6-)0&/ C8$&0-8 &0' A6M).%,$#-8 A'M-0-.6#&6-)0 I)&.6&/ E&0' I)0.$#U&6-)0 "#)]#&MS 6,$ I&/-()#0-&?6&6$ I)&.6&/ I)0.$#U&084S 6,$ h:? A#M4 I)#%. "&3/) ^&4 5&6$#.,$' "#)]#&MS 6,$?&0 1#&08-.8) ^&4 +#&-/ "#)7$86S &0' h:? 1-., &0' 5-/'/-($?$#U-8$ I)&.6&/ "#)]#&M &0' "&#60$#. -0 9&62#$ "#)]#&M: P \ P

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